What is period with chunks?

What is period with chunks?
What is period with chunks?

Before we understand what monthly chunks testify to, let's figure out when critical days begin. Most girls meet them at the age of 12-16 - it depends mostly on hereditary traits. You will most likely start your period around the same age as your mom and grandma. If menstruation comes earlier, do not be afraid: given the widespread acceleration, this is completely normal. But if you are over 18 years old, and the critical days still do not begin, then this may be a cause for concern, as it will indicate possible physiological abnormalities. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor.

periods with chunks
periods with chunks

Cycle duration

Many girls who are worried about menstruation with pieces of blood face such a problem - the first question that the doctor asks them is: "How long is your menstrual cycle?". However, not everyone knows what it actually means. The menstrual cycle is the time interval from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. Please note: the first few yearsperiods can be irregular and unstable, i.e. the menstrual cycle may fluctuate. A cycle of 28 days is considered ideal in medicine, but few people have everything so rosy: bad ecology, stress, malnutrition, frequent colds … All this can lead both to cycle fluctuations and to the fact that a girl finds herself in such a nuisance, like menstruation with blood clots. Doctors in such cases are advised to keep a special calendar and record the duration and nature of the discharge in it. Let's talk about the latter in more detail.

monthly lumps
monthly lumps

Consistency of lost blood

Even if you're worried about your period with blood, it's probably not much. The average woman loses up to 50 grams of blood per day. Thus, the total blood loss during the entire menstruation is about 250 grams. As a rule, the color of the discharge is bright scarlet. Another feature of menstrual blood is that it does not clot.

What to do if menstruation with pieces of blood

So, what to do if your discharge does not have a uniform consistency? First of all, don't panic. This phenomenon may be due to the fact that enzymes cannot cope with too abundant secretions, as a result of which a small amount of blood accumulates in the vagina and coagulates there. This is especially common in women who use an intrauterine device (intrauterine device) as protection (what you think of as blood clots are actually pieces of an unfertilized egg).

clotted menstruation
clotted menstruation


Another likely reason that you are worried about menstruation with pieces of blood is adenomyosis. If the doctor has diagnosed you with such a diagnosis, be sure to pay attention to the amount of discharge. The more blood you lose, the more you should be afraid for your he alth: in especially advanced cases, anemia can develop. Before starting treatment, be sure to take an analysis of your hemoglobin level - if your hemoglobin level is too low, the doctor will prescribe you iron supplements.

Recent birth

If you have recently given birth, you should not worry about blood clots: most likely, the uterus, which is not actively contracting enough, is “to blame” for everything. In this case, you will also need to take special medications.
