2 day delay, pulling the lower abdomen, sore chest - sooner or later every woman will face such signs. For some, this phenomenon is commonplace, someone has a glimmer of hope of becoming a mother, and someone begins to look for a reason for concern. Why is there a delay in menstruation? What does this indicate? Let's talk more about the current women's topic.
Monthly cycle
The menstrual cycle prepares a woman's body for a possible pregnancy.
The first menstruation (menarche) occurs between 12 and 15 years of age. In some cases, it is possible that from ten. There are also late menarches - at 15-17 years old. The menstrual cycle ends at 45-50. Accordingly, the woman's reproductive function disappears.
The beginning of the menstrual cycle occurs on the first day. In general, menstruation lasts three to seven days. Periodicity - 28-32 days. During this period, from 50 ml to 150 ml of secretions expire. It is a mistake to assume that only blood is released. Together with it, mucus and pieces of the endometrium are secreted. Initial Volumethe menstrual secretion is lighter, and finally becomes darker.
The cycle of menstruation directly depends on the work of the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus (department of the intermediate area), the pituitary gland and the uterus. If a woman has a 2 day delay, pulls her lower abdomen, then perhaps the reason lies in one of these systems, in hormonal disorders, changes in hormone activity, diseases of the reproductive system, or others.
Delay is the norm
The menstrual cycle is purely individual. It all depends on the characteristics of the woman's body and a number of factors. Moreover, these factors affect the duration of the cycle, the amount of discharge and bleeding intervals.
Delay can be 2-3 days, maximum 7-10 days. Not more. There can be many reasons for the delay. Since the female reproductive system is a complex mechanism, changes in it can be triggered by various external factors.
If the cause is not in the pathologies of the internal organs, then the cycle will normalize on its own over time. Otherwise, the woman needs to contact a gynecologist for examination and further therapy.
Pulls the lower abdomen: causes, delay
Physiological factors affect the delay of the menstrual cycle. Let's take a closer look at them.
Adolescence, lactation. During puberty, girls and nursing mothers do not have periods. This phenomenon is quite common. In adolescent girls, the menstrual cycle has not yet fully formed, and in mothers, hormonal changes occur in the body, as it feedsbaby

Heavy physical activity and a jump in body weight. If a woman loses weight dramatically, then menstruation can be delayed for a long time, or even completely absent. A similar process occurs in professional athletes before important competitions. Nature protects the body under pregnancy stress by reducing estrogen production

Psycho-emotional disorder, stress. The menstrual cycle is regulated not only by sex hormones, but also by substances that the hypothalamus secretes (in the cerebral cortex). During stress, the hypothalamus malfunctions in an unusual mode. As a result, a violation of the cycle, the second day of the delay, pulls the lower abdomen and hurts the chest

Instrumental methods of diagnostics and treatment. Certain procedures that involve interference with the structure of the genital organs can cause a delay. Among these procedures, hysteroscopy, cauterization of cervical erosion, colposcopy, etc. are distinguished. These include abortion (forced or natural)

Using oral contraceptives. Contraceptives have a side effect - delay and pulls the lower abdomen. This reason for the delay is not dangerous. The cycle will recover on its own. A sharp refusal to take oral contraceptives can also cause a delay. The ovaries do not receive synthetic hormones. It'll take some timeto restore normal function

- Hypercooling.
- Change of time zones.
- Overwork.
- Wrong diet.
- Strict diet.
- Unfavorable ecological environment.
Vegetarian women often experience menstrual failure due to lack of certain nutrients in their diet.
Delayed menstruation, pulling the lower abdomen and lower back - such discomfort usually occurs before menstruation. You shouldn't worry. And if a woman feels severe pain of a different nature, then in this case you should consult a doctor.
This reason for missed periods is one of the most common. The duration of the delay is more than four days. During this period, conception takes place.
If the delay was preceded by unprotected intercourse, then you need to buy a pregnancy test. As an alternative - donate blood to the level of hCG. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone. Its placenta secretes during pregnancy. Of course, the second method is more efficient and informative, since even the most sensitive and expensive tests can sometimes show a false result.
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen is a sure sign of pregnancy. This usually happens during the implantation of a fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus. The future fetus needs to extract epithelial cells for this. The uterus resists the invasion of a foreign body to it. Therefore, a woman has a delay, pulls the lower abdomen, white discharge orbloody. Such selections can be taken as the beginning of a cycle. However, they are not long lasting. They can last only a couple of hours, maximum - during the day. And then they pass on their own.

Additional pregnancy symptoms to watch out for:
- nauseous (especially in the morning);
- dizzy;
- weakness, drowsiness;
- change of taste preference;
- mammary glands and nipple sensitivity increase;
- irritability;
- mood swing.
These signs do not always indicate conception. These symptoms may indicate premenstrual syndrome or a gynecological disease. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen is not at all a sign of future motherhood. Sometimes this symptom may indicate not only the fertilization of the egg, but also the threat of abortion.
If the pain is intense in the lower abdomen, accompanied by secretions of dark or scarlet hues, fainting or high fever, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist.
Gynecological diseases
If the lower abdomen is pulled, the lower back hurts, the delay and the pregnancy factor is completely excluded, then the woman needs to urgently consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the reason lies in serious gynecological diseases. Let's take a look at the common ones.
Inflammation of the reproductive organs
These inflammatory processes include such diseases: colpitis, adnexitis, endometriosis. The main disturbingsymptom - pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Over time, the pain changes its character, becoming cutting and stabbing.

If the delay is 2 days and pulls the lower abdomen, the pregnancy test is negative, then there is a high probability that inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs develop. We are talking about inflammation of the appendages - adnexitis. This disease develops due to reduced immunity. Also, the provocateur is the presence of an intrauterine device, stress, hypothermia. Adnexitis is manifested by such symptoms: sharp severe pain in the lower abdomen, fever.
Infectious diseases
There are a number of dangerous infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted, namely: chlamydia, candidiasis, which can end in gonorrhea. In addition to discomfort in the lower abdomen, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) have their own symptomatic signs:
- cheesy discharge;
- their unpleasant smell;
- yellowish or greenish discharge;
- severe burning sensation in the labia area;
- pain when urinating.
STD should not be overlooked.
Polycystic ovaries
This disease provokes a hormonal imbalance or a violation of the production of estrogen and testosterone. It is these signs that cause a delay in menstruation. In addition, women begin to grow male-type hair (on the face, abdomen, chest). Obesity is actively developing, greasiness of hair and skin appears,alopecia.
The premenopausal period is marked by a delay in menstruation. This phenomenon occurs when the functionality of the ovaries stops. Usually such a period catches a woman at 40 years old or even earlier. The premenopausal period is expressed by the following symptoms: excessive sweating, hot flashes, decreased vaginal secretion, reduced libido. Possible increase or decrease in blood pressure, insomnia and increased fatigue.

If a woman notices a delay in menstruation, then you should make sure that there are no benign and malignant formations on the ovaries. Such formations can also provoke pulling pain in the pelvic area and failure of the menstrual cycle.
Gastrointestinal lesions
If the delay is 2 days, the lower abdomen is pulled, the lower back hurts, then, perhaps, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract should be suspected.
Painful sensations can cause inflammation of the intestines (colitis). Perhaps it formed adhesions or a hernia, appendicitis. These diseases can delay the onset of menstruation by several days.
When the gastrointestinal tract is affected, a woman is overcome by pain in the abdomen of a different nature (stabbing, pulling, cutting), bloating, diarrhea or constipation, fever.
Urinary Tract Diseases
If a woman has a delay in menstruation for more than six days, the fact of pregnancy is excluded, then perhaps the reason lies in the inflammation of the urinary tract. We should talk about diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. These are kidney diseases, the occurrence of whichprovokes a lack of progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the follicle and the adrenal glands. With a lack of this hormone, the menstrual cycle is delayed.
Acute and chronic form of cystitis is a permanent infectious focus. Immediately the infection affects the ovaries. As a result, there is a violation of their functionality, directly there are problems in the production of the hormone. Therefore, there is a delay.
Chest pain
2 day delay, pulling the lower abdomen and acute chest pain appears - these signs can be immediately taken by a woman as pregnancy. However, it is necessary to pass a series of tests and consult a gynecologist to confirm your guesses.

Sometimes chest pain can be a sign of your period coming up. Their delay and chest pain are signs of the development of mastopathy. This disease is characterized by the formation of seals or small knots. Ignoring such alarm bells is simply dangerous for he alth. It is urgent to contact a mammologist. An experienced doctor will refer the patient for a series of tests. It is immediately necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands. Timely treatment will help to avoid surgical intervention.
Breast pain can occur due to severe weight loss if a woman follows a strict diet or does not eat well.
What to do?
If the delay in menstruation is more than four days and there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, then a woman should immediately purchase a pregnancy test. Doctors recommend this procedurethose women who regularly have sex, since no contraceptive, even the most expensive one, can give a 100% guarantee against pregnancy.
If the pregnancy test is negative, then it is urgent to consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to pinpoint the exact cause of the delay based on tests and examination.

If bleeding occurs during a cycle failure, severe pain in the chest and lower abdomen, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such alarming symptoms can threaten a woman's life.
Listen to yourself and don't ignore the warning signs.