Every woman looks forward to the birth of a baby with impatience and trepidation. The birth process is different for everyone. Some give birth with ease, while others may experience complications in which ruptures or incisions occur in the perineum, vagina, or cervix. All these situations require stitches and further care.
Seam classification
Stitches after childbirth are internal and external. Internal sutures include those that are placed over the vagina and cervix. In these cases, anesthesia is either not used at all (the cervix loses sensitivity for some time after childbirth) or local anesthesia is used. Internal sutures after childbirth are performed with self-absorbable threads that do not require removal.

External stitches are those that are placed on the perineum. This is necessary in cases where, during childbirth, tissue rupture occurred in this area or the dissection was made with a specially surgical knife. Often, when there is a threat of rupture, the doctordecides on a timely cut. In this case, the edges are smooth, which speeds up the healing process. A suture is performed under local anesthesia with surgical threads that require removal. Can also be used after childbirth and self-absorbable sutures or cosmetic sutures that are applied subcutaneously.
Reasons for external sutures

The most common causes of injuries requiring suturing are:
- Rapid delivery. In this case, there is a large load on the baby's head. Therefore, the doctor, in order to exclude injuries, decides on a perineal incision, which greatly facilitates the passage of the head.
- The threat of self-rupture. With such a probability, the doctor specifically dissects the perineum, since the smooth edges of the wound grow together faster and the seam looks more aesthetically pleasing.
- breech presentation.
- Prohibited pushing for medical reasons.
- Anatomical features of a pregnant woman. For example, this includes inelastic tissues, a narrow entrance to the vagina, the presence of scars.
- Big baby.
Regardless of the reason, when making an incision, one goal is pursued - to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal and minimize the risk of damage to the head. But doctors have a different attitude to this procedure. Some use this method in almost every birth, while others advocate the most natural childbirth and begin to interfere seriously only when it becomes clear thatrupture cannot be avoided.
Inseam care

Healing of postpartum sutures takes place within 1 month. The exact time depends on the degree of complexity of the seam. Proper care will help avoid infection and reduce pain.
Internal seams with normal hygiene do not require special care, as they are superimposed with self-absorbable threads. When the inflammatory process has begun, the use of tampons with an antibacterial agent is recommended (for example, Levomekol ointment is used).
Outseam care

The external seams after childbirth require more specific and thorough care. The first treatments take place already in the hospital. The nurse processes the stitches after childbirth in the perineal region 2 times a day. To do this, hydrogen peroxide is used, and then brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate is applied. After discharge, the woman is obliged to take care of the stitches on her own. What exactly to use in this case will be prompted by the attending physician. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointments are mainly used.
In addition to external treatment, hygiene measures must be observed.
- The gasket needs to be changed every 2 hours, without waiting for it to become completely dirty.
- Linen should be cotton. Disposable underpants are also allowed.
- You need to wash yourself in the morning and in the evening, and after each trip to the toilet. It is advisable to do this with running water under the shower.
- Do not rub the seam, just get a little wet.
- Slimming clothing is prohibited.
Within 1-2 weeks, if there are stitches, it is not allowed to sit down. This does not apply to using the toilet. It is allowed to use the toilet after childbirth with sutures already on the first day. As a rule, the chair comes in 2-3 days. A woman is worried that the seam will not open after childbirth and tries to skip a bowel movement. Thus, it causes great harm to itself, because the load on the muscles begins to increase, which causes pain and discomfort. To avoid constipation, you need to eat right - exclude flour products, rice and everything that has a fixing effect. Before eating, you can drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. When the urge to defecate is recommended to do an enema (you can use "Mikrolaks"), because with excessive tension, the seams can open.
When can I land?
Many mothers are interested in the question: "If there are stitches after childbirth, when can I sit down?". Under the condition of normal healing of the suture, it is allowed to sit down 7–10 days after childbirth. You need to start with a hard surface, and after a few days you are allowed to sit down on a soft surface. Physical activity during this time should be minimized and heavy lifting should be avoided. You need to eat while standing; for this, some maternity hospitals in the buffet additionally arrange a buffet-type table.
The period of healing of sutures after childbirth in the perineum depends on the implementation of the doctor's recommendations and personal hygiene.
Possible Complications

Mostlycases, the seams on the perineum heal perfectly, without giving the woman much discomfort. But sometimes, if the doctor's recommendations are violated, personal hygiene is not followed, or due to reduced immunity, complications may develop. These include:
- Suppuration of the seam. This may be due to poor hygiene or infection. A woman is worried about pain in the suture area, a slight swelling with pus, an increase in body temperature. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe antibiotic therapy. Delay can have very serious consequences.
- Severe pain in the suture area. Such sensations are the norm in the first days after childbirth, then slight pain may occur while sitting or bathing. If quite a lot of time has passed, and the area of the seam began to hurt more or a burning sensation appeared, this may indicate an inflammatory process that has begun. In this case, immediately contacting a doctor will help to avoid serious he alth problems.
- The divergence of the seams. This complication mainly occurs on the external seams in the first few days after childbirth. This can happen with poor-quality suturing, with sudden movements, early sitting down and when lifting weights. The woman begins to be disturbed by pain, sometimes the seam can bleed. As a rule, two rows of sutures are applied to the perineum - to the muscles and to the skin. If the upper layer diverges, then therapy is carried out aimed at preventing infection. Re-suturing is not required as the wound heals within1-2 days. If the seam diverges completely and is accompanied by fever and severe pain, this may indicate an inflammatory process. Treatment in this case will be antibiotic therapy and re-suturing. It should be remembered that if you suspect a seam divergence, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Removal of stitches
Sutures, which are applied with non-absorbable threads, with normal healing, are removed 6–7 days after childbirth and strictly in a hospital. The doctor conducts an examination and if everything is in order, then he performs a procedure that is practically painless. If a woman has inflammatory processes, then the removal of sutures is possible only after a complete cure. In any case, the decision to remove the stitches is made by the attending physician.
How long does the healing process take?

The healing time of the perineum depends on several factors. First, from the threads themselves. With self-absorbable wound healing occurs after about 2 weeks, and the complete disappearance of the threads will take about a month. If the sutures were applied with other materials, then the wound itself heals in 2-4 weeks. Secondly, on how quickly a woman's body is able to recover. Thirdly, how well personal hygiene and doctor's recommendations were followed.
If, after complete healing, a woman has a deformity of the perineum (this is especially the case with severe tears, when the wound has torn edges that are very difficult to sew), plastic surgery may be indicated.

Do not be afraid of this procedure, because with its help you can prevent various birth injuries of the baby and the appearance of unaesthetic seams that appear when sewing up the strongest gaps. The healing process is not as painful and long as a woman imagines. The main thing is to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician, follow the recommendations for personal hygiene and undergo examinations on time. The better you take care of the stitches, the more painless and faster the gap will heal. If, despite the implementation of all recommendations, a woman feels a deterioration in her condition, pain and discharge occur, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.