Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment?

Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment?
Can cervical erosion go away on its own without treatment?

Today, many women suffer from a disease such as cervical erosion. Without visiting a gynecologist, it is rather difficult to find out about such an ailment, at least until it begins to actively progress. However, if left untreated, it can lead to very serious consequences, such as the inability to have a child, and even cancer. Many women wonder if cervical erosion can go away on its own. You will learn about this by reading the article. Therefore, carefully read the information provided in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible.

reproductive system
reproductive system

What is erosion?

Cervical erosion is a pathological process that appears due to violations occurring in the very mucous membrane of this organ of the female reproductive system. Tissue damage forms a bleeding surface, which the gynecologist can see as a large red spot.

Types of diseases

Specialists identify several types of erosion. Consider which ones:

  • Real or "true" erosion. It represents the presence of an inflamed abrasion on the mucous membrane.
  • Pseudo-erosion. This type of disease usually occurs due to the replacement of squamous epithelial tissue with a cylindrical one. Such tissue begins to move from the inside of the cervical canal.
  • There is also a congenital version of the disease. Such a defect occurs when the border between two types of mucous epithelium is slightly shifted.

You will not be able to independently understand what type of erosion you have. To do this, you should visit an experienced gynecologist. Only he can give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe individual treatment, if necessary.

Main causes of pathology

Before you ask yourself if cervical erosion can go away on its own, you need to understand why it arose. Most often this happens with hormonal disorders that occur during puberty, as well as with complications that arose during childbirth, and when the endocrine system malfunctions. The following factors can provoke the occurrence of this disease:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes. This usually occurs with the active activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Changes,occurring in the hormonal system in the presence of any diseases or as a result of leading an unhe althy lifestyle.
  • Erosion can also occur after injury resulting from a difficult course of childbirth, sexual intercourse, or after surgery.
  • Also, some medications can also provoke erosion. For example, birth control pills. They slow down the course of natural processes in the body, which means that disruptions occur in the hormonal background.

When can cervical erosion heal on its own?

According to experts, erosion can disappear on its own. In some cases, minor anti-inflammatory treatment may be needed. In others, drastic measures cannot be avoided. So, consider when cervical erosion can go away on its own, without the use of any medications:

beautiful woman
beautiful woman
  • if the pathology arose directly during a difficult birth, then soon the condition will return to normal;
  • erosion heals spontaneously if it occurs against the background of inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  • it can also disappear on its own after injury, such as after an abortion or any other procedure;
  • also the state of the female reproductive system can return to normal on its own if the girl had erosion at birth.

Period after childbirth

Can cervical erosion go away on its own? This is a question of great concernmany women. In some cases this is possible. If the gynecologist notices erosion at the first examination after childbirth, then this is not the final verdict.

vaginal suppositories
vaginal suppositories

Usually, the mucous membrane of the epithelium normalizes on its own within a few months after the birth of the baby. After childbirth, the problem disappears on its own, as smooth muscles begin to actively contract, and this ensures a reduction in the neck itself. Injuries during childbirth also begin to disappear, and the hormonal background returns to normal.

Presence of inflammatory processes

Can cervical erosion go away on its own in the presence of infectious processes in the vagina? If the patient suffers from infectious diseases of the reproductive system, then they can lead to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, which will be regarded by the gynecologist as erosion. If an infection was detected during the test, then you will have to get rid of it. And then the erosion will go away on its own.

Erosion due to injury

Very many representatives of the weaker sex are interested in the answer to the question of whether cervical erosion itself passes if it arose as a result of injury. Usually, injuries occur after abortions and other procedures performed in the organs of the female reproductive system. Most often, in such cases, the pathology disappears on its own within a few months and does not require any treatment.

Erosion of innate character

If the erosion of the cervix has passed by itself, then this may indicatethat it was innate. Against the background of the restructuring of a young organism, failures in the hormonal system are very often observed, as a result of which erosion occurs. However, there is nothing wrong with this. As the hormonal background of the girl will gradually recover, the problem will be solved by itself.

Is it possible to speed up the recovery process?

In no case should you joke with your he alth and self-medicate. Before making any attempt, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Treatment of cervical erosion without cauterization can be carried out, but only in cases where the doctor agrees with this.

beautiful women
beautiful women

Vaginal suppositories made on a plant basis will help you speed up the healing process. For example, containing calendula and chamomile. Sea buckthorn oil also has an excellent healing effect. However, once again it is worth repeating that self-treatment is far from always able to fully replace the treatment course that a highly qualified doctor can prescribe for you.

In what cases can not do without treatment

Do not forget that not in all cases, erosion can go away on its own. Let's consider in what cases you will have to carry out treatment:

  • When there are serious infections such as human papillomavirus or herpes.
  • If you have a serious bacterial sexually transmitted disease.
  • It is very important to treat also in the presence of diseases of the female reproductive system. Particular attention should be paid to such pathologies as dysplasia, cervicitis, endometriosis and many others.
Two women
Two women

Please note that it is very important to start treating the disease on time, otherwise there is a risk that abnormal changes in the epithelial tissue will occur, leading to the development of cancer.

Treatment of cervical erosion without cauterization

Reviews of patients and doctors confirm that in some cases, erosion can be cured without the use of cauterization methods. However, these treatments are not always suitable. Sometimes it is simply impossible to do without the use of cauterization. Please note that it is not advisable to treat this pathology without finding out its causes. The first thing to do is to identify the cause of its occurrence, and only after that proceed with treatment.

upset woman
upset woman

Usually conservative methods of erosion treatment are used in cases where the damaged area is small, up to two to three centimeters. Treatment with traditional methods usually consists of the use of anti-inflammatory, hormonal and immunostimulating drugs. Conservative treatment is usually carried out for two to three weeks. If, after this period, positive results have not come, the gynecologist may decide to perform cauterization.


How does cervical erosion go, the doctor can tell you after the examination. Be sure to contact the gynecologist every six months in order to prevent the development of possible diseases.

female organs
female organs

In this article, we learned that erosion can be of different origins. Depending on this, it can be determined whether treatment is worth it or not. Stay he althy and take care of yourself and remember that your he alth is in your hands.
