How to calculate the day of ovulation: tips

How to calculate the day of ovulation: tips
How to calculate the day of ovulation: tips

Planning a pregnancy is not an easy process. To achieve successful conception, you will have to choose the right day for unprotected intercourse. Therefore, it is important to understand how to calculate the day of ovulation. It is this question that we will deal with. As practice shows, with the right approach, most often the day "X" is not difficult to catch. Especially if the girl has an established menstrual cycle.

Definition of ovulation
Definition of ovulation

About ovulation

Calculate the day of ovulation for conception in many ways. About them - later. First, a few words about what ovulation is.

This is the name of the day when the egg ready for fertilization leaves the follicle. After this action, the female cell begins to move towards the uterus through the tubes. Fertilization should take place at this time.

If this does not happen, the egg dies. Otherwise, the female cell is attached to the uterus. This is how the development of the fetus begins.

But how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation? What scenarios take place in practice?

Counting methods

At the moment, day X can be determined:

  • on physiological grounds;
  • basal body temperature;
  • bypersonal calendar count;
  • via ultrasound;
  • according to ovulation test results.

Perhaps that's all. Next, we will consider all the proposed layouts in more detail. Not all of them are 100% reliable.

BT chart
BT chart

Cycle dependency

How to calculate the day of ovulation to conceive a girl or a boy? The egg is released from the follicle only once per menstrual cycle. And this is important to remember. The gender of the child almost does not depend on at what point in ovulation (it lasts about 48 hours) unprotected intercourse took place.

Day "X" depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. Ideally, ovulation occurs in its middle. With a long monthly cycle, the right moment for conception will be closer to the end of the period, and with a short one - to the beginning.

The most problematic option is an unstable menstrual cycle. Then the bulk of the methods will not be suitable for determining the day "X".

Calendar method

Need to calculate your ovulation days? Do you want to conceive a boy? Ideally, on the day "X" when planning the sex of the baby, you should not be guided. After all, in general, this is an uncontrolled process.

How to calculate the day of ovulation? Let's start with a simple, but not the most reliable method. We are talking about the calendar definition of the day "X".

With a normal menstrual cycle (it is 28 days), ovulation occurs approximately on the 13-16th day of the cycle. It is during this period that it is necessary not to protect yourself for successful conception.

Menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle

If we talk about a long cycle (more than 32 days), then the day "X" most often comes on the 20-21st day after the start of the next menstruation.

Short monthly cycle leads to early ovulation. Usually on the 7-10th day. More accurate information should be obtained using other counting methods.

Physiology and only

The days of ovulation after menstruation are not so difficult to calculate with the right approach and preparation. But there are a number of methods that do not give 100% results.

For example, some girls say that when they ovulate, they notice certain changes in the body. It is with their help that you can begin to suspect the onset of a favorable day for conceiving a baby.

Today, women note the following physiological signs of the X-day:

  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • ovarian pain;
  • minor blood smears (due to follicle rupture);
  • increased libido.

However, it is not necessary to determine ovulation only by these phenomena. After all, the body may encounter the described situations for other reasons.

Body temperature

Need to calculate your ovulation days? A girl or a boy can be conceived during this period.

A more accurate way to calculate is to measure your basal body temperature. The process is quite troublesome, but it gives more accurate information about the menstrual cycle.

Ideally, body temperature during ovulation rises to 37-37.2 degrees Celsius. Thereafterincreased BBT remains until critical days, and then drops sharply.

Discharge during ovulation
Discharge during ovulation

A girl needs to measure her basal temperature every day and record the results, marking them on a chart. By connecting the corresponding points, you can see the BBT graph. You will have to navigate further along it.

Visually, the basal temperature graph can be divided into 2 parts - before and after ovulation. A similar pattern is repeated from cycle to cycle. It should not have obvious deviations.

Important: To obtain the most accurate information about ovulation, you need to measure the temperature of at least 3 cycles in a row. Only then will the girl be able to understand at what point the probability of conception is highest.

Temperature measurement rules

Basal temperature allows you to find out information about the course of certain processes in the body. For example, it indicates ovulation or the presence of inflammation in a person.

To measure your basal body temperature, there are some rules to keep in mind. Their violation will lead to a distortion of reality.

Ovulation and pregnancy
Ovulation and pregnancy

Here are the rules that a woman should follow when measuring BBT:

  1. Readings are taken from one device. If the thermometer is changed, the corresponding entry is put on the graph.
  2. You need to measure the temperature in one way - rectally, vaginally or orally. You cannot combine these techniques.
  3. When measuring BBT in the mouth, it is required to hold the thermometer for 5 minutes, in other cases - 3 minutes.
  4. Process to carry out in one andthe same time - early in the morning, without getting out of bed. Ideally, this is 6-7 am.
  5. Physical activity greatly affects basal body temperature. Therefore, the thermometer should lie by the bed.

Perhaps that's all. As already mentioned, the day of obtaining the most accurate information about ovulation requires several months in a row to carry out appropriate temperature measurements. Otherwise, it will not be possible to draw conclusions about a favorable day for conception. Distortions of reality are not ruled out.

Tests at home

How to calculate the day of ovulation? The following technique is more reliable and accurate. We are talking about the use of special tests for ovulation. They are the exact means of "catching" the day favorable for the conception of a baby. Sold in every pharmacy.

How to measure basal temperature
How to measure basal temperature

All a girl needs is to urinate on a test strip or apply some morning urine to it. Then it remains only to wait. The result will appear in about 3-5 minutes. How to interpret it?

Most often there are tests with indicators-strips. Two clear lines - there is ovulation, one - no. Sometimes you can buy an ovulation test with smiley indicators. Smiling face - day X is approaching, neutral / sad face - no ovulation.

The test is repeated several times with an interval of 1-3 days. In the package, as a rule, there are several corresponding strips. The test box is for use in one menstrual cycle.

Ideally, this alignment is used forpregnancy planning. But it will be most accurate if you combine several methods for determining ovulation at once. For example, keep a BT chart and focus on the length of the cycle.

Important: the first test is required approximately in the middle of the critical cycle. Otherwise, the girl will need to face the relevant research very many times. This is very costly and troublesome.

Ultrasound and doctors

How to calculate the day of ovulation? The last option is to see a doctor. Namely, determining the day for conception through ultrasound. Such a technique does not cause any particular problems.

This alignment can be considered the most reliable. It allows you to determine the stage of maturation of the follicle, see the pregnancy or track the movement of the egg through the body.

Doctors recommend starting an ultrasound scan in the middle of the menstrual cycle, repeating visits to the appropriate rooms with an interval of 2-3 days. So it will turn out not to miss a favorable day for conceiving a baby.

The structure of female organs
The structure of female organs

Can ultrasound be wrong? No. This scenario allows you to 100% understand when the girl will have an "X" day. But from one study the result will not be. Fishing for a fertile day is quite a hassle under any circumstances.

Influence of factors on ovulation

How to calculate the day of ovulation to conceive a girl? You just need to understand when the day "X" will come. And at that moment, have sex without contraception.

It is important to rememberthat ovulation is influenced by external factors. For example:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • physical activity;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • using certain medications.

This is not a complete list of circumstances that affect ovulation. But these situations are the most common. Because of them, the day "X" may come earlier or later.

In conclusion

We figured out how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation for conception. This is not so difficult if you use several methods of implementing the task at once.

Some people think that the sex of the baby can be predicted by ovulation. This is not entirely true.

How does ovulation occur?
How does ovulation occur?

The fact is that in order to conceive a boy, as a rule, you need to have a regular sex life. "Male" spermatozoa live less, but they are more active. Girls are often obtained with rare sexual intercourse. "Female" sperm live longer, but they are slower. It's worth remembering.

In general, planning sex depending on ovulation is not the best idea. Nature will decide for herself who will be conceived.
