Cost of egg donation: how to become a donor, description of the procedure, overview of clinics, approximate cost

Cost of egg donation: how to become a donor, description of the procedure, overview of clinics, approximate cost
Cost of egg donation: how to become a donor, description of the procedure, overview of clinics, approximate cost

Egg donation may be required in case of depletion of one's own ovarian reserve (stock of follicles capable of further development). Women in the period of menopause, with pathologies of ovarian development, after radiation or chemotherapy usually cannot have children, but if desired, in this case, you can use the donation program. For the donor, this is an opportunity to help someone find the happiness of motherhood.

egg donation cost in Moscow for a donor
egg donation cost in Moscow for a donor

Egg Donation in the US and Europe

In America and Europe, the birth rate among women of mature age remains consistently high. With age, the number of own eggs decreases significantly, so the IVF procedure with own or donor biological material is the way out. The cost of egg donation in the USA for the donor depends on a variety offactors. The average price of IVF is about $5,000, while a donor can be paid from $15,000 to $100,000. In the US, this service industry is built on the principles of the free market.

In many European countries, the attitude towards donation is ambiguous. In France and Belgium it is allowed, but in Italy, Austria and Switzerland it is prohibited by law. In Sweden and the Netherlands, the clinic is required to provide the prospective parents or child with complete information about the donor. In the UK, the program is legal, but the cost of an egg donation is only £250. In Greece, donation is free. You can only count on compensation for wages and travel expenses.

egg donation in moscow
egg donation in moscow

Donor programs in Russia

In Russia, either relatives of the recipient or anonymous women can become egg donors. Such programs are not prohibited by law, and donors are en titled to remuneration.

Egg Donor Requirements

To help an infertile couple feel the happiness of motherhood can not be any woman. The egg donor must meet certain criteria and have no he alth problems. Women who already have one he althy child or several children can participate in the program. The age of the donor must be between 20-21 and 32-34 years old.

A woman should have a normal physique (no excess weight, no lack of kilograms), physical and psychological he alth. Patients with hepatitis A, diabetes mellitus, some chronic and anyacute diseases, including gynecological ones, who underwent operations on the ovaries and mammary glands. The donor should not have pronounced phenotypic traits.

How to become an egg donor

How does egg donation work? The program takes from three weeks to three months if all tests are normal and no treatment is required. This is the time from the first call to the clinic to the receipt of financial compensation on a bank card.

how is egg donation
how is egg donation

First you need to make an appointment at the selected clinic for a consultation. During the first visit, the woman will receive a referral for all the necessary tests and information on further actions. The cost of egg donation for the donor is determined after a medical genetic examination.

Donor medical examination

Medical examination includes: coagulogram, blood tests for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV, general and biochemical, determination of the group and Rh factor, general urinalysis, cervical scraping cytology, smears from the cervical canal and urethra, determination of the purity of the vagina, fluorography, electrocardiogram. You need to visit a psychiatrist and get a conclusion about normal mental he alth. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is issued by a geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist.

Ovarian Stimulation Program

The essence of the donation program is to stimulate the maturation of several eggs in the ovary. To do this, a course of special hormonal therapy is prescribed, after which the oocyte retrieval will be performed. If athe material will not be cryopreserved, the goal of hormonal therapy is also to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient.

During stimulation, the donor is advised to refrain from sexual intercourse and physical activity, completely eliminate bad habits. It is not recommended to limit yourself in food, but you need to eat right. You should exclude coffee and do not visit baths, saunas. Before egg puncture, it is recommended not to eat or drink after midnight.

egg donation cost in moscow where more expensive
egg donation cost in moscow where more expensive

Transfer of biological material

After preparing the mucous membrane of the recipient's uterus for the transfer of donor material, a puncture of the donor's eggs is performed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Further, in the laboratory, the donor egg is fertilized with the sperm of the recipient's partner or donor sperm, and then the embryos are implanted in the patient's uterus.

Depending on the donor's he alth, 10-40 eggs can be obtained. Usually, in a natural cycle, several germ cells mature, but only one continues to grow until maturity and subsequent ovulation. During stimulation, several eggs continue to grow. If as a result few cells are received or they are of poor quality, the donor will still be paid a reward. You can only participate in the program again if the stimulation was successful.

Medical clinic guarantees

All egg donation clinics provide almostthe same guarantee. The donor receives a financial reward for participating in the program. The cost of egg donation depends on the number of germ cells received. Confidentiality and security are also guaranteed (if you follow the doctor's recommendations, the risks are minimal, and complications occur in 0.1% of cases).

egg donation cost for the donor
egg donation cost for the donor

On the day of egg retrieval, the patient is usually provided with a room and free food, because after the puncture it is recommended to be under the supervision of a doctor for some time to avoid complications. All necessary examinations are free of charge. At the place of registration, you only need to take a he alth certificate from the local therapist and a certificate from the psycho-neurological dispensary stating that the woman is not registered there.

Cost of egg donation

The cost is determined depending on the number of eggs received. For one procedure, a woman can receive an average of 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The cost of egg donation in Moscow in private clinics is at least 60 thousand rubles. This is a material reward that is paid after the sampling of biological material. At the same time, the woman undergoes all the necessary medical examinations at the expense of the clinic.

As for the cost of the artificial insemination procedure for the recipient, IVF with donor eggs costs 135-200 thousand rubles without the cost of biological material. Some clinics do not include the necessary preparatory procedures and medicines in this amount. Program"Unlimited IVF", which includes consultations, procedures according to indications, pregnancy diagnostics and hospital stay, as well as an unlimited number of fertilization attempts, costs about 400-600 thousand rubles.

Contraindications for donation

Women with congenital pathologies and genetic diseases, ovarian cyst or tumors, HIV, TORCH infections and AIDS, disorders of the heart, kidneys and other vital organs, as well as bad habits cannot participate in the donation program. A preliminary medical examination and tests are carried out precisely to exclude such diseases from the donor.

egg donation for donor
egg donation for donor

Reviews suggest that egg donation is often denied to new mothers who have recently had a caesarean section and/or are breastfeeding. But these are not absolute contraindications to participation in the program. You can become a donor if at least 10-11 months have passed after cesarean, and lactation has stopped. In total, the program can take part up to eight times, between stimulations there must be at least three to four normal menstrual cycles.

Possible consequences for the donor

Egg donation for a donor is a relatively safe procedure, but if the doctor's recommendations are not followed, if there are contraindications or due to individual characteristics of the body, adverse consequences are possible. The transfer of genetic material must be a voluntary and informed decision, and by participating in the program, a woman must havean idea of what the essence of the procedure is and what are the possible consequences for the donor.

Stimulation of egg maturation is carried out by hormonal drugs, which in some cases can affect weight. Accompanying donation can be hyperstimulation, which is provoked by improperly selected hormonal therapy. Possible consequences include bleeding, sleep problems, swelling, signs of depression and the development of infectious diseases.

In order for the negative consequences to bypass the donor, it is necessary to approach the issue seriously and follow all the doctor's recommendations. When interacting with qualified medical personnel, the woman's he alth is not in danger.

egg donation cost
egg donation cost

How to become a donor in Russia: clinics

In Russia, women are offered to become an egg donor mainly by large (network) medical clinics that have representative offices in large cities of the Russian Federation. In Moscow, egg donation is offered by the Life Line reproduction centers (60 thousand rubles), New Life, the European Center for Surrogacy, VitroClinic (50 thousand rubles), Nova Clinic (up to 70 thousand rubles). The remuneration is paid approximately the same.

In some centers, infertile couples are offered the opportunity to choose a donor: spouses can meet with several women and choose the one that they like best (in appearance or character, for example). In this case, the cost of egg donation in Moscow increases significantly. Whereexpensive? It is better to contact large perinatal centers and reproductive medicine clinics.

In St. Petersburg, a good financial reward is paid in NGC. For the first time they pay about 55 thousand rubles, for the next - 60 thousand. If a large number of eggs are obtained as a result, a woman can be paid 65 thousand rubles. In addition, the clinic does not synchronize the cycles of the donor and the recipient, which is safer for women's he alth.
