How to tighten the chest?

How to tighten the chest?
How to tighten the chest?

In the article we will talk in detail about how to properly tighten the chest, because this information will be especially useful for young mothers. He alth is something that everyone should follow, because it is given once and for all life.

What is a chest tug?

An integral part of growing up a child is the moment when the baby stops needing mother's milk and moves on to other foods. In this case, the most appropriate method of stopping breast milk supply is breast tugging. The method, which proved its effectiveness during the period of refusal to feed children in this way, became popular only during the Soviet era.

woman and child
woman and child

To use it or not is the choice of every woman, in which you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Important note: before using this method, you need to consult a specialist, after which he will tell you if it is possible to tighten the chest. It will also help you understand the correct technique of pulling, in other words, to get acquainted with exactly how to do it without harm to he alth.

What is dragging for?

There are several reasons whydrag is recommended. Mammologists voice the following list of when it is necessary to tighten the chest:

  1. Infectious diseases such as AIDS, infectious mastitis, infections of the gastrointestinal tract, taking strong drugs are the reasons for the mandatory cessation of breastfeeding. Otherwise, the baby may also earn he alth problems. However, acute viral diseases, intestinal infection, inflammation of the birth canal and some other diseases do not entail the need to refuse feeding.
  2. Tightening the breast is possible if the child is older than 1 year old and the mother considers it necessary to stop breastfeeding. Babies under 12 months old need milk for a he althy immune system, as well as for full physical growth and psychological development.

However, do I need to tighten the breast to stop feeding? According to mammologists, this procedure is not entirely beneficial for breast he alth, it does not reduce it and does not affect the amount of milk produced. However, as practice shows, the effectiveness of dragging is very high, since it blocks the channels through which milk flows, thereby reducing its amount.

Doctor mammologist
Doctor mammologist

Drag method

Let's dwell on one of the main questions: how to properly tighten the chest.

The main point is its complete fixation. For this, a thin cotton fabric that can tightlycover the chest, you can also use a regular sheet or towel.

Woman pressing her chest
Woman pressing her chest

You need to start pulling immediately after direct feeding (the chest should be “empty”). It is necessary to completely cover the chest area with a cloth, and then tie a knot in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades. Focus on your feelings: you should pull with tangible force, but not to the point of pain. It is recommended to wear a bandage at night and several hours during the day.

Helpful tips

As in other areas, here too there are subtleties that we must tell you about:

  1. To relieve tension and pain, it is recommended to do a light breast massage. This requires the use of different oils.
  2. Tightening of the chest in many cases entails discomfort. However, taking baths at the optimum temperature can relax tense tissues.
  3. Reducing the intake of fluids will help reduce the amount of milk produced, thereby increasing the speed of breastfeeding.

What is important to know

If the refusal of breastfeeding is not due to diseases, it is necessary to wean the child gradually. Reducing the number of feedings will lead to a decrease in the amount of milk. The ideal option is considered to be a single feeding until a feeling of "lightness in the chest" appears. Also, when transferring the baby to the mixture, you need to make sure that there are no allergies or any other negative effects.

The girl herself tightened her chest
The girl herself tightened her chest

Be sure to express the accumulated milk. Otherwise, the likelihood of mastitis is high. It is not recommended to express milk completely, but only until “lightness” appears. If you have solid lumps in your breasts, "break" them yourself.

Using a breast pump is not the best option, on the recommendation of doctors, you should pump with your hands. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to do a light breast massage.

Pros and cons

Like any other method, breast tugging has its pros and cons.


  1. The method is very effective, as it blocks the channels through which milk flows.
  2. The female breast consists of adipose and glandular tissue, which, in turn, is divided into parts. They are the ones who produce milk. Thus, by pulling the breast, the woman blocks the "parts" of the glandular tissue, thereby reducing the volume of breast milk produced.
  3. Natural interruption of feeding takes a long time, since milk is produced in the same amount as when feeding. Tightening the breast, on the other hand, allows you to quickly stop lactation.

However, the method entails all sorts of unpleasant consequences. Important note: with a clear understanding of exactly how to tighten the chest, negative effects are minimized.


  1. The soft tissue breasts are easily injured by excessive fixation and tension.
  2. Stagnated, unexpressed milk can causeinfectious mastitis, which at an early stage has the form of lactostasis. If you find "lumps" in the chest area, you need to break them manually, and also knead them throughout the day.
  3. Excessive pressure can cause pain and discomfort, most likely if you refuse to express milk.
  4. Doctor's recommendations
    Doctor's recommendations

How else can you reduce lactation?

There are several folk remedies that help enhance the effect during the period of refusal of breastfeeding, among them:

  1. Using a cabbage leaf. It must be applied to the chest, thereby reducing discomfort and pain.
  2. Sage and mint tinctures will also help reduce lactation.
  3. Reducing fluid intake will help reduce milk supply.
  4. Demonstration on a mannequin
    Demonstration on a mannequin

In conclusion

Whether it is necessary to tighten the breast, each mother decides for herself. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by good reviews, however, the number of negative consequences is large. It must be remembered that when making a decision, a consultation with a specialist and a clear understanding of how to tighten the chest is required.

During the period of refusal to feed, special attention should be paid to the baby, because for him this is a great physical and emotional stress. The child should be weaned gradually, carefully observing his reaction and the state of the body.
