How to delay the period for a few days?

How to delay the period for a few days?
How to delay the period for a few days?

Practically every woman has come across such life moments when she wondered how to delay her period for a few days. Often in such situations even small delays of one or two days can save. It is so natural that a he althy normal woman has blood discharge every month. Exceptions to this may be pregnancy and other various situations that occur extremely rarely.

how to delay periods
how to delay periods

Who needs it?

Women have already adapted to their functions and are able to correct and control some of the processes that occur in the body. Even in ancient times, methods were known by which it would be possible to delay menstruation for several days. Often such methods are used by athletes who have competitions or women who are about to have an operation or a long trip. However, doctors do not recommend doing this often, as it can lead to various he alth problems in the future.

So let's see howdelay period?

Features of the female body

The fact that critical days are normal for women at a certain age is known to absolutely all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This is a natural process that should not be violated once again.

If there is a need to delay menstruation for a couple of days, then you can use some remedy, but often you should not experiment with this. Since such special delays in the menstrual cycle can lead to the development of various diseases. A one-time attempt, which ended in success, will not bring any harm to the woman's he alth. How to delay menstruation for a week is of interest to many.

how to delay period for a few days
how to delay period for a few days

Slow down your period

In some cases, you can not only postpone the period of menstruation, but also slow them down. Here the situation is slightly different, because in special cases it may even be necessary from a medical point of view. For example, in cases where a woman has too much bleeding. And if their number is not reduced and emergency measures are not taken, then this may develop into a nervous breakdown and anemia in the future.

Normally, the amount of discharge should be about 100 ml. If more is allocated, then this must be fought. Such situations can occur as a result of strong physical exertion or with severe stress. The amount of blood discharge will return to normal when the woman is completely at rest during menstruation. However, if a woman and in a calm statetoo much blood is released, special methods should be used to stop the bleeding.

Long periods

It should be emphasized that some women have concerns about too long periods. Normally, menstruation should last no more than seven days, but there are times when women observe spotting for much longer. But all this can be corrected with medicines or folk home methods.

If you have any menstrual irregularities, too heavy periods or other related problems, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that these problems signal the presence of more serious diseases.

how to delay period at home
how to delay period at home

Signs of pathologies

Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding can be signs of such diseases:

  • polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids.

Often women who have poor blood clotting experience such situations.

How to delay your period?

The easiest way to delay or shorten your period is to take medication. But before using them, it is better to consult with specialists. In addition, it must be remembered that most medicines have a number of contraindications.

But how to delay your period for a couple of days?

One hundred percent guarantee can be given by hormonal preparations that contain progestins. These contraceptives should be taken inin the middle of menstruation, and on the day of the alleged menstruation, stop taking them. Thus, menstruation will come with a slight delay of up to five days.

If the contraceptive is single-phase, it should be taken one tablet per day. In this case, there will be no protection against pregnancy, but after stopping the intake, there will be a delay in menstruation, guaranteed by 2-3 days.

Birth control pills are such an effective way to delay your period. They may delay the onset of menstruation if taken continuously.

how to delay period for a week
how to delay period for a week

Reception without interruption

Oral contraceptives are supposed to be taken intermittently, but if you ignore them, your period won't come on time. And such a delay will be possible until the pills are stopped. While taking these drugs, the female body will be protected from unwanted pregnancy. But still, doctors strongly do not recommend using such drugs for more than two months without interruption.

Absolutely all oral contraceptives have side effects and contraindications. They should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. As a rule, birth control pills are prohibited in case of liver disease, diabetes, thrombosis, impaired circulation and during pregnancy.

How to delay periods with drugs?


In medical practice, medicines are used that gynecologists use to treat various diseases. They callside effects such as delayed menstruation. And at the same time, bleeding may be absent for a long time.

Such drugs include the pills that delay menstruation - "Norkolut", which are used to regulate the menstrual cycle. It is usually prescribed if there is a delay in menstruation, but if there are no problems with this, then it can give the opposite effect. If you start taking it two weeks before the start of your period, then your period will come a week later.

how to delay period for a couple of days
how to delay period for a couple of days

This remedy can also be used during critical days in order to reduce the amount of blood released. The use of "Norkolut" is prohibited for women who have problems with the liver, with blood clotting, diabetes, obesity, asthma. Is it possible to delay menstruation with Duphaston?


Also among the hormonal drugs can be identified "Dufaston", with it, you can also delay your period for a week. It is not a contraceptive and does not affect pregnancy or ovulation. It is usually prescribed for women with endometriosis problems.

"Dufaston" affects the uterine mucosa and encourages the body to produce progesterone. In this case, the development of the endometrium stops, as does its rejection. Thus, periods come late.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to start taking this drug in the middle of the cycle. It is recommended to take two tablets every day.

The big advantage of Duphastonis that it does not affect blood viscosity, which means that it has much fewer contraindications. And among the side effects are headaches, discomfort in the liver, high sensitivity of the breast and an allergic reaction.

How else can you delay your period?


It is also worth mentioning the drug "Dicinon". It stimulates the formation of platelets, thickens the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended for internal and external bleeding, as well as for surgical interventions.

"Dicinon" is shown to women who suffer from strong and heavy periods. They can be caused by vascular disease or fibroids.

It is necessary to take "Dicinon" five days before the onset of menstruation. It can cause side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • foot numbness;
  • stomach pain;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction in the form of a rash on the face.

How to delay periods at home?

how to delay menstruation
how to delay menstruation

Natural remedies

Of course, drugs are very effective, but they are also very dangerous. If there is a fear of using pharmaceuticals, then you can try natural remedies, among them there are also those that can delay menstruation.

Traditional medicine says that menstruation can be influenced by products that contain a lot of vitamin C. Most drugs from pharmacies have a high content of this vitamin, up to 500 mgin every tablet.

Thus, even the most common ascorbic acid can affect the arrival of menstruation. Therefore, lemon is so popular for women who want to postpone critical days for a couple of days. A large concentration of vitamin C, which contains lemon, has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, thereby there is less chance of damage to the capillaries. Therefore, bleeding comes later.

But of course, just eating a lemon is not easy. It can be mixed with honey and consumed a couple of days before the onset of menstruation. You can also drink a glass of lemon juice every morning.

Effective means to reduce bleeding and thicken the blood - decoctions of water pepper and parsley root. Nettle and shepherd's purse can help well. Such funds do not guarantee a delay, but the duration of bleeding will be reduced for sure.

is it possible to delay menstruation
is it possible to delay menstruation

Such nettle decoctions will be very useful for women who suffer from prolonged and heavy periods. If you regularly use these funds, then the menstrual cycle will return to normal and menstruation will become less painful.

But remember that you can't break your menstrual cycle on purpose. Such activities can lead to the development of pathologies.

And before using medications, you need to consult a doctor.

We looked at how to delay your period by a few days.
