Pain with uterine fibroids: causes, methods of pain relief, advice from gynecologists

Pain with uterine fibroids: causes, methods of pain relief, advice from gynecologists
Pain with uterine fibroids: causes, methods of pain relief, advice from gynecologists

More than 60% of women suffer from diseases of the reproductive organs. And a considerable percentage of these diseases is occupied by uterine fibroids. It most often occurs in women over 30 years of age. This article discusses what pains are felt with uterine fibroids. We will also tell you how to deal with this symptom.

Causes of pain in uterine fibroids

This disease is not always accompanied by painful symptoms. With a small size, the tumor can only provoke changes in the course of menstruation. They become painful, affect the duration of the cycle and the characteristics of the discharge. As the tumor grows, other uncomfortable sensations arise.

does uterine fibroids hurt
does uterine fibroids hurt

Does uterine fibroids hurt? Basically yes. Usually the problem occurs in the following cases:

  • The enlarged tumor presses on the uterus itself, causing pain. And also the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs, thereby delivering a feeling of discomfort. This is especially felt in the bladder.
  • Tumor can grow from day to day andchange, thereby increasing pain.
  • Depending on which part of the uterus the tumor is located, the pain will change. If it is located at the top of the organ, then the pain may be felt closer to the umbilical region. She can also give in the back. If the formation is located below, then, as a rule, the lower abdomen hurts with uterine myoma. If there is a tumor on the side, then the side area will hurt.
  • If a woman's hormonal levels change, pain may change. With an increase in female hormones, the discomfort only intensifies.
  • During menstruation, endometrial cells are rejected, they disturb the tumor, thereby increasing the pain syndrome. Clots appear in the secretions. If the tumor interferes with the release of rejected cells, then menstruation may be delayed, and bleeding may also occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • When the tumor is located on the leg, it can twist when moving, thereby delivering discomfort.
  • After the examination, the gynecologist may also experience pain. Since during the examination the doctor presses on the uterus, respectively, and on the tumor.
  • Heavy exercise or rough sex can also cause this symptom in a woman.

Pain can be constant aching, or it can be paroxysmal. Depends on what caused them to appear. The nature depends on the size of the fibroid, where it is located, how the inflammatory process proceeds.

does the stomach hurt with uterine fibroids
does the stomach hurt with uterine fibroids


In medicine, pain in uterine fibroids is divided into three types. The severity of sensations depends not only on the type and location of the tumor, but also on the woman's pain threshold. To understand how uterine fibroids hurt, consider the types of tumor attachment.

Submucosal tumor located under the endometrium. If the formation is small, then the woman will have pulling pains in the pubic region. And during the period of menstruation, the sensations will be more like contractions during childbirth. With the increase in the size of the tumor, the pain will increase proportionally. Myoma in such a location negatively affects the blood vessels. This is what causes pain. Over time, the blood supply may be completely disrupted, and the cells of the organ will die. This will only increase the pain in uterine fibroids and lead to infertility (possibly complete removal of the organ). With this location of the tumor, the pain increases several times during the period of menstruation.


The neoplasm is located outside the uterus, in the abdominal cavity. Such a tumor is attached to the organ with a long stalk. In this case, the symptoms will be discomfort, bloating (as with flatulence) and headaches. Depending on where the fibroid is located (anterior or posterior wall of the uterus), the pain will vary:

  • Anterior location of fibroids. In this case, the woman may feel pressure inside the abdomen. If the tumor is of considerable size, then this will affect the bladder, urination becomes more frequent, and stagnation of urine may occur. Fibroids affect liver function andkidneys. At especially large sizes, this can lead to the formation of kidney and bladder stones.
  • Posterior location of fibroids. Here the tumor presses on the rectum. This can cause stagnation of feces, pain in the lower back and anus. Joints may ache and breasts may swell.
  • Often, a neoplasm can twist on its leg, this provokes severe pain even with simple movements.
stomach pain with uterine fibroids
stomach pain with uterine fibroids


Tumor develops in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Its main symptom is pulling pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back and coccygeal region. Due to the increase, the neoplasm puts pressure on nearby organs, causing a malfunction in their work.

With inflammation, women most often complain that their stomach hurts with uterine myoma. Pain may be located more in the lower abdomen or radiate to the back. Many women do not even know what causes strange discomfort, as they are similar to many ailments (if you do not pay attention to changes in menstruation). Most often, a woman learns about fibroids during an examination by a gynecologist. Depending on the type of problem, a specialist will prescribe treatment.

How to reduce and relieve pain

Many women know if the stomach hurts with uterine fibroids. Before proceeding with the treatment and removal of the pain syndrome, the gynecologist must determine the size of the fibroid, where exactly it is located, whether the formation has growth. For this, a whole complex of examinations (examination, tests, ultrasound) is prescribed. Remedies for pain reliefsyndromes are divided into types:

  • Those that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. These are common painkillers. But it must be borne in mind that regular intake of drugs can adversely affect a woman's he alth. They irritate the stomach, can disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract. Also, some drugs tend to accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. Therefore, even the usual "Paracetamol" is recommended to be taken as directed by a doctor.
  • If you are experiencing severe discomfort, your doctor may prescribe stronger pain relievers that are available by prescription only.
  • You can use hormone therapy. It helps to reduce the size of the tumor, thereby reducing pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed.
  • It is recommended to take sedatives, as women can often wind themselves up, thereby feeling even the slightest pain three times more. Need to calm the nervous system.
  • To relieve pain, it is recommended to apply heat to the abdomen. This will dilate the blood vessels and relieve tension in the muscles.

Proper lifestyle is important for fibroids

why does uterine fibroids hurt
why does uterine fibroids hurt

To help relieve pain in the lower abdomen with uterine fibroids will help the right lifestyle. This requires daily moderate physical activity. They increase blood circulation, which helps relieve pain. Spend as much time in nature as possible. Fresh air is useful for any disease. Be sure to change your dietnutrition. Try not to overeat so that the digestive organs do not put pressure on the enlarged uterus.

Relaxation and fibroids

It is recommended to learn how to relax. This can be done by learning simple yoga poses. You can just take warm relaxing baths. Swimming in the pool helps with pain. If you combine a pool and yoga, the result will be more effective.

Regular sex life

Regular sex is a must, but not too active to avoid injury. With intimacy, blood supply increases, which already leads to a decrease in pain. It also releases the hormone of happiness, which also helps to reduce pain. This method will help even if the lower back hurts with uterine myoma, as the blood supply improves throughout the body. This method may not be suitable if the tumor has reached a large size, and sexual contact causes discomfort.

These methods help to temporarily drown out the pain, but will not cure the disease itself. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at the first symptoms and start therapy. Otherwise, complications may arise.


how does uterine fibroids hurt
how does uterine fibroids hurt

With untimely or incorrect treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Violation of the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. That is, there may be problems with conception, miscarriages.
  • Twisting leg neoplasm. In this case, the pain becomes pulling.
  • Uterine inflammation.
  • Necrosis. It provokes the death of affected cells. There is a sharp pain.

Pain after surgery

pain in lower abdomen
pain in lower abdomen

Surgery is often the only treatment option. Pain after removal of uterine fibroids is still present for some time. But this is more pain from the operation and from the harm that it caused to nearby organs. After some time, the syndrome disappears, and the normal functioning of the organs is restored.

If the disease is severely neglected, a woman may lose her main reproductive organ (womb) and become barren. It is for this reason that you should not start the disease, you need to be under the constant supervision of a doctor. The task of a gynecologist is to prevent the growth of a tumor, to help a woman fight pain without harm to her he alth.

Advice from gynecologists

Before thinking about whether uterine fibroids hurt, women should make sure that the risk of its occurrence is minimal. If there is a genetic predisposition, then do not miss visits to the gynecologist. It is necessary to visit the examination room twice a year.

If there are the slightest changes that fit the definition of uterine fibroids, even if there is no pain yet, you should consult a doctor. The main symptom is usually a change in the flow of menstruation. They may start early or be delayed. The first and last days, instead of normal menstruation, brown discharge is present on the linen. Next come heavy periods with severe pain.

If there are suspicions of fibroids, then you should not start to suppress the pain yourself. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right painkillers. Since sometimes the syndrome cannot be eliminated without potent drugs, and light painkillers will have to be taken in handfuls, so the digestive tract will quickly be damaged.

Preventive methods

We found out why uterine fibroids hurt. Now let's look at some tips. Doctors recommend following a few rules to reduce the risk of fibroids:

pain after fibroid removal
pain after fibroid removal
  • try to avoid stress at home and at work;
  • do not carry heavy things and avoid hard work;
  • monitor he alth and strengthen immunity in a timely manner;
  • sex should be regular and with a regular partner;
  • try to spend less time in too hot baths, saunas and sunbathing on the beach for a long time;
  • stick to a he althy diet, as overweight is the most common cause of many diseases;
  • eliminate a sedentary lifestyle, go jogging or walking;
  • Alcoholic drinks are recommended to be consumed only on holidays, it is recommended to stop smoking;
  • timely prevent, as unwanted pregnancy, or rather abortion, can cause the onset of tumor development;
  • after childbirth, a woman should breastfeed her baby for at least six months, this contributes to the speedy recovery of the body, and the uterus, when feeding, is quickly cleared of unnecessary residues and lochia, and returns to normal.
  • be sure to observe intimate hygiene;
  • avoid hypothermia as itcan cause inflammation of the appendages, and they can also trigger the onset of fibroids.

Proper lifestyle and regular check-ups with a doctor will help a woman maintain her he alth and fertility.
