Every woman of reproductive age knows what the menstrual cycle is. If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is he althy, then her menstrual cycle will be regular, and will be about 21-35 days. The ideal period is 28 days. However, there are situations when menstruation begins earlier or later than the due date. Such conditions can cause panic. In this article, we will talk about what it means if your period is 2 weeks earlier. We will find out the main reasons for this phenomenon, and also try to figure out what needs to be done in this case. Read the information provided carefully in order to protect and arm yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.
Sometimes, hormonal disruptions occur in the female body, which can hide a great danger. Unfortunately, many representatives of the weaker sex are not very aware of the fact that hormonal disruptions can be hidden ina danger to your he alth. After all, for sure, you have come across a situation where menstruation began a week later or earlier.

The first thing that came to your mind was a malfunction in the hormonal system, and soon everything will fall into place. Most often, this is exactly what it is, however, sometimes menstruation 2 weeks earlier is fraught with a very serious danger. Therefore, do not ignore the state of your he alth, and if it changes, do not put off going to the doctor.
One-time occurrence
Sometimes menstruation occurs 2 weeks earlier only once. This can happen due to a huge number of reasons. Consider when exactly this phenomenon may occur:
- girls have just started their period, so the cycle hasn't started yet;
- problem may arise if the fairer sex received a brain injury;
- also menstruation earlier by 2 weeks can go if a woman is stressed for a long time and is also emotionally unstable;
- drastically losing or gaining weight can also speed up your period;
- this also sometimes happens when the fairer sex changes climatic conditions. However, the body will soon adapt to the new living conditions, and the condition will improve;

- Another reason why menstruation is 2 weeks earlier is the presence of inflammatory processes and infections in the body. Once the woman starts treatment,the menstrual cycle will return to the previous track;
- also this condition can cause prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, excessive uncontrolled use of drugs, as well as the abuse of bad habits;
- The most common reason why menstruation came 2 weeks earlier is the abolition of the use of oral contraceptives. Do not forget that such drugs provide hormone replacement therapy for our body. After their abrupt cancellation, the hormonal system of a woman learns to work again, so menstruation can begin ahead of schedule.
Menstruation started 2 weeks earlier: reasons

Consider an additional list of the most common reasons why your period may start earlier:
- Sometimes bleeding can occur after intercourse. This suggests that the woman's internal organs are damaged. Pay attention to the nature of the bleeding. If it is very profuse, immediately go to the hospital;
- sometimes a small amount of spotting may indicate that a woman is pregnant;
- Please note that if menstruation came 2 weeks earlier, this may indicate the presence of dangerous tumors and cancer in the organs of the reproductive system. Such a phenomenon is not only very dangerous for a woman's he alth, but can also be fatal;
- installation of the spiral. Sometimes this method of contraception contributes to the fact that menstruation begins 14 days earlier. If such a phenomenon is one-time, then there is no danger in this. However, if it occurs intermittently, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it;
- hormonal disorders. If menstruation came earlier by 2 weeks, then this may indicate that failures have occurred in the hormonal system of a woman. It is very easy to identify them. To do this, you just need to take a blood test, which allows you to determine the level of hormones in it. After receiving the results, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe you special corrective agents;
- physiological features. Sometimes the onset of premature menstruation is considered absolutely normal. These may be the physiological characteristics of the female body. It is especially worth paying attention to this if the woman had relatives in the family who faced exactly the same problem.
Despite the reason that menstruation comes 2 weeks earlier, in any case, consult a gynecologist and find out exactly the conditions for the appearance of such a phenomenon. This way you will be sure whether this condition is considered normal, or still requires immediate treatment.
Important to know: pathology or physiology
We have already said that regular periods are the first and most important indicator that a woman is he althy. Absolutely normal is the state when menstruation begins a couple of days earlier or later. But a period of two weeks can be attributed to deviations that require clarification of the cause of their occurrence.

Of course, in adolescence, andit is also very difficult to determine exactly when menstruation will begin before menopause, since at this age failures can occur in the hormonal system. This condition is physiological. But other causes, most likely, are pathological in nature and require medical intervention.
Why does this condition happen regularly
Some women wonder why they started their period 2 weeks early again? If such a phenomenon occurs regularly, urgently contact the hospital, because it is very important to find out the reasons why this phenomenon is repeated. Most often, failures are the result of improper functioning of the ovaries. Many women know firsthand what ovarian dysfunction is. If this is the reason, then it is necessary to consider two main varieties of this disease:
- the occurrence of instability, which occurs due to the complete absence of the ovulation process. Usually, in this case, the egg does not mature inside the follicle, which means that the possibility that the fair sex can become pregnant is completely excluded. Please note that in this case, you need to start urgent treatment, otherwise you will simply remain childless;
- hormonal disorders. Ovarian dysfunction can also occur due to disruptions in the hormonal system of the body. Improper hormone production can also affect the course of the cycle.
When not to worry
If your period started 2 weeks earlier, it may mean that your body is emotionally overloadedor physically. Of course, different situations happen in life, and far from always we can reinsure ourselves. Consider examples of non-dangerous situations, why menstruation began 2 weeks earlier:
- Your child is very ill. Of course, you start to get very worried about this, which means that your body is in a state of stress;
- your children are taking entrance exams to college. How can you not worry, because this vital moment is very important;
- you decide to change jobs. You are used to the old team, and now everything will have to change. Your body will experience stress anyway;
- you are trying to get pregnant but you can't get it;
- your apartment was robbed, and so on.

As you can see, there are really a lot of situations. All of them are capable of causing persistent emotional overstrain. Therefore, if menstruation went 2 weeks earlier in such cases, then next month your condition should return to normal. If this does not happen, urgently go to see a gynecologist.
Sometimes this phenomenon can occur after an abortion. Your period may start a couple of weeks earlier, and this will not be a cause for concern.
Emergency contraception
Most often, emergency contraception is resorted to by the fairer sex, who had unprotected intercourse with a little-known partner. This method is used to urgently terminate a possible unwanted pregnancy. This method can also be usedcouples who do not want to have a child at the moment. To exclude the moment of conception, you need to wait until your period begins.
The most popular and effective medication for emergency contraception is the drug "Postinor". It is able to suppress the process of ovulation, therefore it opposes the process of conception. This tool contains synthetic hormones that have a negative effect on the female body. It is very dangerous to use such a medication, as it can cause irreparable harm to the body, including disrupting the menstrual cycle. If the remedy was used several times during one cycle, then this can cause serious disruptions in the hormonal system.

Be aware that emergency contraception drugs are effective, but cause irreparable harm to the body. Therefore, consider another method of contraception, so as not to be faced with the need to use emergency methods.
Doctors say that after using such hormonal medications, an ectopic pregnancy can occur, and it, in turn, can speed up the onset of menstruation by a couple of weeks.
Ovarian cyst
So many representatives of the fairer sex face cysts in the ovarian region. Such neoplasms give their owners a lot of trouble, including the cause of menstruation 2 weeks earlier. Typically, such cysts occur as a result of the fact that the follicle in which it is locatedthe ovum is very overripe, and the ovum does not have the opportunity to go outside after the ovulation process is over. Inside the follicle, there are blood vessels that begin to burst over time, and this leads to severe bleeding, which is also accompanied by incredible pain.
So, let's look at how to determine that the follicle has ruptured:
- the representative of the weaker sex has very strong pain in the lower abdomen;
- there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. This can lead to the fact that menstruation came 2 weeks earlier. The reasons for this are really good;
- common symptoms may also occur, such as: headaches, nausea, weakness, fever, and even loss of consciousness;
- can also increase in volume of the abdominal cavity, which indicates the occurrence of internal bleeding. This condition is considered very dangerous and can even lead to death.
If your period is 2 weeks early, sometimes it may indicate pregnancy. However, even in this case, there may be hidden pitfalls. Of course, most often the onset of pregnancy is a reason for joy, since the egg merges with the sperm and this may be accompanied by a slight bleeding. However, premature onset of menstruation can also signal an ectopic pregnancy. If you experience bleeding before the due date, be sure to contact your gynecologist forestablishing its etymology. As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons. Usually girls think that it is the delay in menstruation that signals the beginning of pregnancy, but as it turns out, everything can be exactly the opposite.

What to do if your period started earlier
If you notice that your cycle has gone astray, do not immediately panic. Relax, and try to understand what could have influenced the occurrence of such a phenomenon. Determine the symptoms that you have, and based on this, you can already plan your further actions.
If you have experienced a stressful situation in the near future, for example, you had a fight with someone, changed jobs, or something happened to your loved ones, then it is considered normal that your body reacted with a premature onset of menstruation. The body of each woman is individual. For some, periods are delayed, for others, on the contrary, they come earlier.
If the early arrival of menstruation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as: nausea, pain in the abdomen, weakness, and other phenomena, then this may signal an ectopic pregnancy, as well as an abortion or a rupture of the follicle. In this case, call an ambulance immediately, as your he alth may be in serious danger.
Diagnostic measures
If you are constantly worried about disruptions in the menstrual cycle, be sure to consult a gynecologist in order to identify the cause of their occurrence. Your doctor will give you a list of certaintests, as well as the passage of some procedures in order to determine exactly what condition your reproductive system is in. So, usually, diagnostic measures are:
- doing a general blood and urine test;
- strokes;
- analysis for oncology;
- biopsy and MRI if necessary;
- ultrasound examination.
Only after a full examination can you determine why your period went ahead of schedule.
Being a woman is great, but being a he althy woman is so much better. Don't forget to keep an eye on your he alth. The correct menstrual cycle is a confirmation that the fair sex is he althy. If your periods go earlier or later than the due date, then this indicates the presence of failures in the body. Such failures can not only affect your he alth, but also completely deprive you of the opportunity to become pregnant. Therefore, visit your gynecologist twice a year for prevention, as well as every time something bothers you. Very often, ignoring trips to the hospital and self-treatment significantly aggravate the situation.
Take care of your he alth today, don't let it take its course. Keep a close eye on your menstrual cycle, eat right, exercise regularly, learn how to avoid stressful situations, and properly alternate work and rest. Do not forget that you have only one he alth. Take care of it and you will notice how it starts to take care of you. Be he althy andtake care!