Among all the reasons why couples break up even after many years of marriage, sexual dissatisfaction (both men and women) occupies a leading position. Whatever the opinion may be, but in 90% of cases it is not the "rude male" who is to blame for everything, but the frigid wife.

This is an exclusively female disease and does not allow both spouses to enjoy the "charms" of intimate life, which causes not only numerous quarrels, but also frequent trips to the side.
What does "frigid girl" mean?
Frigidity is a female, in most cases psychosomatic (psychological or fictional aspects of the problem bring physical and physiological malfunctions in the body) a disease in which a girl is not able to receivepleasure from intimacy with a man, and in some cases - has absolutely no desire to create it.
This often manifests itself in the fact that a woman, having not learned the proper pleasure after another sexual intercourse, experiences negative emotions, which subsequently forces her to shy away from intimacy, coming up with various reasons for this. Not only that, but from a certain moment, she begins to believe in them so much that they already seem real. This becomes a strong hindrance in the treatment of the disease.

I'm frigid! Why?
The reasons for frigidity are mostly psychological: insufficient mood before sexual intercourse, poor sexual perception of a woman based on stereotypes, a woman's unwillingness to improve sexually, and even a banal negative first sexual experience. A bad sexual partner can play a role in causing frigidity, but often this statement remains at the level of a myth. In almost every case, a frigid wife is not the result of a "bad" husband, but a marriage of convenience.
True frigidity occurs only in the formation of malignant tumors of the female reproductive system or in the case of malformations of the female body. Everyone else talks about false frigidity.
If a woman finds herself frigid, it becomes mandatory to go to the nearest clinic for a complete examination of the body, and then - mandatory treatment by a sexologist and psychotherapist. By the way, her partner is also recommended mandatoryvisiting the above specialists.

Frigid wife: when a problem isn't a problem
As mentioned earlier - frigidity can be completely fictional, and the reluctance to go to bed with a partner under the pretext of frigidity will mean a banal unwillingness to sleep with him, and not with all men. If a "frigid" wife with a very we althy husband rarely appears at home and tends to "spend time with her friends," then this is an ordinary fact of adultery. And all the "love" she married for comes down to money.
What should a man do if he has a frigid wife?
The obligatory criterion for the preservation of the family in this case is the full support of the spouses of each other. In no case should a husband throw tantrums or blame his soul mate for everything. The problem is completely solvable, even if through long and tedious therapy. Only in this case, the married couple will find not only "carnal" happiness, but also the long-awaited harmony in relationships.