Uterus anteflexio: description, causes, symptoms, possible consequences

Uterus anteflexio: description, causes, symptoms, possible consequences
Uterus anteflexio: description, causes, symptoms, possible consequences

The uterus is located in anteflexio - what is it? Let's figure it out in this article.

Anteflexio is a position of the uterus, against the background of which the woman's organ bends forward. The presence of a slight deviation from the norm is not at all a pathology, and at the same time does not pose any threat to women's he alth. But, if the uterus is too bent towards the bladder, then problems can arise that require correction. In this case, the body of the penis may deviate forward, and the neck rush down. In the event that the position of the uterus anteflexio is still accompanied by adhesions, intense pain may occur.

how to get pregnant with anteflexio uterus
how to get pregnant with anteflexio uterus

Description of this pathology

The uterus in he althy women is in the position of anteversio and anteflexio, which means that in relation to the axis of the cervix and vagina, it is located at a slight anterior inclination, forming two angles with these organs. When the bend of the uterus is very pronouncedstrongly, then this indicates excessive or pathological anteflexio, but often doctors omit the term pathological, referring to this deviation as anteflexio of the uterus.

Sharp corner

So, this ailment is the wrong location of the reproductive female organ. With such a disease, the angle between the body and the neck turns out to be sharp, and not blunt, and it bends towards the bladder. Simply put, the uterus in anteflexio involves the bending of the genital organ in a woman forward in comparison with its normal physiological position. In the presence of this pathology, the bottom of the genital organ is directed anteriorly, and the vaginal section of the neck downwards. That this is the body of the uterus in anteflexio is now clear. Consider the main causes of this disease in women.

Main causes of disease

In gynecology, there are often examples of congenital deviation of the named organ from its normal position. In this case, the tactics of therapy is determined taking into account the degree of inversion and concomitant disease. Acquired anteflexio of the uterus occurs as a result of an illiterate abortion.

what does anteflexio uterus mean
what does anteflexio uterus mean

Provoking factors are usually:

  • A woman has chronic infectious pathologies of the pelvic organs. The pathogens leading to similar consequences include ureaplasmas along with mycoplasmas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, gardnerella, Trichomonas and more.
  • Sequence of difficult or complicated childbirth occurring with cervical ruptures and abundantblood loss.
  • Injury to the genital organs in various accidents.
  • The appearance of adhesions in the pelvic area with a prolonged course of inflammatory processes.
  • The result of surgery. Pathology may be the result of an illiterately performed diagnostic curettage, and, in addition, cauterization of erosion, laparoscopic surgery, and so on.
  • The impact of excessive physical activity. This is especially true for those women who are fond of bodybuilding and other types of strength training.
what to do with anteflexio uterus
what to do with anteflexio uterus


Endometriosis, which grows into the cervix or directly into the body of the uterus, can also provoke the bending of this organ in front. The presence of a weak tone of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the organ in its normal position can also contribute to the emergence of anteflexio uterus. Additional causes are intestinal pathologies along with chronic ovarian inflammation and malignant tumors.

A slight change in the position of the uterus is not at all pathological if there are no characteristic symptoms and problems with conception. The congenital format of this disease will require treatment only in extreme cases, when a woman complains of pain in the pelvis and discomfort during intercourse. Next, we turn to the consideration of the clinical manifestations of this pathology.


This pathology is dangerous because in a mild form it almost does notshows. Therefore, many women learn about the disease when anteflexia already begins to cause significant discomfort along with acute pain.

body of uterus in anteflexio
body of uterus in anteflexio

Symptomatics of the anteflexio versio of the uterus is pronounced if the pathology occurs due to adhesive processes. In such a situation, the uterus may be immobilized, and adhesions directly hold it in a certain position, which may be accompanied by severe pain. Typically, such a pathology is expressed in the form of the following series of symptoms:

  • The appearance of failures in the menstrual cycle.
  • Occurrence of frequent urge to urinate.
  • The occurrence of acute pain in the lower abdomen against the background of critical days.
  • The appearance of a feeling of discomfort against the background of intimacy, and sometimes just while walking.
  • Occurrence of periodic pain in the groin.

Difficulty conceiving

With the acquired form of this diagnosis, ninety percent of patients have great difficulty in conceiving a child. The resulting bend prevents sperm from entering the fallopian tubes, exactly, as well as into the uterus, which leads to the impossibility of getting pregnant naturally.

How is anteversio anteflexio of the uterus detected? This will be discussed later.


Features of the clinical picture of this disease do not allow a woman to be diagnosed without ultrasound and colposcopy. Additionally, a smear is taken to identify concomitant infectious diseases.pathology. Often, the anteflexio of the uterus is already recognized during a gynecological examination.

If the doctor is in doubt, he immediately sends the patient for an ultrasound examination, which allows not only to detect pathology, but also to determine the degree of uterine bend with possible consequences.

symptoms of the disease
symptoms of the disease

Slight deviation from the norm by a gynecologist may not be determined by a standard examination. However, the presence of pathological processes is always indicated by a number of symptoms that help in making a diagnosis. We are talking about failures in the menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated during menstruation, and, in addition, in the presence of this disease, infertility is characteristic. Often, in addition to ultrasound, the doctor finds adhesions along with endometrioid lesions and other provoking factors of the pathological process.

Possible consequences

What does it mean, the position of the uterus anteflexio, not everyone knows. And a common consequence of the uterine bend anteriorly is, first of all, a violation of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation can become more prolific and painful with this diagnosis. However, they can start every time at different intervals.

Incorrect location of the organ is a provoking factor in the appearance of inflammatory processes. Women may also have an increased urge to urinate. Often there is endometrial hyperplasia, which can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors, and, in addition,denomyosis.

The position of the uterus in anteflexio leads to disruption of the bladder and intestines, as this organ exerts sufficient pressure on them. A woman may notice discomfort during defecation and urination.

If there is a strong bend, it simply becomes impossible to achieve fertilization. Spermatozoa do not penetrate into the cervical canal. Seminal fluid may instead linger in the vagina, which often becomes the main cause of the inflammatory process and the development of thrush.

the uterus is located in anteflexio
the uterus is located in anteflexio

Danger of pathology during pregnancy

In the presence of pregnancy, such a pathology is extremely dangerous for premature birth, and at the same time, or spontaneous abortion at an early stage. During the birth of a child, the cervix may not open enough and slowly, which will provoke oxygen starvation of the fetus. Birth trauma can also occur. When there is a severe kink, often the only method of birth resolution is a caesarean section.

If anteflexio in the presence of pregnancy is accompanied by adhesions in the pelvis, then pinching of the uterus may occur, which is likely to lead to miscarriage and other dangerous consequences for the fetus and woman. Adenomyosis becomes a complication of an untreated bend, during the development of which the foci grow into neighboring nearby organs.


In cases where the causes of anteflexio are inflammatory and infectious processes, doctors prescribe womenphysical therapy along with medications (usually anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics).

When the cause of anteflexia is adhesive processes, patients are offered laparoscopy. With this surgical intervention, the position of the genital organ is quickly and easily restored, and the risks of injury are minimal. Within ten days, women return to their usual way of life.

at the doctor
at the doctor

An integral part of the treatment in the presence of anteflexio are special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. An excellent help in eliminating such a problem are various exercises according to the well-known Kegel method. Women first learn the exercises under the guidance of a qualified specialist (physiotherapist), and then perform them independently at home.

In addition, for therapeutic purposes, the doctor prescribes the use of vaginal balls along with wearing a special bandage. If there is a slight bend and difficulties with conception, it is recommended to maintain a certain position during sexual intercourse. In the event that the uterus is in such an unusual position, the woman should be located on her back.

We looked at what anteflexio of the uterus means. Knowing the features of this disease, you can make timely attempts to get rid of it or reduce its manifestations.
