Medicine 2024, October

Medical documentation. Filling and storage

Medical documentation. Filling and storage

Each institution is required to keep records of examinations, treatment measures, sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures taken. Unified documents are fixed by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation. If a particular medical institution requires its own medical documentation, then it is approved by the head physician

Chest X-ray: indications, preparation, image description

Chest X-ray: indications, preparation, image description

Chest x-ray is a fairly common diagnostic method. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a procedure to identify certain diseases when characteristic symptoms appear. This survey is quite informative. How this procedure is carried out, as well as its features will be discussed in the article

The first negative blood type: its features and impact on pregnancy

The first negative blood type: its features and impact on pregnancy

Blood has its own characteristics, some of which are important when planning a pregnancy. The article describes how to reduce the risk to the fetus if the woman has the first negative blood type

How do x-ray tubes work?

How do x-ray tubes work?

X-ray tubes are energy converters. They take it from the network and turn it into other forms - penetrating radiation and heat, the latter being an undesirable by-product. The design of the X-ray tube is such that it maximizes photon production and dissipates heat as quickly as possible

Elevated monocytes - an alarm signal

Elevated monocytes - an alarm signal

Monocytes in the range of 8-9% do not cause concern. If their percentage becomes more than 10%, then this indicates the beginning of monocytosis. The nature of monocytosis is ambiguous, it can take place in a relative form, with a slight excess of the norm in the body, but it can become absolute when the level exceeds 10%

Blood from a vein and blood from a finger - the difference, interpretation and indications

Blood from a vein and blood from a finger - the difference, interpretation and indications

In medical practice, to assess the patient's condition and more correctly determine the diagnosis, a general blood test from a finger or a vein is very often used. Currently, two methods of blood sampling from the human body are used: capillary and venous. The capillary method of blood sampling means that blood is taken from the pad of the finger, most often the ring finger. Venous - from a vein

Exocrine gland is Definition, types of exocrine glands, structure and functions

Exocrine gland is Definition, types of exocrine glands, structure and functions

Coordinated work of the whole organism is closely connected with the concepts of humoral regulation, exocrine and endocrine glands. Indeed, almost all physiological processes occurring in the human body are carried out in two ways. Firstly, the nervous system organizes a response, and secondly, it creates a close connection with environmental factors

Tibia: where is it located, structure and functions

Tibia: where is it located, structure and functions

The human tibia is part of the musculoskeletal system, performing a number of different tasks. So, it is possible to distinguish such functions of the tibia as supporting, motor. The tibia of the lower leg belongs to the group of long tubular bones, therefore its structure has signs inherent in the group

Rib x-ray: photo, where to do it and what does it show?

Rib x-ray: photo, where to do it and what does it show?

Ribs - the bone part of the chest, which makes it possible to objectively assess the state of various organs and systems. The examination is done to reflect the condition of the bones and internal organs in the chest area. The method of detailed identification - X-ray of the ribs of the thoracic region - is effective in identifying and localizing damaged lungs. The presence of thoracic changes is the main part of the study

Oxygen poisoning: respiratory physiology, signs and symptoms, first aid, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Oxygen poisoning: respiratory physiology, signs and symptoms, first aid, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Oxygen at high partial pressure is toxic. There is a poisoning of the body that causes convulsions similar to an epileptic seizure, which in water leads to drowning, and only the correct behavior during an oxygen spasm can lead to the salvation of a person. Oxygen has a strong toxic effect on the central nervous system and, more specifically, on the brain. Symptoms of poisoning appear very quickly

Average hemoglobin content: blood sampling algorithm, analysis, interpretation of the result, norm, upper and lower limits, possible diseases and doctor's consultation

Average hemoglobin content: blood sampling algorithm, analysis, interpretation of the result, norm, upper and lower limits, possible diseases and doctor's consultation

The average hemoglobin content in the blood is indicated by the abbreviation - MCH. This indicator reflects a quantitative indicator of the level of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. And it is a characteristic of the activity of hemoglobin production, and also shows its absolute amount in red blood cells. This indicator is used in the diagnosis of most diseases, including various types of anemia

How to properly insert a candle into the rectum?

How to properly insert a candle into the rectum?

To treat diseases in modern conditions, there are many medicines. One of them is anal suppositories (or rectal suppositories). Candles are a medicine, but they are not taken enterally (that is, in the mouth with water), but are injected into the rectum

How to fall asleep with a hangover: causes, remedies for insomnia

How to fall asleep with a hangover: causes, remedies for insomnia

Many people who drink alcoholic beverages often face the problem of how to fall asleep with a hangover. This kind of condition develops only with prolonged alcohol abuse, and in the absence of timely refusal from alcohol, it can be accompanied by nightmares, increased anxiety, and a strong feeling of fatigue

What not to eat before passing urine: prohibited foods, how to properly prepare for testing

What not to eat before passing urine: prohibited foods, how to properly prepare for testing

Modern methods of treating diseases are very effective, but subject to accurate diagnosis. The analysis of such biomaterial as urine is one of the components of this process. Without examining the urine, in many cases it is impossible to determine the exact diagnosis. For an objective analysis, it should not have foreign odors, distorted color and composition

How to stop growing: human physiology, human age, factors and causes affecting growth, body characteristics and doctors' advice

How to stop growing: human physiology, human age, factors and causes affecting growth, body characteristics and doctors' advice

Many people are uncomfortable with being too tall. Also, this phenomenon often worries parents when their child is too ahead of the same age in growth. That is why many are interested in the question of whether it is real that a person can “prematurely” stop his growth and whether it is possible to stop growing

What and how to restore blood loss

What and how to restore blood loss

Blood loss is a condition characterized by a decrease in BCC (volume of circulating blood) and the development of certain clinical symptoms. This situation is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall and is a pathological process. Therefore, it is a he alth and life threatening condition, it is important to know how to restore blood after blood loss

Isthmus of the thyroid gland: location, functions, norm and deviation

Isthmus of the thyroid gland: location, functions, norm and deviation

The thyroid gland is one of the important organs of the human endocrine system. The heart rate, psycho-emotional state, reproductive function in a woman, memory work depend on the correct functioning of it

Eardrum massage: types, technique and contraindications, recommendations

Eardrum massage: types, technique and contraindications, recommendations

Ears are one of the main and sensitive organs of the human body. Without proper prevention and treatment of the internal organs of hearing, sound sensitivity may decrease. The most delicate and fragile part of the ear is the eardrum. It is a thin membrane through which air or liquid cannot pass

Blood test for electrolytes: description, analysis, norm and deviations, features

Blood test for electrolytes: description, analysis, norm and deviations, features

This is due to the fact that positively and negatively charged particles of decay products are formed precisely at the moment of splitting of the mentioned substances. And changes in the balance of electrolytes lead to disruption of many internal processes. Therefore, it is important to monitor your he alth and take a blood test for electrolytes on time

How and where to check a medical license

How and where to check a medical license

A medical license is an act certifying the right of an organization or an entrepreneur to provide medical services on a free or paid basis. Obligatory receipt by public he alth institutions and a paid clinic is a requirement of the legislation regulating free and paid medical services

Lump on the little toe: causes, symptoms, treatment

Lump on the little toe: causes, symptoms, treatment

Foot deformity is most often diagnosed in women. Even very young girls can have a bump on their little toe. Bumps appear for various reasons, but more often they are due to the wrong shoes. If treatment is not started on time, the disease will progress and cause many problems

How to improve the condition of blood vessels: drugs, nutrition, folk recipes

How to improve the condition of blood vessels: drugs, nutrition, folk recipes

In the human body there are kilometers of blood vessels that ensure the viability of the body. They are divided into types - arterial, venous, capillaries and vascular vessels. They have their own characteristics in structure, functions, physiology

Steam inhalation at home with a cold

Steam inhalation at home with a cold

One of the ways to cope with a cold is inhalation at home for a runny nose, cough and SARS. Inhalations have almost no contraindications, are available at any time and bring relief almost instantly

Prevention of pulmonary embolism

Prevention of pulmonary embolism

One of the important tasks solved by modern medicine is the prevention of pulmonary embolism. What methods are applied?

Mark Kurtser's "Mother and Child" clinics. Clinic of Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child": reviews

Mark Kurtser's "Mother and Child" clinics. Clinic of Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child": reviews

The network of clinics "Mother and Child" makes it possible to solve any he alth problems. About the medical company you can hear mostly positive reviews

What will be the blood type of the child: how to determine?

What will be the blood type of the child: how to determine?

Even at the beginning of the last century, scientists have proven the existence of four blood types. This is a whole system of a set of genes received from parents. Based on the results of numerous studies, mom and dad pass on the blood type to the child. What can it be, how is it inherited? In this article we will try to answer these questions

Dermatoscopy - what is it? Dermoscopy: price

Dermatoscopy - what is it? Dermoscopy: price

Many people sometimes have suspicions about the nature of their moles. After all, who knows, maybe in a few days it will begin to grow. And this is already a symptom of a possible melanoma or any other malignant neoplasm of the skin. And what to do in a situation when you need to decide something? Naturally, undergo a procedure such as dermatoscopy. What is this survey? How much will it cost. Are there any contraindications? Let's figure it out

Benefits and contraindications: can't you have too much green coffee?

Benefits and contraindications: can't you have too much green coffee?

Everyone has probably heard about green coffee. An active promotional campaign made even those who are not concerned about being overweight learn about it. Let's discard the speculation and conjecture that someone earns a lot of money by playing on people's desire to lose weight by any means. This product exists, it can be bought anywhere, which means that it is freely available. It is very easy to succumb to advertising and promising reviews, but you need to understand that there are also contraindications for green coffee (as with regular coffee, however)

How to make an iodine mesh: doctor's recommendations

How to make an iodine mesh: doctor's recommendations

Everyone has known iodine since childhood. Mothers often treated their wounds and made a cough net. But not everyone knows about the benefits of the product and how the iodine mesh is made correctly. After all, even such a simple procedure has its own nuances

Analysis for cytomegalovirus: indications for the appointment of blood tests, which shows the transcript

Analysis for cytomegalovirus: indications for the appointment of blood tests, which shows the transcript

An analysis for cytomegalovirus is performed to determine the presence of antibodies to cytomegalovirus infection. This analysis is mandatory to detect a disease in a pregnant woman in order to reduce the risk of infection of the child

Duplex vascular scanning: indications for the procedure, preparation and results

Duplex vascular scanning: indications for the procedure, preparation and results

Duplex vascular scanning is an affordable and effective tool for studying blood vessels. It allows you to assess the condition of the walls of blood vessels, the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques and other changes. Ultrasound is absolutely safe and can be performed on all patients, including pregnant women and infants, without compromising he alth

How does postembryonic development occur in multicellular organisms

How does postembryonic development occur in multicellular organisms

After the organism was born, its post-embryonic development begins, which can last from 1-2 days to several hundred years - it all depends on the species. It follows from this that the duration of life is a species characteristic of all organisms, regardless of the level of organization of those

Abortion in the USSR: history, statistics, consequences and interesting facts

Abortion in the USSR: history, statistics, consequences and interesting facts

In our time, the topic of the ban on abortion is often raised. This point is debatable. There are many opinions about why this law should be passed, and why it should not. But once the USSR became the first country in which it was officially allowed to terminate a pregnancy. The number of abortions in the USSR increased with a terrifying progression even when it was forbidden to do so. In this article we will talk about how it all happened

Anti-sperm antibodies: norm, interpretation and treatment features

Anti-sperm antibodies: norm, interpretation and treatment features

A clinically significant indicator in the diagnosis of infertility is the amount of antisperm antibodies (ASAT) in women and men. Normally, they either should not be present in the biological material of both sexes, or be in it in a small concentration. If their level is elevated, then the likelihood of pregnancy in a natural way is minimized. Currently, in vitro fertilization is considered the most effective method of treatment

Estrogen is All about the role of this hormone

Estrogen is All about the role of this hormone

Many women experience hormonal imbalances. Some people are treated for their manifestations all their lives. What is the role of estrogen in the life of every woman? What is the effect of its excess or lack?

Epidural anesthesia: consequences, contraindications, complications, reviews

Epidural anesthesia: consequences, contraindications, complications, reviews

Every day, a large number of operations are performed in medical clinics. Surgical intervention is impossible without appropriate anesthesia, that is, anesthesia is necessary, otherwise it will be simply unbearable to endure such pain. There are many types of anesthesia. In the article, we will understand what epidural anesthesia is, in what cases it can be used, whether there are contraindications

Immunosuppressive therapy: indications, application, effectiveness, reviews

Immunosuppressive therapy: indications, application, effectiveness, reviews

Immunosuppressive therapy is used to treat autoimmune diseases, which are diseases in which the body's immune system attacks its own organs and tissues. In organ transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy is necessary to prevent rejection of the transplanted organ

Is it necessary to be vaccinated: the benefits, the danger of refusal and the opinion of doctors

Is it necessary to be vaccinated: the benefits, the danger of refusal and the opinion of doctors

Vaccinations can protect the body from serious diseases, which in some cases can end in failure. Every mother should be aware that she puts her baby at great risk if she refuses to vaccinate him. Do I need to be vaccinated, are there any contraindications to vaccination? These questions are always asked by parents

Hepatitis B prevention and protection. Hepatitis B vaccine

Hepatitis B prevention and protection. Hepatitis B vaccine

The hepatitis B vaccine is the only reliable way to prevent the "jaundice" virus. This is a dangerous infection that sometimes does not give specific symptoms

Live and inactivated vaccines. Inactivated polio vaccine: instructions, complications. An inactivated vaccine is

Live and inactivated vaccines. Inactivated polio vaccine: instructions, complications. An inactivated vaccine is

The inactivated vaccine is a medicine that any baby needs to prevent such a rather dangerous disease as polio