Medicine 2024, October

Prinzmetal's angina: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Prinzmetal's angina: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Take care of your he alth, and especially your heart - this is reminded at every step. The heart is the motor of the body, and a large number of diseases can break it. One of them is Prinzmetal's angina

Circumcision of the foreskin in men: why is it necessary?

Circumcision of the foreskin in men: why is it necessary?

For some families circumcision is a religious ritual. Surgery can also be a family tradition or a preventive medical measure. However, for some people it seems unnecessary or disfiguring. So what is it and why do many circumcise the foreskin?

Tetra-amelia syndrome: basic information, genetics and prognosis

Tetra-amelia syndrome: basic information, genetics and prognosis

Tetra-amelia syndrome is one of the rarest genetic diseases associated with a mutation of the WMT3 gene. The main symptom of the disease is the complete absence of all four limbs in a person. There are other serious malformations

Hemoglobin low how to increase? Low hemoglobin: causes

Hemoglobin low how to increase? Low hemoglobin: causes

In our article we will talk in detail about how to increase low hemoglobin in the blood. We will share recipes of traditional medicine, introduce you to medicines, and also recommend products to increase hemoglobin levels

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: symptoms, treatment

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: symptoms, treatment

Hypoganadism is usually called a syndrome, which is accompanied by insufficient work of the gonads. In this condition, the synthesis of sex hormones is impaired

Eight bandage: purpose, technique

Eight bandage: purpose, technique

A clavicle bandage is used for a broken collarbone or ankle injury. How to apply it correctly? Read about it in the article

Stomach: histology, development and structure

Stomach: histology, development and structure

One of the organs in which tumors often develop is the stomach. Histology is a method of tissue examination, thanks to which the cellular structure can be assessed. It is performed for chronic diseases of the stomach, as well as if there are suspicions of an oncological process

Classification of hormones. The role of hormones in the human body

Classification of hormones. The role of hormones in the human body

Hormones are the chemical components of an integral system of regulation of body functions. These are substances of different nature that are capable of transmitting signals to cells. The result of these interactions is a change in the direction and intensity of metabolism, the growth and development of the body, the launch of important functions or their suppression and correction

DASH diet. Effective diet for hypertension

DASH diet. Effective diet for hypertension

It is quite possible to get rid of hypertension, all you need to do is change your diet. The developed Dash diet allows you to normalize blood pressure and weight

How to recognize stuttering in a child?

How to recognize stuttering in a child?

Stuttering is a disturbance in the tempo and rhythm of speech that is caused by convulsions. Convulsions are observed in different parts of the speech apparatus. In the article we will consider the causes of the disease and its treatment, as well as give some recommendations to parents

Volkmann's spoon: description and scope

Volkmann's spoon: description and scope

Volkmann Spoon is a handy tool used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in gynecology and surgery. This article contains a description of its design, as well as scope

How and where primary urine is formed: mechanisms in normal and pathological conditions

How and where primary urine is formed: mechanisms in normal and pathological conditions

The urinary system is one of the most important in the body, because it regulates many indicators. Therefore, in this article we will consider the topic of the formation of primary urine

Mammography or Breast Ultrasound? Examination of the mammary glands. Price, reviews

Mammography or Breast Ultrasound? Examination of the mammary glands. Price, reviews

Mammary glands are organs that have not only an aesthetic function, but also participate in the sexual development of a woman, the birth and feeding of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of them and identify their pathologies in time

Mendel's laws: the allele is the basis of inheritance

Mendel's laws: the allele is the basis of inheritance

In this article we will consider the basic concepts of genetics: heredity, variability, dominant and recessive, homozygous and heterozygous allele. And also, using simple examples, we will analyze Mendel's laws

What does an MRI of the intestine show? Methods for examining the intestine

What does an MRI of the intestine show? Methods for examining the intestine

Various bowel diseases are increasingly affecting the human body. The reason for this is hereditary predisposition, malnutrition, violation of a he althy lifestyle, and so on. It is worth noting that some pathologies of this organ do not manifest themselves in any way until the very last moment. That is why it is so important to regularly analyze the intestines

TrUSI of the prostate gland how is it done? Necessary preparation and description of the procedure

TrUSI of the prostate gland how is it done? Necessary preparation and description of the procedure

Surely every person at least once in his life faced with ultrasound diagnostics. Women often have to visit specialists for examination of the pelvic organs. Males may need an ultrasound of the same area

Blaschko lines invisible to the normal eye on the human body

Blaschko lines invisible to the normal eye on the human body

When detecting pathological conditions on human skin, doctors are interested in Blaschko's lines. It is a pigmented color that is visible or detectable by ultraviolet light. Scientists are trying to find a link between changes in the shade of tissues and dermatological diseases

Oxygen therapy: indications and contraindications for treatment, features of the procedure and patient reviews

Oxygen therapy: indications and contraindications for treatment, features of the procedure and patient reviews

Oxygen therapy, or oxygen therapy - the use of oxygen for medicinal purposes. The method is suitable for adults and children from infancy. Its main task is to replenish oxygen in the tissues of the body and prevent oxygen starvation

First lung transplant in Russia

First lung transplant in Russia

Until recently, science fiction writers only dreamed of transplantation of internal organs. Fortunately, progress does not stand still, and today similar operations are carried out around the world. The answer to the question: “When was the first lung transplant performed in our country?”, as well as detailed information about this operation are presented to your attention in our article

Bones of the hand: names and functions. What to do if the bones of the hand hurt

Bones of the hand: names and functions. What to do if the bones of the hand hurt

Human hands are not as strong as legs, but they perform a variety of manipulations that help in the study and knowledge of the world around

Hormonal regulation: concept, classification of hormones, their functions, mechanism of action

Hormonal regulation: concept, classification of hormones, their functions, mechanism of action

A hormone is a biologically active substance produced by the human endocrine system, which includes the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and a number of special cells. Hormones regulate all physiological processes in the body, while not in direct contact with cells, but working with them through special receptors tuned to the appropriate hormone

When can I exercise after a caesarean section? Sports and gymnastics after surgery

When can I exercise after a caesarean section? Sports and gymnastics after surgery

After giving birth, many women gain weight, and each of them wants to lose it as soon as possible. Hunger and special diets are prohibited in this case, so the young mother has no choice but to exercise hard. And a woman who has undergone surgery will definitely be interested in the question of when you can play sports after a cesarean section

If overheated in the sun, what to do? How to provide first aid?

If overheated in the sun, what to do? How to provide first aid?

This article will tell you what to do when overheating in the sun, what are the symptoms of this phenomenon and how to help the baby in such a situation

If a child has earaches, what should I do? How to provide emergency assistance?

If a child has earaches, what should I do? How to provide emergency assistance?

This article will help parents provide emergency care for ear pain, as well as talk about the types of otitis and its symptoms

Shells of the heart. The structure of the human heart

Shells of the heart. The structure of the human heart

Throughout life, a person is active, rests, stays awake, without thinking about the work of his own heart. How does this organ look and function, what is its anatomy? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article

Total IgE. General IgE blood test

Total IgE. General IgE blood test

Antibodies play an important role in humoral immunity and allergic reactions. The greatest role in the development of allergies belongs to antibodies of the IgE group. What can a high or low level of these antibodies indicate?

Thoracic department: what operations are performed there?

Thoracic department: what operations are performed there?

The Thoracic Department is a surgical department where operations are performed on the organs of the chest. Learn more about them

Hypothermic package: composition and application

Hypothermic package: composition and application

In the event of various injuries and minor cuts, cold can help in the first moments. At the same time, the person may be far from the refrigerator, and coolants may not be at hand. In such situations, having hypothermia packs in the first aid kit helps. Such tools will quickly and efficiently help with small cuts, minor injuries and bruises

Obligate parasites: types, characteristics, examples

Obligate parasites: types, characteristics, examples

Parasitization is one of the oldest forms of coexistence of organisms. From the Greek language, the word "parasite" can be translated as "freeloader". Indeed, the essence of parasitism is that two genetically heterogeneous organisms coexist for a sufficiently long period, while one of the organisms serves not only as a habitat for the other, but also as a source of food

Sterilization: modes, methods. Sterilization as a method of disinfection

Sterilization: modes, methods. Sterilization as a method of disinfection

The article discusses various methods of sterilization of medical devices and pays attention to the features of each of them

Epidemic process. Characteristics of the epidemic process

Epidemic process. Characteristics of the epidemic process

The infectious and epidemic process is a continuous type of interaction at the population and species levels. It involves the pathogen-parasite and the human body that are heterogeneous in terms of evolutionary-related signs of relations to each other. Infectious and epidemic process are manifested by asymptomatic and manifest forms. They are distributed among the population according to risk groups for infection or disease, time and territory

Analysis for dysbacteriosis: how to assemble it correctly?

Analysis for dysbacteriosis: how to assemble it correctly?

Analysis for dysbacteriosis - a study of feces, with which it is possible to obtain all the necessary information about the intestinal microflora. It is used for both curative and preventive purposes

High lower blood pressure: causes, treatments, prognosis

High lower blood pressure: causes, treatments, prognosis

Blood pressure is one of the main indicators of the cardiovascular system. Its decrease or increase can significantly disrupt the flow of metabolic and physiological processes in the body. Doctors often face a situation where the patient asks the question: if you are worried about high lower blood pressure, what should you do?

Description of median laparotomy technique

Description of median laparotomy technique

Median laparotomy is a rather complicated and dangerous operation, which is performed only for serious indications

The thyroid hormone is called Types, classification, definition, structure and functions

The thyroid hormone is called Types, classification, definition, structure and functions

The thyroid gland (TG) consists of 2 lobes and a narrow isthmus connecting them. It looks like a butterfly, located on the front surface of the neck under the larynx, covered with cartilage. Its size is 3-4 cm, and it weighs only about 20 g

Anesthesia in dentistry: a brief description

Anesthesia in dentistry: a brief description

At one time, the dentist's office was perceived by many patients as a kind of torture chamber, and a visit to the doctor was delayed as much as possible. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Today anesthesia is widely used in dentistry

What are CD4 cells - features, properties and recommendations

What are CD4 cells - features, properties and recommendations

In case of HIV infection, a blood test for CD4 cells is prescribed. According to the indicators of this test, one can judge the state of the human immune system. It also indicates the stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the body by the virus. What are the standards for this analysis? Does a low level of such cells always indicate acquired immunodeficiency syndrome? We will consider these questions in the article

Where and how to take a stool test for worm eggs: a description of the procedure. Fecal analysis for worm eggs: how to take

Where and how to take a stool test for worm eggs: a description of the procedure. Fecal analysis for worm eggs: how to take

How do they take a stool test for worm eggs and what do you need to know for this? How is feces collected in children and adults? When can I collect the results of tests for helminths? All this will be discussed in the article

What to do if acidity is increased?

What to do if acidity is increased?

Often, when there are discomfort and discomfort in the stomach, we say that the acidity is increased. However, we rarely understand what it is, how it manifests itself and what is the reason. In fact, hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach, which contributes to the active digestion of food. Sometimes its production exceeds the normal value of 1.5 units on an empty stomach, then measures should be taken to eliminate the consequences

What do high red blood cells mean, what should be their norm?

What do high red blood cells mean, what should be their norm?

Erythrocytes are called red cells, which are the main component of human blood. Their main functions include: delivery of oxygen to all tissues and internal organs, as well as the subsequent disposal of waste carbon dioxide