Monocytes, specific blood cells, are sometimes called tissue macrophages or phagocytic mononuclear cells. Their purpose, regardless of the name, is to cleanse the body of dead cells, neutralize antigens and bacteria, and counteract the cytotoxic nature of tumor cells. Monocytes are produced in the bone marrow, immediately after they appear, they enter the peripheral bloodstream, where their circulation begins for 3-4 days. Then they penetrate into tissues and acquire the properties of tissue macrophages there. Elevated monocytes indicate inflammatory processes in the body.

The main purpose of monocyte-macrophages is phagocytosis with the absorption of foreign particles trapped in the body. Cells receive energy through aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, which enables them to function in areas of pathological disorders of the body. Since they are a type of white blood cells, they are involved in the defense process.organism together with other cells of the leukocyte group: basophils, lymphocytes and neutrophils. In case of acute local inflammation in the body, the level of monocytes increases.

Monocytes elevated up to 8-9% do not cause concern. If their percentage becomes more than 10%, then this indicates the beginning of monocytosis. The nature of monocytosis is ambiguous, it can take place in a relative form, with a slight excess of the norm in the body, but it can become absolute when the level exceeds 10%. As a rule, absolute monocytosis is accompanied by a decrease in the level of other leukocytes. This pattern is observed in the case of lymphocytopenia and neutropenia and is typical for adults.

Monocytes warn
Elevated monocytes are a reason to look for a focus of inflammation or some disease, more often infectious. You need to do a complete blood count. In some cases, women are tested for pregnancy. An increased level of monocytes in the blood occurs with the following diseases: viral or fungal infections, rickettsial and protozoal, infective endocarditis. Of the diseases of the circulatory system, myeloid leukemia, monocytic myeloid leukemia are possible. From granulomatous diseases - enteritis and ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis.

Childhood monocytosis
Monocytes elevated in the children's body perform about the samerole, as in an adult, however, children's monocytosis is somewhat different in its performance. An increase in the level of macrophage monocytes in a child occurs with any inflammation, but it also passes quickly if the correct diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment is carried out. Their normal content in the blood of a child depends on age: in a newborn from 3 to 12%, up to two weeks 5-15%, from 2 weeks to 1 year 4-10%, from 1 year to 2 years 3-10%, from 2 to 5 years 3-9%, from 6 to 16 years 3-9%, after 16 years 3-9%. An increased number of monocytes in the blood of a child can cause infectious diseases, childhood rheumatoid arthritis, nodular polyarthritis.