Duplex vascular scanning is a diagnostic procedure that shows a picture of the state of the body's vessels, which is carried out with complete safety for the patient. During the diagnostics, the specialist receives a two-dimensional image of the vessels themselves, sees the state of their walls, the speed and nature of the blood flow. Also, a non-invasive study method allows you to find out the presence of blockages, places of narrowing or expansion of the lumen, thrombosis, atherosclerotic plaques, blood flow disorders and much more.
Definition of concepts
Patients quite often confuse two concepts: Doppler ultrasound (USDG) and ultrasound duplex vascular scanning (USDS). Both methods are used to study vessels, but there are differences, namely:
- UZDG - determines the patency of the vessels of the head, neck, legs. At the same time, the type of the vessel, its location is not displayed on the screen, the specialist can put the sensor in the place of the intended placement of the vessel. That isthe study is being conducted “blindly”.
- USDS – allows you to see the projection of the vessel, explore its structure, functionality, determine the speed of blood flow, etc. A black-and-gray image of the vessel and tissues is displayed on the screen, as in an ultrasound examination. Modern devices display the picture in color.
The essence of the method
Duplex scanning of blood vessels is a method developed for a detailed study of vascular structures, their condition, and the nature of blood flow in them. The study combines two methods:
- Standard ultrasound mode - allows you to consider the location of blood vessels in the body, measure the diameter of each of them, thereby evaluating the lumen, identify blood clots, blockages, etc. Modern sensors are able to demonstrate a layered image of the vessel.
- Doppler mode is a type of ultrasound that displays the flow of blood particles inside the vessel, which makes it possible to assess the intensity of blood flow, the direction of its movement, measure speed, resistance and other indicators.

Ultrasonic duplex scanning of blood vessels allows you to get almost all the parameters of the blood lines to assess their condition and clarify the diagnosis of the patient. The decisive advantage of the method is its absolute safety and the ability to carry out diagnostics after each stage of therapy.
Indications for research
When making a diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient to this study, having discovered a number of pathologies in him that clearly indicate changes in the vesselsor problems with blood flow.
Dopplerography (duplex scanning of vessels) is necessary if the following diseases and conditions are suspected:
- Incoordination, blurred vision, tinnitus, blurred vision, headache.
- Instances of loss of consciousness.
- Hypertension or intermittent increase in blood pressure above the standard values for a particular patient.
- Different pressure readings on the right and left hands.
- Diagnosed or suspected osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae.
- Postoperative examination of the vessels of the neck and head.
- Diagnosed vascular pathologies.
- Preoperative study of blood lines, aimed at studying their condition to correct the plan of surgical intervention in a single system of the heart and blood vessels.
- Pathologies of the brain diagnosed by other methods.
- Presence of diseases leading to vascular compression (enlargement of the thyroid gland, tumors).
- Examination of blood vessels after a number of diseases (stroke, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, etc.) and injuries (craniocerebral, complex fractures).
- Diseases of unknown etiology.
- Control of operations on vessels.
Risk groups
Duplex vascular scanning is also prescribed for patients at risk of developing diseases. This category includes people with the prospect of developing vascular atherosclerosis, namely:
- Smokers with a family history.
- Patients withobesity, physical inactivity.
- Experiencing constant stress.
- Men and women over 40.
- Patients with diabetes mellitus of any stage.
- Patients with elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Types of study
Scanning vessels by duplex method can act as an independent and the only study of the state of highways to make an accurate diagnosis. However, most often it is an addition or a basis for further clarifying measures using ultrasound methods.
Duplex vascular scanning is used in the study:
- Thyroid. When studying this organ by ultrasound, nodal connections, autoimmune diseases, and neoplasms are detected. Also during the study, attention is paid to the vessels of the neck, to detect atherosclerotic plaques, the lumen of blood vessels, blood clots, etc.
- Abdomen. When diagnosing vessels, neoplasms are detected, the condition of the abdominal aorta is assessed, delamination of vascular tissues or aneurysms, atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots are detected, the lumen is assessed. Ultrasound allows you to study the state of the biliary tract, the movement of blood through the portal vein, etc.
- Kidney. It is used in the search for renal arteries and to assess their condition, helps to assess the viability and functionality of the paired organ. Additional examination coverage demonstrates the patency of the ureters.
- Hearts. Displays the state of the valves, places of narrowing of the lumenarteries, defects or defects of the interatrial, interventricular septum, etc.
- Gynecology. The study shows the intensity of the blood supply to various neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries - endometrial polyps, cysts, nodes, etc. Allows you to monitor the movement of fluid in the fallopian tubes. The research method is indicated during pregnancy to visualize the course of the umbilical cord, to examine the state of the heart and blood vessels of the child's brain.
- Head and neck. Duplex scanning of the vessels of the brain and neck demonstrates blood flow, vascular patency, lumen size, and many other indicators. This type of study is most often prescribed to clarify a wide range of diseases.
- Urology. The study helps to assess the redistribution of the density of the walls of blood vessels in prostate adenoma, is used when taking a Valsalva test, is carried out in the diagnosis of tumors, etc.
Details about the kidneys
Duplex scanning of renal vessels is prescribed in such cases:
- Post-traumatic, postoperative condition.
- Kidney failure.
- Renal thrombosis.
- Neoplasms, nephroptosis.
One week before the date of diagnosis, the patient is strongly advised not to eat foods that cause gas formation - cabbage, bread, carbonated drinks, legumes, mushrooms, sweets. During the seven-day preparation for ultrasound, it is necessary to take sorbents. Also, 6-7 hours before the start of the session, you can not eat any food. Do not undergo duplex scanning of the kidneyspatients who underwent colonoscopy, fibrogastroscopy the day before. These types of diagnostics contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines.

For neck and head
Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is a scheduled event held once a year. This approach to he alth allows the patient to detect the appearance of pathology at an early stage, which, with correct diagnosis and treatment tactics, suppresses the disease, preventing it from developing into severe forms.
A specialist using the duplex method of research evaluates blood hemodynamics, studies the individual characteristics of the structure and location of veins and arteries, determines the degree of vascular damage, the condition of the valves in the veins, which speeds up the process of diagnosis and clarifies the possibility of therapy.
Indications for diagnosis
What does a duplex scan of the vessels of the head and neck show? When it is carried out, you can identify:
- Clogged veins, including blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques.
- The amount of narrowing or expansion of the arteries, the location of the pathology.
- Angiopathy, vascular changes.
Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is prescribed in such cases:
- After a stroke and traumatic brain injury.
- For headaches, dizziness, memory loss (temporary, permanent).
- With congenital vascular pathologies.
- Diagnosed vascular dystonia.
- Patients with a hereditary predisposition to a number ofdiseases (hypertension, diabetes).
- With nicotine addiction. Vessels should be examined regularly due to the risk of stroke.
The following vascular systems are being diagnosed:
- Vertebrates.
- Sleepy.
- Subclavian.

Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels is always carried out together with the diagnosis of neck vessels and is divided into types:
- Extracranial – major arteries are being examined.
- Intracranial - examines the intracerebral vessels.
- Transcranial - allows you to see a color duplex image of the brain.
Limb examination
Duplex scanning of vessels of the lower extremities is prescribed for the following symptoms:
- Deterioration of blood supply (numbness, cold fingers, chilliness, decreased sensitivity, etc.).
- Artery damage.
- Pain when walking.
- Signs and symptoms of arterial aneurysms.
- Heredity (predisposition to thrombosis).
- Pigmentation of skin areas.
Which arteries are examined
In the lower body duplex scanning is required for the following groups of arteries:
- Femoral (deep, superficial).
- Tibia (front, back).
- Iliac (general, external).
- Fibular.
- Half.
- Dorsal (foot).
The collected research results point tothe state of blood vessels and valves, blood flow, the presence of blood clots and other changes. The accuracy of the diagnosis allows the doctor to develop a treatment plan.

Where diagnostics are carried out
There are no contraindications to the study. Infants and infants also do not cause the slightest harm to duplex vascular scanning. Where to make a diagnosis? Almost any ultrasound room is equipped with the necessary equipment for a full range of activities. The referral for the procedure is issued by the attending physician.
In addition to the above groups of vessels, the study is conducted to study:
- Progress of pregnancy.
- Vessels and ducts of the liver.
- Vessels of the eyeball.
- Prostate, etc.
Technical difficulties may arise due to the high degree of obesity in the patient. In this case, it will be difficult to see the vessels of the liver and kidneys. It will also make it difficult to scan with severe open fractures or a large area of injury.
Preparing for the procedure
Duplex scanning of blood vessels can be performed at any time. Preparation consists of avoiding or limiting certain types of food and drink. It is recommended to exclude tea, coffee, alcohol from the diet - these drinks cause vascular tone, which distorts the picture of the study.
At a preliminary consultation with a doctor, it is necessary to tell about the medications taken that affect the activity of the heart and blood vessels. Specialistmust decide whether to stop taking medication.

How the study is done
The patient is sent to the ultrasound room on their own, in the direction of a doctor or through ambulance channels, in case of emergency hospitalization. A planned study refers to preventive measures, and an emergency study is carried out in case of suspected ischemic stroke, aortic aneurysm, thrombosis and other serious diseases.
In the office, the patient is laid down on the couch, freeing the examined part of the body from clothing. The procedure begins with the application of a contact gel to the skin area, which improves the patency of the beam and ensures a better fit of the device to the skin. The data obtained during the procedure is displayed on the screen and read by the operator. Pictures are taken. The whole process takes no more than 30 minutes.

The data of the study reflects the following indicators:
- The wall thickness of the test vessel.
- The presence of irregularities, seals on the surfaces of the vessel (internal, external).
- Gap size.
- Characteristic of blood flow.
- The speed of blood flow.
- Anatomical features.
Depending on the degree of deviations, the doctor prescribes subsequent diagnostic procedures using other methods. For example, irregularities on the walls of blood vessels may indicate the beginningatherosclerosis or the formation of a blood clot, a decrease in the cross section of the vessel - about stenosis. Ultrasound allows the specialist to get a picture of the state of the vessels and make the correct diagnosis for the patient.