Medicine 2024, October

Determining the boundaries of the lungs. The borders of the lungs are normal (table)

Determining the boundaries of the lungs. The borders of the lungs are normal (table)

Determining the boundaries of the lungs is of great importance for the diagnosis of many pathological conditions. The ability to percussion to detect the displacement of the chest organs in one direction or another makes it possible to suspect the presence of a certain disease already at the stage of examining the patient without the use of additional research methods (in particular, radiological ones)

Protective face mask: types and ingredients

Protective face mask: types and ingredients

The article describes different types of protective face masks. What is it, what are they for and how to use them correctly, you will learn by reading it

Pulse: pulse characteristic, pulse table by age

Pulse: pulse characteristic, pulse table by age

The article reveals the following questions: what is the pulse, the characteristics of the pulse, why is the study of the pulse so important for diagnosis

Types of drowning. First aid for drowning

Types of drowning. First aid for drowning

The article introduces the reader to what drowning is, what types of drowning exist and how to properly assist with drowning

What does a gynecological ultrasound mean?

What does a gynecological ultrasound mean?

Gynecological ultrasound is commonly understood as a special method for diagnosing a woman's reproductive system, which is carried out using special ultrasound equipment. The purpose of this study is, first of all, to identify possible gynecological diseases in the early stages of development, to monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus itself

Intestinal irrigography: what it is, how it is done, preparation. Intestinal examination

Intestinal irrigography: what it is, how it is done, preparation. Intestinal examination

Intestinal irrigography belongs to X-ray studies of the digestive tract. This procedure is carried out in stationary conditions and requires special training. With the help of irrigography, it is possible to assess the physiological and functional state of the colon

Investigation of the vestibular apparatus: how it is carried out, indications, the essence of the procedure

Investigation of the vestibular apparatus: how it is carried out, indications, the essence of the procedure

The vestibular apparatus is a complex mechanism that provides a person with balance and the ability to navigate in space. What happens when an organ malfunctions? What studies are being carried out to identify diseases of the vestibular apparatus?

Allergen is Definition, types, features and interesting facts

Allergen is Definition, types, features and interesting facts

According to statistics, every fifth person in the world suffers from allergy attacks, and every second person has a reaction to at least one allergen. Allergy is turning into a kind of pandemic of the XXI century. So what is an allergy, and an allergen in particular? What to fear and how to deal with it?

Blood in urine in women and men: causes and treatment

Blood in urine in women and men: causes and treatment

Hematuria itself is not a diagnosis - an alarming symptom only indicates possible pathologies of the genitourinary, immune and other organ systems. Therapeutic tactics in detecting blood in the urine depends on the nature of the underlying disease. The lack of competent treatment does not have the best effect on the secretory-excretory function of the kidneys, contributes to anemia of the body

Coding methods for addiction

Coding methods for addiction

Drug addiction becomes a serious problem for both the addict himself and his family. Most often, it is extremely difficult to convince a sick person to undergo treatment and rehabilitation. And not all therapies are effective. Coding for addiction is considered an effective way of treatment. It gives a fairly high percentage of getting rid of addiction. However, in order to successfully get rid of addiction, the desire of the patient himself to end drugs forever is necessary

Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine: description, services, doctors, reviews

Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine: description, services, doctors, reviews

Moscow Center for Traditional Obstetrics is a place where a whole range of services related to pregnancy and childbirth is provided. You can hear a lot of positive reviews about the medical institution

TsPSIR on Sevastopolsky Prospekt (Moscow): reviews

TsPSIR on Sevastopolsky Prospekt (Moscow): reviews

Choosing a place for fertility treatment, pregnancy monitoring and childbirth is not as easy as it seems. In Russia, these tasks are carried out by different medical institutions. But there are exceptions. For example, TsPSIR on Sevastopol in Moscow. What is this organization? What does she do? Is it worth asking here for help?

UAC norm: deciphering the values

UAC norm: deciphering the values

Doctors often prescribe various examinations for their patients. It is these manipulations that allow you to find out everything about the state of human he alth. The most common tests are blood and urine tests. These tests are prescribed at almost every doctor's appointment. In this article we will talk about what is the norm of the UAC

The norm of ESR in the blood of adults and children

The norm of ESR in the blood of adults and children

A non-specific indicator of a complete blood count, reflecting the ratio of plasma protein fractions, is called the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, abbreviated ESR

Electronic thermometer - the pros and cons of the application

Electronic thermometer - the pros and cons of the application

The market for medical devices has long been filled with electronic thermometers, which have replaced mercury ones. But does everyone know the principle of operation of these devices? And can they be trusted?

Ketones in urine - causes. Ketones in urine during pregnancy

Ketones in urine - causes. Ketones in urine during pregnancy

Ketones in urine - what does it mean? What is the danger of detecting ketones in urine in children and pregnant women, what diseases are the cause and what are the preventive measures against their appearance - read about this in this article

Oval hole (window): causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and pediatrician advice

Oval hole (window): causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and pediatrician advice

The open foramen ovale is located in the baby's heart when he is in the womb. If this is observed in an adult, then this is considered a pathology, therefore, immediate medical intervention is necessary

Anatomy of the perineum. Topography of the perineum

Anatomy of the perineum. Topography of the perineum

Anatomy of the perineum includes a part of the body, which is bounded on different sides by the pubis, the coccygeal apex and tubercles of the ischium with the hump-sacral ligaments. If the legs are abducted or bent, it has a rhombic shape, which is formed by the bone apparatus of the pubis and ischium, as well as the spinous-sacral ligaments covered by the large sciatic muscles

One shoulder is higher than the other: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment adjustment, exercise therapy, necessary exercises and massage

One shoulder is higher than the other: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment adjustment, exercise therapy, necessary exercises and massage

In addition to the described exercises, swimming helps to raise the lowered shoulder. Moreover, it is enough just to enjoy and swim at your pleasure. This method of relaxation will be useful for neurosis and depression, which often cause one shoulder to be higher than the other

Exercises for dizziness: a description of the exercises, step-by-step instructions for performing and restoring the vestibular apparatus

Exercises for dizziness: a description of the exercises, step-by-step instructions for performing and restoring the vestibular apparatus

Very often, vertigo that occurs in humans is vestibular, as it is caused by a disease that damages the inner ear. Usually only one side is damaged. For example, some problem with the ear can cause the brain to receive information about turning in a certain direction, while the eyes of a person will report that he is standing still

Dendritic cells: characteristics, functions, role in antimicrobial protection. Dendritic cells against cancer

Dendritic cells: characteristics, functions, role in antimicrobial protection. Dendritic cells against cancer

The article discusses such an element of the immune system as dendritic cells. Attention is also being paid to their effects on cancer and other serious diseases

Ancient medicine of Egypt, China, India. History of medicine

Ancient medicine of Egypt, China, India. History of medicine

Diseases have existed for as long as mankind, which means that at all times people needed the help of a knowledgeable specialist. Ancient medicine developed gradually and went a long way, full of big mistakes and timid trials, sometimes based only on religion. Only a few of the masses of ancient people were able to wrest their consciousness from the clutches of ignorance and give mankind great discoveries in the field of healing, described in treatises, encyclopedias, papyri

Anatomical theaters in Russia and worldwide

Anatomical theaters in Russia and worldwide

Imagine a room that is a separate beautiful architectural structure inside another building. This room is an amphitheater, but much smaller. Interested spectators sat on the benches arranged in a circle, and in the center, on a wooden table, the action was going on

Agglutinin and agglutinogen are life-saving blood proteins

Agglutinin and agglutinogen are life-saving blood proteins

The blood may contain either agglutinogens, or agglutinins, or both proteins. Depending on the "permutations" of these particles, 4 main blood groups are distinguished. And now in more detail and in order

Corset for the spine: what is it and for what diseases is it needed

Corset for the spine: what is it and for what diseases is it needed

One of the great joys of life is the ability to move around easily and freely without any effort. Each person begins to realize this only when there is a threat to the he alth of the spine. What is a spine brace? For what diseases is it necessary? And does it help the back?

Why is cancer called cancer? What do you need to know about oncology?

Why is cancer called cancer? What do you need to know about oncology?

Why is cancer called cancer? What everyone needs to know about cancer. Cancer is a death sentence?

Surgeon-proctologist: consultations, operations. Proctology Center

Surgeon-proctologist: consultations, operations. Proctology Center

A proctologist surgeon is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the rectum, colon, and anus. Such a doctor is able to provide serious assistance in the fight against quite intimate ailments

Spermogram morphology: violations and improvement of indicators

Spermogram morphology: violations and improvement of indicators

Spermogram morphology is an analysis that determines the exact and numerical indicators of the content of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, which have a natural structure and are capable of fertility (fertilization)

Portable oxygen concentrator for home use: overview, description, types, instructions for use and reviews

Portable oxygen concentrator for home use: overview, description, types, instructions for use and reviews

The oxygen concentrator for home use is a very useful equipment that can save a person from many diseases and is great for preventive purposes

Chemical-toxicological study of urine

Chemical-toxicological study of urine

Chemical-toxicological research is carried out to detect narcotic and psychotropic substances, as well as alcohol in the human body

Leukemoid reactions in children: types (kinds), causes, diagnostic algorithm, treatment. Leukemoid reactions and leukemia: differences

Leukemoid reactions in children: types (kinds), causes, diagnostic algorithm, treatment. Leukemoid reactions and leukemia: differences

Leukemoid reactions - changes in hematopoiesis, similar to the blood picture in leukemia and other tumors of the hematopoietic system

Estradiol and progesterone: norms and deviations of analyzes

Estradiol and progesterone: norms and deviations of analyzes

Estradiol and progesterone are very important hormones in the human body responsible for the functioning of the entire reproductive system

What does a hepatologist treat? Hepatology - branch of medicine that studies the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract

What does a hepatologist treat? Hepatology - branch of medicine that studies the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract

Many people are very interested in what a hepatologist treats? But he is engaged in therapy of one of the most important organs of the entire human body - the liver

Indicators of physical fitness. Physical fitness is

Indicators of physical fitness. Physical fitness is

Physical fitness is the key to success and good he alth of any athlete. Without it, participation in competitions, olympiads and championships is impossible

Foot massage: relieve fatigue and stress

Foot massage: relieve fatigue and stress

Do you spend a lot of time sitting? Maybe, on the contrary, during the day you move a lot? In any case, there is a violation of blood circulation in the legs and by the evening there is swelling, a feeling of heaviness, fatigue. Foot massage can not only deliver a lot of pleasant sensations, but also relieve fatigue, lead to muscle tone

Clear urine is a good indicator

Clear urine is a good indicator

The first sign of illness is the unnatural color of the waste. If you find that you have smelly urine, then you should immediately consult a doctor and take the necessary tests

What is HIV infection and how is it diagnosed?

What is HIV infection and how is it diagnosed?

Today's question: "What is HIV?" sounds a bit strange… Are there still people who don't know anything about it (children don't count)? In addition, for those who are aware of this, for some reason, the concept of "HIV" is associated with the word "AIDS". This is far from true! Let's put everything in its place: find out what HIV infection is, understand how it differs from AIDS, and also learn how to diagnose it

Serotonin is the "hormone of happiness"

Serotonin is the "hormone of happiness"

Serotonin is a hormone produced in the human body during the synthesis of amino acids. By the nature of its origin, it is considered the so-called biogenic amine. Serotonin has a strong pharmacological effect and helps to carry out many physiological functions of a person, the main of which is the regulation of the nervous processes of the central nervous system and ensuring the metabolism at the proper level

What does partner incompatibility mean? How to establish the incompatibility of partners at conception?

What does partner incompatibility mean? How to establish the incompatibility of partners at conception?

Incompatibility of partners in about 30% of cases is the cause of infertility in couples who want to have a baby. And today, many are interested in questions about why a similar problem occurs, and whether there are effective methods of treating it

Zemsky hospitals in the 19th century. Opening of the first zemstvo hospitals

Zemsky hospitals in the 19th century. Opening of the first zemstvo hospitals

Until the second half of the 19th century, medicine in Russia was poorly developed, and only 1% of the population could receive medical care. The situation began to change with the advent of zemstvos, which opened zemstvo hospitals and invested in the development