How to properly insert a candle into the rectum?

How to properly insert a candle into the rectum?
How to properly insert a candle into the rectum?

To treat diseases in modern conditions, there are many medicines. One of them is anal suppositories (or rectal suppositories).

rectal candle
rectal candle

Purpose of rectal suppositories

Candles are a medicine, but they are not taken enterally (that is, in the mouth with water), but are injected into the rectum. Inside the body, the medicine from the candle is absorbed and then acts, just like other types of medicines.

Healing suppositories are used if the patient suffers from hemorrhoids or inflammation. Candles are also used for low immunity, high temperature, as an anesthetic or laxative.


Suppositories do not harm the stomach and liver (unlike pills that pass through the gastrointestinal tract). Candles are easy to use, they have a convenient pointed shape, they can be used at home. Children do not like to drink medicines because of their bitter taste, and they are afraid of injections. Inserting suppositories is neither painful nor bitter. Asinserting a candle into the rectum of a child who, for example, is sleeping, is easy, then this is the method of treatment most often chosen by parents.

Pregnant and lactating mothers are often contraindicated in taking medicines, the use of suppositories is the best option for them. All absolutely people at any age can be treated with rectal suppositories.

If there are cracks, wounds in the intestines or on the anus, then rectal suppositories will have a healing effect on them.

pack of candles
pack of candles

What are candles?

Rectal suppositories are oblong cylinders (reminiscent of the shape of a torpedo), pointed on one side and blunt on the other. They include medicines and aids. The pointed end facilitates the insertion process, as it is easier to insert the suppository into the rectum with the pointed end, and push further too.

Candles are sold in special packages (each candle is packed in an individual package). Store the entire set in the refrigerator. At room temperature, candles melt and soften; they cannot be used in a softened form. Before use, you should read the attached instructions, which describe in detail how to properly insert the candle into the rectum. If, on the recommendation of a doctor, the dosage of one candle is too large, then you need to divide it in two (only along, not across) with a clean disposable blade, and put the unused half in the package and in the refrigerator until the next time.

yellow candles
yellow candles


The main components are consideredpainkillers (analgesics). In addition to them, the composition includes: hyaluronic acid, shark oil, a combination of zinc and bismuth, propolis, hormonal preparations. The specific composition depends on what disease the drug is supposed to fight.

How to prepare for the procedure?

The use of a candle requires hygiene. First you need to thoroughly wash your hands (preferably in cold water so that your fingers become cold), dry them. Wash the anus with soap and wipe dry. Prepare antibacterial wipes, paper handkerchiefs, pads in advance (you can just dry clean rags). Have Vaseline, fat cream, vegetable oil on hand.

Get the suppositories out of the refrigerator right before the procedure, they should be cold. In the event that the candles will be used for children, it is necessary that their intestines be cleansed (you can do an enema, or just wait for the natural process of bowel movement). Before inserting the candle into the rectum of the baby, it must be warmed in the hands. This must be done in order to save the kids from discomfort.

The process of absorption in the intestine takes about 15 to 60 minutes. The therapeutic effect depends on how the candle is inserted into the rectum, how long it stays there.

1 cm candle
1 cm candle

Basic rules

To achieve the result, the candle must be inserted into the anus, push it into the rectum, it is there that the process of absorption of the medicine takes place (except for the treatment of hemorrhoids). Ideally, the body should berelaxed.

The main thing in the process is not to damage the mucous membrane of the anus and intestines. To do this, the anus (and the tip of the candle) is best coated with petroleum jelly (greasy cream, oil). This will ensure an easy and painless introduction of the drug into the intestines. Facilitates the procedure and the correct position of the body. In no case do not push it with force, the shape of the candle is specially made in such a way that it should move quite easily.

How to insert a candle into the rectum? First, spread the buttocks and insert the candle into the opening of the anus (its muscles should be relaxed) and gently push it with your finger until it passes the anal sphincter and moves into the rectum. After that, squeeze the buttocks and lie down in this position for about a minute. Immediately after the procedure, you will want to go to the toilet, but you need to be patient, as the medicine will come out with feces without having time to be absorbed. If you were unable to do this, then the procedure will need to be repeated.

After inserting a candle into the rectum, it is better for an adult to lie down for about half an hour. If you immediately start walking, moving, the candle may leak out and the healing effect will not be achieved.

It is not recommended to inject medicine into the anus for women with long nails. If there is no one to do this, then it is better to cut the nails in order to avoid damage to the mucous membrane.

candle and coin
candle and coin

Correct body position

In order for the process to go quickly, painlessly and without negative consequences, you need to take the right position. Adults and children are not always the same. There are several options.

  • Lie on your backraise your legs up (you can put a pillow under the sacrum), relax the body. The candle will slide easily. You won't find a better position than how to insert a candle into your own rectum.
  • Comfortable and knee-elbow posture.
  • You can stand leaning forward when inserting the suppository. But the muscles of the legs are tense at the same time, and when the candle is inserted and pushed through, painful sensations may occur. In this position, the patient may involuntarily push out the candle, the procedure will have to be repeated to achieve success.
  • Lie on your left side in the fetal position, knees resting on your stomach. You can lie on your left side, the left leg is extended, the right is bent, the knee is pressed to the stomach.
large candle
large candle

Treatment of children

When introducing suppositories, children must act very carefully so that the child does not have memories of unpleasant sensations in his memory. Otherwise, the next time you try to insert a candle, he will resist and act up.

The procedure is basically the same as for an adult. Open the buttocks, insert the candle very carefully. After inserting the candle into the rectum, close the buttocks and seat the baby. Then put him down for 20 minutes. It is best to distract him with something at this time (you can turn on cartoons at this time). The procedure is best done before putting the child to bed. Then overnight the medicine will be absorbed and will have its healing effect.

blister with candles
blister with candles


A well-defined diagnosis will allow rectalcandles cure external and internal hemorrhoids, wounds, defects in the rectal mucosa, stop bleeding. There are some features of how to insert a candle into the rectum for hemorrhoids, they must be known and observed in order to be cured. It is best to administer the medicine at night before bedtime.

Before the process of introducing the suppository, make an enema and then wash the anus with soap, wipe with a dry cloth. Lie on your stomach, insert the candle and push inward.

With hemorrhoids, severe pain can occur, then you will have to insert the candle in an upright position, leaning slightly forward. After that, be sure to lie down until the medicine melts and is absorbed.

If there are external hemorrhoids, swollen nodes outward and it is painful for the patient to sit, the medicine should be administered in the supine position. The suppository does not move deep, it should be located close to the anus, while the anus should be covered with a napkin (it is better to hold it with your hand). If the medicine is deep in the rectum, it will not get to the inflamed areas, there will be no benefit from the procedure. At the same time, it is enough to hold the medicine for 5-6 minutes.
