Medicine 2024, October

Heart transplantation: how much it costs, where it is done, the complexity of the operation and the effectiveness

Heart transplantation: how much it costs, where it is done, the complexity of the operation and the effectiveness

In the article we will find out how much a heart transplant costs. Transplantology of this organ is a separate field of medicine. It arose at the intersection of immunology and cardiology. Immunology is a science that deals with human immunity and is of great importance in matters of rejection and engraftment of a transplant (transplanted biomaterial)

Cardiologist in Penza: patient reviews, selection of the best and addresses of clinics

Cardiologist in Penza: patient reviews, selection of the best and addresses of clinics

What separates a good cardiologist from the best? The only answer to this question is a professional characteristic. It includes the general work experience and experience of the doctor, the level of the attestation category, as well as the presence and number of positive comments from patients. You can see the list of the best cardiologists in Penza, reviews and general information about each doctor in the article below

Osteopath in Tyumen: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

Osteopath in Tyumen: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

How to find a good osteopath in Tyumen? This question is asked by all residents of the city, who have been suffering from various he alth problems for many years, but are already tired of fighting with classic medicines and therapies. Having decided to turn to the osteopathic method of treatment, it is logical to want to see the most worthy in the role of your specialist. But how to find it? The following rating of the twenty best osteopaths in Tyumen will help you make a choice

Medical clinic "IMMA" in Kurkino: reviews

Medical clinic "IMMA" in Kurkino: reviews

The Imma Clinic in Kurkino is very popular with patients. This is due to both the sufficient experience of its employees and their wide specialization. As a result, feedback on the activities of this institution is mostly positive

Best dermatologist in Rostov: reviews

Best dermatologist in Rostov: reviews

The residents of the city do not think about what good dermatologists are in Rostov until they themselves need the help of a skin specialist. After all, there are more than 200 such doctors, but not everyone deserves to be called good. The list below of the best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don will help you make a choice

Medical clinic "21st century", St. Petersburg: doctors, services, address and reviews

Medical clinic "21st century", St. Petersburg: doctors, services, address and reviews

Choosing a medical facility for treatment is not easy. Sometimes reviews about a particular organization help to decide. What can you say about the St. Petersburg clinic "21st century"? What services does she offer?

The best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don: rating and reviews

The best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don: rating and reviews

How to choose a dermatologist in Rostov-on-Don? This question is asked by those who first encountered skin problems and do not know who to turn to. Fortunately, on the Internet, experienced patients are always ready to leave a review about a particular doctor. The rating of the best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don is based on these opinions

How to close the sick leave? What is the seal on the sick leave? Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

How to close the sick leave? What is the seal on the sick leave? Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

In the event of an illness of an employee or members of his family, he has the legal right to temporary release from his work. In order to confirm the absence for a good reason and receive payment for the corresponding period, the subordinate is obliged to provide a special paper, which is a sick leave certificate. An important requirement is its competent design, including the correct execution of the document closing process

Mantoux reaction: what is it, setting, results, contraindications. Tuberculosis vaccination

Mantoux reaction: what is it, setting, results, contraindications. Tuberculosis vaccination

Modern doctors are concerned about the emergence of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, the number of which is increasing from year to year. The Mantoux reaction is a necessary study in our time, when the disease is gaining momentum, and many people are infected. Timely diagnosis will prevent the development of pathology, and the results of the test can even be preliminarily deciphered independently

Device "Denas": negative reviews of doctors, pros and cons of use

Device "Denas": negative reviews of doctors, pros and cons of use

The development of medicine does not stand still and constantly offers a wide range of consumers some new innovative technologies used to treat various diseases. One of such developments is the Denas line of devices, which relatively recently appeared on the medical equipment market. It is believed that thanks to this device, you can actually get rid of any disease, but the negative reviews of doctors about the Denas device indicate the opposite

How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations

How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations

How to bring a drunk person to life, everyone should know, because it is right to provide first aid and save a close friend or family member from a painful condition, anyone who is nearby can. These are simple methods, proven over the years, which do not require special financial investments. You will also learn what not to do with an alcoholic so as not to harm him and not aggravate the situation even more

Medical center "Osteopat", Kazan: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

Medical center "Osteopat", Kazan: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

There are a lot of reviews about Osteopath in Kazan on the Internet. The specialists of this medical center provide medical and diagnostic services for patients of all ages. Why is this medical institution popular among residents of Tatarstan and other regions of Russia?

Pharmacy "Ozerki": reviews, addresses, opening hours

Pharmacy "Ozerki": reviews, addresses, opening hours

Reviews about the Ozerki pharmacy are studied by many of those who use the services of this pharmaceutical company. It presents the widest range of medicines and products intended for beauty and he alth. In this article we will talk about the network of pharmacies, addresses, opening hours, reviews left by customers

Caloric test: method, purpose and interpretation of results

Caloric test: method, purpose and interpretation of results

The calorimetric test is related to vestibulometric tests, which allow a more objective study of dysfunction of the vestibulocochlear apparatus. We are talking about the structures of the inner ear (about the labyrinth and semicircular canals), which are responsible for maintaining balance, and in addition, for the coordination of movements

"Citylab": reviews on the quality of analyzes, addresses of laboratories

"Citylab": reviews on the quality of analyzes, addresses of laboratories

Reviews on the quality of analyzes in "Citylab" will be of great importance for everyone who is going to use the services of this federal network of medical centers, whose representative offices are now open in many regions of the country. In this article we will tell you what tests you can take here, their cost, how to get the results. Here are reviews of real patients who have already applied for help to this network of clinical laboratories

Vidnovsky perinatal center: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

Vidnovsky perinatal center: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

It is important for all expectant mothers who plan to give birth here to find out reviews about the Vidnovsky Perinatal Center. This is an important moment in the life of any woman, so you should pay special attention when choosing a maternity hospital, obstetricians and those high-quality care options that are ready to offer you. This institution is already a quarter of a century old. In the article we will tell you where it is located, what list of services it provides, as well as the impressions that patients leave about it

Stress echocardiography: technique

Stress echocardiography: technique

Modern methods for diagnosing heart disease have reached unprecedented efficiency. In addition to the standard cardiogram, there is a whole list of ways to detect pathologies. One of the most effective modern methods is stress echocardiography with physical activity. Who is diagnosed? What are the prerequisites for the procedure? What is stress echocardiography aimed at? Let's try to answer these and other questions

Ultrasound of the heart: the norm. What does an ultrasound of the heart show?

Ultrasound of the heart: the norm. What does an ultrasound of the heart show?

Sometimes a person is ordered to do an ultrasound of the heart. That's just what kind of procedure it is, how it is carried out and what results can be found out after the study, not everyone knows. Therefore, now we will try to figure out what the ultrasound of the heart shows and what the normal results of this examination should be

DTP - what is the vaccine against? Child after DTP vaccination. DTP (vaccination): side effects

DTP - what is the vaccine against? Child after DTP vaccination. DTP (vaccination): side effects

Vaccinations for children and adults play an important role. Huge discussions are going on around the so-called DPT. What kind of vaccine is this? Should a child do it? What could be the consequences?

What is the reaction to the DPT vaccination, and how to help the child in case of complications?

What is the reaction to the DPT vaccination, and how to help the child in case of complications?

DTP is one of the most important vaccinations. Many parents today refuse to vaccinate their child, arguing that cases of hospitalization after vaccination have become more frequent. We will try to prove the importance of such a vaccination as DPT

Immunization - what is it?

Immunization - what is it?

The entry of pathogens into the human body causes a natural protective reaction. Special antibodies are produced that attack microbes. After overcoming the disease, these substances remain in the body. This is how immunization takes place. This is the process by which a person acquires resistance to certain diseases

Vaccination against pneumonia: reviews. Pneumonia vaccination for children: reviews

Vaccination against pneumonia: reviews. Pneumonia vaccination for children: reviews

The most dangerous disease of little boys and girls is pneumonia. And pneumonia is considered the main cause of death among babies. According to statistics, this pathology annually takes the lives of more than 1 million children under the age of five years

How to make an enema at home? Features and Recommendations

How to make an enema at home? Features and Recommendations

An enema is a fast, effective and virtually painless way to cleanse the colon. This procedure can be carried out not only in stationary conditions. Therefore, many people want to learn how to properly make an enema at home. Moreover, the devices that are needed for this (rubber pear and / or Esmarch's mug) are very widespread

How to do an enema at home?

How to do an enema at home?

Among all medical procedures, enema has become the topic of jokes more often than others. Perhaps that is why many have a rather skeptical attitude towards it as something shameful. Be that as it may, everyone at least once in their life will definitely have to resort to such a procedure

First aid for frostbite, degrees of frostbite

First aid for frostbite, degrees of frostbite

Frostbite can appear even in a slight frost or at positive temperatures. This condition requires immediate treatment and hospitalization. Before the ambulance arrives, you need to perform a number of procedures

How to normalize bowel function at home: drugs, products

How to normalize bowel function at home: drugs, products

When visiting a doctor, almost everyone is faced with a question regarding the frequency and quality of bowel movements. This interest of the doctor is not due to the fact that he wants to embarrass the patient. You need to understand that the state of the intestine can say a lot about how other internal organs of a person work

How to take a spermogram? Preparation for analysis

How to take a spermogram? Preparation for analysis

Recently, an increasing number of representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with infertility. To solve this problem, you need to decide on the type of male infertility, and for this you should know how to prepare for a spermogram for a man. How long will this procedure last, how is the material taken and are there any contraindications to the delivery of seminal fluid

Which blood pressure monitor is better? Features, types and reviews

Which blood pressure monitor is better? Features, types and reviews

Those who need to regularly monitor their blood pressure need a home blood pressure monitor. The right choice is largely determined by its price, accuracy and functionality. This article will help you find the best option

Best orthopedic surgeon in Moscow: reviews and ratings

Best orthopedic surgeon in Moscow: reviews and ratings

The staff of orthopedic clinics in Moscow makes it possible to solve the most difficult problems. The medical staff of the capital is highly qualified doctors of all categories, therefore, without an extra measure of modesty, we can say that patients are admitted only by the best specialists

Why does hair turn gray prematurely?

Why does hair turn gray prematurely?

The appearance of gray hair in adulthood is a natural process. But young people often face this problem. Why does hair turn gray? Early hair loss of pigment occurs for various reasons. And not always the premature appearance of gray hair means old age

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach: functions and meaning

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach: functions and meaning

The secretion of gastric juice occurs through the work of the gastric mucosa. It is a colorless, odorless liquid with small lumps of mucus. Any deviations from this norm, such as a change in color and density, indicate the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition of gastric juice is complex, since it is produced by various cells of the gastric mucosa

Rash on the body in adults and children: photo with explanations

Rash on the body in adults and children: photo with explanations

If a person has a rash on his body, it can be a symptom of certain diseases, sometimes very serious. Rashes are divided into several varieties, knowing which, you can determine the existing violations and ailments. When certain manifestations appear on the skin, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist - a dermatologist or an allergist. A rash on the body can occur in different places at any age, and if this happens, then there are some problems in the body

Excess iodine in the body: symptoms, possible causes, treatment features and consequences

Excess iodine in the body: symptoms, possible causes, treatment features and consequences

Do you not understand why your condition worsened? Constantly dizzy, hair become thin and brittle? It seems that you also use vitamins with microelements, but … Or maybe this is the whole problem, and you have an excess of iodine in your body?

Amino acids are special organic compounds

Amino acids are special organic compounds

Amino acids are compounds that are essential for most living organisms, including human beings. In addition to being the building material from which proteins are formed, they perform a number of other important functions

Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features

The list of neurological diseases is quite wide and does not depend on age and gender, these diseases are recognized as the most common. Functional disorders in this type of pathology can form anywhere in the body of the individual

Torpedoes from alcoholism. Treatment methods for alcoholism

Torpedoes from alcoholism. Treatment methods for alcoholism

In domestic practice, a sufficient number of effective methods of therapy are used to eliminate alcohol dependence. However, the most successful implantation under the skin of alcohol-addicted specialized drugs - "Disulfiram", widely known among the people as a torpedo

Interruption of binge at home: method reviews

Interruption of binge at home: method reviews

Long-term regular use of alcohol in large doses leads to negative reactions from the body. Most often, it is only possible to interrupt the binge with the help of medical professionals, and home remedies do not bring the desired effect and, among other things, can be far from safe. Binge drinking and hangovers come in many forms that only a person with a medical background can identify

How to avoid a hangover in the morning?

How to avoid a hangover in the morning?

How to avoid a hangover: table manners. What to do before a feast and when it was not possible to avoid a hangover

Alcohol tolerance: concept and types. Lethal dose of alcohol in ppm

Alcohol tolerance: concept and types. Lethal dose of alcohol in ppm

It's no secret that ethyl alcohol can significantly worsen the he alth of any person. But the rare use of alcohol in small quantities does not lead to the development of irreversible changes in tissues. Constant feasts cause dangerous diseases that pose a threat not only to he alth, but also to life. In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages often leads to the fact that a person develops alcohol tolerance

Structure, compounds and main types of hemoglobin

Structure, compounds and main types of hemoglobin

The circulatory system performs a transport function in the body of all warm-blooded animals, delivering nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide is carried out thanks to red blood cells, which include an important substance - hemoglobin. In this article, we will look at the types and compounds of hemoglobin