Recently, an increasing number of representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with infertility. To solve this problem, you need to decide on the type of male infertility, and for this you should know how to prepare for a spermogram for a man. How long will this procedure last, how is the material taken and are there any contraindications to the delivery of seminal fluid.
When should men donate seminal fluid?

According to medical statistics, in 40% of cases, the cause of childlessness of a married couple is male infertility. This diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the study of seminal fluid. Many couples who cannot have a child for a long time undergo a comprehensive examination. It is worth noting that a man gives a spermogram as a control diagnosis even if a woman is infertile.
Who should think about how to take a spermogram?
- wife had several miscarriages or there were cases of miscarriage in the early stages (in this case, the fault may lie with the man, whose sperm was mutated and thus fertilized the egg, but this did not lead to a normal pregnancy);
- sperm donors (to be a donor it is important to pass a comprehensive test for the quality of seminal fluid);
- cryopreservation (a man who decides to freeze his genetic material for the future, often this option is chosen by professional soldiers or those who work in toxic and hazardous industries, since such men are sure that over time they can lose their shape to have a baby);
- A married couple does not conceive during sexual intercourse without contraception for six months.
Varieties of male infertility

If it is necessary to examine the seminal fluid, men wonder where it is better to take a spermogram. This should take place in a clinic with a good reputation and modern equipment, which can establish not only such a diagnosis as infertility, but also its variety.
Classification of male infertility:
- oligozoospermia (oligospermia) - when there are less than 15 million spermatozoa in 1 ml of seminal fluid;
- asthenozoospermia - reduced mobility of male germ cells;
- taratozoospermia - an ideal anatomical structure, but reduced sperm count;
- aspermia - when seminal fluid is notstands out at all;
- azoospermia - seminal fluid in which there are no male germ cells;
- necrospermia - spermatozoa do not move at all;
- cryptospermia - individual spermatozoa are found in seminal fluid only after centrifugation, which is necessary for artificial insemination;
- autoimmune conflict - more than half of male germ cells are covered with immune antibodies;
- pyospermia (leukocytospermia) - there are a lot of leukocytes in the seminal fluid, which may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or varicose veins;
- hematospermia - seminal fluid with blood, which is the cause of vesiculitis.
In some cases, men are diagnosed with several diagnoses and varieties of infertility, for example, oligoasthenoteratospermia.
Causes of male infertility
The reasons for the lack of male fertility, that is, his ability to conceive, can be a variety of factors. At the same time, it is important to know not only how to take a spermogram, but also what caused the poor quality of seminal fluid. In more than half of the cases, all problems are easily solved.
Causes of male inability to conceive can be:
- he alth condition (the presence of many chronic diseases can reduce the quality of seminal fluid);
- environmental impact (work in the workplace with harmful or toxic emissions affects the activity of a man in general and affects not only the state of he alth, but also the ability of a man to conceive);
- lifestyle (most athletes thenthere are persons who are subject to heavy physical exertion, suffer from infertility);
- diseases of the genital organs (infections and inflammatory processes reduce the possibility of conception);
- decrease in the protective functions of the body;
- genetic predisposition (many male problems are inherited).
In order to accurately determine the diagnosis, seminal fluid is taken twice and the indicators are compared.
Basic preparation rules

Having decided where to take the spermogram, according to the reviews of men who have gone through this procedure, it is important to properly prepare for the collection of the material. This is necessary to obtain accurate results and conduct competent and correct therapy in the future.
What does preparation involve?
Everything that a man eats is reflected in the qualitative composition of his seminal fluid. At least a week before the material is taken, it is worth giving up heavy food, s alty, fried and seasoned with many spices. Coffee also slows down the mobility of germ cells, so its consumption should be moderated or replaced with tea.
First of all, it concerns the rejection of bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine in large quantities affect the genetic information that is subsequently transmitted to the baby. Many men find it difficult to give up nicotine addiction, so at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Sex life
Should I stop making love orother ways of self-satisfaction at least three days before the sampling of the material. This can affect not only the quantitative composition of the liquid, but also its quality. It is not worth abstaining for more than five days, as in this case ejaculate stagnation occurs.
Antibiotics must be stopped at least three weeks prior to donation. Before taking a spermogram, they must be completely eliminated from the body. In taking hormone therapy, a break is also made, on average for 30 days. Refusal to take painkillers, psychotropic, anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory drugs - 10 days before the study.
He alth status
Exacerbation of a chronic disease or SARS can affect the quality of sperm, so it is worth waiting for the process of recovery or remission.
Temperature regime
Spermatozoa die at high temperatures, so you should refuse to visit baths or saunas 2 weeks before the material is submitted.
Physical activity
She should have a moderate, active lifestyle without strenuous exercise.
Psychological preparation
Stress, nervous tension, emotional overexcitation can affect the normal functioning and quality of seminal fluid.
Mechanical action
Massage of the prostate or scrotum is, of course, good, but not before passing the spermogram. In this case, a large amount of juice can be produced, which leads to dilution of the seminal fluid. Also taboo for tight swimming trunks and tightunderwear.
How material is collected
Knowing how to take a spermogram, preparation for which was carried out in advance - the man wonders how the material will be taken. The recommended method is masturbation. The collection of seminal fluid is carried out in a special small plastic cup or in a condom, preferably polyurethane and non-toxic. It is important that the collection condom be free of spermicidal properties that may affect the quality of germ cells.
For this purpose, each clinic is equipped with a special room, the atmosphere of which is conducive to the relaxation of a man.
Can I take material at home?

Many men are wondering how to take a spermogram at home and is it even possible. Some clinics allow you to collect material at home, and then deliver it to the laboratory. But in this case, you need to know that the delivery of the material takes place within an hour, since when the ejaculate is stored longer, it begins to lose its properties, so it is important to start researching it as soon as possible. The temperature regime for storing seminal fluid is also important (from +25 °С to +36 °С), which is responsible for the mobility of germ cells.
Sampling is carried out in a sterile container for analysis. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Transfusion is unacceptable, all material is collected immediately in a sterile container.
How much and when to expect results?
When determining which spermogram to take, manyInterested in the question of cost and when the result will be known. Since the study in the laboratory is carried out immediately upon receipt of seminal fluid, it is not long to wait for the results of the test. On average, it takes about two hours, in some cases, and depending on the indicators and their interpretation, what the specialist does, it can take up to a day.
As soon as all indicators are examined, a diagnosis is made. For a more accurate result, you will have to repeat the procedure at least two times. This is due to the process of producing seminal fluid and updating germ cells.
The cost of a spermogram depends on the pricing policy of the clinic. On average, it is about 2500 rubles.
Spermogram indicators

Seminal fluid is a multi-component mixture, which is examined for different indicators depending on the norm. Before taking a spermogram, according to the reviews of men who have gone through the procedure, we conclude that it is important to carefully prepare in all areas.
In the analysis of male material, the following indicators are examined:
- concentration of male germ cells per 1 ml of seminal fluid and for the entire volume;
- sperm motility;
- the structure of the sperm itself to determine the absence of a possible mutation.
Common mistakes

How to take a spermogram? The reviews (after the procedure) say that some men had to be examinedmore than once. Why? The most common mistake is to take the material into a non-sterile container. Plastic jars can contain toxic contaminants that reduce the quality of sperm before it reaches the lab.
When collecting material at home, some bring seminal fluid in a condom, which is not only suitable for transporting sperm, but also for storing it, even if it is medical latex.
The collection of seminal fluid during coitus interruptus is also not suitable, since in this case it will not be possible to collect the entire amount. Also, such sperm will be mixed with female secretions and cells.
Before taking a spermogram, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. During the preparation process, some factors may be identified that may affect the quality of sperm, so you need to wait with the test.
Semen examination is not performed in the following cases:
- inflammatory processes regardless of the location and high body temperature (at high temperature germ cells die, besides, at this time the man takes drugs that can inhibit the function of spermatozoa);
- exacerbation of chronic ailments;
- treatment with antibiotics or hormone therapy;
- oncology.

Having decided where it is better to take a spermogram, and knowing how to prepare for it, it is important to enlist the support of the second half and have a positivemood. Any stress or bad mood can affect the quality of seminal fluid. It is also important not to despair after receiving poor results from the first spermogram. On average, it is necessary to take the material twice with an interval of 10 days to establish a more accurate diagnosis.