Reviews on the quality of analyzes in "Citylab" will be of great importance for everyone who is going to use the services of this federal network of medical centers, whose representative offices are now open in many regions of the country. In this article we will tell you what tests you can take here, their cost, how to get the results. Here are testimonials from real patients who have already sought help from this network of clinical laboratories.
About company

Reviews about the quality of analyzes in "Citylab" are very diverse. To understand what level of service and quality you can expect, you have to understand everything in detail.
"Citylab" - a network of clinical diagnostic laboratories. The company began working on this market in 2004. The next year, a project of the same name was launched. The key vector of its development was the creation of a network of regional medical centers that would provide quality services accompanied by a high level of service. At the moment, the goal is realized.
The total production capacity of Citylab in Moscow and other regions of the country is about 8,000 square meters. Laboratories are equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment. About 250 doctors work in the system. On a daily basis, the company performs more than 30,000 laboratory tests for 10,000 patients.

The Citilab clinical laboratory network has a number of undeniable advantages that encourage customers to apply here.
The latest and modern technologies have been introduced into laboratory diagnostics, and in all regional divisions. There is a centralized development, a unified standard and quality control system. All this allows the company to provide a wide range of research, which includes almost 2000 titles.
Currently, without exception, all branches of "Citylab" are equipped with a standardized fleet of analyzers of the latest generation, which were produced by companies that are considered world leaders in laboratory instrumentation. Only US-made disposable vacuum systems are used.
High quality of services can be achieved by maximizing the automation of laboratory processes, which minimizes the humanfactor. As a result, each tube is assigned an individual barcode, which eliminates the possibility of an error or its substitution. The results of ongoing research are under constant control of international and domestic quality assessment systems. This is confirmed by the corresponding certificates.
Several thousand clients all over the country are interested in testing at Citylab every day. Even large state medical institutions use the company's services. For example, the Republican Center for Human Reproduction, the Perinatal Center of the Moscow Department of He alth, the Semashko Polyclinic.
Corporate clients often choose the company, as they are ready to provide the most convenient service, which includes information support, sample logistics, training programs in the field of laboratory diagnostics.
The company says that when working with all clients, without exception, they are guided exclusively by a short research period (from one day), high quality, a wide range of various studies, and service.
Citylab laboratories in Moscow and other regions of Russia, where the company is represented, have rich opportunities:
- carrying out a variety of bacteriological and microbiological studies;
- fulfillment of most tests (about one and a half thousand studies) within one day;
- expanding network of medical centers in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of Russia;
- field procedural team;
- storageresearch results within 5 years;
- storage of blood and serum of patients for a week for additional and repeated studies;
- providing all customers with a modern high-class service.

A company inspires confidence in many customers when it claims to have its own mission and strategy, how to develop in the future.
The management states that the business is based on the desire to provide compatriots with the opportunity to receive European-quality medical services in their own city without leaving the region. To realize these plans, medical centers are being created throughout the country, and a network of clinical diagnostic laboratories is being developed.
The company assures that it strives to become the best in the Russian Federation and the republics of the former USSR, to be guided by it, perceiving it as a kind of quality standard.
Among the values followed here are:
- Professionalism and service. The company is always ready to help its customers, focused primarily on their needs. Real professionals work here, for whom the most important thing is the truth and the opportunity to help patients.
- Partnership and integration. "Citylab" today develops mutually beneficial and open cooperation with a large number of partners throughout the country. Here we are confident that there are solutions in which everyone without exception can win. Therefore, the company is ready for criticism, development, answers to the most difficult and uncomfortable questions.
- Technology. Medical centers set themselves the challenge of achieving technological leadership. Quality is a duty to be striven for. Maintaining high standards, reliability and authenticity are always achieved here.
- Leadership and innovation. The company is constantly improving, implementing fundamentally new technologies that are becoming closer and more understandable to customers. It is important to focus on leading positions to make sure that this is where customers will find the best solutions for themselves.
Currently, Citylab has opened branches and representative offices in seven regions of the Russian Federation. These are large cities with a well-established flow of customers who have long trusted everything that is being done here.
At Citylab addresses you can get all the necessary advice and assistance from specialists:
- Moscow, Khoroshevskoe highway, 43g, building 1;
- St. Petersburg, 19th Line of Vasilyevsky Island, 34, building 1, letter B;
- Kazan, Konstantinovka village, International street, 43;
- Samara, Alma-Atinskaya street, 72, building 1;
- Novosibirsk, Syzranskaya street, 1;
- Ekaterinburg, 8 March street, 207/2;
- Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk worker street, 27.
If necessary, customers can order urgent tests. In this case, the results will be ready within two to five hours, depending on theresearch. For example, there are three such medical centers in Moscow.

Citylab's laboratory is located at 90 Khoroshevskoye Highway. On weekdays the center is open from 10 am to 5 pm, on weekends from 11 am to 2 pm.
Another center operates at Khoroshevsky Highway, 43g. Open only from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 15.00.
Finally, you can do urgent tests at 15 Samuil Marshak Street, building 1. Tests are carried out from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to noon.
How to prepare for tests?

The procedure for passing research for any analysis in this medical center has been developed quite carefully. To speed up order processing, it is recommended to print the form in advance by selecting the laboratory study you are interested in.
Going to one of the Citylab addresses, you can be sure that you will not get confused in the variety of procedures and services provided here. They will help you figure everything out. To do this, experts advise you to act in one of the ways that you find most convenient:
- apply with a list of tests that has already been generated by your doctor;
- pick up the research you need on your own;
- for the convenience of selecting tests and studies, you can also use the specialized thematic sections of the site, which contain a lot of useful information;
- thanks to the Prevention Research Calendar, youyou will be able to find out what tests are recommended for everyone, as well as what features of your body to pay close attention to at a certain age;
- if necessary, we are ready to advise you on the selection of the necessary tests at any of the Citylab Patient Examination Centers.
When applying for an additional consultation, be prepared to provide detailed information about yourself: previous diseases, diagnoses, existing complaints, recent therapy.
Having managed to identify the symptom of the disease in time, you can prevent its further development. Laboratory research will always help you with this.
At the same time, it is recommended in advance, when preparing for any laboratory tests, to refrain from taking medications or take them immediately after the delivery of biological material. Some types of research are done strictly before the start of chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics. For example, a test for dysbacteriosis. Also, the intake of dietary supplements can have an impact on the result, they should be excluded from the diet without fail.

Citilab's network of medical centers provides clients with a wide range of various services. Here he will be able to order the following types of studies:
- taking biomaterial;
- immunohematological;
- urinalysis;
- bacteriological;
- allergological;
- histological;
- determination of immune pathologies;
- coagulological;
- biochemical blood tests;
- hormonal;
- genetic;
- hematological;
- general clinical;
- diagnosis of infections.
The most popular types of examinations most often ordered by clients include the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, thyroid conditions, examinations necessary for subsequent hospitalization. Also, clients often order stool tests for worm eggs, pancreas and liver (this helps to diagnose cholecystitis, hepatosis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis and many other diseases), seek help in diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases.
For example, one of the tests that every person needs to take in our time is an HIV test. In "Citylab" the client can make it for 430 rubles. This will require his blood serum. A timely test will make it possible to diagnose HIV infection at an early stage, prescribe effective therapy, and then monitor the development of the disease. This approach is used when detecting a fatal infection in blood donors, when monitoring the treatment of AIDS patients.
To pass the analysis, you must provide a passport. At the same time, it is possible to issue an anonymous application for the delivery of biomaterial. When contacting anonymously, the patient will be assigned a serial number, which will be known only to him and the medical worker who placed the order. Then you can find out the results of the analyzes in"Citylab" by code.
Please note that no special preparation is required for analysis. At the same time, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach or at least four hours after a modest breakfast or lunch. Before the study, it is allowed to drink clean water, it should not be carbonated and not mineral. Banned coffee, tea and juice.

The cost of analyzes in "Citylab" is very different. It all depends on which study or test you are assigned. Please note that according to the rules of the clinic, the taking of biomaterial should be paid separately.
For example, you have to pay 370 rubles for a general blood test. For a general examination of the body and during hospitalization, as a rule, an analysis is prescribed for glucose (250 rubles), urea, creatinine, total bilirubin (260 rubles each), a general urine test (350 rubles) and much more.
Ultra-precise genetic studies to establish kinship are also carried out here. A DNA test for maternity or paternity is done for a week. Its cost is 14,500 to 17,500 rubles.
There is a genetic research service for pregnant women. The Rh factor of the fetus by the blood of the mother or the sex of the child can be set for 5900 rubles (the analysis is done starting from the 9th week of pregnancy).
If necessary, specialists can go home to conduct all the necessary tests. This service is paid separately, the cost depends on the location of the patient.
Test results
There are several ways to view test results in Citylab. This can be done by application number, contract number. If you have any questions, you can contact the Citylab hotline for clarification.
To track the results of your tests yourself, you will need to create a personal account. After the delivery of the biomaterial, you need to clarify the application number in Citylab. From it you can find out all the necessary information.
You can find out the results of analyzes by the application number in "Citylab" by selecting your city in your personal account. Then you must specify the last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth. To obtain the results of analyzes in "Citylab" by the number of the contract, pay attention to the check issued to you when paying. It will contain the necessary information, including the order number. This is the easiest and most affordable way to find out analyzes in Citylab on the Internet. As a rule, the order number contains 7 to 10 digits.
In your account on the site you can also:
- place an additional order for research on the available biomaterial;
- order transcript of tests by a doctor;
- get tested at home.
You will definitely be informed about the readiness of the test results in "Citylab" by SMS. In any case, the company carefully stores all the received data for several years. So, if necessary, you can issue a second appeal to find out the results of analyzes in Citylab byapplication number or in any other way convenient for you.
Patient experiences

There are a lot of positive reviews about the quality of analyzes in "Citylab". Customers note the high level of service and services provided, as well as the absence of queues, the ability to book at a convenient time for you.
All these factors are especially important for patients who have to take tests on an ongoing basis. For example, in diseases of thyroid hormones. It is very problematic to get the results of such studies for free, so those who are financed turn to paid clinics for help. Of course, such a service is not cheap. However, as in all private clinics. So, putting up with the presence of this line of expenses in the budget, you can save a lot of time for all family members.
Regular customers of the medical center "Citylab" note the professionalism of the workers. The nurses have a light hand, so that after the injection there are no traces left. The turnaround time for analyzes depends on their complexity, it is about the same as in other laboratories.
The results can be obtained in any convenient way. For example, directly to your e-mail. If you wish, they will be printed for you at the medical center itself. Notification of readiness comes via SMS. And if you register on the site, they will automatically be sent to your personal account, you won’t have to look for them in the mail among a large amount of spam.
Conveniently, to clarify the diagnosis, you do notyou have to donate blood or other biomaterial repeatedly. In controversial and ambiguous situations, doctors often prescribe clarifying tests to find out a few more indicators. In this clinic, you can additionally order such a study. The lab will use the rest of your blood, which is stored for just such an occasion.
At the same time, it is worth recognizing that there are many negative reviews about the quality of analyzes in Citylab. For example, customers complain about the lack of guarantees that the results that you get from the laboratory will be reliable. This situation is faced by patients who donate microflora cultures. According to the rules, which are well known to all specialists, bacteria must be grown for at least two to three days. Only if no growth is observed during this time, a negative result is sent. Otherwise, additional clarifying procedures are carried out, making the final conclusion on the fourth or even fifth day. That is why patients are very surprised when they are told at the Citylab clinic that the result is negative in a day and a half, although during this time the bacteria simply could not have had time to grow.
Faced with this unprofessionalism, clients will have to choose other private medical centers in the future to be sure of the research results.
Incompetent in this center are not only laboratory assistants, but also administrators. Patients are outraged that they are refused to do certain tests or analyzes without a passport, although in advanceno one warns about the need to take this document with you. As a result, a sick person loses precious time, and then finds out that the laboratory itself still provides for the option of conducting an examination without a passport, when the result can be obtained from a check issued after paying for the procedure. However, the administrators did not even voice such a way out of the current situation, which once again proves their disregard for people who turn to them for help, ignorance of the rules adopted in the company.
In general, for many, this center leaves a disgusting impression. Disgusted by the provision of incorrect information. Often patients need to do an urgent analysis. They promise it during the working day. Being sure that by donating blood in the morning, it will be possible to get the result in the evening, they go to Citylab. Imagine their surprise when, by the end of the day, the results still do not come. Only after calling the registry and the hotline, it turns out that the day of the test is not taken into account when you are promised a result during the working day. Such inaccurate information raises suspicions of the uncleanliness of the company's representatives, who are ready to do anything in order to lure the client to them.