In the event of an illness of an employee or members of his family, he has the legal right to temporary release from his work. In order to confirm the absence for a good reason and receive payment for the corresponding period, the subordinate is obliged to provide a special paper, which is a sick leave certificate. An important requirement is its competent design, including the correct conduct of the process of closing the document. We will tell you more about all the intricacies of how to close the sick leave later.

About sick leave
Such documents are strict reporting, which has serial individual numbers and when they are spent, the corresponding registration is carried out. Leaves for temporary disability are issued in a number of the following cases:
- Because of pregnancy.
- Bcase of employee illness.
- When there is a need to care for children or any disabled dependents.
Sick leave is considered a financial document that is necessary to receive benefits from an individual paid by the Social Security Fund.
Basic concepts
In order to do this, the patient needs to contact his doctor, regardless of the medical institution in which this document was opened. To fill it out, a specialist may need the following:
- Passport along with tax identification number.
- Address data with information about the employer (full and name of a commercial or state enterprise). It is worth noting that any errors in the name may lead to a denial of benefits.
After filling out the sheet by the attending physician, it is registered in a special journal, which is designed to control strict reporting forms. A closed sick leave is signed by a doctor and certified with seals. About what seal on the sick leave should be placed when it is closed is described in detail below.

What seal is on the sick leave?
The rules require that the following seals could be on paper at the same time: the personal attending physician, triangular and stamp. The last two can be put in the registry or in a special office that certifies the sheets. You can find out in detail where an employee should go directly to a particular medicalorganizations. At this stage, the procedure for closing the sick leave is considered to be fully completed, and the patient can submit a properly executed sheet to the accounting department of his company. If, as part of the verification of the document, any errors with inaccuracies are found, the employee may need to re-apply to the medical institution.

Sick leave for childbirth and pregnancy
In general, such a document is issued at the place of registration of a pregnant lady in the presence of an obstetric period equal to thirty weeks (twenty-eight for multiple pregnancies). Against this background, the following significant circumstances are taken into account:
- A sick leave certificate can be issued by a doctor alone for the entire period of the decree. Unlike the paperwork process for diseases or injuries, for this type of insured event, the decision of the doctoral commission with the corresponding signature of its chairman is not at all required.
- In the absence of a gynecologist, a sick leave for the duration of the decree can be issued for the entire period of exemption from activities signed by a family doctor (general practice), and in his absence, a paramedic will do.
It is worth emphasizing that in all other situations, a period of disability lasting more than forty days, then how many days the sick leave for childbirth and pregnancy is extended in this case. This should be established by the doctoral commission (against the background of the initial setting up to ten days and with a subsequent extension up tothirty) with the corresponding signature from the chairman.
How many days can I extend?
Extension of such a period, which is established by the hospital primary sheet, is allowed in accordance with the medical report made in the perinatal center, maternity hospital or maternity ward of the hospital that performed the delivery. As a rule, the period of exemption from activities in the sheet can be extended:
- For sixteen days against the backdrop of complicated normal childbirth.
- Fifty-four days after the fact of multiple pregnancy.
In these situations, an additional sheet is issued at the place of birth, which establishes an extended period of the decree. Now let's find out who should sign the sick leave.
This document must be personally signed by the treating doctor who provides it.

What does a closed sick leave look like?
Properly designed paper should contain certain information. An example of a sick leave contains the following information:
- The full name of the doctor is indicated along with his position (in accordance with the available qualification directory).
- Patient's initials name.
- In addition, the employee's date of birth should be recorded.
- Indicate the name of the medical organization (abbreviated or full) along with its address.
- Date of issue of the leaflet and disease code (indicated in accordance with the approved special classification list for different typestemporary disability).
- Name of employer organization.
- Temporary period of incapacity for work (starting from the date of registration, until closing).
- The date from which the patient can start his work.
Apart from everything else, absolutely all stamps with the doctor's signature must be on the document. The information is filled in block letters (the paste must be black), the use of a helium or fountain pen is allowed. Also, information can be printed on a computer.
It is worth considering what a closed sick leave looks like. It must be drawn up on a special form and approved by law. It has an A4 format, and, in addition, contains the necessary protective equipment. These include special paper, from which it is made along with the presence of watermarks, the color of the form itself and the cells intended for filling (blue and yellow, respectively). These are only the main external characteristics by which it will be possible to determine the authenticity of the sick leave. You can find out more precisely using a request to the FSS, for which you need to know the paper number.

Sick leave code
In this document, some information may be displayed in encrypted form. For example, special codes in the sick leave, indicating the causes of disability, replace the verbal description of the factor that served as the reason for issuing this disability paper.
Accountant needs to know the valuessuch disease codes in order to correctly be able to pay for the period of disability to the patient. An example of a sick leave may contain the following codes: the code "01" means "Illness" in the sick leave. That is, the employee's allowance must be paid for the entire time of illness. And if the sheet contains the code “09”, which means “care for a sick relative”, then such a document is financially compensated, taking into account a certain time limit.
Is it possible to close this document ahead of schedule or at will?
Specialists of the medical institution in which the employee is undergoing treatment can close the sick leave, both on time and ahead of time, based on the urgent request of the patient. There are some types of diseases, against the background of which the closure of the sheet is possible only after a comprehensive examination. If there are no grounds for carrying out additional studies, then the certificate of temporary disability will be completed immediately on the day the patient applies.

Filling out the sheet
In the event that there are no obstacles to the discharge, then the medical worker must properly draw up the appropriate document and fill it with certain information. To do this, he, most likely, may need the following documents from the employee:
- Employee's passport along with sick leave identification code.
- Address information (especially if the place of registration with actual residence is notmatches).
- Information about the patient's employer (it is important to provide complete and correct information).
The correctness of the documentation will directly depend on the reliability of this data, so the employee should take care of providing it. Among other things, the doctor must indicate on the sheet the date from which the employee must begin his direct duties.

Registering a sheet in a journal
This document is intended to account for securities of strict accountability. The date of issue is entered in it with the sick leave number, which the Insurance Fund assigns to each form.
Day off
Closing this document is possible if the clinic to which the employee applies, receives patients not only on weekdays, but also on weekends (that is, on Saturday and Sunday). Provided that the doctor is also working at this time, the procedure will be carried out in the usual manner. There are no difficulties in the process of closing the sick leave, especially if it is carried out in a planned manner immediately after the employee's recovery.
However, in some situations, this may happen earlier or later, given the presence of grounds for this. It is worth emphasizing that a timely closed and correctly executed document acts as a guarantee of payment for the temporary period of disability for which it was issued. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of features of filling it out not only by the employer, but also by the employee,directly during a visit to the attending doctor.