How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations

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How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations
How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations

Video: How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations

Video: How to revive a drunk person: features, methods and recommendations
Video: Strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis)- pathophysciology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment 2024, July

An alcoholic in the family is a terrible problem, as alcohol abuse leads to scandals, physical violence, he alth problems and possible death. To save loved ones from this addiction, you need to seek help from professionals, and not put off treatment indefinitely. However, there are times when even a moderate or rare drinker did not calculate his strength and ended up in a stage of severe intoxication.

The need for this knowledge

How to bring a drunk person to life, everyone should know, because it is right to provide first aid and save a close friend or family member from a painful condition, anyone who is nearby can. Many calmly pass by an alcoholic lying on the cold ground, grimacing contemptuously. Such indifference can lead to death from hypothermia or suffocation due to vomit, which most often happens. If aif you yourself are unable to provide assistance or are afraid of aggression from a drunkard, then ask passers-by for help or call an ambulance.

In the article, we will consider how to revive a heavily drunk person in a public place and at home, which is recommended to have the host of the banquet in the first aid kit before receiving guests, in order to, if necessary, provide assistance with alcohol poisoning of the body. These are simple methods, proven over the years, which do not require special financial investments. You will also learn what not to do with an alcoholic so as not to harm him and not to aggravate the situation even more.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove alcohol from the blood of the victim, but to bring a drunk person to his senses, as mentioned earlier, is necessary for the safety of his life, putting him to sleep in the correct position until the body returns to normal. Only a full sleep will sober up a drunkard for real.

Advice before the feast

To avoid an unpleasant situation in the company and not to embarrass yourself in society by drinking too much alcohol, before the feast, remember a few rules that will allow you to drink with friends, but will not lead to severe intoxication.

fatty food
fatty food

First of all, choose the best drink for you:

  • In order not to get drunk quickly, it is best to drink sweet drinks, such as semi-sweet wine or liquor. You need to drink the drink in small sips. Experts recommend keeping alcohol longer in the mouth. Since absorption occurs through the blood, this process will occur even in the oral cavity. Intoxication from wine is faster, but sobering up comes earlier.
  • Sparkling wines with the addition of carbon dioxide have the same effect on the body. At first, a person feels a wave of intoxication, but after a while the body returns to normal. The same applies to warm drinks, such as mulled wine.
  • Take long breaks between toasts to give your body time to gradually sober up.
  • Be sure to eat well. Food recommended while drinking alcoholic beverages is greasy and hot.
  • It is advised not to sit constantly at the table, but to move, taking breaks for dancing or going out into the fresh air.
  • Eat before the feast to avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
  • Try to smoke less.
  • Don't mix types of alcohol. Once you choose one drink, drink only that.
  • If you drink strong alcohol, do not drink soda with it.

How to recognize a heavy drinker?

Before we look at what to do to bring a drunk person to his senses, you need to recognize a strong intoxication. This can be seen in several ways, and they are different in men and women.

how to wake up a drunk person
how to wake up a drunk person

Severe intoxication is characterized by the presence of motor and psycho-emotional disorders. Moreover, in women, at first, violations of coordination of movements are visible, and in the male part of the population, on the contrary, failures of the psycho-emotional state appear first of all.

Signs of intoxication

From the side you can see the following external signs of severe intoxication:

  • the person does not understand the degree of intoxication, claims that everything is in order and demands "continuation of the banquet";
  • noticeably attention disorder, drunk unable to concentrate on conversation;
  • speech is getting louder and more incoherent;
  • face turns red, sweating appears;
  • a very drunk person who is unable to control his behavior can do something that he would not allow himself in any case on a sober head;
  • heart rate slows down considerably, less than 60 beats per minute;
  • appears nausea, sometimes vomiting.

With such symptoms of poisoning, you need to take the drunk to fresh air, but not to frost, and carry out a series of sobering procedures. How to quickly revive an alcoholic is described later in the article. You need to act quickly, while leaving moralizing and shouting for the next day. Treat the person who has "overtaken" as a sick person, because this is a real poisoning of the body, which can lead to general intoxication and serious consequences. You need to educate a drunkard after sobering up, when he understands the meaning of the words you said.

How to sober up a drunk person at home?

There are people who do not know how to stop in time, and continue to drink alcohol even when they feel worse. It is advisable in advance, knowing this property of your body, to drink any sorbent before the feast. It can be a banal activated carbon or "Almagel". It is enough to drink a couple of spoons to envelop the productstomach, preventing alcohol from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Activated carbon
Activated carbon

If you forgot to do this, ammonia or a specially prepared sobering cocktail, tested by many in practice, will help you quickly sober up. Ammonia can be given to a drunkard who is in an unconscious state to smell. The pungent smell will bring him to his senses, which will allow further procedures to be carried out. Next, we will advise how to quickly sober up with the help of ammonia.

To induce a gag reflex and cleanse the stomach, it is recommended that the victim drink the following solution: 1 tbsp. warm water, add 5 or 6 drops of ammonia. The product has a disgusting smell and taste, so many people add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. The solution causes an attack of nausea.

Sobering Cocktail

How to revive a drunk person? At home, you can make a cocktail from simple products that will cope with the removal of alcohol from the body much faster and bring the drunkard to a more or less normal state.

The recipe is quite simple, the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator in any kitchen:

  • 2 or 3 tablespoons spicy ketchup or chili sauce;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • dry mix of black and red pepper.

To make it easier to swallow a thick liquid, make a cocktail in a small glass, after lubricating it with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the ketchup first, then add the egg yolk and sprinkle the seasoning on top.

According to the experience and feedback of many, sobering comesquite quickly from such a mixture of products.

Signs of extreme intoxication

With the most severe alcohol poisoning, the symptoms are even more aggravated, which leads to the following consequences:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • constriction of the pupils of the eye;
  • decrease in overall body temperature;
  • pulse hard to detect;
  • breathing heavily;
  • Involuntary urination or bowel movements may occur;
  • foam and mucus coming out of the mouth.
how to revive a drunk person with a sobering cocktail
how to revive a drunk person with a sobering cocktail

With such severe consequences, it is urgent to call an ambulance team and send the patient to the hospital. If the signs of poisoning are of moderate severity, then it is necessary to do everything necessary to bring the alcoholic back to normal. How to revive a drunk person, we will tell you more later in the article.

First aid for an unconscious alcoholic

First of all, the patient should be brought to his senses, shaken up, patted on the face. Put a towel soaked in water on your forehead, wipe your face and neck, as well as your ears, feet and inside of your hands with a wet handkerchief, making several massage movements.

Despite the fact that alcohol is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, it is recommended to artificially induce vomiting. Do not stick your fingers into the mouth of a drunk, as he can severely injure the phalanges by tightly clenching his teeth. When the person has regained consciousness, let him drink plain water with s alt. For this, 1 tbsp. pour warm liquid 1 tsp. table s alt. Can be poureds alt solution with a tablespoon directly into the mouth of a drunk, while it is recommended to slightly press the spoon on the root of the tongue, which will increase the gag reflex.

large amount of water
large amount of water

Drinking plenty of water will flush out the kidneys and excrete alcohol in the urine, so give a lot of water with this poisoning, but not carbonated. So that in a supine position a person does not choke on vomit, you need to turn him on his side, put a pillow or any item of clothing under his head. The face should be facing down.

Coffee controversy

Thinking out how to bring a drunk person to life quickly, many offer a cup of strong coffee to an alcoholic. However, it is strictly forbidden to do this with severe intoxication. As a result of research, scientists came to the conclusion that alcohol and coffee are incompatible. Coffee has a stimulating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. After drinking alcohol, this drink can cause cardiac arrhythmia and put additional stress on the body.

how to quickly wake up an alcoholic
how to quickly wake up an alcoholic

This can cause not only a rapid heart rate, but also increased nervousness, anxiety, and even blood pressure.

With a slight intoxication, coffee can slightly invigorate a person, but the effect will be short, about half an hour. In order to recover in this state, it is recommended to take a cool contrast shower, rub the soles of the feet and earlobes, also rinse your mouth, and, if possible, brush your teeth.

Ancient Remedy

Brine has long been used forsobering up and hangovers. This folk remedy is known to us from many movies and scenes from life. But let's figure out how to bring a very drunk person to his senses in such a tried and true way, and what explains the beneficial effects of brine on the body of an alcoholic.

cucumber pickle
cucumber pickle

To begin with, unlike most modern people, our ancestors did not use cucumber pickle, but cabbage pickle. Sauerkraut is of great benefit, as it contains succinic acid. Alcohol is considered a diuretic, causing frequent urge to go to the toilet, some people who are very intoxicated may not be able to restrain themselves and disgrace themselves before reaching their destination. Dehydration of the body occurs, causing morning dryness, swelling of the limbs and face.

Restore the water-s alt balance in a quick measure will help not just water, but acidic brine. If you still use cucumber, then check that it is not a marinade. You need to drink no more than a glass, so as not to cause even more swelling of the tissues.

Other sour drinks

How to revive a very drunk person? Sour drinks will help. In addition to the brine from sauerkraut or cucumbers described above, you can use kefir, sour natural fruit drinks and juices, such as orange or grapefruit.

tea with ginger and lemon
tea with ginger and lemon

Green tea with lemon and ginger worked well for sobering up. Such a drink will not only replenish the water balance, but also perfectly tones. Green tea can revive a drunk person. How to sober upalcoholic in a short period? Give the person one of the acidic drinks and wipe the feet and hands with a wet towel, massage the ears and feet. In severe condition, you can put a heating pad on your feet.

Mint tincture

If one of your family members suffers from alcoholism, then you need to take care in advance about preparing an excellent folk remedy for quick sobering up after drinking. This is a peppermint tincture.


It's easy to cook it yourself. You will need a glass of vodka and 1 tbsp. l. dry mint. After mixing the ingredients, the tincture should stand in a dark place for 10 days. To bring the drinker to his senses, it is enough to add 20 drops of the product to a glass of water. According to reviews, sobering will come pretty quickly.


When a person is prone to drunkenness, you need to prepare for feasts and holidays in advance so that you do not have to think about how to quickly sober up a very drunk person. Before drinking strong drinks, eat at home. The food must be oily. Even simple bread and butter or a cake with buttercream will do. Take a tablet of any sorbent so that the body fights intoxication immediately. If you follow the rules described above in the article, then your head will not hurt the next day, and the holiday will pass without unpleasant excesses.
