Today, there are many diseases that traditional medicine cannot cope with. This forced people to turn to alternative types of treatment, which quite effectively allow you to get rid of quite severe ailments. In alternative medicine, medicinal plants are most often used. In this article, you can learn about the medicinal properties of acacia, which can help get rid of a large number of diseases.
The most common species in our area is the white locust. It is a flowering plant from the legume family. White locust was brought from North America and quickly spread to countries with a not very harsh climate. The plant prefers warmth and can grow in dry areas.

White locust reaches a height of more than 20 meters andhas a wide trunk with large longitudinal cracks. The leaves of the tree are small in size, attached to the petiole one opposite the other.
Acacia flowers are very beautiful, bright white, arranged in inflorescences.
This plant is famous as an excellent honey plant, so beekeepers contribute to its distribution. It is also widely used in alternative medicine. The healing properties of acacia help to cope with a huge number of ailments. They contribute to a significant improvement in immunity. But to carry out any treatment, it is worth knowing what types of acacia are, the medicinal properties and contraindications of each of them. It is also useful to have an idea about the preparation of medicinal mixtures from these plants.
Types of acacia
Other types of acacia - pink and yellow - are also used in alternative medicine.
Pink acacia is a tree reaching a height of 7 m. Unlike the white "sister", it has almost no thorns. Its leaves are slightly larger than those of a white acacia with a similar structure. The plant has large flowers (about 2 cm), collected in a brush.
Yellow acacia grows as a shrub or small tree up to 7 m high. Most often it can be found in Siberia, Altai or the Caucasus. It is widely distributed as an ornamental plant, as it has ball-shaped brushes of magnificent yellow flowers.

These types of acacia are used as honey plants, for landscape design, for landscaping areas and strengthening sandy soils or slopes. very wideboth yellow and pink acacia are used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties of these plants help to cure a number of diseases. But treatment must be used with caution, because if used incorrectly, any medicine can harm rather than help cure.
Acacia for joint pain
The healing properties of acacia help to get rid of pain in the joints and muscles caused by myositis, rheumatism or sciatica. For treatment, you need to prepare a mixture of 50 g of dried flowers. For this, the inflorescences are poured with 400 grams of warm vodka. The mixture is infused for about 3 weeks. The resulting tincture should be rubbed on sore joints every day several times.

Well helps to relieve pain in the joints and rose acacia. The medicinal properties of the flowers of this plant also help relieve pain in osteochondrosis. A tincture prepared according to the previously described recipe is used.
In the treatment of rheumatism, tincture of acacia yellow is also used. It is prepared from the dried, finely chopped roots of the plant.
Properties of acacia for colds
It is good to use the healing properties of acacia for colds, accompanied by fever. For treatment, a decoction is prepared from dry leaves, which must be thoroughly crushed. A tablespoon of the resulting powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The resulting broth is well filtered. You need to take it three times a day for a tablespoon.
Used whenhigh temperature and acacia rosea. The medicinal properties of this plant contribute to lowering the temperature. A decoction of dried flowers is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps with coughs and promotes expectoration.

Decoction of the roots of yellow acacia is effective for influenza. It stops inflammatory processes. Gargling them with sore throat contributes to a speedy recovery. To prepare a decoction, use 10 g of crushed plant roots, which must be poured into 200 g of water and boiled for no more than 5 minutes.
Acacia: medicinal properties in gynecology
Healing properties of acacia are often used in gynecology. For treatment, acacia flowers are used, the healing properties of which are used for inflammation of the female organs. Inflorescences are also used for uterine myoma. A special decoction is prepared from them: a tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil over low heat. A little more boiling water is added to the strained and cooled broth to get the initial volume. This decoction is taken 4 times a day, 1 dessert spoon.

For the treatment of infertility, an infusion prepared from fresh flowers of the plant is used. Prepare it from 100 g of flowers and a similar amount of alcohol. Flowers are poured with alcohol and infused for a week and a half. This tincture of acacia is taken 3 times a day, 20 drops mixed with 50 ml of water.
You can also treat infertility with a decoction ofacacia flowers. It is prepared according to the principle of making tea: 1 teaspoon of dried acacia flowers should be poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Take before meals. The course of treatment consists of two months. In the next two months, a break is made, and then the course is repeated.
Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract
Acacia is often used for stomach and duodenal ulcers. To alleviate the patient's condition, decoctions or infusions are taken from the leaves of the plant or from the bark of the shoots. In the event of hyperacid gastritis, a few drops of tincture from the bark of young acacia branches in alcohol are used. For similar diseases, you can use tinctures from the leaves or young shoots of pink acacia.

For heartburn, it is useful to take 15 drops of alcohol infusion from the shoots of the plant. Drops should be diluted in 50 ml of water and drunk 2 times a day.
Treatment of diseases of the urinary system
Traditional medicine offers many recipes that can cure diseases of the urinary system. Acacia flowers are often used in recipes. Their medicinal properties are used in the treatment of cystitis of acute or chronic forms. To increase the healing effect in the preparation of the decoction, not only acacia inflorescences are used, but also the root of wheatgrass and calendula. The broth is prepared as follows: 50 g of the collection is poured into 1.5 cups of water, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for about 8 minutes. After an hour of infusion, the decoction can be taken. Recommended dose: 50 ml three times a day. Inflorescence tea is excellentdiuretic.
For urolithiasis, a decoction of pink acacia inflorescences is used.
Other healing properties of acacia
At a stroke, a tincture of acacia for rubbing is recommended, prepared according to the following recipe: 50 g of dried flowers should be poured with 0.5 vodka and infused for three weeks, after which the resulting mixture should be filtered. Shake the tincture immediately before use.
Varicosis is well treated with tincture of white acacia inflorescences. For its preparation, you will need 100 g of dried flowers. They are poured with half a liter of vodka and insisted for 3 weeks. Then grated lemon should be added to the resulting mixture and let it brew for about 7 days. After straining, this acacia tincture is used to lightly rub the area affected by varicose veins.

Very effective alcohol tincture of inflorescences to restore the nervous system. Its use helps to eliminate headaches, anxiety, insomnia. Also, the use of tincture significantly improves mood and improves immunity. To relieve headaches, you can use a tincture of leaves or bark of young shoots of yellow acacia.
Since acacia is very often used in folk medicine, every person who decides to resort to its help should know the healing properties and contraindications of this plant. It is worth knowing that acacia contains the toxic substance alkaloid robinin, so you should be careful when harvesting tree bark. Also need to followrules in the manufacture of tinctures and decoctions, strictly observe the dosage of their intake.
During treatment, it is worth making sure of the individual tolerance of drugs from acacia. It should also be taken into account that preparations from this plant cause a decrease in the acidity of the stomach and act as a mild laxative.
If there are signs of poisoning, you need to rinse the stomach several times with a solution prepared from water and 2% s alt, and drink activated charcoal tablets.
When used correctly, acacia contributes to the speedy recovery from numerous diseases.