Decreased hemoglobin levels cause lethargy, weakness and dizziness. Its main purpose in a living organism is the transportation of oxygen to organs and tissues. Accordingly, with a reduced content of such an important element in the blood, most of the natural processes in the body are disrupted.

How to raise hemoglobin?
There are several methods, all of which are effective. An important role is played by the question of how much hemoglobin is reduced. Iron preparations are prescribed exclusively by a specialist after the examination. Malnutrition, oncology, lead poisoning, blood loss of various origins, diseases associated with the immune system lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. The correctness of treatment directly depends on the factors that provoked this pathology.

If the reason is banal and it is connected with malnutrition, then the answer to the question of how to raise hemoglobin is simple: you need to introduce iron-rich foods into your diet. It is necessary to adjust the power in such a way that in the future a similar problem does not arise.
How to raise hemoglobin with juice therapy?
This treatment should only be done with freshly squeezed juices. The most effective are the beet and carrot versions. Pomegranate or grape juice also gives good results. Blueberries or blueberries sprinkled with sugar help with iron deficiency conditions, but they are contraindicated in diabetes.
Do you know how to raise hemoglobin with cereals?! Most likely not, because these cultures are usually forgotten by everyone, and yet they are rich natural sources of iron. It is recommended that before eating cereals or legumes, pre-soak them in water to remove phosphorus compounds from them, which prevents the absorption of iron.
Red meat dishes (beef, veal, liver, chicken thigh) will help to raise the level of hemoglobin. Eat them along with fresh vegetables to speed up the recovery process. Rosehip infusion stimulates the natural production of hemoglobin. A daily portion of this drink with the addition of lemon juice has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
Even if you eat well, your diet is balanced, it is not always possible to consume the amount of microelements necessary for the body. As a preventive measure, take a multivitamin complex twice a year.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to raise hemoglobinmedicines. Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of iron preparations. Among them you will find the following medicines: Ferrum-Lek, Hemofer, Sorbifer, Conferon and many others. The doctor prescribes drugs after receiving the results of the analysis and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Make sure you eat enough fiber and vitamins. Eliminate or reduce easily digestible carbohydrates in your diet. Limit the amount of tea and coffee, because the tannin they contain interferes with the absorption of iron. By following the simple rules of a he althy diet, avoiding he alth problems becomes much easier.