One of the main tests in gynecology is a smear. With it, you can identify pathogenic microflora and assess the hormonal background of a woman. "Coccobacilli in a smear" - this diagnosis scares with its name. What is it? How to treat and how to prevent the occurrence? More about everything in our article.
Coccobacilli - what is it?
In microbiology, each bacterium has its own name. So, for example, cocci are spherical bacteria, bacilli are those that look like rods. So it turns out that coccobacilli in a smear are microbes that are something in between a ball and a stick. Sometimes this name is given to bacteria in which one individual is spherical and the other is rod-shaped. When they are detected, doctors make a diagnosis of bacterial vaginitis. Where do coccobacilli appear in a smear?
The reasons lie in the general condition of the woman. Most often it is a dysbacteriosis that appears with prolonged treatment with antibiotics. In addition, coccobacilli include gardinella vaginalis, an infection that is sexually transmitted, but this happens extremely rarely.

There are also predisposing factors that lead to the appearance of coccobacilli:
- frequent change of sexual partners;
- constantly wearing panty liners;
- synthetic underwear;
- poor personal hygiene;
- diabetes mellitus;
- pregnancy;
- menopause;
- endocrine disorders;
- taking hormonal contraceptives;
- lowered immunity.
All these conditions contribute to a change in the pH environment and the development of vaginitis. If the disease is not treated for a long time, it will be complicated by other ailments. Due to the anatomical features of the female body (closely located urethra), bacteria from the vagina enter the bladder and kidneys, causing cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Coccobacilli in men
Coccobacilli in a man's smear are extremely rare. Most often they cause urethritis. In this case, in men, the color of urine changes to gray, and it has an unpleasant odor. Also, men may be bothered by itching and burning sensation. The disease is rarely complicated, but this does not mean that complex treatment is not needed. After all, Gardinella vaginalis is sexually transmitted, and a man can infect his woman.
Gardinella symptoms are easy to distinguish from signs of other diseases. A woman has a gray or yellow discharge that smells like rotten fish. Itching, discomfort, possibly pain when urinating.
Gardinella in pregnancy
Often, coccobacilli are found in a smear in pregnant women. Whyit happens? Most often, coccobacilli were present in the smear even before conception, but did not manifest themselves in any way. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's immunity falls, and this is the impetus for the development of coccobacilli. Fortunately, this disease is not dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother. The main thing is to start treatment on time. In this case, it will consist in douching with antiseptic solutions. Antibiotics for the treatment of the disease are prescribed in rare cases.
Coccobacilli in a smear: treatment
Treatment of coccobacilli should be comprehensive. First you need to kill the microbes in the vagina, and then colonize the lactobacilli there, which will maintain the normal microflora and protect it from various diseases.
So, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to destroy coccobacilli. Basically, the treatment consists of douching with antiseptic solutions and the use of suppositories "Metronidazole" or "Clindamycin", which are inserted into the vagina.

If complications develop, you will need antibiotic therapy in the form of tablets that will need to be taken by mouth.
After the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a swab again to make sure the bacteria are destroyed, and then proceed to the next step. This is the colonization of the vagina with "good" bacteria that will maintain the pH of the environment and protect the microflora. The doctor prescribes drugs containing lactobacilli. These are the means "Acilact" or "Lactobacterin". You can also use bifidumbacteriainside.
During the treatment you need to follow a certain diet. Exclude from the diet fatty, s alty, spicy, spices and alcoholic beverages. In large quantities, it is allowed to consume sour-milk products, fruits, berry compotes and juices.
Do not forget that the disease develops due to reduced immunity. Therefore, a course of multivitamins should be added to the treatment.
It must be remembered: during the entire therapy it is forbidden to have sex. If all the rules are followed, recovery will come very quickly.

- Reject promiscuous sex life.
- Increasing immunity: playing sports, hardening, giving up bad habits.
- Personal hygiene.
- Wearing quality cotton underwear.
If you have vaginal discharge, itching and burning, it is better not to delay and consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe the right treatment. And then recovery will come quickly. Do not self-medicate, you can only worsen the course of the disease and provoke the development of complications.