This article will tell you about acute prostatitis in men. Disease of the prostate gland, which is located under the bladder, is associated with infection in it. As soon as the prostate increases in size, the process of contraction of the urethra begins. This is what causes a number of problems with sexual performance and urination. According to statistics in the world, from six to ten percent of men have experienced similar inflammation. It occurs in men of all ages, but middle-aged people are most often affected.

Main types of prostatitis
In medical practice, there are four types of inflammation of the prostate, such as:
- Bacterial acute prostatitis. This type is not the most common in practice. But it is easy to diagnose and further treat. Symptoms come on suddenly. It is worth considering that the consequences can be very serious if the infection begins to spread to otherbody parts or into the blood.
- Bacterial chronic type of disease. Prostatitis gradually develops, and the symptoms are not as pronounced as in the acute form. Even after treatment, chronic prostatitis can recur.
- Abacterial chronic prostatitis is the most common type. It is also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Symptoms come on in flare-ups but may be permanent, depending on the condition of the disease.
- Inflammatory asymptomatic appearance. They are diagnosed only when pathogenic microbes are present in the prostate gland. This type in most cases is discovered randomly when the patient comes in for other problems, as it is asymptomatic.
It is very important to know all four main types of prostatitis. It is also necessary to have an idea about all the nuances of inflammation. With an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis (symptoms and treatment are discussed below), it is extremely important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only he can prescribe the right treatment.
What is the role of the prostate in a man's life?
One of the most important organs for a man is the prostate. Exactly half of the volume of all blood helps the prostate gland to work properly. During arousal, blood volume reaches up to 80%. A third of men over thirty years of age have signs indicating this disease. One of the main functions of the prostate is to secrete secretions. It is he who is the basis of sperm. The World He alth Organization has proven that wearing tight or tight underwear is notcause of prostatitis. In the event that you do not resort to treatment, exacerbation of prostatitis will lead to more serious consequences.
Real risk factors

Bacterial prostatitis occurs when infected urine enters back into the ducts, through the connecting urethra and prostate of a man. This occurs in most cases after a urinary tract infection. Increases risk of bacterial infection:
- pelvic injury;
- impact of medical procedures;
- do sports (e.g. cycling).
Bacterial prostatitis can become chronic only when antibiotics are not able to destroy all bacteria in the body. This is due to the fact that some drugs cannot penetrate deep enough into the prostate tissue.
Several causes of prostatitis
Today, the medical community is not completely sure what really causes non-bacterial prostatitis. The reasons may lie in the following:
- pelvic spasm due to nervous system disorder;
- persistent immune response;
- previous infectious disease.
It is also worth noting that the causes of exacerbation of prostatitis may lie not only in the above phenomena, but also in everyday factors. It is necessary to recognize the disease in time.
Vivid symptoms of prostatitis

The symptoms of this disease are very similar to other diagnoses. For example, prostate cancer and inflammation of the prostate are similar in symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately seek help from specialists, if any:
- Burning or sharp pain when urinating.
- Persistent pain in the pelvis, abdomen, perineum (between the rectum and scrotum), or lower back.
- Painful orgasm.
- Frequent trips to the toilet.
- Decreased libido or impotence.
Causing flu-like symptoms, as well as fever, muscle aches and chills, can be bacterial prostatitis. Symptoms of exacerbated chronic prostatitis must be identified immediately and proper treatment begun, otherwise the consequences will be sad.
Modern diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosing several types of prostatitis is quite difficult. Turning only to a specialist urologist, a man will receive complete information about the disease. General diagnostics includes:
- Rectal examination. The urologist inserts a lubricated finger into the rectum. This is done in order to feel the swollen prostate, to determine its size.
- Primary analysis of urine and seminal fluid. It is in it that bacteria and leukocytes are found. Specialists usually massage the prostate gland with a finger. These actions stimulate the release of prostate fluid. This is done until a complete urine sample is collected.
- Urine and secretion sample sent to specific environment for stimulationbacteria growth.
- Urodynamic tests. Similar studies are needed for a clearer picture of the functioning of the mechanics and the bladder.
- The prostate antigen test measures the level of a protein that iron secretes. These tests are only done if the man is at risk for prostate cancer.
Detecting non-bacterial prostatitis is very difficult. In order to make such a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional tests, such as MRI, ultrasound, biopsy and cystoscopy.
Treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics

An antibiotic for acute prostatitis can effectively cure the disease. In most cases, oral antibiotics alone are sufficient. But there are exceptions, and you will need to inject funds intravenously. Treatment with such methods takes from two to four weeks, it all depends on the condition and degree of the disease.
Treatment of exacerbated chronic prostatitis is a long and continuous course of antibiotics (this process takes eight to twelve weeks). A specialist can only prescribe low-dose antibiotic therapy for men who have a recurrent infection (this procedure lasts up to six months).
What to do with acute prostatitis? Doctors may prescribe antibiotics first, even if there are no signs of bacteria on tests. Such cases are not uncommon today. Antibacterial therapy completely eliminates acute cases of bacterial prostatitis and 80% of cases of the chronic formdiseases.
Other ways to treat prostatitis
In medical practice, there are cases when antibiotics do not cope with the disease. Therefore, doctors begin to eliminate unpleasant symptoms:
- In order to remove fluid from the prostate gland, specialists conduct regular prostate massages.
- Patients are advised to take a warm bath at home to relieve symptoms. In most cases, men use an inflatable pillow that they sit on when immersed in water.
- Relieve pain and fever associated with aggravated prostatitis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as those containing ibuprofen).
- The alpha-blocker class of drugs can help relax the muscles in the prostate.
Alcohol, caffeine, spicy and acidic foods are strictly prohibited. They irritate the bladder, and as a result, all treatment will have to start over.
Traditional medicine for prostatitis

After finding the symptoms of exacerbated prostatitis, you can turn to traditional medicine. Healing herbs at the initial stage of the disease help eight out of ten men. Most importantly, follow the recipe. Only three plants have proven themselves:
- wormwood. As soon as the first symptoms appear (pain in the genital area and perineum), it is necessary to consume a pinch of dry grass, regardless of food intake, with plenty of water. It is necessary to use this remedy every two hours. You can also mix wormwood and thyme. The ratio should be 1:4 per 300 ml of water, you need to drink the solution three times a day, 30 grams one hour before meals.
- Parsley. It is necessary to take the root, seeds and leaves of the plant (collect one tablespoon) and pour 100-200 grams of boiling water. Then leave to infuse for a day in a dark room. It is also recommended to squeeze the juice from the leafy part of the plant and use it regardless of the meal and food.
- Celandine. It is necessary to dilute drops of its juice in boiled water, it is better to take a small glass. Take 10 drops inside. Every day you should increase the dose (by one drop of the solution). As soon as the amount of diluted celandine reaches 40 drops, you need to take it for two weeks without increasing the dosage. With exacerbated prostatitis, it is very important to do microclysters. An aqueous solution is made from one tablespoon of dry celandine leaf and several glasses of water. It must be brought to a boil. After the solution has cooled to room temperature, it can be used for its intended purpose.
- Artemisia flower, a few leaves of hazel, knotweed, horsetail and chamomile are poured with boiling water. After the solution has been infused for several hours, you can take one hundred grams after meals.
In most cases, all tinctures should be taken after a meal. It is recommended that you follow the exact recipe and discuss home treatments with your he althcare professional.
Interesting facts

The World He alth Organization has published some data on prostatitis. Compiled statistics contain the following information:
- 40% of men suffer from low self-esteem after being diagnosed with this disease.
- 30% notice that the quality of their sex life has deteriorated.
- 15% of men around the world divorce after learning of their diagnosis.
- Surgery is needed for only 6% of men.
- Only 20% of women support their partner after surgery and help with treatment.
- The disease affects men over 29 in 32%, 45% are men over 40, 60% are over 49.
The World He alth Organization also took into account the physiological characteristics of the male body:
- prostate needs 50% of the total blood volume to function;
- during sexual arousal, the prostate gland fills up to 75%;
- prostatic secretion produced by the prostate.
Do women get prostatitis?
In medical practice, there are some interesting facts about "female" prostatitis. But there is no disease with that name in the world. Prostatitis is an exclusively male disease. But some corresponding symptoms may also appear in the weaker sex. All this can be explained by the fact that the female structure has Skene's glands in the outer part of the urethra.
The prostate gland is formed in this place in men. This outer third hasname "Point U". Some experts speak of her as female prostatitis. During the period of sexual arousal, fluid is released from it. With the secret of the prostate gland in men, it is quite similar.

In conclusion, I would like to add only one thing. Every day prostatitis in the active stage affects new tissue cells. If you start treatment very late, the consequences can be sad. There are two solutions to the problem: deal with it yourself or turn to specialists for help.
If you choose the first option, then prostatitis in the acute stage can still be cured. But it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations. Without them, treatment cannot be done. It is also necessary to correctly identify the causes and symptoms of exacerbated prostatitis, only then begin to eliminate the infection. The second way is much easier and safer. Specialists will conduct a series of tests and make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe a properly balanced treatment. The choice is yours.