Acetone is an organic substance that belongs to the category of ketones. It is widely used for domestic and industrial purposes. Intoxication with this compound is quite common. Acetone poisoning can be exogenous or endogenous. In the first case, the substance enters the body from the environment, in the second - from the outside (in the presence of metabolic disorders). The symptoms of the pathology, methods of its treatment and possible complications are described in the sections of the article.
Acetone is a compound found in paints and varnishes, explosives, cosmetics, medicines, film. It has a characteristic smell. The substance has low toxicity. It is known that a small amount of the compound is present in the human body, in blood, urine. In general, it does not pose a danger to human life. Acetone poisoning occurs when the substance is ingested, the vapors are inhaled. Intoxication is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of drug intoxication, swelling of the mucous membranes. A high concentration of the compound in the body can lead toto serious disturbances in the functioning of organs and even death.
How does poisoning happen?
Usually, intoxication occurs by accident. Often its victims are people suffering from alcohol addiction. With a hangover, they sometimes confuse vodka with acetone, which is in a similar bottle. Ingestion of the compound into the gastrointestinal tract is very dangerous. A large concentration of the substance can lead to death. Acetone vapor poisoning often occurs at work or during an accident with cars that transport it. Small children also become victims of intoxication, who, out of curiosity, try an unfamiliar liquid from a bottle left by their parents.

Sometimes adults use the substance as a suicide weapon or drug intoxication. Such people can not only smell, but also drink acetone.
The effect of the compound on the functioning of the body
Inhalation or ingestion of the substance results in the following disorders:
- Accumulation of excess blood in tissues.
- Swelling of mucous membranes.
- Increasing the concentration of glucose in the body.
- Tissue necrosis.
Chronic acetone poisoning causes the following effects:
- Disorders of the urinary system.
- Degeneration of liver tissue.
Chronic type of intoxication occurs in people who work at enterprises where acetone is used and do not use means of protection against harmfulsubstance exposure.
Endogenous Poisoning
When the metabolic process is disturbed, the concentration of this substance in the cells of the body becomes too high. This phenomenon is observed against the background of long-term adherence to a diet low in carbohydrates. To make up for the lack of energy, the body begins to use glycogen, the volume of which is quickly depleted. And then there is a process of splitting fats. The decomposition of lipids leads to acetone poisoning. A similar mechanism is seen in diabetic patients.

Lack of insulin prevents the body from using glucose for energy.
Signs of intoxication
Acetone poisoning symptoms are as follows:
- Bright red hue of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
- Burning sensation in the respiratory organs.
- Swelling in the mouth and throat.
- Severe nausea.
- Repeated bouts of vomiting.
- Sharp pain in the peritoneum.
- Disorders of motor functions.
- Inhibition, weakness.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Headache, hallucinations.
- Yellow tint of the skin, swelling of tissues, urinary retention (in case of impaired kidney and liver function).

If intoxication is caused by a metabolic disorder, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- Loss of appetite.
- Respiratory disorders.
- Dehydration.
- Slight rise in temperature.
- Increased heart rate.
- Urinary retention.
- The smell of acetone in case of endogenous poisoning is also a characteristic symptom.
Other signs of intoxication
If the patient drinks a poisonous liquid, he has a loss of consciousness, bouts of short-term respiratory arrest. When acetone gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, discomfort of a cutting nature, swelling, redness occurs. In case of damage to the skin, a person complains of pain. On the area of the epidermis that is exposed to the poison, a slightly protruding white patch with a red border is formed.
Symptoms of intoxication in children
For this category of patients, acetone poisoning is extremely dangerous.

The rapid flow of metabolic processes, low weight and other features of the body make babies especially vulnerable to the effects of poison. Acetone poisoning in children is characterized by almost the same symptoms as in adults. However, intoxication in minors is much more severe and leads to the development of serious complications.
Probable consequences of pathology
The substance has low toxicity. Therefore, a mild degree of the disease, as a rule, does not lead to serious violations of the functions of organs. However, severe poisoning can cause such terrible consequences as liver and kidney failure, disorders of the central nervous system.system.

In the event of swelling of the respiratory tract, a fatal outcome occurs, the cause of which is a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Therefore, with this pathology, it is necessary to take measures as soon as possible to remove the toxic compound from the tissues and cells of the body.
First aid for acetone poisoning
For any type of intoxication, proceed as follows:
- In case of inhalation of vapors of a toxic substance, it is necessary to provide the patient with access to fresh air, if possible, take the patient outside.
- When fainting, it is necessary to bring the person back to consciousness. To do this, use a cotton swab moistened with ammonia. It is brought to the victim's nose.
- When poison enters the digestive system, a person needs to do a gastric lavage.

The patient should drink one and a half liters of water, in which a large spoonful of s alt should be dissolved. This procedure is carried out several times until the smell of acetone disappears.
- After washing, it is necessary to give a person medicines that help remove toxic compounds from the body. The most popular and affordable drugs in this category are Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon. The dosage of medicines is selected taking into account the patient's body weight.
- If a toxic substance gets into the area of the skin or mucous membranes, you need to hold the affected areas under running water withoutless than fifteen minutes.
- To make the patient feel better, warm tea with sugar should be given. Drinking enough fluids also helps to remove the toxin from the body and normalize the metabolism.
- In order to reduce the load on the digestive tract, the patient must adhere to a diet. You should give up fast food, semi-finished products, flour products, fatty and spicy foods, desserts, soda. In this condition, oatmeal, buckwheat or rice on the water, lean chicken broth, mashed potatoes, lean meat cutlets with steamed vegetables, compote, jelly, herbal tea are useful.
Inpatient Therapy
Even if first aid was provided in a timely and competent manner in case of acetone poisoning, the patient should consult a doctor. In the hospital, the following types of procedures are performed on the victim:
- Gastric lavage using a probe (used in case of penetration of poison into the digestive tract).
- Introduction of alkali solutions, analgesics, drugs with antiemetic action, drugs that help eliminate intoxication.
- Oxygen therapy.
- If, in case of severe acetone poisoning, first aid turned out to be ineffective, the patient is cleansed of the blood using a special apparatus.
Preventive measures
To avoid this dangerous pathology, care must be taken when working with this compound. Be sure to use protective equipment. These include rubber gloves, a respirator. After finishing work with acetone, it is important toventilate the room. All cosmetic products, as well as varnishes and paints containing this compound, must be stored out of the reach of children. The best preventive measure to prevent endogenous intoxication is the timely and adequate treatment of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies that can provoke this disorder.
People who want to lose weight should choose a balanced diet for themselves. The diet should include all the nutrients the body needs.
Acetone is a compound used in the manufacture of varnishes, paints and some types of cosmetic products. This substance has a low degree of toxicity. However, if its vapors are inhaled or liquid enters the organs of the digestive system, poisoning develops. It is characterized by pronounced symptoms. A similar phenomenon occurs in patients suffering from metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, as well as in people who follow a diet for weight loss with a minimum amount of carbohydrates. A mild form of intoxication usually does not cause complications. Severe poisoning can lead to dysfunction of vital organs. To avoid sad consequences, the victim needs first aid as soon as possible. It consists in removing the toxin from the cells of the body. Then you need to call a doctor.

In a hospital setting, additional medical measures are being taken.