How to choose a dermatologist in Rostov-on-Don? This question is asked by those who first encountered skin problems and do not know who to turn to. Fortunately, on the Internet, experienced patients are always ready to leave a review about a particular doctor. The rating of the best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don is based on these opinions.
1. Kotyankov A. O

The best dermatologist in Rostov in the ranking, according to numerous reviews from patients, is Arkady Olegovich Kotyankov. This is a rather young specialist with 5 years of experience, but already an excellent reputation: more than 120 positive and not a single negative review of his work. They write that Arkady Olegovich is distinguished by his knowledge of all the latest technologies and methods for researching and treating the skin, as well as the ability to correctly apply and combine them. He not only treats quickly and prevents complications, but is always polite and sensitive to his clients.
Dermatologist Kotyankov can be called to a house in Rostov at a price of 3,500 rubles. For a regular appointment, you canregister at the "Professor Kruglov's Medical Center" on Fourteenth Line Street, 70, the cost of admission is from 1500 rubles.

2. Ryazanova O. A
A very good adult and pediatric dermatologist in Rostov, according to reviews, is Olga Arturovna Ryazanova, candidate of medical sciences, a specialist with the highest medical category and 19 years of experience. More than 50 positive comments were left about the work of Olga Arturovna by grateful patients. They write that she quickly and accurately determines the main source of the problem and eliminates it without unnecessary consequences for the skin. This result is especially important when working with very young patients.
At a price of 2500 rubles, you can sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist Ryazanova at the "Professor Kruglov Medical Center" on Fourteenth Line Street, 70, as well as at the "Profi" medical center on Evdokimova Street, 37v.
3. Kolomoitseva V. I

Also, you can not ignore the adult and pediatric dermatologist Rostov Vera Ivanovna Kolomoitseva, who occupies the third position in the ranking, has the highest medical category and 37 years of experience. Judging by the comments, many people come to see Vera Ivanovna even from other cities - Voronezh, Stavropol, Krasnodar - and only after her therapy do they find relief from their ailments. Her ability to deeply study the problem and pay attention to every little thing has helped many people get rid of dermatological problems.
Like the above-mentioned specialists, dermatologist Kolomoitseva works at the Medical CenterProfessor Kruglov on Fourteenth Line Street, 70, accepting patients at a price of 2300 rubles. In addition, you can make an appointment with her at the AMC-Clinic Rostov medical center on Pushkinskaya Street, 174.
4. Grosu L. D
The fourth position in the ranking is occupied by a dermatologist of the highest qualification category with 18 years of experience Larisa Dmitrievna Grosu. In their grateful comments, patients write that Larisa Dmitrievna is a very kind, pleasant and competent specialist. Clients like that all her appointments are given strictly on demand and always provide the desired result.
In Rostov, dermatologist Grosu is waiting for his patients at the Da Vinci clinic on 132 Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, the cost of services is from 500 rubles. You can also make an appointment with Larisa Dmitrievna at the Beauty Stomadent cosmetology on Varfolomeeva Street, 148.
5. Emashov A. I

Alexander Ivanovich Emashov is a dermatologist of the highest category with 13 years of experience. More than a hundred positive reviews were found about his work on the Web, and most clients write that before Alexander Ivanovich they turned to many doctors, but only he found a solution to their problem. In addition to the ability to select an individual course of treatment that is most effective for a particular person, clients note the kind attitude, ability to support and the cheerful nature of this specialist.
The initial consultation of a dermatologist Emashov at the Uro Pro clinic on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, 116 will cost clients from 1,500 rubles.
6. Motherland of N. A
There are a lot of good reviews about the dermatologist Rostov Natalya Andreevna Rodina, whose experience is 18 years. This is a doctor of the highest category with a Ph. D. Since Natalya Andreevna works in a dermatovenerological dispensary, the reviews contain a lot of information about very complex diseases that she cured with ease and at no special cost to patients. Based on this, many advise to contact her immediately in case of critical illnesses.
You can sign up for an appointment with a dermatologist Rodina at the regional dermatological dispensary on Bauman Street, 70, as well as at Bataysk (Zelenaya Street, 19) and Salska (Moskovskaya Street, 24) completely free of charge.
7. Eremenko A. A

An impressive 43-year professional experience has a specialist of the highest category Alexander Alekseevich Eremenko, head of the dermatological department at the clinic. There are quite a few good reviews about this doctor - more than 70. Patients write that they did not know where to go from despair when they accidentally came to Alexander Alekseevich, and he got rid of all skin problems, and even taught how to prevent their subsequent occurrence.
In the polyclinic of water workers on Pervaya Liniya Street, 6, where dermatologist Eremenko is in charge of the department, you can make an appointment with him for free under the CHI policy. He also works at the "Professor Kruglov's Medical Center" on 70, Fourteenth Line Street, and provides services from 2,500 rubles.
8. Voloshin R. N

Brilliant qualifiersdata from Ruslan Nikolaevich Voloshin, professor of dermatology, holder of the highest medical category, 40 years of experience. Judging by the comments, most of all patients like that there are no incurable problems for Ruslan Nikolaevich - he is ready to fight (and with noticeable success) psoriasis, complex forms of burns and allergic rashes, and even vitiligo.
From 2000 rubles will cost an initial consultation of a dermatologist Voloshin in one of the branches of the EuroDon clinic - on Gorky Street, 181, or on Socialist Street, 208. In addition, you can contact Ruslan Nikolayevich at the Don Clinic medical center on Cherepakhina street, 129.
9. Lichaeva E. I

Dermatologists work around the clock in Rostov at the road hospital, and the best among them is Elizaveta Igorevna Lichaeva, a young specialist with four years of experience. In the comments they write that the youth of Elizaveta Igorevna confuses patients only until she gets down to business, and then it is clear from everything: she is a competent, intelligent and experienced dermatologist. She confidently acts even in difficult cases and always leads her clients to the desired result.
In addition to the already mentioned road hospital on Varfolomeeva Street, 92a (services are free under the CHI policy), dermatologist Lichaeva works in the following places:
- Clinic "Skinerika" on Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 72, - from 1500 rubles.
- Polyclinic "Avenue-Zapadny" on Second Krasnodarskaya street, 145a, - from 850 rubles.
- Polyclinic"Avenue-Tekucheva" on Tekucheva street, 238, - from 850 rubles.
10. Levkovskaya E. A

Another young specialist with a good reputation is Elena Alexandrovna Levkovskaya - she has been in the profession for only three years, but her work is already highly appreciated by patients. In the comments, patients say that Elena Alexandrovna instantly wins over, and then only justifies the trust - she treats competently, without unnecessary waste and manipulation, always with a smile, a sense of tact and a pleasant attitude.
You can make an appointment with a dermatologist Levkovskaya at a price of 1500 rubles at the Uro Pro clinic on Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 116.
11. Khitaryan E. A

Finishes the list of the best dermatologists in Rostov-on-Don Elena Alexandrovna Khitaryan, adult and pediatric doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences with 26 years of experience. In their comments, patients note a very comfortable environment at the reception of Elena Alexandrovna - she knows how to find an approach to patients of all ages, she is always tactful, full of optimism and kindness. Her treatment begins with a warm word at the initial appointment, and ends with the absolute disappearance of the problem thanks to well-chosen treatment.
Dermatologist Khitaryan works in two branches of the CentroMed medical center: on the street of the 339th Rifle Division, 27, and on Kirovsky Prospekt, 44. The cost of her services starts from 1000 rubles.