Why does hair turn gray prematurely?

Why does hair turn gray prematurely?
Why does hair turn gray prematurely?

The appearance of gray hair in adulthood is a natural process. But young people often face this problem. Why does hair turn gray? Early hair loss of pigment occurs for various reasons. And not always the premature appearance of gray hair means old age.

why hair turns gray
why hair turns gray

Scientists identify several reasons why hair turns gray: genetically determined and acquired. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

What affects hair color?

Melanin - the pigment contained in each hair follicle - determines the shade of the hair. The older a person is, the less melanin is produced in the body. If you look at a gray hair under a microscope, you can find that its pores are filled with air bubbles. The lower the melanin reserve, the lighter the shade. Newborn babies are born with a minimal supply of this pigment, which is why baby fluff is mostly light.

why do men's hair turn gray
why do men's hair turn gray

In addition to the age factor, experts identify some diseases that affect the condition of the hair. The factors whyhair turns gray, may be:

  1. Lack of copper in the body, deficiency of B vitamins, beriberi.
  2. Thyroid disease.
  3. Various chronic and acute diseases of the central nervous system, liver, reproductive system, digestive organs.

Stress, overstrain, fatigue, depression have a huge impact on he alth. During nervous excitement, adrenaline is released into the blood. At the same time, the vessels narrow, the nutrition of the hair slows down, which affects their appearance. That is why stressful situations and nervous shocks can make a person gray-haired in a short time.

Experts identify the genetic factor as the main one responsible for why hair turns gray. Stem cells are responsible for the production of melanin. Scientists directly connect the activity of stem cells with heredity.

How to pause a process?

Doctors consider it possible to stop the process of gray hair, if you find out the cause. Sometimes a visit to a trichologist is enough to find out why the hair is turning gray. It is believed that normal gray hair appears in 45-50 years. According to statistics, men become white-haired earlier than women. Stress and physical aging are the main reasons why men's hair turns gray prematurely. In addition, women pay more attention to their appearance and hairstyle.

what causes gray hair
what causes gray hair

If there are no obvious diseases and the genetic factor is excluded, then you should pay more attention to your he alth:

  • Take a multivitamincomplexes.
  • Take care of your scalp, apply quality cosmetics and shampoos.
  • Protect your hair from wind and cold, direct sunlight and dry air.
  • Include seafood, fruits and vegetables, nuts and rye bread in your diet.
  • Get rid of negative emotions, recharge your good mood, take care of your mental he alth.

Of course, these recommendations are not a panacea, but you need to try to correct the situation in any case. According to experts, gray hair disappears in 30% of cases if you start a war with it on time.
