The entry of pathogens into the human body causes a natural protective reaction. Special antibodies are produced that attack microbes. After overcoming the disease, these substances remain in the body. This is how immunization takes place. This is the process by which a person acquires resistance to certain diseases.
Immunization process
Today, immunization is considered one of the most effective methods of combating all kinds of dangerous diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis, whooping cough and many others. The essence of the method lies in the introduction of a special vaccine to a person, which activates the body's defense reactions. For the first time this process was carried out at the end of the 18th century. According to experts, vaccination helps prevent many deaths from infectious diseases. In order for immunity to be developed correctly, and negative consequences to be minimal, many factors are taken into account. Among them are age, he alth status, and vulnerability to certain diseases.some categories of the population. It is worth noting that immunization is an excellent way to both prevent diseases and their widespread spread (for example, tuberculosis).

Active Immunization
Can be either natural or artificial. Natural immunization occurs after an illness. The second is carried out by the introduction of vaccines. Vaccines can be live, with dead microorganisms, chemical, created using genetic engineering, multicomponent, with microbial DNA fragments. Thus, active immunization contributes to a long-term effect, protecting the body from acute infections. The introduction of the vaccine can occur in different ways: intravenously, into the muscle, under the skin, or intradermally (most effectively). With active immunization, the correct calculation of the dose of the drug is necessary. If the rate is exceeded, a relapse of the disease is possible. If it is lowered, vaccination will be ineffective.
A live virus, multiplying in the body, stimulates cellular, secretory, humoral immunity. However, this method of immunization has its drawbacks. First of all, the progression of the disease is possible. Also, such vaccines are one-component, since their combination with other microorganisms can give an unexpected reaction. Active immunization is a method that is not suitable for people with immunodeficiency, patients with leukemia, lymphoma, those undergoing radiotherapy. It is also prohibited to administer such vaccines to pregnant women.

Toxoids are often used during immunization. These are substances that are obtained by exposing the toxin to formalin. Thus, it is neutralized, but retains immunomodulatory properties. Such toxoids are used for vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria. This vaccination is carried out in two stages, the interval between which should be approximately 1.5 months. Then, a year later, revaccination is performed.
Passive immunization
Temporary immunity is created through passive immunization. In this case, antibodies to certain antigens are introduced. As a rule, this method is used, provided that active immunization has not been carried out, for the treatment of spider bites, snake bites. Thus, passive immunization is a method that gives only a short-term effect (albeit an instantaneous one) and is usually applied after contact with the pathogen. In this case, drugs such as human immunoglobulin (normal and specific), special serums are used. Indications for the use of immunoglobulins are the prevention of hepatitis, measles, immunodeficiency, protracted inflammatory processes and infections. Immunoglobulin is obtained from the blood plasma of an adult. It is pre-tested for infection. Such drugs are administered intramuscularly. The maximum number of antibodies is observed already on the second day. They fall apart after about 4 weeks. Sometimes the injection causes pain. Therefore, experts recommend injecting drugs deep enough.

Associated drugs for vaccination
In some cases, associated immunization is practiced. This is the use of drugs that consist of various antigens. The main advantage of this method is the reduction in the number of injections required to administer each antigen. In addition, such vaccination contributes to the development of immunity in a fairly short period of time and allows you to combine antigens in various ways (depending on the current epidemiological situation). A prominent representative is the drug for whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (DPT).

Tour vaccination
In order to quickly break the chain of transmission of a certain disease, round immunization is carried out. This is a set of measures aimed at vaccinating all children (regardless of whether they have been vaccinated before). Typically, the timing of tour immunization is from one week to one month. The main goal of such actions is to vaccinate all population groups against a specific disease. Often such events are held in developing countries (the spread of infection is widespread there, and vaccination documentation is usually lacking).

Side effects of immunization
Although immunization of the population is a fairly safe and necessary process, the occurrence of adverse reactions is still possible. Most often, you can observe a slight increase in temperature, pain at the injection site. Children get fussyappetite decreases. Allergic reactions are not excluded. Quincke's edema is rarely observed. If a live vaccine is used, a mild form of the disease (measles, rubella) is sometimes diagnosed. To avoid such complications, vaccination should be carried out correctly. First of all, the child must be absolutely he althy. Before each vaccination, an examination by a doctor is necessary, which measures body temperature, examines the oral cavity, throat, and listens to the lungs. Only after all this, a referral for vaccination is issued.

How can I help my child survive vaccinations?
Injections cause pain in children (short-term). Therefore, it is advisable to calm the child before vaccination. If the temperature rises after vaccination (especially above 39 ° C), drugs should be given to reduce it. As a rule, during this period the child is naughty, does not eat well. You should not play active games with him, force him to eat. It is better to choose some quiet activities. It is necessary to create comfortable climatic conditions in the room: the air should not be dry, and the temperature should not be too high. It is worth pitying the child, giving him attention to the maximum, because now he especially needs it. If after vaccination against measles, rubella, etc. a rash appears, then this should not be alarming. It usually goes away on its own after a few days. However, any long-term changes in behavior, convulsions, breathing problems, lethargy for a long time - a serious reason to contact a specialist.

Immunization Week - what is it?
The World He alth Organization has been holding European Immunization Week for 10 years now. This is a set of measures aimed at disseminating information about the importance of vaccination of the population. During this campaign, everyone can learn about which vaccines can protect a person, what are the latest developments in this area. Immunization Week helps parents make the choice to get vaccinated. In an accessible form, information is offered on all diseases that can adversely affect the he alth of the child. The main message of the campaign is this: immunization is an opportunity to eradicate serious diseases (smallpox, diphtheria), get rid of them forever.