Medicine 2024, October

Reduced hemoglobin: consequences, causes, symptoms, testing and treatment

Reduced hemoglobin: consequences, causes, symptoms, testing and treatment

Every person from childhood is well acquainted with such a term as hemoglobin. It is he who is most often mentioned by doctors when making a diagnosis and announcing the results of the examination. Reduced hemoglobin, the consequences of which can affect the functioning of all internal organs and systems, affects not only the well-being of a person. It also has a number of external symptoms that are visible to the naked eye

Intestinal suture: types. Ways to connect the intestinal wall

Intestinal suture: types. Ways to connect the intestinal wall

Intestinal sutures are a group of sutures that are used to suture wounds of hollow organs. There are several options for tissue connection, but each of them must meet certain requirements, designed taking into account the biomechanics of wound healing

Oxygen canister for breathing: instructions for use, contraindications and reviews

Oxygen canister for breathing: instructions for use, contraindications and reviews

Many doctors believe that an oxygen canister for breathing should be in every home first aid kit. This is not surprising, because in some cases, its use may be vital for resuscitation or intensive care

Hand treatment: levels of treatment of the hands of a he althcare worker, rules, preparations

Hand treatment: levels of treatment of the hands of a he althcare worker, rules, preparations

It is possible to prevent the spread of diseases and germs with the help of such a simple procedure as washing hands. Hand sanitizing levels depend on the person's level of exposure to the potential hazard, as well as their professional activities. The rules of such disinfection should be familiar not only to every professional medical worker, but also to a simple layman

The whole truth about vaccinations

The whole truth about vaccinations

Vaccination of children and adults is a very controversial and complex topic. Its supporters are conducting active campaigning, and opponents are threatening to tell what the hard truth about vaccinations is. It is almost impossible to find a golden mean in this matter, because we are talking about he alth, and sometimes human life. That is why each person needs to carefully study this issue, form their own opinion on it and make the right decision for themselves

The effect of fluorine on the human body. Deficiency and excess of fluorine in the body

The effect of fluorine on the human body. Deficiency and excess of fluorine in the body

Lack of fluorine in the body provokes hair loss, the development of diseases of the oral cavity and bones. But an excess amount of a substance is much more dangerous. Therefore, each person should know how to find the golden mean

The human foot is an important part of the human body

The human foot is an important part of the human body

The human foot is the part of the human body that maximally distinguishes upright humans from primates. Every day she experiences a huge load, so the vast majority of people in one way or another have problems associated with it

Ventral hernia: symptoms and treatment

Ventral hernia: symptoms and treatment

Postoperative ventral hernia is formed when the muscular-aponeurotic layer of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity diverges in the area of surgical intervention. This leads to paralytic relaxation of the muscles with their further atrophy

What diseases does a chiropractor treat?

What diseases does a chiropractor treat?

In the article we will talk about who a chiropractor is. Specialists of this profile are quite common, but not everyone correctly understands the essence of their activities, as well as the effectiveness of treatment. We will deal with what deviations it is worth contacting this particular doctor, as well as what features of his work must be taken into account

Occupational therapy is a type of rehabilitation therapy. Types and benefits of occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a type of rehabilitation therapy. Types and benefits of occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is one of the types of physiotherapy procedures that use human labor. The main tasks of occupational therapy are the rehabilitation of people who, due to any circumstances, have lost their opportunities, and their return to their former normal life

Voigt method: reflex gymnastics

Voigt method: reflex gymnastics

The most important and little-studied area of the human body is the nervous system. Natural shock is experienced by the parents of a newborn when he is diagnosed with a pathology of the peripheral or central nervous system. Modern methods are not always effective. As far back as the last century, Vojta therapy was proposed, which gives excellent results and complements medical treatment

Vital capacity of the lungs and methods for its determination

Vital capacity of the lungs and methods for its determination

Vital capacity is the volume of air exhaled after a forced inhalation and a deep exhalation. It can be measured with a spirometer - a special device

Mandibular ligament. Lateral pterygoid muscle

Mandibular ligament. Lateral pterygoid muscle

The chewing muscles are called so because they are involved in the complex process of mechanical grinding of food. They also provide movement of the lower jaw. Due to this, a person can close and open his mouth, talk, yawn, etc

Coronoid process: location, functions, possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention

Coronoid process: location, functions, possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention

The coronoid process is located in the elbow joint and lower jaw. In the first case, this is the anterior process of the epiphysis of the ulna, which is part of the trochlear notch, which connects to it at the humerus. In the second case - the anterior process on the branch of the mandible, the place of attachment of the temporal muscle

What is the middle meatus?

What is the middle meatus?

The middle nasal passage is located between the middle and lower nasal conchas of the ethmoid bone. It is longer and wider. The middle nasal passage is divided into basal and sagittal parts. All sinuses open here (frontal and maxillary - maxillary sinuses), except for the main, middle and anterior cells of the ethmoid bone. The main function is the direction of air flow

The parietal bone. The structure of the parietal bone

The parietal bone. The structure of the parietal bone

The parietal bone is part of the skull. Like all structures of the body, it has its own anatomical features and has its own functional purpose

How to issue a he alth resort card for a child

How to issue a he alth resort card for a child

Summer is the time for vacations and the best time for a wellness trip with a child to a wellness facility by the sea. The sanatorium and resort business in Russia is gaining momentum, many he alth resorts specializing in the treatment of diseases of various profiles have been opened throughout the country, and not just on the sea coast

Deciphering the general analysis: the norms of leukocytes in the blood of a child, erythrocytes and ESR

Deciphering the general analysis: the norms of leukocytes in the blood of a child, erythrocytes and ESR

Answering the question of how to decipher a blood test is not so difficult. The first thing a doctor usually looks at is the level of red blood cells. Children from one year old should have no more than 3.6-4.9 × 10¹² erythrocytes per liter of blood. In addition, the analysis helps to find out the norms of leukocytes in the blood of a child, as well as the level of ESR, platelets, hemoglobin

The structure of man. The intestine and its functions

The structure of man. The intestine and its functions

The total length of the intestine is approximately 7-8 m. This size of the organ does not surprise people who have studied the human structure. The intestine is divided into separate sections, which have their own special (albeit similar) structure and functions

What foods speed up metabolism and promote weight loss?

What foods speed up metabolism and promote weight loss?

To lose weight and get perfect forms, there is no need to exhaust yourself with long workouts or destroy the digestive system with diets. It is better to include he althy food in your diet. Seafood and fish with a high content of iodine, spices and herbs, citrus, dairy, oatmeal and legumes - all these foods speed up the metabolism

How to increase immunity and not get sick?

How to increase immunity and not get sick?

Strong immunity is, in fact, a person's he alth. Life expectancy also depends on it very often. Therefore, it is natural for many to ask how to increase immunity

Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children. Treatment, prevention

Symptoms of overheating in the sun in children. Treatment, prevention

Undoubtedly, a walk on a sunny day is very useful for a child, because it provides the body with much-needed vitamin D. At the same time, there is a chance of getting a heat stroke. Since the symptoms of overheating in the sun in children are not always noticeable, mothers should be as careful as possible

Symptoms of bile stasis and overcoming them

Symptoms of bile stasis and overcoming them

Irrational nutrition, helminthic invasion can provoke cholestasis. This disease is characterized by untimely excretion of bile. As a result, there are frequent pains on the right side. In addition, there may be other symptoms of bile stasis

Gastritis with high acidity: treatment and prevention

Gastritis with high acidity: treatment and prevention

Increasingly, doctors diagnose gastritis. Everyone can get sick with this disease, even a schoolboy. Gastritis with high acidity, the treatment of which takes a long time, usually occurs due to malnutrition, in particular due to excessive consumption of sour, s alty or spicy, rapid chewing, untimely meals, etc

Trichomonas: drug treatment and general recommendations

Trichomonas: drug treatment and general recommendations

Trichomonas, which should be treated by both partners at the same time, very often develops in the absence of complaints and symptoms. This is quite dangerous, because the visit to the doctor is delayed, and therefore the consequences of the infection can be dangerous. So, if the treatment of trichomonas is not carried out, then this can lead to infertility, miscarriage in a woman and intrauterine infection of the fetus

Why a person gets tired: the main reasons

Why a person gets tired: the main reasons

Why does a person get tired? The main causes of apathy and feeling tired from life. How to avoid such feelings?

Looking for the answer to the question: "Why am I always hungry?"

Looking for the answer to the question: "Why am I always hungry?"

It's not uncommon for each of us to catch ourselves thinking: "I'm always hungry." Why is this happening and is it possible to somehow cope with this problem, and also why newborns can “hang” for hours on their mother’s chest - read about all this in the article

Medicated sleep in intensive care: consequences, reviews

Medicated sleep in intensive care: consequences, reviews

Many medical procedures require anesthesia. It is necessary in order to relieve pain, prevent shock. After all, the characteristic reaction of the body (increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, production of stress hormones) can significantly affect the patient's condition. Sleep medication is often used

Medical dressings. Types of dressings (photo)

Medical dressings. Types of dressings (photo)

If, in one case or another, tissue damage occurs, it is necessary to apply dressings to the injured area. The types of dressings are diverse, their type is selected depending on the location of the cut, injury. The goals pursued by the application of the dressing are also taken into account. There is a whole science that studies this technique - desmurgy

Types of human hormones and their functions. Types of hormone tests

Types of human hormones and their functions. Types of hormone tests

The human body is a complex system that performs a huge number of operations. Hormones play an important role in the proper organization of the human body. These are the so-called catalysts for biochemical processes, which are produced by the endocrine glands. There are different types of hormones, and each of them performs a specific function

How to improve the blood supply to the brain? Areas of blood supply to the brain

How to improve the blood supply to the brain? Areas of blood supply to the brain

A he althy brain blood supply system is the key to adequate thinking, a high-quality and fulfilling human life. A variety of factors can provoke problems, from injuries to weather phenomena, if a person suffers from pronounced weather dependence. Medications, pathologies, diet, lifestyle and bad habits, heredity and other individual characteristics can affect the quality of the vascular system

Bolus injection is a technique for injecting medication

Bolus injection is a technique for injecting medication

In cases where medical staff need to quickly increase the concentration of any drug component in the patient's body, they resort to the bolus method of administering the active substance. Such an injection consists in the introduction of a large volume of the drug and contributes to the accelerated onset of the drug

First aid for overheating: tips

First aid for overheating: tips

Overheating is an acute pathological condition of a person, manifested as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperature on his body. The development of the painful phenomenon is facilitated by being under the open rays of the sun or in a hot room for a long time. Also, the risk of overheating increases non-compliance with the drinking regime, high physical activity in hot weather, too warm clothes and overwork

How is it better to sunbathe in a solarium and is it worth doing it at all?

How is it better to sunbathe in a solarium and is it worth doing it at all?

Recently, interest in artificial tanning has been growing incredibly. More and more girls are interested in questions about how best to sunbathe in a solarium, how often you can visit it, and the like. But from the side of experts in the field of medicine, artificial tanning is subjected to harsh criticism

How to remove bruises under the eyes? Learning effective methods

How to remove bruises under the eyes? Learning effective methods

How to remove bruises under the eyes - this is the topic of our today's article. From the material presented, you can learn different ways to solve this problem

Removal of lipomas (wen)

Removal of lipomas (wen)

The appearance of one or more soft mobile subcutaneous nodes is usually associated with the formation of benign tumors of adipose tissue (lipomas). Constantly growing wen cause discomfort

Why do girls have mustaches and how to deal with them?

Why do girls have mustaches and how to deal with them?

According to the conventional wisdom, a man with a mustache looks quite brutal and sexy. However, it is difficult to imagine such an accessory on a woman. Indeed, the girl's mustache looks at least ugly and unaesthetic. Such a factor will immediately repel a man, because his lady of the heart should be perfect in everything. What should the female half of humanity do if there is such a problem?

What are veins? Structure and functions. varicose veins

What are veins? Structure and functions. varicose veins

If you look closely, under the skin you can clearly see slightly protruding bluish blood vessels (veins) of the lower and upper extremities, as well as the temples. Veins are blood vessels that carry venous blood saturated with carbon dioxide, as well as metabolic products and other substances from various organs and tissues of the human body to the heart (excluding the pulmonary and umbilical veins, which carry arterial blood)

Axillary wooden crutch. Aluminum axillary crutches

Axillary wooden crutch. Aluminum axillary crutches

Axillary crutch is indispensable for injuries, injuries and other diseases of one of the lower extremities. Facilitates the process of walking, evenly distributing weight and increasing the radius of support, providing more comfortable conditions when moving

What is a thready pulse

What is a thready pulse

The problem of reducing the heart rate is acute with the rapid development of complications. Resuscitation comes to the rescue. However, the causes of a thready pulse can often be given a logical explanation when no treatment is needed