If a person has a rash on his body, it can be a symptom of certain diseases, sometimes very serious. Rashes are divided into several varieties, knowing which, you can determine the existing violations and ailments. When certain manifestations appear on the skin, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist - a dermatologist or an allergist. A rash on the body can occur in different places at any age, and if this happens, then there is some kind of malfunction in the body.

In proportion to the variety of diseases that exist, there are also a huge number of body rashes that can appear in children and adults. By the nature of the manifestations, it is possible to determine a progressive disease without the help of a specialist. However, only a highly qualified dermatologist can accurately diagnose,so do not self-medicate.
What are rashes:
- Spots. These are areas of the skin that differ in their color. Such a rash on the body can be of various sizes, and several elements can be interconnected, spreading over the entire surface of the skin. This type of rash has its own subspecies, which differ in shade. White spots are called vitiligo, red spots are called roseola, and pigmented ones are characterized by brown color. A diagnosis can be made based on a specific subspecies.
- Blisters are called formations above the level of the skin. Such manifestations can be of various sizes, sometimes very impressive. These rashes do not differ in color from the whole body. In most cases, blisters are the result of burns, bites from poisonous animals or common insects.
- Bubbles on the body are elements that rise above the surface of the skin. They differ from blisters in content, since such formations are filled with fluid or pus. The size of the bubbles determines their type. So, formations up to 5 millimeters are called vesicles, and from 5 mm - pustules. In most cases, the appearance of blisters is a symptom of allergic diseases.
- Ulcers are wounds that appear on the body from mechanical impact (for example, after opening blisters) or by themselves. In most cases, they heal long enough and problematic. The difficulty lies in the risk of covering with pus. If large ulcers appear on the body, serious diseases can be the cause, up to infectionblood.
- A rash on the body of a child or an adult can be expressed as pustules. These are formations that are outwardly similar to bubbles, but they are able to reach the deep layers of the epidermis. Their contents are pus, from which the name came. In most cases, such a rash appears with diseases such as acne or pyoderma.
- Erythema is an inflamed red element that rises slightly above the level of the skin. In the event of such a formation, a visit to a specialist is recommended, as it can be a symptom of allergies or serious infections.
- Spots of purple or bluish color are purples. They are the result of subcutaneous hemorrhage, which can occur during physical exertion, circulatory disorders, or in the case of a number of diseases.
- Nodules located above the skin can change not only the color of the surface, but also the relief of the skin. To the touch, such formations are similar to seals.

Possible causes
As described above, a rash on the body of a child or an adult is a symptom of certain disorders in the body. To date, there are 3 main causes of rashes:
- Allergic reaction.
- Infectious diseases.
- Circulatory disorders.
Speaking of a rash on the body of an adult with explanations, we can say that allergic reactions in addition to rashes have other symptoms. Mainly nasal congestion, sneezing andbreathing difficulties. Moreover, if the rashes itch, then most likely they appeared as a result of an allergic reaction. At the first symptoms of this disease, appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that the risk of suffocation does not cause death.
Infections and circulatory problems
In the case of infectious diseases, a rash on the body of an adult or a child can be supplemented by fever, intoxication of the body and weakness. Among the symptoms of this ailment, poor sleep and lack of appetite are also common. Cough and indigestion are also no exception. The exact infection can only be determined in the laboratory, since this disease changes the composition of the blood. As a result, internal and external hemorrhages may occur.

Possible diseases
Quite often the cause of spots on the body are the following diseases:
- Rubella. In addition to large red spots, a symptom of this disease is inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes.
- When viewing a photo of a rash on the body of a child and an adult, you can see not only ordinary rashes, but also fluid-filled blisters. Such formations may appear due to chicken pox or shingles. It is worth noting that a disease such as chickenpox never appears on the palms.
- Scarlet fever symptoms can be small red rashes. Most of all, the rash is observed in the groin area. The disease is accompanied by elevated body temperature. Sometimesinflammatory processes in the throat are observed. Some call this disease a childhood disease, but it also occurs in adulthood.
Rash as a reaction to medication
If the body does not accept certain elements from the composition of pharmacological agents, then rashes may appear on the body. In other words, an allergic reaction occurs. This cause of various formations on the body is widespread. This is true for both oral and topical medications.

Position on the body
Looking at a photo of a rash on the body of an adult or a child, you can see that these formations can occur anywhere - face, arms, legs and the whole body. By the location of the rash, you can determine the existing diseases. So, if a rash appears on the back, abdomen, or in the groin area, this may indicate an infection. In this case, do not self-medicate - seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.
Often, if the rash on the body itches, regardless of location, then it appeared due to allergic reactions. Other symptoms are not always observed, this disease can manifest itself only in spots. You can look at the photo of the rash on the body with explanations to compare what you see with your rashes.

Area affected - face
Today, there are a huge number of articles about rashes on the body with an explanation, and even more information about rashes on theface. This is not surprising, since various kinds of formations on the face are a very common occurrence that occurs at any age. In this area of our body there are many vessels, and the skin is very sensitive to external stimuli. Any formations on the face are a good reason to visit a dermatologist.
Causes of rashes on the face
Hormonal imbalance can lead to acne, which is the most common cause of rashes in this area. This disease can appear at any age, but teenagers suffer the most from it due to hormonal changes. Acne can indicate a variety of disorders in the body - from problems in the digestive system to allergies. A lack or excess of vitamins can also cause rashes on the face.
Based on the location of the rash, a diagnosis can be made. So, in most cases, acne on the forehead and cheeks gives a signal that a person needs to correct problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. For reference, it is recommended to look at the photo of the rash on the body and face.

Eruptions on limbs
Rash can also appear on the arms and legs, both in adults and in children. If such formations are not a consequence of infectious diseases, then they do not pose a particular danger, but they also cannot be ignored. It is important to examine acne and determine the cause of their appearance. Quite often they appear due to allergic reactions.
Rashes inthe groin area between the legs is a topic that requires special attention. Very often, a rash in this area appears due to improper self-care, high levels of humidity, or diseases of the reproductive system. In order to avoid bad consequences, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.
Rashes in children
The skin of every child is incredibly sensitive, so it reacts strongly to various factors, which is why a rash appears. The reasons for this may be the following diseases:
- Baby acne.
- Sweating.
- Urticaria.
- Lichen.
- Scabies.
In any case, rashes should not be ignored, because they are a signal of certain disorders in the work of the child's body. However, do not panic - call a doctor at home or take the child to a medical institution for examination. Every parent wonders what causes a rash.

Rashes without fever
If a rash appears on your child's body, and the temperature remains normal, this may be a symptom of toxic erythema. In the case of this disease, red formations cover almost the entire body of the baby, and disappear only after a certain time, after the complete removal of toxins from the body.
Very often, rashes on the body of a child may appear due to an allergic reaction. This symptom is almost never accompanied by an elevated body temperature, but in some cases more terrible phenomena are observed - up to suffocation. If athis is repeated repeatedly, you should consult a doctor.
Back injury
If you observe a rash on your child's back, and he, in turn, feels uncomfortable, then most likely these are symptoms of prickly heat. Basically, this disease is the result of a rare washing of the baby or excessive wrapping. Small rashes are pink and itchy, preventing the child from living peacefully.
If pustules appeared on the back of the baby, which were described above, then this may indicate vesiculopusulosis. Formations filled with purulent contents very often burst, which causes not only discomfort, but also infection of small areas of the skin around the rash. In the case of this disease, it is forbidden to bathe the child, and the elements of the rash must be smeared with brilliant green.
Rashes on the abdomen
Very often, formations in the abdomen are symptoms of a food allergy. If the child eats in large quantities, then there is a risk of a reaction to a particular product. One of the symptoms of this disease is itching. Psoriasis can also cause spots and pimples on a child's abdomen.
Rashes are a very sensitive topic, because in some cases they do not pose a danger, while in others they indicate serious malfunctions in the body. If you notice a rash on your body, then you should definitely pay attention to it, using the information described above. And even more so, if rashes appear on the body of a child, then it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Only a qualified specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and offer the best treatment option. Contrary to the vast amount of information on the Internet, you should not self-medicate.