How to normalize bowel function at home: drugs, products

How to normalize bowel function at home: drugs, products
How to normalize bowel function at home: drugs, products

When visiting a doctor, almost everyone is faced with a question regarding the frequency and quality of bowel movements. This interest of the doctor is not due to the fact that he wants to embarrass the patient. You need to understand that the state of the intestine can say a lot about how other internal organs of a person work.

Stomach ache
Stomach ache

If there are problems with the stool, then this is the first signal that the digestive or other system has failed. Based on this, a completely logical question arises: "How to normalize bowel function?" To answer it, you first need to diagnose that the problems are really related to this system. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the manifestations of the disease.


Before you normalize bowel function with constipation or diarrhea, you need to pay attention to the symptoms. If this system does not work properly, then first of all the patient will experience pain in the abdomen. Additionally canheartburn, nausea, belching appear. It is difficult for a person to empty his intestines, or vice versa - he begins to run to the toilet too often.

These signs are just the beginning. If you do not use means that normalize bowel function, and leave the problem without attention, this can lead to incomplete absorption of nutrients in the body. Against this background, toxins will be partially removed. Instead, they will settle in the intestines and begin to spread throughout the body, remaining in a variety of organs.

Later, such pathologies lead to a malfunction of the endocrine system and disrupt blood circulation. This leads to frequent headaches, general weakness, heart pain, allergic reactions, bad breath and more.

So don't delay. It is better to see a doctor and normalize bowel function with drugs or other methods.


Such problems can appear due to many factors. The most common of these is malnutrition. If a person consumes a large amount of fatty, smoked or sweet foods, this may well provoke such problems. In the event of a malfunction of the systems, it is recommended to use products that normalize the functioning of the intestines.

Stomach problems
Stomach problems

Also, a variety of intestinal infections can lead to failure. This is a fairly common phenomenon, as many people neglect the basic rules of hygiene. If you do not wash your hands before eating, eat fruits and vegetables immediately after purchase, then thisfraught with serious consequences. Intestinal bacteria remain in the body for a very long time when a person believes that he has got rid of harmful substances. Because of this, the infection periodically makes itself felt.

Problems with bowel activity can also be caused by a person's lifestyle. Today, many people spend most of their time in a sitting position. Inactivity leads to stagnation and disruption of intestinal motility. Because of this, this system ceases to perform its functions in full.

Bad habits also have a negative impact on he alth. If a person drinks and smokes a lot, then it is not surprising that he develops such ailments.

How to normalize bowel function with diarrhea: medicines

Diarrhea leads to many problems and discomfort. To restore the normal functioning of the intestinal system and get rid of unpleasant symptoms, they most often take Smecta, Enterosgel or Gastrolit. However, after the diarrhea stops, it is recommended to visit a doctor and clarify the cause of the disease. Especially if such a phenomenon is quite frequent.

It is not enough to normalize the work of the intestines with drugs. Due to a failure, this system requires increased attention.

After the stool has recovered, it is important to put the intestinal microflora in order. For this, prebiotics and probiotics are used. The first type of drugs differs in that they are not absorbed in the small intestine. Such means include "Inulin". In addition, prebiotics can be obtained from fermented milk products, bread,corn, onions, beans and more.

If we talk about probiotics, they are microorganisms that help restore the microflora and get rid of pathogenic bacteria. These components are rich in kefir, fermented baked milk and many other "sour milk".

Intestinal normalizer
Intestinal normalizer

If we are talking about how to normalize bowel function with constipation, then in this case you can purchase Dufolac. You can also resort to other procedures.

Enema and flushing

Enema is the oldest way to normalize bowel function. Thanks to this procedure, you can also get rid of old deposits of feces in the human body. To do this, adults need to use Esmarch's mug, children will need a less voluminous "pear".

As a rule, enemas are given in the early morning. In order not to irritate the intestines too much and achieve the best result, decoctions of sage or chamomile are added to the water for the procedure. In order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, some people add a little garlic.

If a person suffers from chronic constipation, then in this case it is recommended to flush. To do this, you need a "pear" for half a liter. During such an event, it is not recommended to retain liquid in oneself, it is better to release it immediately. This procedure is repeated several times.

Enema for washing
Enema for washing

However, before normalizing bowel function in this way, it is recommended to consider that washing canspend 1-2 weeks, but not more than a few times a year.

Special exercises

Strengthening the abdominal muscles will improve blood flow in the abdominal cavity. Thanks to this, intestinal peristalsis will be stimulated, and gases will be much better to move away.

Press exercises
Press exercises

Speaking of how to normalize bowel function at home, it is enough to pay attention to a few simple exercises that anyone can easily perform. For example, a positive effect can be obtained if you do a "bike" for 10-15 minutes a day. To do this, lie on your back and start twisting your legs as if you are riding an invisible bike.

Also in the prone position, you need to bend your legs and pull your knees up to your stomach. After that, the limbs are lowered and again pressed against the abdominal cavity. Also, this exercise can be performed with legs alternately.


This method also allows you to fight flatulence, constipation and heartburn. However, it should be borne in mind that these manipulations must be performed correctly. Otherwise, you can harm a person. If you attend several lessons, then there will be no negative impact on the body.

Massage of the abdomen is one of the ways to normalize the work of the intestines in a child. However, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to follow the implementation of several rules. First of all, all movements should be very smooth. You can not press hard on the abdominal cavity. You also need to make sure that at least three minutes have passed since the last meal and before the massage.hours.

Before you start massaging the patient, you need to check his pressure. If it differs from the norm, then it is worth postponing the session. It is also recommended to empty the bladder beforehand. All massage movements must be performed exclusively in a clockwise direction.

It is best to lay the patient on his back. His legs should be bent at the knees. Feet are located on the same surface on which he lies. After that, with spiral movements, you need to start moving from the navel up and to the sides.

It is also worth considering what foods normalize bowel function.

What to eat

To restore the system, you need to eat only the right food. In this case, it all depends on the specific symptoms of the manifestation of problems with the intestines.

If a person has constipation, then in this case it is recommended to consume as much fiber as possible. It is found in vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. During breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is important to ensure that the patient chews food thoroughly. It is preliminary recommended to drink a glass of natural juice. You also need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is best to give preference to ordinary water, but you can also drink weak fruit drinks, teas and milk drinks. Also in this case, you need to completely abandon or at least reduce the consumption of smoked, fatty, canned food and mushrooms.

If we are talking about how to normalize bowel function during diarrhea, then in this situation it is necessary to abandon white cabbage, legumes,black bread and milk. Dairy products are known for their laxative properties, so it's better to live without your favorite yogurts and kefir for a while.

Include buckwheat and rice in the diet. You can eat fruits, but only in baked form. Thus, they will be much better absorbed and will not irritate the intestines. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the food is not too hot and even more so cold.

It is mandatory to give up sweet soda, strong meat broths, fatty and spicy.


Drinking regimen is very important in the normalization of the intestinal system. If a person suffers from constipation, then without fluid it will be almost impossible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

If we talk about water, then its volume is calculated based on the weight of a person's body. As a rule, for every 1 kg of weight, 30 g of liquid is required. On average, an adult should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

When constipated, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water after waking up, always in very small sips. Additionally, you can add a little honey or lemon to the drink.

Many people make a common mistake and start drinking huge amounts of water during the meal. This is completely wrong. Large volumes of liquid are recommended to be consumed either 30 minutes before a meal, or, conversely, half an hour later.

Physical activity

In addition to drugs, it normalizes bowel function and an active lifestyle. If a person has frequent constipation, then in the morning he is recommendedstart charging. Even simple forward and backward bending will help improve blood flow, which in turn will have a positive effect on the digestion process.

Hiking is also recommended. You can start swimming or buy a bike. This is especially true for those who are constantly in a sitting position during work.

How to normalize bowel function with folk remedies

With proper exercise and proper nutrition, you can really achieve a positive effect. However, this will not happen immediately. But what if the problem needs to be solved much faster? In this case, traditional medicine will help.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can try to brew senna grass. To do this, one tablespoon of the composition should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water. The liquid should brew a little. The cooled broth should be filtered and drunk in equal parts throughout the day. However, this recipe is not recommended for children and pregnant women. This is because sometimes the herb senna provokes discomfort and pain.

senna grass
senna grass

In this case, it is best to prepare a delicious and he althy dessert. To do this, it is necessary to cut dates, figs, prunes, dried apricots and raisins in equal proportions. After this, the composition must be thoroughly mixed and honey added to it. You need to eat a he althy treat in three tablespoons throughout the day. This tool will be to the taste of children. It is also recommended for pregnant girls and the elderly.

Also, the use of natural vegetable oil has a positive effect on the work of the intestines. To do this, you need to take one tablespoon of liquid daily. Olive, sunflower or linseed oil will do. It is best to drink it on an empty stomach. This method allows you to get rid of constipation in infants, only for them the dose should be much less (a few drops are enough).

Wheat and rye bran has healing properties. In order to get a positive effect, they must first be steamed in boiling water. After that, bran is consumed in its pure form or added to cereals or salads, based on the taste preferences of the patient. On average, an adult needs about 30 g of this useful product per day. But you should not immediately start treatment with large volumes of bran. In the initial stages, one spoon per day will suffice.

If folk methods and medicines were powerless, it is recommended to consult a specialist. It is possible that bowel dysfunction is associated with more serious pathologies that require immediate treatment.

Prevention measures

In order not to face intestinal problems, you need to monitor your diet. This means that breakfast, lunch and dinner are best eaten around the same time. Don't skip important meals. However, overeating is also bad. Between main meals, it is recommended to drink kefir or eat yogurt.

How to normalize bowel function
How to normalize bowel function

Ifa person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then you need to try to find time for walks in the fresh air. Before going to bed, you can walk for 10-15 minutes. It is also recommended to periodically ventilate the room. It will be useful to start dancing or sports.
