Medical center "Osteopat", Kazan: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

Medical center "Osteopat", Kazan: reviews, address, doctors, list of services
Medical center "Osteopat", Kazan: reviews, address, doctors, list of services

There are a lot of reviews about Osteopath in Kazan on the Internet. The specialists of this medical center provide medical and diagnostic services for patients of all ages. Why is this medical institution popular among residents of Tatarstan and other regions of Russia?

About the clinic "Osteopath"

This medical center was founded 15 years ago on the basis of the clinical department of osteopathy of the North-Western State Medical University. I. I. Mechnikov. Over the years of its existence, the institution's specialists have helped thousands of patients with various diseases.

According to reviews, "Osteopath" in Kazan is one of those few clinics that the population trusts. Local doctors use in their practice osteopathic standards adopted by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation. The Osteopath clinic in Kazan employs specialists in their field who have been trained in leading European institutions. Doctors of the medical center take part in various seminars and conferences in Russia, near and far abroad countries.

Osteopathy is notthe only direction of the clinic. Those who need competent consultative and diagnostic assistance for diseases of neurology, orthopedics, gynecology, and manual therapy come here. If you believe the reviews, in Kazan "Osteopat" uses an integrated approach to the treatment and examination of various diseases, which improves the well-being of patients and improves the quality of life in general. Here they adhere to an individual approach to each client - this, according to the management, is the reason for the popularity of the institution.


There are two Osteopath clinics in the capital of Tatarstan. In Kazan, they are located at the following addresses:

  • st. Fatykh Amirkhan, 18/41;
  • st. Dubravnaya, 1/104.

What is osteopathy?

This is one of the directions of modern medicine. It appeared relatively recently. The main feature of osteopathy lies in the methods of diagnosis and subsequent treatment used: doctors perform all manipulations only with their hands.

osteopath kazan phone
osteopath kazan phone

It is often not so easy to find the true causes of various syndromes. Even traditional instrumental examination methods do not always provide answers to numerous questions: why does the head hurt, what causes backache or colic under the ribs? For a long time, patients are forced to wander around the offices, wasting time and money, but without getting any result.

Doctors of the medical center "Osteopath" adhere to the basic principles of this medical industry. They believe thatour body is an indivisible system, an integral structure in which all organs and tissues are closely interconnected. Violation in any link can lead to a failure in the whole department, which will inevitably affect the functioning of other subsystems and lead to a general deterioration in he alth.

How do professional osteopaths work?

Specialists of the medical center "Osteopath" in Kazan find the causes of poor he alth in their patients where doctors from ordinary clinics do not even try to look. For example, the source of pain in the spine is often an inflamed pancreas, and the cause of frequent bouts of cephalalgia is the coccyx injured many years ago. To make a diagnosis, osteopaths often turn to indirect signs of the disease, paying special attention to disorders of the nervous system. For example, sweaty or constantly cold hands are a symptom of nervous tension, poor blood circulation.

Who is an osteopath? This is a doctor who knows how to detect pathology with his own hands, simply by probing the tissues and organs of the human body. All viscera, bones, joints, muscles have a specific shape, degree of density, temperature. These indicators may change with the occurrence of any disease. For example, to detect an enlarged liver or spleen, it is not at all necessary to do an ultrasound scan: it is enough to visit the office of a professional osteopath. He is able to determine whether the organ occupies the correct location, whether it is displaced, because it is the change in localization that leads to an increase in tension on the ligamentous-muscular apparatus and, as a result,causing pain.

osteopath kazan reviews
osteopath kazan reviews

Who is an osteopath? A specialist in this industry must have many years of experience and deep knowledge in human anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, and have a unique hand sensitivity. Only in this way will the osteopath be able to detect the problem and eliminate it without any additional interventions, medications, etc. According to patients, several sessions of such exposure are enough to improve their general well-being. Osteopathy techniques contribute to the restoration and self-regulation of the body, getting rid of pain and discomfort, against which many other methods of traditional medicine are often powerless.

Judging by the responses of users, qualified osteopaths can literally put a person on his feet in 1-2 courses of treatment.

What diseases are treated in the medical center

Leading specialists of Tatarstan work in Osteopath at Amirkhan (Kazan). All of them have higher medical education and relevant qualifications. Most of the doctors at this medical center have many years of medical practice behind them, but despite this, they do not stop there and continue their professional growth.

Diseases treated in the clinic on the street. Fatykh Amirkhan, can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • osteoarticular disorders;
  • mechanical disorders, dysfunctions of the internal organs of the abdominal, retrosternal space, small pelvis;
  • change in the rhythm of the pulsation of the bones of the skull.

In simple terms, osteopathic doctors find and treat the root cause of the disease, not where it hurts. They use completely painless and safe techniques, excluding rough exposure, damage to external tissues. Osteopathy is considered an effective direction in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because with the help of the methods used, not only the cause of the disease is eliminated, but also the possibility of re-development of the pathology is excluded.

clinic osteopath kazan
clinic osteopath kazan

Both adults and children come to the Osteopath medical center (the addresses of the clinics were indicated above). The methods of treatment used here are a safe and non-invasive alternative to a surgical scalpel for pathologies such as urolithiasis, cholecystitis, intervertebral hernia, protrusion, etc. There are many pregnant women and young mothers among the patients of the clinic.

Reception with osteopaths in the Kazan clinic

To get to the doctor for a consultation, you need to make an appointment in advance by phone at Osteopath (Kazan). The first visit will be devoted to the examination, the passage of diagnostic procedures in order to identify functional disorders in the muscles, musculoskeletal system, and in the work of internal organs.

Doctors of the center recommend bringing the results of past examinations with you - they will help the specialist to track the dynamics of the disease. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment. After the first visits of the Osteopath specialists at Dubravnaya in Kazan, patients feel a noticeable relief. Most of the treatment takes place in the form of massage. Thanks toOsteopathic special techniques manage to relax tense muscles, improve blood supply to diseased organs and tissues, and relieve pain.

Therapy technique and duration of the course is determined individually for each patient. Typically, reviews write about three, five or ten treatment sessions, each of which lasts from half an hour to an hour once a week. The expediency and recommended frequency of visits in the future depends on the severity of the disease, general he alth.

How it differs from manual therapy

Since the method of osteopathy is based on manual treatment, many mistakenly confuse this direction with manual therapy. At Osteopath on Amirkhana (Kazan), doctors search for the cause of the disease and eliminate it, thereby preventing more serious consequences. Unlike chiropractors, whose actions are more focused on eliminating certain symptoms, osteopaths are engaged in treatment.

osteopath at amirkhana kazan
osteopath at amirkhana kazan

In Russia, manual therapy has declared itself as a branch of chiropractic. Representatives of this field worked mainly with diseases of the spine, using rough trust techniques. The techniques of manual therapists do not take much time, and if the specialist manages to accurately find the pain point, the result will not be long in coming. But along with relief due to impaired muscle function and loss of normal innervation, blood supply to the fibers, complications often arise, especially in diseases of the spine.

Osteopathy, as opposed tomanual therapy, focuses on more gentle and non-traumatic techniques. Such treatment takes more time, but the risk of complications will be minimal. At the same time, these two directions in medicine, which were considered unconventional a few years ago, have a lot in common:

  • both refer to manual techniques, as they involve the use of hands;
  • provision of services by a specialist is possible only with a diploma of higher medical education and a license;
  • manipulations are performed on the joints and spine;
  • affect posture;
  • allow you to relax and release tightness.

Examination at the clinic of Kazan "Osteopath"

At a doctor's appointment, the patient will be able to get the necessary advice, get a referral for diagnostic procedures. In their activities, the specialists of the medical center resort to the method of ultrasound examination to examine clients. To detect diseases, modern equipment with three-dimensional and four-dimensional scanners is used. The equipment allows you to assess the condition of the patient's internal organs, his joints, lymph nodes.

Because ultrasound is considered a safe and harmless diagnostic procedure, it is also prescribed for children and pregnant women. In addition to the usual ultrasound examination, within the walls of the Osteopath medical center, you can also undergo neurosonography of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, pelvic organs, etc.

fatykh amirkhan street
fatykh amirkhan street

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs allows visualization of the liverand gallbladder, spleen, pancreas. Since pathological foci in these organs usually appear long before the first symptoms appear, regular diagnostics will guarantee the detection of the disease at an early stage.

For the timely diagnosis of diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system, ultrasound of the pelvic organs should be done annually. In the medical center "Osteopath" the study is carried out abdominally (in this case, the filling of the bladder is required) or transvaginally. The second method is considered more accurate for women. The representatives of the stronger sex in the clinic are examined for neoplasms or inflammation of the prostate gland.

It is also possible to undergo ultrasound of the retroperitoneal organs in the clinic, which is often recommended for pregnant women and patients suffering from chronic kidney disease or experiencing discomfort in the lumbar region. Only after an examination can one come to a conclusion about the disease and prescribe a suitable treatment, since the symptoms of various diseases can be similar.

Often, ultrasound is the only way to assess the condition of the urinary tract and make a decision on the surgical treatment of urolithiasis, cholecystitis in cases where osteopathy is powerless. In addition, the medical center does an ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels - this procedure is called echocardioscopy. Manipulation will help to find out what condition the heart valves are in, what is the degree of their closure, calculate the volume of pumped blood and objectively determine the functionality of the myocardium. With preventiveIn order to undergo an examination, it is necessary for patients suffering from arrhythmias and heart murmurs, as well as for those who have undergone valve replacement surgery. The Osteopath medical center provides the possibility of undergoing dopplerography (ultrasound of blood vessels with the determination of the speed and pressure of blood flow).

Leading doctors of the medical center

At first glance, it may seem that treatment with manual equipment is a simple process. In fact, osteopaths are doctors of a general profile, who, in addition to a diploma in the speci alty "Osteopathy", have a basic medical education. All doctors of the medical center are the best osteopaths of Kazan with specialization in trauma surgeons, orthopedists, neurologists, therapists, vertebrologists, gynecologists, homeopaths and rehabilitation specialists.

Most of the doctors have been trained either at the European School of Osteopathy, they take refresher courses there. The immediate supervisor of the clinic is Professor V. B. Ziatdinov, Doctor of Medical Sciences. According to reviews of "Osteopath" in Kazan, the best specialists are:

  • Kamaliev Robert Fanisovich. An orthopedic traumatologist has been practicing medicine for over 27 years. Many people know about the osteopath Kamaliev in Kazan and beyond - to be convinced of this, it is enough to study the reviews of the inhabitants of Tatarstan.
  • Shamsutdinov Ruslan Rashidovich. She is a neurologist and a chiropractor. He received his osteopathic certificate in 2017, but even in this short time he managed to declare himself as a worthy competent doctor.
  • Madyakina Almira Alfirovna. Basic education -pediatric neurology. Madyakina has over 13 years of experience in this industry.
  • Galiev Ilfat Kharisovich. Specialist with 40 years of experience in medicine. He has a diploma in general medicine and is a member of the Unified National Register of Osteopaths.
  • Galeev Ravil Rustemovich. Vertebroneurologist, has knowledge in the field of sports medicine, exercise therapy and dietology.
best osteopaths in kazan
best osteopaths in kazan

Positive feedback about the work of the clinic

About this clinic you can meet mixed responses, sometimes even conflicting user comments. Let's start with positive reviews, which, by the way, are many. Those who were satisfied with the effect of treatment with osteopathic methods are the majority. The effect of the course of treatment remains for a long time. Basically, patients try to undergo treatment systematically, repeating the course every 12-18 months.

Many people who came here note the reliability of the diagnosis. Doctors of the medical center rarely make mistakes in the diagnosis. According to reviews, it takes no more than one day to find out the root causes of the disease. Patients like the way self-treatment goes, what sensations it brings. Safe and painless impact is ensured by the use of "soft techniques". Osteopathy does not allow gross movements, invasive manipulations, surgical intervention.

In their practice, specialists of this profile rarely turn to the use of drugs, and if you still cannot do without drugs, their list is as short as possible. Even with diseases such asvaricose veins, cholecystitis, intervertebral hernia osteopaths try not to resort to the use of drugs. Instead of antibiotics and hormones for endocrine disorders, gynecological problems and disorders of the respiratory system, doctors use "soft" techniques. Patients are satisfied with the short duration of such therapy and the absence of side effects.

Negative feedback about the medical center

No less often, users mention in their reviews about the work schedule of the Osteopath medical center. This is one of the few medical facilities that work seven days a week. From Monday to Friday, the doors of the clinic are open from 8:00 to 20:00; and on weekends from 9:00 to 14:00. However, even with such a stable work schedule, it is advisable to make an appointment with a specialist in advance. Coming here without an appointment means waiting in line for more than one hour.

what is an osteopath
what is an osteopath

Despite the mass of laudatory reviews, many comments have been published in which people express their disappointment with the quality of service at the Osteopath medical center. Wanting to get advice from well-known qualified specialists, many come here from other regions, but in the end they face the indifferent attitude of doctors and medical staff. Everything is done "slipshod" - such an opinion is not a single one. Rudeness and impudence, the lack of any explanations and answers to the questions asked are often the main reason for the dissatisfaction of patients with the Kazan Osteopath clinic.

But this is not the worst. After osteopathy, some patients feel worse than beforetreatment. If you believe the reviews, these people are approximately 5-10%. Painful sensations most often appear after 1-2 hours. The doctors themselves explain this by the displacement of organs and bones in the anatomically correct direction. Even in cases where the restoration of only one spine is required, similar changes will occur throughout the body. Osteopaths claim that discomfort is a sure symptom of recovery and the fight against pathology. Back pain after manual therapy may be accompanied by fever and chills. You can stop the symptoms with the help of painkillers or antipyretic drugs that help improve the condition. To consolidate the effect, it is important to unquestioningly follow the recommendations of a specialist and adhere to strict restrictions.
