Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features
Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features

The list of neurological diseases is quite wide and does not depend on age and gender, these diseases are recognized as the most common. Functional disorders with this type of pathology can form anywhere in the body.

Causes provoking disorders of the nervous system

Diseases of a neurological nature are acquired and congenital. Provocative factors leading to disorders of the central nervous system are:

  • Injuries. Traumatic brain damage leads to the development of all kinds of neurological disorders.
  • Diseases of the internal organs in the chronic stage.
  • Hereditary predisposition. In this case, the manifestation of disorders begins from an early age: these are speech defects, tics, epileptic seizures, impaired motor function, complete or partial loss of sensitivity.
  • Circulatory disorders of the vessels of the brain. The disorders are manifested by dizziness, disorientation, migraine, and confusion.
  • Depletion of the body due to nerves. Diseases that are caused by this cause are distinguished by psychosomatic symptoms.

Encephalitis, meningitis

They are diagnosed with brain damage, and they are included in the list of neurological diseases for disability determination. The soft membranes of the brain are exposed to harmful agents, bacterial or viral in nature.

list of neurological diseases in newborns
list of neurological diseases in newborns

Unfortunately, no one can be insured against these diseases. Newborns are also diagnosed with such diagnoses, and the cause in this case is an infection transferred during pregnancy. The danger of brain damage lies in complications: these are progressive dementia and conditions that lead to a person's disability. Delayed treatment leads to cerebral edema and death.

Vegetovascular dystonia

This pathology is recognized as one of the most common neurological disorders. The condition is characterized by a chronic course. Symptoms: jumps in blood pressure, frequent dizziness, pain in the heart. Properly selected therapy leads to a complete cure.


This disease is recognized as the leader among neurological disorders. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by bouts of severe excruciating headache. Therapy is selected individually over a long period. Getting rid of pain is difficult.

Age-related neurological pathologies

List of neurological diseases in people over 60 that are incurable: senile dementia, multiple sclerosis(currently found in the younger generation of citizens), parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive impairment. The cause of their development is considered to be prolonged arterial hypertension, not compensated by drug therapy, failure of metabolic processes and insufficient blood supply to the brain. Below is a partial list of neurological diseases (in the table) associated with memory impairment in the elderly.

childhood neurological diseases list and description
childhood neurological diseases list and description

Timely seeking medical help will improve the quality of life of the patient, will allow for some time to delay the progression of the disease.

Conditions requiring medical attention

Syndromes and symptoms in neurological diseases indicating problems in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system are as follows:

  • constant fatigue;
  • disorientation;
  • sleep problems;
  • memory deterioration;
  • weakening of attention;
  • failure in muscle activity;
  • spotting in the visual field;
  • hallucinations;
  • dizziness;
  • confusion;
  • tremor;
  • pain that occurs suddenly and affects different parts of the body;
  • panic attacks;
  • feeling of numbness in lower and upper limbs;
  • paresis or paralysis.
list of neurological diseases for disability determination
list of neurological diseases for disability determination

Detection of the above signs requiresmedical care, as they can be harbingers of serious neurological diseases, the list of which is divided into disorders in the work of both the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Types of studies

Doctor-neurologist, if necessary, will refer the patient for additional examinations:

  • magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed for disorders of consciousness, hallucinations, pain syndrome;
  • dopplerography is indicated for migraine, dizziness;
  • electroneuromyography - for paralysis or paresis, as well as sudden pain.
  • computed tomography helps to determine the location and nature of the pathology;
  • ultrasound examination of various organs depending on the patient's complaints;
  • positron emission tomography, with its help diagnose injuries and consequences of diseases;
  • echoencephalography is used to detect brain pathologies;
  • neurosonography is used to study the brain of newborns;
  • Craniography reveals skull fractures and birth defects.
neurological diseases list in table
neurological diseases list in table

What specific type of examination to prescribe is determined by the attending physician, depending on the presence of symptoms. Treatment of neurological diseases and their prevention is his prerogative. Making a decision about treatment or research on your own is not recommended.

Treatment methods

There are four types of therapy that are successfulused to treat neurological diseases (a list of them is given above):

  1. Medical or Medicinal. Includes a wide range of drugs that, in accordance with the instructions for medical use, are used to treat these conditions.
  2. Physiotherapy. Includes various physiotherapy exercises aimed at different organs and muscles, as well as magnetic and laser therapy, electrophoresis and other types of physiotherapy.
  3. Surgical. This method is used with the progression of the disease and the complete absence of the effect of other methods of therapy. Surgical interventions are carried out on nerve fibers, spinal cord and brain.
  4. Non-drug. It includes diet therapy, herbal treatment, acupuncture, massage, manual and reflexology, osteopathy.

Children's neurological diseases: list and description

The main causes that provoke neurological stress or breakdown are recognized:

  • psychological trauma;
  • chronic stress;
  • uncomfortable and aggressive environment in which the child is;
  • uncontrolled physical and mental stress;
  • inability to cope with strong emotions (fear, resentment).
list of neurological diseases
list of neurological diseases

The undeveloped nervous system of a child does not have time to respond to various stressful situations in a timely manner, so children cannot quicklyadapt to difficult living conditions. According to medical statistics, the list of childhood neurological diseases is steadily growing. The most defenseless inhabitants of the globe are affected by diseases such as:

  • Enuresis or urinary incontinence. It is very common in young boys and manifests itself in a weakening of control at night. Children's neurologists call the reasons for this condition: family quarrels, stress, constant punishment of the child.
  • Various neuroses that occupy a leading place among all neurological disorders: fear of heights, darkness, loneliness and others;
  • stuttering. Most often occurs in boys. The reason is a strong shock in the form of fright or trauma, that is, something that the child could not cope with on his own and there was a failure in the speech process.
  • Tiki. Distinguish motor, they are expressed in twitching, blinking or shrugging; vocal - grunting, coughing; ritual - all actions performed in a certain sequence are repeated; generalized, which combine several species. The reason for ticks lies in the lack of communication, attention, as well as overprotection, stress.
  • Sleep disorders of a neurotic nature. The prerequisites for the development of this condition are regular overwork in additional sections, at school and chronic stress.
  • Headaches. The presence of this symptom indicates the presence of a pathological process of a neurological orientation in the child's body.
  • Attention Deficit Disorder. Especially oftenmanifests itself during schooling and can then pass into adulthood. Manifestations of the syndrome are anxiety, aggressiveness, negativism, emotional lability.
syndromes and symptoms in neurological diseases
syndromes and symptoms in neurological diseases

The list and description of neurological diseases in childhood is endless. In order to effectively treat pathologies of the nervous system, one should seek medical help in a timely manner. Partially help to avoid these violations is finding a common language with the child, support and faith in his own strength, condescension and patience, and a psychologically favorable climate in the family. The main thing in such situations is not to look for the guilty, but together with specialists (neurologists, psychologists) to find the right way out, thinking first of all about the younger generation.

Neurological diseases in newborns

The list of these pathologies is headed by the most common ones, such as:

  • Hypertonicity and hypotonicity. A sign of the first is considered tension in the muscle tissue, which does not pass after the first week of the baby's life. Symptoms of the second - the upper and lower limbs are extended, with passive extension there is no resistance. Treatment consists of regular gymnastics and massage courses.
  • Syndrome of disorders of the central nervous system. It is assumed that this condition can be traced in a large number of newborns. The reasons for its appearance lie in the adverse effects of external conditions on the nervous system during gestation, delivery and in the early's life. At the first signs of the disease, treatment should be started immediately using physiotherapeutic methods. Untimely therapy will subsequently result in brain dysfunction.
  • Intracranial pressure. It can be unstable or increase and lead to hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Symptoms that should alert a young mother are manifested in the form of frequent crying, regurgitation, especially when atmospheric pressure changes, irritability, or, conversely, drowsiness, lethargy, and lack of appetite. On the bridge of the nose, temples and skull of the baby, a pattern of veins appears, which is visible to the naked eye. By the beginning of the second month of life, an increase in the size of the baby's head is possible.
  • Perinatal cerebral hypoexcitability. It occurs periodically or can be constant, has a severity of different strengths. The baby shows passivity, lethargy, he does not show curiosity, muscle activity is reduced, the main reflexes - swallowing and sucking - are reduced, low motor activity. This type of pathology is typical for premature babies, as well as those who have undergone hypoxia or birth trauma.
pediatric neurological diseases list
pediatric neurological diseases list

Any mother needs to know the signs of neurological diseases in children, the list of which is listed above, and at the slightest suspicion, seek qualified help from doctors in a medical institution.

Summing up

The early age of the individual is especially important for the whole subsequent life, since it is during this periodthe basic foundations for successful physical well-being are laid. Timely elimination of disorders or stabilization of conditions associated with pathological neurological problems will help to be he althy.
