Medicine 2024, October

Human spine, structure and functionality

Human spine, structure and functionality

The article discusses the structure of the spine, tells about its main functions and some features

Osteon is a structural unit of bone: structure and function

Osteon is a structural unit of bone: structure and function

There are approximately 206 bones in the human body, but few people know their structure and understand why they are so strong. But the main role in this is played by osteon. These are the structural units from which the bones of the limbs, ribs, vertebrae, etc. are built. It has another name - the Haversian system

The structure of the sacrum and coccyx: anatomy and functional purpose

The structure of the sacrum and coccyx: anatomy and functional purpose

The sacrum is an intermediate link between the lumbar region and the coccyx. Not each of us accurately imagines the structure of the sacrum, but meanwhile it is an important element of the entire pelvic structure. It is from him that two arcuate bones depart, which fuse in front, forming a cavity where some organs are located

Thoracic vertebrae and their features. How many thoracic vertebrae does a person have? Osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebrae

Thoracic vertebrae and their features. How many thoracic vertebrae does a person have? Osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebrae

Knowing the anatomy of the human spine, you can recognize many unwanted diseases in time, such as osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebrae, cervical or lumbar

Selective permeability of the plasmalemma, transmembrane transport

Selective permeability of the plasmalemma, transmembrane transport

Among the properties of the plasma membrane, its selective permeability is one of the main ones. Thanks to it, the division of the liquid media of a multicellular organism into compartments is formed, in each of which its own composition of electrolytes and organic substances is formed. Any organelle or cell framed by a plasma membrane strictly separates the environment of the body and regulates the transport of substances in two directions

Holter ECG solves heart issues

Holter ECG solves heart issues

When a person has any problems with the heart, he turns to a cardiologist for help. The doctor, in order to assess the he alth situation of the heart muscle, conducts an electrocardiographic study. In order to identify pathology that is not visible at the time of recording the cardiogram, an ECG Holter is used

Infected wounds: description, debridement and treatment features

Infected wounds: description, debridement and treatment features

Infected wounds are the scourge of surgery because they are difficult to treat, cause discomfort to patients, and can be a source of infection for other patients

11 maternity hospital. Roddom 11, Moscow. Bibirevo, maternity hospital 11

11 maternity hospital. Roddom 11, Moscow. Bibirevo, maternity hospital 11

Choosing a maternity hospital is not easy. This article will talk about maternity hospital 11 in Moscow. What is this institution? What services does it offer? How happy are women?

Serological blood tests in the diagnosis of diseases

Serological blood tests in the diagnosis of diseases

Determination of hereditary signs of blood, confirmation or refutation of paternity, the study of hereditary and autoimmune diseases, the establishment of the nature and source of infection in epidemics - all this helps to identify serological blood tests

Cerebral vascular genesis: description, symptoms and treatment features

Cerebral vascular genesis: description, symptoms and treatment features

Vascular genesis refers to all possible brain diseases associated with blood vessels. What is this disease? Vascular genesis means a violation of blood flow in the brain, namely in its vascular and venous network

Alcohol withdrawal time: medical opinions

Alcohol withdrawal time: medical opinions

Almost any celebration is accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it is not always possible to strictly control the amount of alcohol consumed. In this regard, the question becomes relevant as to how to speed up the process of removing harmful compounds from the body and reduce to a minimum the intensity of the manifestations of the hangover syndrome

Suboccipital muscles: definition, types, properties

Suboccipital muscles: definition, types, properties

The suboccipital (suboccipital) muscles are a group of muscles defined by their location in the back of the head. The suboccipital muscles are located below the occipital bone. These are four paired muscles on the underside of the occipital bone - two straight and two oblique

Excretion is Biological significance, pathways of excretion. Loss of water through excretion

Excretion is Biological significance, pathways of excretion. Loss of water through excretion

Excretion is an important process in all forms of life. Excretion is the process by which metabolic waste is excreted from the body. In vertebrates, it is primarily carried out by the lungs, kidneys, and skin

What in the auditory canal provides the auditory tube of the middle ear

What in the auditory canal provides the auditory tube of the middle ear

The Eustachian tube, also known as the auditory tube or pharyngotympanic tube, is a tube that connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear. In humans and other land animals, the middle ear (such as the ear canal) is usually filled with air. However, unlike an open ear canal, middle ear air is not in direct contact with the atmosphere outside the body

Trauma center at "Perovo", children's and adult department

Trauma center at "Perovo", children's and adult department

Trauma center at the station "Perovo" is adjacent to the State Budgetary Institution of He althcare City Polyclinic No. 69 of the Moscow Department of He alth. All medical workers of the emergency room regularly update their knowledge at international seminars organized by the Association of Osteosynthesis in Switzerland and Russia and undergo internships in foreign clinics

Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Saratov

Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Saratov

Patients in need of surgical intervention receive first-class specialist care. The main contingent of inpatients are people with congenital and acquired diseases of the joints, the consequences of severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including osteomyelitis

Polyclinic №5 Nizhnevartovsk. Services, structure

Polyclinic №5 Nizhnevartovsk. Services, structure

In Polyclinic No. 5 in Nizhnevartovsk, they are attentive to their little patients, take care of their he alth and good mood. Every child living in the city of Nizhnevartovsk has the right to receive free medical services at this polyclinic. You can make an appointment with a specialist through the terminal yourself or through the Internet portal of public services

Ulna: structure, types of fractures, treatment methods

Ulna: structure, types of fractures, treatment methods

The structure of the bone of the elbow joint. Types of fractures of the ulna. Common symptoms of a fracture and its diagnosis. Treatment of a fracture of the ulna

Shoulder orthosis: varieties and applications

Shoulder orthosis: varieties and applications

The shoulder joint is constantly subjected to heavy loads, as it participates in all movements of the arm. Therefore, there are many diseases in which there is pain and discomfort. The main method of treatment of such pathologies is the immobilization of the hand. Recently, shoulder orthoses have been actively used for this. These are ready-made devices that fix the joint and hand in a position that prevents pain and promotes recovery

Scapula fracture: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Scapula fracture: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Fracture of the scapula: types and features. Disease symptoms. Methods of treatment and immobilization. What could be the consequences? Recovery period

Gypsum bandage: application, manufacture, application and care

Gypsum bandage: application, manufacture, application and care

Cast bandages have been widely used since the 1970s as a support to immobilize broken bones. The plaster bandage immobilizes the limbs while the bones heal

Baby massage at home

Baby massage at home

Every experienced pediatrician and neurologist will tell you that a small child needs a massage. It is about the method of its implementation that will be discussed in the article

How to relax muscles? Muscle relaxers

How to relax muscles? Muscle relaxers

Too much tension without good relaxation takes a lot of energy, disrupting many functions in the body. In general, as much as the muscles tense up, they should relax as much. However, this is not always the case. A sedentary lifestyle, inactivity lead to the fact that some muscles are tense too much, while others get tired even with little stress. You have to resort to special means, how to relax the muscles. Knowing this is essential for those who aspire to a fulfilling life

Bilirubin: the norm in a newborn. Table by month

Bilirubin: the norm in a newborn. Table by month

Many do not consider jaundice in newborns a serious enough problem. But it is worth knowing and understanding that this is not true in all cases. Without proper attention and treatment, the problem can have serious consequences

Stem cell treatment: features and effectiveness

Stem cell treatment: features and effectiveness

The use of stem cells in medicine has given and made life easier for many people suffering from serious diseases. Stem cell therapy is successfully used in clinical practice in most developed countries of the world

Proper care for burns

Proper care for burns

This article contains brief recommendations to help provide first aid for burns. How to relieve pain and reduce the likelihood of scarring after a burn? What tools should be used?

Military medicine in modern history

Military medicine in modern history

In today's society, conflicts constantly arise in various regions. There are real threats of the use of bacteriological, chemical, nuclear weapons, and intensive work is underway to create new, more powerful types of weapons. People are dying from terrorist attacks. Consequently, military medicine is relevant today even more than yesterday

How to take an ECG: description of the algorithm, electrode placement scheme and recommendations

How to take an ECG: description of the algorithm, electrode placement scheme and recommendations

From this article you will learn what an ECG is. In what cases is this procedure prescribed? How to take an ECG correctly. See the scheme of electrode placement. Learn the features of the ECG for children, pregnant women and people with a mirror arrangement of internal organs

Philosophy and medicine: relationship

Philosophy and medicine: relationship

Philosophy and medicine are sciences closely related to each other by the subject of study, man. The purpose of philosophical research is the spiritual principle, thoughts that precede actions. Medicine is a more exact science, which is designed to practically heal human ailments. Nevertheless, practitioners are always interested in the opinion of philosophers about the influence of the spiritual principle on he alth. Philosophers, in turn, studying the soul, seek to identify the origins of diseases

Classification of human joints. Classification of joints by structure

Classification of human joints. Classification of joints by structure

Classification of human joints involves dividing them into several independent groups, defined by a similar feature

Auscultation is Palpation, percussion, auscultation

Auscultation is Palpation, percussion, auscultation

Auscultation is the most complete and informative method. It is used for diagnostics in surgery, therapy, obstetrics

Thanatology is the doctrine of death. Forensic Medicine

Thanatology is the doctrine of death. Forensic Medicine

Thanatology is a science that reveals the patterns of dying. Forensic thanatology acts as part of the main science, considers the process of death and its consequences for the whole organism in the interests and purposes of the investigation or for examination

Gypsum splint: varieties, manufacturing technology and fixation rules

Gypsum splint: varieties, manufacturing technology and fixation rules

In the event of various injuries, one of the popular methods of immobilization is the use of a plaster splint. This approach to conservative treatment has a number of advantages. To perform the procedure correctly, physicians of appropriate qualifications study the method of preparing and applying such a bandage. Its features will be discussed in the article

He althy heart - he althy baby. He althy heart and blood vessels

He althy heart - he althy baby. He althy heart and blood vessels

A he althy heart is an essential condition for a quality life for every person. Today, doctors are always happy to assist in its preservation to all their patients. At the same time, a person is primarily responsible for his own he alth

7 maternity hospital. Maternity hospital at 7 GKB. Maternity hospital No. 7, Moscow

7 maternity hospital. Maternity hospital at 7 GKB. Maternity hospital No. 7, Moscow

Maternity hospital number 7: where is it and what is it called now. How to get there? Description of all departments of the medical institution. Paid services and contract services. Patient reviews

How is the blood supply to the spinal cord?

How is the blood supply to the spinal cord?

This article deals with the blood supply in the spinal cord and brain, the features and sources of blood supply

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor: work features, duties and reviews

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor: work features, duties and reviews

The ultrasound doctor is the specialist responsible for conducting and evaluating the results of an examination using an ultrasound machine. Today, this speci alty is in high demand due to the increasing role of research carried out by the doctor

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in women, St. Petersburg: where to do it, how to prepare

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in women, St. Petersburg: where to do it, how to prepare

Many women experience pelvic problems for a variety of reasons. It is extremely important to diagnose them in time and start appropriate treatment, because neglected diseases are treated for a longer time and cause a number of complications, including infertility. Currently, one of the main methods, which is informative and safe, is ultrasound

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate: description, preparation and recommendations

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate: description, preparation and recommendations

If diseases of the rectum and other pelvic organs are suspected, a transrectal ultrasound is performed. Most often, this diagnostic method is prescribed for men to study the prostate. However, in some cases, TRUS is also performed on women

Catgut: what it is, how it is produced, use in surgery

Catgut: what it is, how it is produced, use in surgery

Modern medicine is constantly updated with all sorts of novelties. The catgut thread is one of them, with its help you can make a self-absorbable suture, which does not need to be especially monitored and go for dressings and removal to the hospital. It is safe and practical. With its help, internal sutures are made, after a time, when the organ heals, the suture will resolve on its own. This is very convenient, since you do not need to lie in the hospital for a long time under the supervision of doctors