Medicine 2024, October

The profession of an obstetrician: features, advantages and disadvantages. How much does an obstetrician earn in Russia?

The profession of an obstetrician: features, advantages and disadvantages. How much does an obstetrician earn in Russia?

The meaning of a person's stay on Earth is to leave life behind. Children give each of us a real meaning of existence. The birth of a child is a great sacrament known to few. One of these units is the obstetrician-gynecologist

Poliomyelitis in a child: its danger, treatment and prevention

Poliomyelitis in a child: its danger, treatment and prevention

During the first year of his life, every child should be vaccinated against the most terrible diseases, in particular tetanus, hepatitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tuberculosis and polio. Actually, the latter will be discussed further

S alt mine: treatment, benefits, contraindications, reviews

S alt mine: treatment, benefits, contraindications, reviews

Today, many have heard of s alt mines, but few have been there. So what is a s alt mine? What benefits does it bring to the human body? Consider everything in order

Perinatal center of Rostov-on-Don. Childbirth in the perinatal center of Rostov: reviews

Perinatal center of Rostov-on-Don. Childbirth in the perinatal center of Rostov: reviews

This article introduces the Rostov perinatal center and its key features. A description of childbirth in the perinatal center of Rostov is proposed: reviews of women giving birth. Based on this information, a general impression of the institution's reputation is formed. The Perinatal Center of Rostov-on-Don has been showing its high level for many years

What could be the causes of foot pain?

What could be the causes of foot pain?

It turns out that pain in the foot is not only the consequences of an injury that happened once, the reason can be much deeper! Read the article - and find out what symptoms of diseases can be pain in the foot

Main Muscles: Serratus posterior superior

Main Muscles: Serratus posterior superior

What is Serratus posterior superior? Where is it located, what is it responsible for and why does it hurt? This article will tell

The erector spinae muscle: functions and strengthening

The erector spinae muscle: functions and strengthening

The erector spinae muscle is the most powerful and longest muscle on the back. It fills the entire space on the sides from the spinous processes to the ribs. And in length, it stretches along the entire length of the spine. It starts from the sacrum and extends to the very base of the skull. She takes part in turning the head and lowering the ribs. But the main function of the muscle that straightens the spine is to keep the body in a straight position

Rise in temperature: symptoms and treatment. How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

Rise in temperature: symptoms and treatment. How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

Change in body temperature may indicate a deterioration in a person's condition. Usually this factor is a symptom of the appearance of viral diseases or diseases of the internal organs of a person. At the slightest deterioration, it is necessary to measure body temperature regularly

Edema after surgery: causes, ways to relieve edema, medication and alternative methods of treatment, consultations and advice from a doctor

Edema after surgery: causes, ways to relieve edema, medication and alternative methods of treatment, consultations and advice from a doctor

Swelling after surgery is a common occurrence after surgery on any part of the body. Puffiness is formed due to the accumulation of a large amount of lymph in damaged tissues. This process is a response of the immune system, which tries to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, even despite the recent surgery. Consider in the article in more detail the causes of puffiness, ways to relieve swelling and treatment methods

Warming treatment belt made of dog hair. What is the effect of it?

Warming treatment belt made of dog hair. What is the effect of it?

For a long time everyone knows that dog hair is used by the people as an indispensable tool in the treatment of many diseases, as well as for their prevention. A belt made of dog hair containing surface active substances, in contact with the skin, has a beneficial effect on the body

Examination and clinical examination of children

Examination and clinical examination of children

Prophylactic medical examination is considered the leading method of disease prevention used in medical institutions

Thymus: histology, structure, characteristics, functions

Thymus: histology, structure, characteristics, functions

Children's organ that performs the immune function, hematopoietic - thymus. Why is it called childish? What happens to him in old age? And what is its clinical significance? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article

Antibodies to HIV: description, methods for determining and deciphering

Antibodies to HIV: description, methods for determining and deciphering

Human immunodeficiency virus testing shows if a patient is infected. When conducting a study in the blood serum, they look for antibodies to HIV. When a retrovirus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies and antigen proteins

What should be a normal heartbeat and pressure

What should be a normal heartbeat and pressure

What is the normal pressure and pulse of a person? First of all, these are two indicators of his physical he alth. Pulse is the number of times the heart beats per minute, and blood pressure is the force with which blood exerts pressure on the walls of blood vessels

Increased lactate dehydrogenase: causes, treatment

Increased lactate dehydrogenase: causes, treatment

Now there are so many tests that can be taken in the laboratory that it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to understand them. Does elevated lactate dehydrogenase mean anything? And it turns out that this analysis can say a lot

What does stool analysis show: deciphering the result

What does stool analysis show: deciphering the result

The article lists cases in which a doctor prescribes a stool test. The rules for collecting biomaterial for different types of research are indicated. Possible results of macroscopic, chemical and microscopic examination of feces are deciphered. Separately, stool tests for helminthiases and dysbacteriosis are described

GNI is Types of higher nervous activity

GNI is Types of higher nervous activity

Features of human GNI put it one step higher in development compared to animals. People have a developed second signaling system that provides complex forms of behavior, the implementation of mental processes

First aid for stab wounds: definition, types of injuries, rules and algorithm of actions

First aid for stab wounds: definition, types of injuries, rules and algorithm of actions

Every person should know and be able to provide first aid in case of a knife wound. If you know the simplest rules and the algorithm for conducting initial assistance, then a person's life can be saved, even in a very serious situation. Regardless of where exactly the damage was inflicted, the main thing is how first aid will be provided for a knife wound. First of all, you need to pull yourself together and not panic

What to do when quarantine is announced. Is this time for rest or is it better not to change the child's schedule?

What to do when quarantine is announced. Is this time for rest or is it better not to change the child's schedule?

For many parents, it is very important to know what quarantine is. Is this a serious danger to the child or is it still a precautionary measure? Most often, such a situation in educational institutions and kindergartens is announced in the winter, during the active spread of the influenza virus

Cage is life

Cage is life

If you remember the biology course, then a cell is a structural and functional unit of any living organism. What can we say, if there are organisms that are only one cell. Hence their name - unicellular. Well, in the body of animals and humans, there are simply an incredible number of cells

Papillary patterns: types and types

Papillary patterns: types and types

There is a belief that a newborn baby has smooth fingers and palms. As he gets older, curls and lines become noticeable on them. The more obstacles you have to overcome in life, the more difficult these patterns will be

Zips on the lips: causes and treatment

Zips on the lips: causes and treatment

Many people have experienced such a problem as sticking on the lips. They appear for various reasons. Such a wound looks unaesthetic, so many want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a pathology. In this case, it will be much easier to prevent the development of seizures. The features of the occurrence and treatment of such a wound on the mucous membrane of the lips will be described in detail in the article

Tick insurance is cheaper than vaccination

Tick insurance is cheaper than vaccination

Today we can definitely say that the predictions made by epidemiologists have been confirmed: in the summer of 2013, unprecedented activity of ticks was noted in some Siberian regions

Casule endoscopy: what is it, where and how is it performed?

Casule endoscopy: what is it, where and how is it performed?

Tumors and other diseases of the small intestine are quite a serious danger to human life. Indeed, until now, medicine has not resolved the issue of the possibility of conducting examinations of this area of the gastrointestinal tract. However, not so long ago, there was still hope. This is the so-called capsule endoscopy. It was first certified in America in 2001 and now allows you to explore absolutely all parts of the intestine

Conduction system of the heart: structure, functions and anatomical and physiological features

Conduction system of the heart: structure, functions and anatomical and physiological features

The conduction system of the heart is the basic biological mechanism of this central organ of the cardiovascular system. Such a dangerous disease as arrhythmia is a vivid example of pathological changes in the physiological mechanism that performs the most important functions of generating and conducting a nerve impulse to all components of the heart apparatus

Blood donation: benefits and harms. Where and how to donate blood

Blood donation: benefits and harms. Where and how to donate blood

Donation of blood and its components is an exclusively voluntary donation of blood by a person, as well as various activities that are aimed at ensuring and organizing the safety of harvesting the taken material. It should be especially noted that this practice began to be actively used during the war years. You will learn how to donate blood for a donation, whether it is safe or not, from the materials of the presented article

How to measure heart rate? Heart rate in a he althy person. Heart rate and pulse - what's the difference

How to measure heart rate? Heart rate in a he althy person. Heart rate and pulse - what's the difference

What is heart rate? Let's take a closer look at this issue. He alth is by far the most important part of any person's life. That is why the task of everyone is to control their condition and maintain good he alth. The heart plays a very important role in blood circulation, since the heart muscle enriches the blood with oxygen and pumps it. In order for this system to work properly, constant monitoring of the state of the heart, including heart rate and contraction, is required

What is the liquid part of blood called?

What is the liquid part of blood called?

Remember how the liquid part of the blood is called: erythrocytes, plasma or lymph? Having trouble answering? Then let's remember together

Sertoli cell (sustentocyte): functions

Sertoli cell (sustentocyte): functions

One of the components of the tubular epithelium of the testicles is the Sertoli cell. It is involved in spermatogenesis. In addition, Sertoli cells perform endocrine, immune and barrier functions

Stress fractures: causes and symptoms of injury, treatment, recovery period and consequences for the body

Stress fractures: causes and symptoms of injury, treatment, recovery period and consequences for the body

Stress fracture is not the most common injury, but no one is immune from it. The main cause of a fracture is weakened bone tissue. Lack of vitamins and incorrect physical activity can lead to undesirable consequences

Surgery to remove kidney stones: types of operations, indications, postoperative period and prevention

Surgery to remove kidney stones: types of operations, indications, postoperative period and prevention

According to statistics, every tenth person sooner or later faces kidney problems. Urolithiasis (UCD), or urolithiasis, is the leading pathology among kidney diseases. It affects 1-3% of the population. In men, stones are formed 2 times more often, but women are more likely to develop severe forms of the disease

The best therapists in Krasnodar: a review of specialists, reviews

The best therapists in Krasnodar: a review of specialists, reviews

When a person is concerned about problems of an indefinite nature - whether it is pain in the internal organs or some kind of infection - a general practitioner is able to establish the correct diagnosis. But how to immediately choose a good doctor for the residents of Krasnodar? A list of the best therapists in Krasnodar based on qualifications and reviews will help you figure it out

Gynecologists in Yekaterinburg: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

Gynecologists in Yekaterinburg: patient reviews, list with names and rating of the best

Those who decide to look for a good gynecologist in Yekaterinburg according to reviews are doing the right thing. An indifferent rude person can hide behind excellent qualifications, and not paying attention to a small experience, you can miss a wonderful and talented specialist. The list of the best gynecologists in Yekaterinburg with reviews, experience and other professional data presented in the article will help you make the right choice

Steps of pre-sterilization cleaning. Disinfection of medical devices

Steps of pre-sterilization cleaning. Disinfection of medical devices

In medical institutions, in order to prevent the spread of infection, all instruments are sterilized. To do this, they are placed in special autoclaves. Pre-sterilization cleaning is carried out, the stages of which are strictly regulated

Infrared thermometer for measuring body temperature: overview, principle of operation and photo

Infrared thermometer for measuring body temperature: overview, principle of operation and photo

We bring to your attention a rating of infrared thermometers for measuring body temperature, which includes the most intelligent models, distinguished by their quality component and a large number of positive feedback from consumers. All the options described below can be found in pharmacies and other specialized points of sale

Gastroenterologist, Kazan: patient reviews and rating

Gastroenterologist, Kazan: patient reviews and rating

Many residents of Kazan are interested in the question of how to find a good specialist in the field of gastroenterology? It is necessary to find out the qualification data, the work experience of the doctor, as well as the presence and number of positive reviews from patients. All these informational elements of the characteristics of a doctor constitute a certain professional rating on the Internet. The list of the best gastroenterologists in Kazan is presented in the article below

Laser keratoma removal: reviews, consequences and features of the procedure

Laser keratoma removal: reviews, consequences and features of the procedure

Removal of skin neoplasms with a laser is a popular method today. So you can remove moles, papillomas, warts, keratomas and other types of pathologies that have arisen due to atypical development or growth of tissue cells. For example, all types of keratomas are removed with a laser, while cryodestruction or cauterization with current can only remove keratomas of a small size and benign nature

Colorimetric method of chemical analysis of blood

Colorimetric method of chemical analysis of blood

Colorimetric method - an analysis based on a comparison of the color saturation of the investigated and known substances. The results of physical and chemical tests are of great value for many branches of science, but most of all, the study is used in medicine

Surgical sepsis: classification, diagnosis and clinical guidelines

Surgical sepsis: classification, diagnosis and clinical guidelines

The article will focus on one of the most dangerous complications of the postoperative period - surgical sepsis. Infection of the blood with a purulent infection occurs due to the ingress of harmful microorganisms into the blood. The likelihood of developing sepsis increases with a significant weakening of the body's defenses

Physiotherapy couch. Types of couches

Physiotherapy couch. Types of couches

Physiotherapy couches are used for medical examinations of patients and medical procedures. They are intended for temporary placement of one person on it. Various materials are used to make these devices. About what couches are, what they are used for, in detail in the article