Device "Denas": negative reviews of doctors, pros and cons of use

Device "Denas": negative reviews of doctors, pros and cons of use
Device "Denas": negative reviews of doctors, pros and cons of use

The development of medicine does not stand still and constantly offers a wide range of consumers some new innovative technologies used to treat various diseases. One of such developments is the Denas line of devices, which relatively recently appeared on the medical equipment market. It is believed that thanks to this device, you can actually get rid of any disease, but the negative reviews of doctors about the Denas apparatus indicate the opposite.

Treatment with this device today is one of the types of physiotherapy procedures that can be used both in outpatient and at home conditions. It is worth figuring out what kind of device it is and whether it is really as good as they say about it. Or maybe it's just another "magic pill for all diseases" that you really want to believe in?

Howthe device is arranged, the principle of its operation

denas device negative reviews of doctors
denas device negative reviews of doctors

The basis of dynamic electrical stimulation (abbreviated as DENAS) is a change in the characteristics of impulses that affect the body. With the help of the device, an electrical impulse is generated, which is no different from the one controlled by the brain, and is responsible for the correct operation of all body systems. The frequency with which the device operates is quite high, but due to the fact that it is supplied under low voltage, no damage is observed when exposed to nerve fibers.

The device is a small compact device that is comfortable to hold in your hand. The device has buttons and a display. Applicators are included with some devices.

Varieties of Denas devices

device denas negative reviews
device denas negative reviews

Denas devices can be divided into two groups: universal and specialized. Universal include the following:

  1. Denas. This device is used for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, it is convenient and simple to use. The device is quite compact and equipped with a large screen.
  2. Dia-Denas-T. It can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for diagnostic and preventive measures.
  3. Denas-PKM. A universal electrostimulator, which, in addition to the therapy of adults, can also be used to treat children. You just need to set the desired function.

Specialized types of Denas devices are:

  1. Denas-Cardio. It is used to treat disorders of the cardiovascular system. According to doctors' opinions about the Denas-Cardio device, it can be used to normalize blood pressure and increase the tone of the heart muscle. However, please note that the use of this device is strictly prohibited in the presence of a pacemaker.
  2. Denas-Osteo. It is used to relieve pain in the neck and spinal column. According to doctors' opinions about the Denas-Osteo device, the device is effective during headaches in weather-sensitive people, as it works in relaxation mode.
  3. Dia-Denas Cosmo. Used for cosmetic purposes. The device consists of a face mask and a cuff worn on the arm. It can also eliminate puffiness from cosmetic procedures and improve metabolic processes.
  4. Denas-Vertebra. Effectively eliminates pain in the spine and back muscles.

Indications for use

denas devices reviews of doctors
denas devices reviews of doctors

The use of the Denas device is recommended in the following cases:

  • Pain syndrome.
  • Puffiness.
  • Respiratory diseases, in particular, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Inflammation.
  • Muscle spasm.
  • Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which can occur in both chronic and acute forms, in particular, arthritis, arthrosis, bruises and minor injuries.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Eye diseases: poor eyesight, myopia, astigmatism.
  • Inflammation of the oral cavity, which includes periodontal disease andpulpitis.
  • Dermatological diseases.


device denas osteo reviews of doctors
device denas osteo reviews of doctors

Contraindications include the following:

  • Risk of blood clots.
  • Having a pacemaker.
  • Epilepsy and other mental disorders.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory process of bone tissue with the presence of abscesses.
  • Severe damage to the spine and spinal cord.

Effect of application

denas devices reviews of doctors
denas devices reviews of doctors

When using the device "Denas" the following positive effects on the human body are observed:

  1. Elimination of pain, swelling and signs of allergy.
  2. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  3. The recovery process is accelerating.
  4. Disturbances in the endocrine system are eliminated.
  5. Improves circulation.
  6. Blood pressure normalizes.

Pros and cons

denas device
denas device

Denas devices have a number of the following advantages:

  1. Not addictive, also eliminates the risk of overdose from using the device.
  2. Significantly reduces the use of analgesics.
  3. Applicable to children, adults and the elderly.

The device also has its drawbacks, which also need to be taken into account:

  1. One of the main disadvantages of the Denas device is undoubtedly its high cost.
  2. Besides this, judging bynegative reviews about the Denas device, the device does not treat the disease itself, as the description says, but only its main syndrome, which is pain. That is, the patient only gets rid of pain for a while, while the disease, if any, continues to develop.

How to use

The device has buttons with which the patient can set the desired mode himself. At the same time, it lights up on the screen. After setting the mode, you must attach the device to the affected area of the body and wait. At the end of the therapy session, the device beeps and turns off.

However, judging by the reviews about the device, not everything is so simple. You can’t just take and apply the device to the diseased area without familiarizing yourself in detail with the atlas of human organs that is attached to the device. In addition, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor and attend training on the use of the Denas device.

Recommendations for use

As such, there are no recommendations for using the Denas device, except that the device cannot be used while intoxicated. Since in this case, unclear compliance with the instructions for use is possible, due to which the effectiveness of the device may decrease.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if you experience pain of an unclear nature, you should first consult a doctor in order to establish a diagnosis and only then decide whether or not to use the device in this situation. It is not recommended to use the device in relation to infants, asit is not known how electrical impulses can affect the baby's body.

Opinion of doctors and users

denas reviews
denas reviews

The opinions of medical workers about this device are divided: there are both positive and negative reviews of doctors about the Denas device. It is clear that the device cannot cure the patient of the disease itself, but can only relieve him of some of the symptoms, while the disease can develop further and lead to serious consequences without the timely intervention of doctors and traditional medicine methods.

Judging by the opinions of doctors about the device "Denas-PKM", children can use it in the treatment of rhinitis, but the effectiveness of this therapy depends on how early the treatment is started. So, if therapy with the device is relevant at the very beginning of a cold, then all unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated in a matter of days. If therapy with the DENAS apparatus began later, then the effectiveness of such treatment is noticeably reduced.

It is worth noting that most of the negative reviews of doctors about the device "Denas-PKM" is due to the fact that some users start using the device from the words of friends or relatives, without first reading the instructions and not informing the attending physician doctor. However, this can also be said about the use of other types of Denas devices.

As for those who turned to the device, opinions here were also divided. Often, users' points of view coincide with the negative reviews of doctors about the Denas device, since the devicedid not have the proper effect on the body or its effect turned out to be temporary, as a result of which it was necessary to resort to proven methods anyway, that is, to consult a doctor and use medications.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether the Denas apparatus is effective or not - this is individual for each patient. But before you start using it or purchasing it, you should familiarize yourself with all the information offered, read the positive and negative reviews of doctors about the Denas device. You should not ignore the reviews of ordinary users, only then it is advisable to make a decision.
