How to treat cough in children: effective drugs and folk remedies

How to treat cough in children: effective drugs and folk remedies
How to treat cough in children: effective drugs and folk remedies

Cough brings a lot of discomfort to the child. However, the danger is not the phenomenon itself, but the likely consequences in the form of the development of pathological processes in the structure of the tissues of the nasopharynx. Therefore, it is important for parents to understand well how to treat cough in children. Let's look at the most effective drugs and folk remedies to eliminate trouble.


How to relieve a cough in a child? For these purposes, it is worth resorting to the following physiotherapy:

  1. Postural massage - the child is laid on the stomach. A pillow is placed under the pelvic area. Then, with the edge of the palm or fingers, light tapping between the shoulder blades is performed. Palpation is carried out in the direction from the bottom up and in the opposite direction. Application of the solution contributes to the active discharge of accumulated mucous masses from the bronchi.
  2. Warming procedures - compresses on the chest, mustard plasters and foot baths make it possible to reduce blood flow in the bronchial area. The result is a decrease in swelling of the tissues of the respiratory organs, which stimulatesexpectoration of sputum. It is not recommended to resort to this treatment option with the development of a cough if the baby has an elevated body temperature.
  3. Inhalations - in order to perform such procedures, it is worth using a nebulizer for children from coughing. In the absence of a device that helps to spray medicinal formulations directly into the bronchi, you can resort to breathing over the vapors of oats, boiled potatoes, chamomile, eucalyptus.


how to treat cough in children
how to treat cough in children

"Ambrobene" is an effective cough remedy for children, which is allowed to be used to treat infants from the first months of life. The drug perfectly dilutes sputum, promotes the active removal of mucous masses to the outside. The medicine is available in the form of a syrup and a solution. In the first case, the baby is offered a remedy in the amount of 2.5 ml twice a day. When choosing a solution, spraying the composition with a volume of no more than 1 ml using a cough nebulizer for children looks like the best solution.


How to stop a cough in a child? An excellent option is the use of a powerful mucolytic agent "Ambroxol". The active ingredients in the composition of the drug quickly dilute the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, which makes it possible to remove them from the body. The most effective medicine is when an abundance of viscous, poorly discharged sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract. The product is available in the form of a sweet syrup. Therefore, during the reception of the composition, the baby will not feel any discomfort.

In treatmentcough in children under 2 years of age, the drug is used 2-3 times a day, 2.5 ml after meals. To speed up the discharge of mucous masses from the bronchi during such therapy, during the day the child is offered an abundance of drink in the form of water, compotes, juices. The syrup is used within a week. If you continue to use the syrup for longer, unforeseen side effects may occur as a result of an overdose of the drug components.


how to treat a wet cough in a child
how to treat a wet cough in a child

How to treat a wet cough in a child? With wet expectoration of mucus, it is recommended to use Lazolvan syrup. The tool is safe to help babies over the age of 6 months. In this case, resort to the dosage of the drug in the amount of half a teaspoon twice a day. The child is offered the syrup during the meal. An excellent addition to such therapy will be the implementation of regular inhalations using special pharmacological formulations or traditional medicine recipes.


The drug makes it possible to eliminate a dry, lingering cough in a child. It is safe to use "Gedelix" for the treatment of newborns. After all, the composition of the product contains exclusively plant components.

What is the dosage of the drug? Several times a day, the baby is offered half a teaspoon of syrup. If it is necessary to eliminate a dry cough in a baby, the healing composition is diluted with juice or water and the child is given a bottle to drink.


How to stop a cough in a child?The trouble can be eliminated through the use of Stoptussin drops. It is allowed to perform therapy with the drug at the age of 6 months. The dosage is determined based on the body weight of the baby. If the weight of the child is less than 7 kg, in this case, no more than 8 drops of the composition are used at a time. Children weighing from 12 kg are offered 9-10 drops of the drug. The medicine in the indicated doses is dissolved in a glass of water or juice. "Stoptussin" is given to children 3-4 times a day.

Doctor MOM

cough nebulizer for kids
cough nebulizer for kids

The "Doctor MOM" cough remedy for children is based on safe natural ingredients. The medicine is released in the form of syrup and ointment. In the first case, the drug is taken orally in half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. The solution contributes to the active discharge of mucus from the bronchi and the removal of accumulations to the outside.

Doctor MOM ointment contains numerous essential oils that irritate the tissues of the respiratory organs, which stimulates the rejection of accumulated mucous masses. The components of the drug also make it possible to eliminate inflammatory processes, relieve nasal congestion associated with coughing. The ointment is applied to the chest area several times a day.

Muk altin

Cough pills for children are made on the basis of herbal ingredients. The main active ingredient is an extract from marshmallow. The component has an enveloping and expectorant effect. Medication helps to eliminateinflammatory processes. It is allowed to use the remedy for the treatment of cough in children aged 3 years and older. The tablet is crushed into powder, combined with water and offered to the baby as a drink. The procedure is performed several times a day.


Cough tablets for children are taken in cases of blockage of the airways with an abundance of viscous sputum. Babies aged 6 years and older are offered half a pill 3 times a day. Children from 10 years old are given a whole tablet 4 times a day. With the approval of the doctor, an increase in dosage is allowed.


how to relieve a cough in a child
how to relieve a cough in a child

The drug belongs to the group of penicillins. An antibiotic for coughing in children is used if the problem arose against the background of pharyngitis or pneumonia. In order to treat babies, the pill is dissolved in a small amount of hot water. At a time, the child is given to drink about a quarter of a dessert spoon of the composition. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. Such therapy makes it possible to destroy the bacterial infection that has settled in the nasopharynx and provokes the formation of accumulations of mucus in the respiratory tract.


An antibiotic for coughs in children can be prescribed if the problem is long-term and does not want to recede. The drug is available in the form of injections. The drug is intended for intramuscular injection. The pharmacological agent is forbidden to be used to treat newborns.

If necessary, eliminate persistent cough in children aged severalmonths, the drug is used at the rate of 20-50 mg per kilogram of weight. For older babies, the dosage is increased to 75 mg. Injections are performed once a day. Therapy is continued for no more than 4 days. It is worth noting that such injections make the child experience considerable discomfort. Therefore, the decision should be resorted to in extreme cases.

Honey, lemon and glycerin

lingering cough in a child
lingering cough in a child

How to relieve a cough in a child? To do this, use the following recipe:

  1. Take a little lemon. Citrus is thoroughly washed and brushed. The peel is pierced in several places, after which the lemon is dipped in boiling water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then juice is squeezed out.
  2. The resulting raw materials are combined with glycerin in the amount of 2 tablespoons. The composition is thoroughly mixed and poured into a glass.
  3. A few teaspoons of liquid honey are added here.
  4. The product is sent to a cool place and infused for 3-4 hours.

If there is a prolonged cough in a child, in this case, the baby is offered a teaspoon of the healing composition. A mixture of glycerin, honey and lemon juice is taken shortly before meals. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day.

Such an effective cough remedy for children improves immunity due to the intake of an abundance of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the tissues of the nasopharynx.

Badger cough fat for kids

Badger fat is perfectly absorbed by the body, saturates tissues with useful substances and vitamins. substance usepromotes the stimulation of protein metabolism, supports the immune system, normalizes the processes of digestion. Another property of the product is the ability to alleviate well-being during the development of a cough. Due to its bactericidal properties, badger fat contributes to the speedy treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis.

The taste and aroma of such a composition is rather repulsive. For this reason, alternative cough treatment in children is performed by diluting the substance in milk. Babies under the age of 4 are offered a third of a teaspoon of badger fat. For the treatment of children from 6 years old, use half a dessert spoon at a time. The substance is thoroughly stirred in a glass of warm milk. Dissolved badger fat for coughing for children is given to the child to drink in small sips.

Onion broth

How to treat cough in children? A good solution is to use onion broth. Prepare the tool as follows. Grind several medium-sized root crops. The resulting mass is placed in a saucepan. Raw materials are poured with milk and put on a small fire. As soon as the onion boils, a few teaspoons of honey are added here. The remedy is taken 2-3 times a day until the cough disappears completely.

Black radish

home remedy for cough in children
home remedy for cough in children

Large radish is used to prepare medicine. The root crop is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants and washed under running water. The core is cut out with a knife. A tablespoon of honey is placed in the resulting cup-shaped recess. Radish is placed on a jar or glass. The product is left alone for 4-5 hours.

Poafter the above time, an abundance of juice is released from the radish, which is combined with honey. This liquid is offered to the child 3-4 times a day, one dessert spoon. Therapy eliminates cough symptoms within a week. The same radish can be reused by adding a new portion of honey to the cavity.

Licorice root

Another way to treat cough in children? To eliminate dry, hysterical bouts of expectoration will allow the use of a healing composition based on licorice root. A few tablespoons of crushed raw materials are placed in a saucepan and poured with water. The composition is placed on a small fire and simmered for half an hour. To make it more pleasant for the child to absorb such a medicine, a teaspoon of honey is added here. Use the product 3 times a day, shortly before meals.

Pine buds

How to treat a wet cough in a child? To alleviate the condition will allow a decoction based on pine buds. For a liter of water or milk, 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials are used. The liquid is heated to a boil. The composition is then allowed to cool to a comfortable room temperature. The baby is offered a decoction periodically during the day, at regular intervals.

Plantain leaves

How to treat cough in children? An excellent remedy for any nature of the problem is an infusion of plantain leaves. To prepare the medicine, use a tablespoon of crushed raw materials. The vegetable base is poured with boiled water in the amount of one liter. The liquid is infused in a thermos for 3 hours. The medicine is given to the child in a tablespoon 4 times a day.

Milk with honey

effective remedy for cough for children
effective remedy for cough for children

An effective home remedy for a cough is milk with honey. How is the medicine prepared? A dessert spoon of honey is used for a glass of milk. The mixture is heated over low heat. The baby is offered to absorb the entire amount of funds at a time. The procedure is periodically repeated throughout the day.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice is a good expectorant, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. In order to prepare the medicine, about 300 g of the leaves of the plant are taken. The raw materials are carefully ground into gruel and the juice is squeezed through gauze. The resulting base is combined with a glass of liquid honey. The medicine is given to the baby 2 teaspoons after meals. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Oat decoction

Using oatmeal appears to be an effective solution for all types of coughs in children. To prepare a healing agent, a glass of cereal grains is poured with the same volume of water. The composition is placed on a small fire and boiled for an hour. The liquid is then filtered. The medicine cooled to room temperature is given to the baby 3 times a day, shortly before meals.

Inhalation with potatoes

In order to prepare a cough remedy, boil 5-6 potatoes in their uniforms. A few pinches of chamomile and calendula are added here. Potatoes are thoroughly mashed and the composition is mixed. The child is placed over a saucepan with the composition and cover his head with a towel. Over the steam, the baby is left to breathe for 10 minutes. As practice shows, the implementationprocedures 2-3 times a day makes it possible to get rid of cough for several days already.

Milk and pine nuts

Pine nut milk is an extremely effective solution for cough control. To prepare medicine, take a glass of pine nuts. Such raw materials are poured into a glass of milk. The mixture is put on a small fire and brought to a boil. The agent is boiled for 5 minutes. Then the composition is removed from the stove, wrapped in a towel and allowed to brew. The resulting mixture is filtered and offered to the child several times a day. The solution allows you to accelerate the expectoration of accumulated sputum, as well as eliminate inflammatory processes. Treatment with the remedy makes it possible to get rid of a cough in a child for a week.

In conclusion

Children's cough is a rather serious problem, because other diseases of the nasopharynx can develop against the background of the phenomenon. In order not to have to eliminate the trouble, it is important for parents to harden the baby, resort to activities aimed at strengthening immunity. If the cough makes itself felt, it is worth resorting to treatment by combining effective medicines and folk recipes.
