Garlic has been known for its miraculous properties since ancient times, but it never ceases to amaze us with the effectiveness of its action until today. Whatever means exist on its basis, which confirms the opinion about the healing effect of this plant on the body.

Garlic tincture for alcohol was invented in ancient times, but it became known about it relatively recently. At the end of the last century, the recipe for its preparation was found in the oldest records located on the territory of Tibetan monasteries. Its main property is an incredible rejuvenating effect on the body, but this happens only with careful adherence to a certain scheme.
Garlic alcohol tincture is especially useful for people with vascular diseases and heart disease. It has a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system, dissolves and removes lime deposits and fatty plaques. At the same time, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, their elasticity improves, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart as a whole. In addition, herthe use is equated to the prevention of colds and tumor formations. Also, the use of this tool leads to the stabilization of the visual apparatus and other organs and systems in the body.

Garlic tincture for alcohol is prepared according to the following recipe. Take 500 grams of garlic, but choose one that is firm to the touch and not stale. Peel it, rinse it and put it in a colander to drain all the water. Then it must be crushed with a press or crushed in a crushed form in a porcelain mortar. After the end of the procedure, from the very bottom, select 250-300 grams of the mixture, because it was there that the stack gathered the most concentrated composition of the plant. Transfer this gruel to a glass bottle and fill it with alcohol (96%) in a volume of 200 ml. The vessel should be tightly sealed, after which you need to put it in a dark place, the exposure time is 10 days.
After the expiration date, the resulting infusion should be passed through gauze and stored for another three days, after which it will be possible to start treatment.
Garlic tincture for alcohol is used with milk or water: it is recommended to take 50 ml of liquid and add the required amount of the product to it, in accordance with the proposed scheme. You need to take it 3 times a day, starting with one drop and increasing the dosage at each dose by one more serving, equal to the first value. Approximately it looks like this: for breakfast 1 cap., for lunch 2 cap., for dinner 3 cap., And from the 2nd day, the countdown continues from the number 4 and so on until you reach 25cap. After that, you should take the last dosage also three times a day, until the twenty-fifth day of the month that began.

Garlic tincture for alcohol, reviews of which confirm the above-mentioned properties, is applied in a course, and it can be repeated no more than once every three years. A feature of such a medicine is that the longer it is stored, the more useful substances it becomes. Further, until the 25th day, folk medicine is taken 25 drops three times a day.
It is worth noting separately that garlic tincture, the Tibetan recipe of which was described above, has contraindications. Among them are diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, adenoma, epilepsy, pregnancy, childhood, as well as problems with the intestines and pathologies of the genitourinary system. Do not forget about individual intolerance to the product.
Anyone who tries to be treated with garlic should know that for the preparation of any remedy, you must use only a fresh plant. The longer it is stored, the less active its antibacterial properties. If garlic lies in room conditions for more than six months, it can be safely considered a useless seasoning.