Hepatitis C treatment in Israel: clinics, reviews

Hepatitis C treatment in Israel: clinics, reviews
Hepatitis C treatment in Israel: clinics, reviews

Many of our compatriots suffering from complex diseases prefer to be treated in Israel. Hepatitis C is one of the most dangerous pathologies that is difficult to treat. The leading medical institutions in Russia can boast of a dynamically improving statistics of cases of recovery from this disease, but still, if possible, the majority try to undergo therapy abroad. According to reviews, treatment in Israeli clinics is a real chance for healing from hepatitis C and returning to normal life.

How foreign patients are treated

In Israeli clinics specializing in the treatment of liver diseases, adhere to a consistent program. First, the patient stays in the country and gets acquainted with the attending physician. A hepatologist specialist conducts an examination, studies the patient's findings, test results, instrumental studies and prescribes a second examination, but within the walls of an Israeli clinic.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hepatitis C are carried out in several stages and under the strict supervision of specialists. Patients with ready-made examination results are consulted by the leading hepatologist of the medical center. The decision to choose an individual therapeutic program is made jointly by several specialists in order to exclude the possibility of medical error.

The first stages of treatment, which usually last several weeks, the patient undergoes in Israel. If doctors note positive dynamics and improvement in well-being, the patient is released to his homeland - the remaining period of therapy he will undergo on an outpatient basis at home, following the prescriptions of doctors. A few months after the completion of treatment, the patient will need to be re-diagnosed. This follow-up examination will demonstrate the results of therapy.

hepatitis c treatment abroad
hepatitis c treatment abroad

What you need to know about this disease

Viral hepatitis C is considered one of the most terrible ailments of mankind. From year to year, the disease claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. The popular name of hepatitis C “gentle killer” is fully justified, because a person dies from this disease unnoticed. If the virus infects the liver, it may not manifest itself for years and decades, and then suddenly and rapidly becomes active, resulting in cirrhosis or a malignant tumor.

The structure of the DNA of the virus is adapted to survive in any conditions, at any temperature. This microorganism is constantly being modified and mutated, as a result of which drugs and developments againstdiseases quickly lose their effectiveness.

Infection is transmitted through wounds on the skin or even minor damage to the mucous membranes. The risk of contracting hepatitis C exists during unprotected intercourse, as well as during dental, cosmetic manipulations, manicures, pedicures, tattoos and piercings. The largest number of infected people is found among drug addicts who use non-sterile syringes to inject drugs.

hepatitis c treatment results
hepatitis c treatment results

Diagnostic plan

Examination of patients with hepatitis C in Israeli clinics is carried out according to the basic scheme, but with the use of innovative approaches. Diagnostic measures are carried out in stages:

  • The first stage is blood tests confirming the presence of antibodies of the virus in the blood. Upon receipt of a positive result, specialists must conduct a control test that will put an end to this issue. This test is also called viral load.
  • Once the presence of the virus in the patient's body is confirmed, another laboratory test will be required to identify the strain of hepatitis C.
treatment in Israeli clinics reviews
treatment in Israeli clinics reviews

After clarifying the patient's viral status, he is prescribed tests necessary to assess the functioning of the liver. Fibrotest is a comprehensive screening, the results of which can give an objective assessment of the state of the gland. To clarify the localization of the affected structures, they often resort to fibroscopy, a method that is similar to ultrasound, andalso MRI and CT needed to rule out cancer.

General principles of therapy

If the test results leave no doubt about the diagnosis, treatment of hepatitis C should be started immediately. In Israel, the therapeutic program depends on a number of factors, in particular:

  • patient's age;
  • viral load;
  • infection genotype;
  • comorbidities;
  • general condition of the patient.

The chances of recovery decrease as the disease progresses. In Israel, the treatment of hepatitis C has repeatedly been crowned with success, even in the later stages. In addition, in some cases, doctors may consider therapy inappropriate due to the onset of irreversible processes, but this does not mean that the patient in Israel will not be helped. Terminal patients are provided with highly qualified palliative care.

Hepatitis Virus Control Methods

Therapy for the disease, which is called the "gentle killer", takes place exclusively in a stationary institution. Patients with a chronic form of the disease are placed in a specialized hepatological department of the medical center.

best clinic for hepatitis c treatment
best clinic for hepatitis c treatment

To cure hepatitis, or at least stop its progression, Israel is carrying out a whole range of therapeutic measures aimed at suppressing pathogenic infection in the body. The main principles of treatment:

  • protection and restoration of affected gland cells;
  • elimination of intoxicationsyndrome and improving the general well-being of the patient;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of cirrhosis.

Treatment in the best clinics in Israel guarantees the achievement of positive changes. Specialists of leading medical institutions have at their disposal advanced developments for the treatment of viral hepatitis - effective antiviral drugs, drugs to protect liver cells, varieties of interferon to form a powerful immune response. According to reviews, treatment in Israeli clinics also involves the use of the latest expensive antiviral drugs Victrelis, Telaprevir, etc. The cost of one package of such drugs starts from 65 thousand rubles.

In addition, an individual program of additional treatment is developed for each patient. For example, in the chronic form of pathology in Israel, they increasingly began to introduce the method of deformation of the DNA of the virus, which has already confirmed its effectiveness. To restore the lost functions of the gland with extensive liver damage, they resort to organ transplantation or stem cell transplantation.

Features of prescribing drugs

Treatment of viral hepatitis not only in Israel, but also in other countries, including Russia, is a comprehensive multicomponent program. The therapy includes a course of intensive antiviral exposure, which is carried out under the supervision of professionals. As soon as the activity of hepatitis is suppressed, they begin a program to restore the affected liver tissues.

The purpose of the rehabilitation part of the programconsists in reducing or eliminating inflammatory processes, preventing the development of cirrhosis and reducing the concentration of the virus in the body if its complete elimination is impossible. The basis for the treatment of hepatitis C in Israel are drugs based on human interferon-A, immunomodulators, corticosteroids and new generation antibiotics. Therapy programs are developed individually for each patient.

Over the past few years, Israeli doctors have made a real breakthrough in the treatment of hepatitis. Not so long ago, drug treatment of hepatitis was based on the use of only interferon and Ribovirin preparations. Today, drugs are effectively combined with peg-interferon, which gives the best result, helps patients achieve long-term stable remission. The drugs are injected subcutaneously and given in tablet form, some of the drugs are taken daily and others are taken weekly.

hepatitis c clinic diagnostics treatment prevention
hepatitis c clinic diagnostics treatment prevention

The effectiveness of this treatment regimen is at least 60%. This means that six out of ten patients with hepatitis C manage to achieve a full recovery. In other cases, we are talking about a stable remission, the duration of which will depend on the body's defenses, the patient's lifestyle and other factors that can restrain the activity of the virus.

The most successful treatment abroad is hepatitis C of the second and third strains. To achieve a sustained virological response, a long-term comprehensivetherapy for 12-18 months. For the main part of this period, the patient can stay at home, and fly to Israel solely for the sake of examination and change of course of treatment. Specialists will select new drugs in optimal dosages that correspond to the age, weight and immune status of the patient.

About innovations in the treatment of hepatitis C

Since 2014, the names of drugs such as "Olissio" and "Sovaldi" began to appear in treatment protocols and case histories. These are the latest generation medicines that have demonstrated high results in laboratory studies and clinical conditions. "Olissio" and "Sovaldi" effectively affect the hepatitis C viruses of the first four types. According to unconfirmed data, more than 85% of patients overcome the disease within 3-6 months of therapy. These drugs are an excellent alternative for patients with individual intolerance to interferon and developing cirrhosis against the background of the active phase of hepatitis.

What are the possible side effects

Patients treated for hepatitis C abroad report serious side effects. In some cases, the body of patients reacted to antiviral drugs so painfully that doctors had to decide to interrupt therapy. An adverse reaction in the treatment of hepatitis can be:

  • hair loss;
  • weight loss;
  • changes in indicators in blood tests;
  • psycho-emotional disorders.

Any adverse reactions due to the use of aggressive drugsdrugs are reversible and disappear without additional intervention after the completion of the therapeutic program. In Israeli clinics, specialists give patients valuable advice on how to stop side effects. Some of them involve a strict diet, which is selected by the clinic staff based on the condition of the patient's liver. The main principle that the patient should use when compiling a diet is the complete rejection of fatty, sweet and s alty foods.

best treatment for hepatitis c
best treatment for hepatitis c

Following the instructions of the attending doctor and in the future, the medication will be taken by patients at the place of residence. In order to avoid complications and the development of adverse reactions, the patient is recommended to keep in touch with the doctor by phone or via Internet messengers.

How much does a course of treatment cost

The average cost of diagnostic and treatment procedures in Israeli clinics is in the range of $400-3000. The price of a full course of therapy can vary significantly in different medical centers. As in any other foreign institutions, the tariffs in Israel are quite high, but due to the increase in the production of generics, which are popular all over the world, there is a tendency to reduce the cost of treating antiviral diseases, including hepatitis C. Generics are produced in India, this cheaper analogues of the latest drugs. The main drawback of the available medicines is that they are not of the highest quality.

The best treatment for hepatitis C today involves the use of drugs based on peg-interferon. By the way, it is not always expensive. Depending on the type of virus and the condition of the liver, the total cost of therapy starts at $2,000. In severe cases, hepatitis can cost up to $100,000 to treat.

The best clinics for the treatment of hepatitis C, patients' opinions

The medical centers of this country use the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The most popular clinics where Russians successfully undergo treatment are:

  • "Rabam".
  • Shiba.
  • Assuta.
  • Sourasky.
  • Shaare Zedek.
  • Wolfson.
  • Herzliya Medical Center.
  • Hadassah.

The names of such doctors as:

  • Yov Luria, Branch Manager at Shaare Zedek.
  • Ziv Ben Ari, Leading Specialist, Hepatology Center at Sheba Clinic.
  • Oren Shibolet (Sourasky Medical Center).

Local specialists do not stop there and continue to look for new, more effective ways to influence the virus, develop methods to stop adverse reactions due to synthetic interferon and preserve its properties.

For several years, the Assuta clinic has demonstrated one of the best results in the treatment of hepatitis C.

hepatitis c treatment clinics
hepatitis c treatment clinics

Innovative approaches in the fight against viral hepatitis are being actively developed and put into practice here. It is worth noting thatThe Israeli government supports the activities of absolutely all clinics. Treatment of hepatitis C is an important direction in the development of medicines, the creation of new technologies. Close attention is also paid to the condition of medical centers, their organizational and technical equipment. The Israeli Ministry of He alth monitors the work of not only state, but also commercial medical institutions.
