Most of us believe that a prolonged cough is the result of some kind of viral infection, and the only way to get rid of it is with the help of medicines or inhalations. However, few people know that very often there is a cough with thyroid gland. Under the influence of a variety of reasons, the thyroid gland is able to increase in size, as well as put a lot of pressure on the trachea. Because of this, a person begins to feel a constant urge to cough, he wants to clear his throat.
Cough with thyroid gland is successfully treated, you just need to seek help from a doctor in time. However, not everyone goes to a medical facility when this alarming symptom appears.
In our article, you can learn more about what other symptoms accompany a cough with thyroid gland, as well as how you can get rid of this ailment.

Signs of increasethyroid glands
Our thyroid gland in the body has a very important purpose. It produces special hormones necessary for the implementation of metabolic processes, the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. When pathological changes occur in it, the thyroid gland increases in size, a swelling gradually forms in the patient's neck, which is commonly called a goiter.
An enlarged thyroid gland is accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms, which are as follows:
- Squeezing sensation in throat while swallowing food.
- Difficulty swallowing saliva.
- Discomfort in the neck area.
- Tickle and lump in throat.
- Thyroid cough that gets worse when lying down.
Other symptoms
In addition, a person feels constant weakness, he suddenly becomes irritable for no reason. The patient's performance is significantly reduced, sleep is disturbed, memory worsens, and other unpleasant symptoms are observed. Thyroid cough is accompanied by excessive sweating, muscle pain, increased heart rate.

A characteristic sign of a dysfunction of an organ is that a cough cannot be cured in any way. But how can you get rid of a cough with a thyroid gland? The symptom is eliminated after warming up, taking medications and inhalations. If the thyroid gland is slightly deformed, then the patient's cough disturbs only periodically. Over time, its intensity increases. A dry cough with a thyroid gland begins to torment a person on an ongoing basis, because the enlarged organ puts a lot of pressure on the trachea, making it difficult to breathe, drink, and swallow normally.
Diagnostic features
Suffocating reflex cough that occurs against the background of concomitant causes is a significant reason to visit an endocrinologist. If the thyroid gland causes a cough, an enlargement of this organ should be diagnosed as early as possible. Thus, you will have a much better chance of normalizing its functioning without surgical intervention.
How is diagnostics carried out in a medical facility? To do this, the specialist carefully examines the throat, probes the thyroid gland and determines whether the thyroid gland can cause a cough. After that, a blood test is prescribed, the level of cholesterol and hormones is determined.
To clarify the diagnosis, and also to answer the question of whether there can be a cough from the thyroid gland, the doctor prescribes the patient to do an ultrasound. If the progression of the disease is detected, during the development of which the thyroid gland increases, then the necessary therapy is prescribed, corresponding to the degree of damage to this organ.
In no case should you start self-medication, this can aggravate the situation, no matter what kind of cough with thyroid gland. Any dysfunction of the thyroid gland is very dangerous for human he alth, so you should rather scrupulously adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.

Continue to considerfeatures of cough, sore throat with thyroid gland. Genetic predisposition can also cause such pathological processes in the thyroid gland. In addition, this often happens due to poor absorption of iodine by the human body or insufficient intake of this trace element with food. If you want to check if your body is getting enough iodine, then you can do a simple test yourself at home.
To do this, dip a cotton swab in iodine, and before going to bed, apply three lines on the wrist to the delicate skin. One strip is drawn very thin, the second should be a little thicker, and the third is made wide and very bright. After that, go to bed, and in the morning carefully examine your wrist. If all the drawn lines have disappeared from it, then you should urgently go to the hospital to check the state of your endocrine system.
If two lines have disappeared, then special attention should be paid to the condition of your body, as well as to take tests and consult a doctor. If only one thin line has disappeared, while the rest are clearly visible, then you should not worry about iodine deficiency in your body.
Please note that this symptom is absolutely not a reason for the independent use of iodine-containing drugs. If you do this without a general clinical picture, then this can become very dangerous for he alth. It must be remembered that an excess of this element is highly undesirable. The fact is that a high content of iodine in the body can develop into hyperthyroidism. This disease is characterized by an increase in the production of thyroid hormones.
All medicines are used only on prescription. A qualified specialist can correctly calculate the dosage of medications that will help restore the organ.

Features of treatment
So, we have looked at the main signs and symptoms of a thyroid cough. But how to cure it? If you see a doctor in time with a similar problem, you can successfully get rid of cough, feeling of squeezing the throat, suffocation, tickling.
Symptomatic treatment
In most cases, endocrinologists use hormonal drugs to treat the thyroid gland, making the organ work properly. In some cases, medications are prescribed that contain iodine. If nodules appear in the thyroid gland and they become large enough, then surgery is performed for treatment.
As for the specific names of medicines, you will not find them here. They are selected strictly by the attending physician based on the individual characteristics of your body.
Treat the root cause
Everything will depend primarily on the nature of the development of the pathological process. If the thyroid gland grows in size, then therapy should be carried out aimed at inhibiting the production of thyroid-stimulating hormones. Most often, drugs "Metimazole" or "Propylthiouracil" are prescribed for this.
Usually withinsome time these diffuse changes begin to regress.

The operation involves the removal of some part of the body or completely. This event is prescribed if a tumor growth, goiter or hyperplasia is detected. The need for surgical intervention also arises in cases where the use of medications did not give the expected result.
Depending on the abnormalities present in the human body, a specialist can prescribe a medical and surgical correction to the patient at the same time. This approach allows for replacement therapy in case of an insufficient amount of hormones. If the excision was solid, then the patient needs a life-long replacement.
Folk remedies
If the doctor deems it appropriate, then in parallel with drug therapy, traditional medicine recipes can also be used. If alternative treatment is used in conjunction with the main one, then it will be very effective in combating this problem. Herbal preparations restore the function of the thyroid gland quite well. Consider the most effective recipes.
Herbal preparations
For cooking, you need to take one tablespoon of sage, tricolor violet, ordinary cuff, medicinal fumes, and also goat's rue. The components of the collection are mixed, then one tablespoon of the mixture is poured into two glasses of boiling water. All grass residues are placed in a canvas bag andused for the next preparation of the decoction. When the product has cooled, strain it and drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

Above it was considered whether there is a cough with thyroid gland. It was also noted that traditional medicine recipes can be used in combination with the main therapy. If the cough was provoked by a growing goiter, then it can finally disappear only after the work of the thyroid gland is normalized, and also when it decreases in size.
Smooth the symptoms, as well as improve sputum discharge, soften the throat will help the following recipe.
To prepare the medicinal collection, you will need 2 tablespoons of marshmallow rhizome, 3 tablespoons of calamus root, 3 tablespoons of licorice, one tablespoon of coltsfoot, as well as 1 teaspoon of anise fruits and the same number of mullein flowers. All ingredients are mixed together, and then brewed once a day in the amount of 1 tablespoon per 250 ml of boiling water. The resulting dose is divided into 3 times, the decoction is drunk before meals.
Black radish and honey
Useful and tasty medicine can be made on the basis of black radish and honey. To do this, the black radish is thoroughly washed under cold water, peeled, then finely chopped and put in a glass jar. A few tablespoons of natural honey are also added there, everything is mixed. The ingredients must be infused in a glass container for 6 hours. During this time, healing juice should form in the container. Use it one by oneteaspoon every hour.
If you are bothered by attacks of severe choking cough, then it can be relieved with the help of inhalation. To do this, heat water in a saucepan or teapot, add 10 drops of mint, fir, anise oil. This steam should be breathed for 10 minutes. This procedure makes breathing easier and causes the mucus to flow away fairly quickly.
Preventive measures
If you do not want to allow deformation, disruption of the thyroid gland, and also do not want to suffer from coughing with such an ailment, then you need to pay special attention to your he alth. To do this, it is very important to get enough sleep and periodically walk in the fresh air. Some believe that for the purpose of prevention, you should consume a large number of products that contain iodine. But this is far from true. The thyroid gland quite often suffers precisely from an excess of this element in the body.

For the purpose of prevention, you should adhere to a balanced diet, include in the diet products that contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. You should also eat seaweed, feijoa fruits, fresh herbs and fresh eggplant as often as possible. For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, manganese, cob alt, and copper are needed. That is why you need to enrich your diet with cashews, hazelnuts, gooseberries and fresh blueberries.
It will be quite useful to use rosehip broth a day - just one glass is enough. The point is that thisthe drink well strengthens the body's immune system, and also has a positive effect on the endocrine system as a whole.
Small conclusion
We have found that coughing can trigger problems in the thyroid gland. Such a disease in itself is not dangerous. The main threat lies in its cause. That is why if you notice such an alarming sign, you should immediately undergo an examination in a medical institution. As you know, a disease that will be detected in the germ is much easier to treat than a disease at a more advanced stage.