What kind of cough syrup can I use for babies?

What kind of cough syrup can I use for babies?
What kind of cough syrup can I use for babies?

Pathologies of the respiratory system in newborns develop more often than in older babies. Even a common cold can quickly turn into bronchitis, and therefore treatment should be timely. If the baby still began to cough, it is important to choose the right syrup. For infants, a cough medicine is prescribed exclusively by a doctor after determining the exact diagnosis. Let us consider in more detail the features of some syrups and recommendations for their use.

Causes of cough in infants

Cough in a newborn baby is a very dangerous symptom. An unpleasant phenomenon causes panic for many parents. To quickly cope with the disease, first of all, you should contact your pediatrician. Self-treatment of newborns is strictly prohibited! This only leads to complications and worsening of the child's condition. The specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate cough syrup for infants.

cough syrup for babies
cough syrup for babies

What can cause a cough in babies in their first year of life? The inflammatory process leads to a cold, rhinitis, sinusitis,bronchial asthma, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. The disease may be accompanied by the development of other symptoms, such as fever, nasal congestion. In addition, do not forget that the child may suffer from cough due to too dry air in the room or if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract.

Determining treatments

Treatment depends on the type of cough. Dry or unproductive cough is considered the most dangerous and indicates the development of an inflammatory process. Sputum is not separated from him. Mucolytics can help this process - drugs that reduce the viscosity of the pathological secret. Dry cough syrup for babies should have a mild therapeutic effect and have a pleasant taste. It is desirable that the composition of such a drug does not contain components that cause allergic reactions.

Wet cough in children under one year old is much easier to treat than unproductive. To help the child cough up the mucus that is excreted from the walls of the bronchi, thinning and expectorants are prescribed. It is difficult for newborns to cough up sputum due to muscle weakness. In this case, vibration massage will help speed up the process. In addition, doctors recommend that children take inhalations and warm compresses.

What cough syrup can babies have?

Mucolytics used for dry coughs should be used with caution. Some drugs can be given to the baby in the first month of life, others - a little later. The dosage is calculated strictly by age. One of the most popular drugs is Ambrobene. This syrupcough for babies (1 month and older) is prescribed by many pediatricians with poor sputum discharge.

Ambroxol, Flavamed have a similar therapeutic effect. The active ingredient in the composition of drugs is ambroxol hydrochloride. For babies older than six months, drugs such as Lazolvan, Linkas, Bronhikum are suitable.

cough syrup for babies
cough syrup for babies

The following syrups will help improve sputum discharge:

  • "Prospan";
  • Gedelix;
  • Stodal;
  • Gerbion;
  • dry cough mixture;
  • Evkabal.

Syrup "Lazolvan"

An effective mucolytic based on Ambroxol is a modern and safe remedy for treating cough in infants. The drug has an expectorant effect, effectively dilutes the pathological secret and contributes to its speedy removal. According to the instructions, it can be safely given to children in the first year of life, starting from birth.

dry cough syrup
dry cough syrup

The active substance enhances the function of the bronchi and protects the lungs from pathogens. In combination with antibacterial drugs, Lazolvan syrup enhances their therapeutic effect.

Indications for the appointment of syrup for infants are the following ailments:

  • bronchitis (including obstructive syndrome);
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory distress syndrome (in premature babies).

How to take?

"Lazolvan" in syrup cancontain 15 and 30 mg of active ingredient. For the treatment of the smallest patients, a remedy with a minimum dosage of ambroxol and a pleasant fruity taste is prescribed. Take cough syrup for infants after meals. In some cases, it may be mixed with water, tea or milk.

Dosage for babies from birth to two years old - 0.5 teaspoon twice a day. Doctors recommend increasing the amount of fluid in the child's diet during treatment with a mucolytic. And you can’t increase the dose of the drug for babies.

According to reviews, the syrup effectively fights cough and significantly improves the child's condition in the first days of therapy. It is possible to completely cope with a cold in 7-10 days. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is not used only in cases of hypersensitivity (or intolerance) to the components in its composition.

Drug "Linkas" for children

Which cough syrup for babies (4 months) will be the most harmless? Only the one that has a plant base. It should be noted that not all drugs in this category are approved for the treatment of newborn babies. Linkas syrup is a unique drug with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action.

what kind of cough syrup can be given to babies
what kind of cough syrup can be given to babies

The composition of the medicinal product contains the following components (in the form of dry extracts):

  • leaves of adhatoda vascular;
  • Marshmallow officinalis (flowers);
  • flowering onosma (leaves, flowers);
  • fruits and roots of long pepper;
  • broadleaf cordia (fruit);
  • jujube real (fruits);
  • licorice root;
  • medicinal hyssop (leaves);
  • roots and rhizomes of alpinia galanga;
  • scented violet (flowers).

According to the instructions, Linkas syrup is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with a hard-to-remove secret: SARS, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, tracheitis.


The manufacturer does not recommend prescribing it to babies under 6 months, but, as medical practice shows, the medicine is well tolerated by young children. Cough syrup for infants "Linkas" should not be used without prior consultation with a pediatrician.

The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the age category of the baby. So, for children from 6 months, an expectorant should be given half a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Ambrobene for babies

To cope with dry cough in newborns and babies of the first year of life, the drug "Ambrobene" will help. This remedy belongs to the group of mucolytics. Ambroxol is used as an active ingredient. The manufacturer produces the drug in several forms, but for the treatment of the smallest, syrup should be used.

cough syrup for babies 3 months
cough syrup for babies 3 months

Cough medicine for infants, this medicine is prescribed quite often. "Ambrobene" effectively treats such ailments as laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia (as part ofcomplex therapy) and attacks of bronchial asthma.

How to give to a child?

The duration of treatment and the regimen for taking the syrup is selected on an individual basis. According to the instructions, babies under 2 years of age are given half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of medicine. The maximum daily dose is 15 mg of the active substance. The frequency of taking the medicine - 2 times a day. For the duration of the medication, a small patient is also prescribed a plentiful drink in order to liquefy and sputum faster.

Special Instructions

The drug has some contraindications that parents should definitely read. First of all, Ambrobene is not suitable for the treatment of children with intolerance to ambroxol, fructose or other components. Also, the remedy is not prescribed for glucose-galactose malabsorption and sucrose deficiency. Only under strict indications and under medical supervision, the syrup is used to treat children with renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Is Prospan effective?

Another popular herbal medicine is Prospan, the active ingredient of which is ivy leaf extract. The drug has a mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic and antitussive effect. Saponins found in plant materials have antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, the medicinal plant contains a high concentration of essential oils, flavonoids, phytosteroids and triterpenoids.

cough syrup for babies up to a year
cough syrup for babies up to a year

In acute and chronic inflammatory processes inrespiratory organs, it is recommended to give this cough syrup. For infants (3 months and even younger), "Prospan" is prescribed for both dry and wet coughs. The composition of the drug does not contain alcohol and glucose. Therefore, it can be given to babies with diabetes.

Instructions for use

Vegetable cough syrup is given to infants at 2.5 ml twice a day. If the recommended dose is exceeded, side effects may occur in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. Depending on the severity of the baby's condition, the doctor can adjust the treatment regimen and the frequency of taking the medicine. The drug is often prescribed as part of complex therapy.

Gedelix: cough syrup

It is quite difficult for a baby up to a year to find cough medicines. Pediatricians almost always recommend using natural-based products. Syrup "Gedelix" is a German-made mucolytic, which also has an antispasmodic and expectorant effect. The drug is based on an extract of ivy leaves, which is especially effective for dry coughs, and an extract from anise seeds.

cough syrup for babies 1 month
cough syrup for babies 1 month

Assign "Gedelix" (syrup) for infants from coughing at a dosage of 2.5 ml. Indications for use are pathologies such as bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchial asthma with difficult sputum discharge, pneumonia. The syrup is recommended to be diluted with a little tea or water.

Herbal ingredients may cause gastrointestinal side effects (nausea, vomiting) orallergic skin reactions.
