Troxevasin ointment is an effective angioprotective agent with high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and venotonic activity. The drug is widely used as monotherapy and complex treatment of varicose veins, herpes virus infection, venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers.

The main active element in the composition of troxevasin ointment is troxerutin. This compound is a synthetic analogue of rutin (vitamin P). Other components of this medicine are optional. They facilitate the transport of the main substance through the skin to damaged vessels, and also act as preservatives and solvents. The following auxiliary components stand out: benzalkonium chloride, carbonar, triethanolamine, purified water, EDTA.
Issue Forms
This pharmaceutical preparation is in the form of a gel for topical use.use, it is not available in the form of an ointment. However, many people are used to calling this remedy troxevasin ointment, so this name gradually took root and became similar.
"Troxevasin" in the form of a gel is packaged in laminate or aluminum tubes of 40 g, which are placed together with an annotation on the use of cardboard packaging.
Pharmacological features
According to the instructions for use for troxevasin ointment, after application to the skin, the helium mass of this drug is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue on the surface. This agent is able to penetrate through the walls of blood vessels, while the main active element accumulates in the venous endothelium.
The medical product has an antioxidant property, which helps to quickly eliminate the oxidative effects of oxygen, suppress lipid peroxidation, and prevent the negative effects of hydroxyl radicals. Due to this effect, "Troxevasin" helps to protect the cell membranes of blood vessels from a variety of damage. The use of this pharmacological drug leads to an increase in the tone of the veins and increases the resistance of erythrocytes to deformation, significantly reduces the permeability of capillary vessels.

In addition, Troxevasin gel has effective anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to alleviate the course of various pathological processes and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. What helps troxevasin ointment?
Indications foruse
As indicated by the instructions for use, troxevasin ointment is widely used in the treatment of the following pathological conditions:
- varicose disease;
- venous insufficiency;
- superficial thrombophlebitis;
- trophic disorders of the skin;
- hemorrhoids (including hemorrhoids);
- herpesvirus infection provoked by the herpes simplex virus of the first and second types;
- dermatitis;
- decrease in sensitivity in the lower extremities;
- hemorrhagic diathesis;
- trophic ulcers;
- night cramps in the calf muscles.
Also, this medical product can be used to treat bruises, swelling, bruising, which accelerates the recovery of damaged tissue. But the most commonly used troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids.
Use in childhood
This drug in the form of gels is widely used in the treatment of a variety of bruises and bruises in children. As you know, such phenomena in childhood occur quite often, so troxevasin ointment for children can help prevent the unpleasant consequences of such situations. Despite the fact that the drug is not recommended for the treatment of children under 15 years old, doctors still prescribe it, however, the dosages may be significantly lower than those recommended for adult patients.
What are the contraindications for troxevasin ointment?
Contraindications for prescribing
It is necessary to refuse the use of the gel infollowing cases:
- under 15 years of age;
- infectious processes in an acute form, which are accompanied by exudation;
- first trimester pregnancy;
- presence of intolerance to pharmaceutical ingredients;
- diseases of the stomach and duodenum in a chronic form;
- presence of damage to the skin or open wound surfaces in the area of application of the medicine.
How to use troxevasin ointment?

Rules of application
Gel is a drug for external application. A small amount of the drug is applied with light massage movements to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe development of the pathological process twice a day with an interval of 10-12 hours. After that, it is necessary to rub the skin until the gel is completely absorbed. To increase the therapeutic efficacy, it is recommended to use this medication against the background of its oral administration in tablet form. The duration of such treatment is 1-3 months. If a week after therapy, the patient's condition does not improve, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
"Troxevasin" is widely used to eliminate herpetic eruptions in the face and genitals. This tool is not able to prevent the spread of viral particles, but only eliminates the soreness and unpleasant symptoms of this disease, as a result of which it is used only in the early stages. The gel is then applied to the skin when the elementseruptions burst, and erosion formed in their place. This allows you to significantly speed up the reparative process.

Possible side effects
During the application of the Troxevasin gel, the following negative side symptoms may occur: itching and redness of the skin, burning. If the patient has a high sensitivity to the main or additional elements of the drug, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of urticaria, eczema or dermatitis.
As a rule, adverse events disappear on their own 2-3 days after the drug is discontinued.
Special Recommendations
Before using the Troxevasin gel, you must carefully read the information indicated in the annotation for use, which will reduce the likelihood of developing unwanted symptoms. When using this medical device, you should adhere to the following rules:
- Avoid applying the medication to the mucous membranes or sclera of the eyes. If this happens, the damaged area should be washed with plenty of water.
- In the presence of viral infections (scarlet fever, influenza, measles) and allergic reactions that increase capillary fragility, Troxevasin should be used simultaneously with vitamin C preparations.
- The main substance of the pharmacological agent is not able to interact with drugs of other pharmacological categories, so the gel can be used against the background of the treatment of concomitant pathologies.
- Gel"Troxevasin" can be used for 5 years if the medicine is in an aluminum tube. If the product is packaged in plastic tubes, its shelf life is 2 years.

The following medicines act as analogues of this pharmaceutical preparation:
- "Indovazin" is a combined drug, which contains elements such as troxerutin and indomethacin. The latter has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, which helps to relieve pain, reduce swelling and reduce the recovery of damaged tissue. The mechanism of action of this drug is associated with the suppression of prostaglandin production as a result of reversible blockade of COX-2 and COX-1. Troxerutin is a bioflavonoid that belongs to the category of angioprotective agents. It reduces the permeability of small vessels and exhibits venotonic properties. This compound blocks the venodilating effects of histamine, acetylcholine and bradykinin and has an anti-inflammatory effect on perivenous tissues, reducing capillary fragility. Reduces swelling, improves trophism associated with venous insufficiency.
- "Asklezan A" - this analogue of troxevasin ointment is designed to normalize blood flow in the veins of the legs. Its main active element is the active fractions of forest hazel. This tool normalizes blood circulation in the limbs, eliminates the feeling of fatigue in the legs,enhances venous tone and contributes to the intensity of blood circulation in varicose veins. This medical remedy is used to get rid of edema in the legs, cyanotic spots and vascular "asterisks". "Asklezana A" effectively eliminates the symptoms of unpleasant symptoms in capillary hemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. Dihydroquercetin, which is also present in the product, makes tissues more resistant to the effects of high concentrations of glucose in the blood, reduces the likelihood of diabetes and alleviates the manifestations of an already diagnosed pathology.
- "Heparin ointment" is a medication that belongs to the category of direct-acting anticoagulants. The active elements of this ointment prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce platelet aggregation. Under its influence, the fibrinolytic properties of the blood are normalized. Benzocaine, which is one of the main substances of this ointment, reduces the intensity of pain and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in areas of inflammation.

Troxevasin ointment has been produced by many manufacturers for a long time, which makes it very popular. Patient reviews about this medication are mostly positive. Many consider this gel an indispensable tool that should be present in every home first aid kit and used for all kinds of bruises and bruises. Patients note that they were prescribed this medicine for injuries, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other pathological conditions of the venous vessels. According topatients, this remedy practically does not cause adverse reactions, with the exception of slight reddening of the skin, which disappears during the day.
Doctors consider "Troxevasin" the main drug used to strengthen blood vessels, in the fight against varicose veins, and also for hemorrhoids.