Cure for gonorrhea: a list of effective drugs

Cure for gonorrhea: a list of effective drugs
Cure for gonorrhea: a list of effective drugs

In the article we will consider the most effective drugs for gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is considered one of the most common diseases that is transmitted through sexual contact. Men and women face this problem equally, but due to the structural features of the reproductive and reproductive systems, the disease in different sexes proceeds with some peculiarities. In this case, the treatment is absolutely similar.

cure for gonorrhea in men
cure for gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea, or gonorrhea is a common disease that is provoked by a pathogenic microorganism called gonococcus. This bacterium is highly sensitive to environmental influences, therefore, outside the body of the carrier, it quickly dies. Thus, it is almost impossible to get gonorrhea by household means. Basically, the disease is transmitted sexually. Treatment of gonorrhea is selected taking into account that the causative agent of the pathological process is not resistant to the selected drugs for gonorrhea.

Description, symptoms of this pathology

Most pronouncedsigns of gonorrhea in males. Typically, the main symptoms of gonorrhea are:

  1. Discharge from the urethra of purulent contents.
  2. Soreness and burning during urination.

For women, in most cases, the pathological process occurs in a latent form. Only in the most advanced cases are discharges that have an unpleasant odor, as well as bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, painful urination and pain in the abdomen. The disease associated with gonorrhea is the defeat of the rectum gonococci.

Complications of this venereal disease

Most often in men there are complications on the background of gonorrhea in the form of epididymitis and inflammation in the testicles. Often, these complications cause infertility.

Medicines for gonorrhea in men must be chosen very carefully.

best cure for gonorrhea in men
best cure for gonorrhea in men

Women often develop inflammation of the uterus and appendages due to gonorrhea, which in turn can also provoke the inability to conceive.

Besides the human reproductive system, gonococci can spread to other systems and organs. Microorganisms enter the bloodstream and spread to the heart, liver, joints and even the brain.

Diagnosis of pathology

If we are talking about the acute stage of gonococcal lesions of the body, when a pronounced urethritis is detected, a swab is enough to diagnose gonorrhea for examination in the laboratory. In the chronic course of the pathology, the clinical picture is not as pronounced as in the case of the acute form. In this case, bacteriological culture will be required for the presence of a nutrient medium. In addition, the PCR method is used. Clinical studies to detect gonorrhea in women do not differ from the male version. Gonorrhea is ruled out if gonococci are not found on repeat smears.

What are the cures for gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea treatment: basic principles

Gonorrhea is a pathological process provoked by harmful microflora. Thus, the main principle of the treatment of this disease is the intake or injection of antibacterial drugs.

Before prescribing treatment for a patient, a specialist evaluates the results of laboratory tests of a smear. If, in addition to gonococci, no other infectious pathogens have been identified, there is no need to prescribe combined drugs. In some cases, other venereal diseases are added to the gonococcal lesion, which requires a combination of several antibiotics.

Before prescribing treatment, a test is carried out for the sensitivity of gonococci to certain antibacterial substances. This is due to the fact that the body of a pathogenic bacterium is able to develop resistance to certain drugs. Previously, the treatment of gonorrhea did not present any particular difficulties, since even ordinary penicillin was able to get rid of pathogenic microflora. Today, such treatment will not work and moremodern preparations based on old components. In addition, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choosing one or another drug.

effective cure for gonorrhea
effective cure for gonorrhea

The doctor will help you choose the best medicine for gonorrhea in men and women. At the first symptoms, you should contact a medical facility and undergo an examination.

Penicillin drugs are used quite widely, but they have little in common with the old generation of drugs. The active components of modern drugs are thoroughly purified, in addition, their numerous derivatives are used, which makes them effective in the fight against gonococci. New drugs have a prolonged action, they maintain a high concentration in the composition of urine and blood for a long period of time. It is this property that allows them to most effectively influence pathogens.

The main groups of antibacterial drugs that can fight gonococci are the following:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Macrolides.
  4. Cephalosporins.
  5. Azalides.

The choice of medicine for gonorrhea should be made by the attending physician, since all antibiotics have contraindications and possible side reactions.


The group is represented by various drugs, but the most common among them are the following:

what medicines for gonorrhea
what medicines for gonorrhea
  1. "Ampicillin" is an effective cure forgonorrhea. This is the most famous and commonly prescribed drug from the category of penicillins. At the moment, its 100% effectiveness is questioned by doctors. However, with an uncomplicated form of gonorrhea, the drug manifests itself most effectively. If the prescribed treatment regimen is followed, the optimal concentration of the drug in the blood can be achieved. After repeated laboratory tests, a decision is made to prolong the treatment.
  2. "Ampioks". It is a combination drug, which includes two active substances at once: oxacillin and ampicillin. The treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis and can reach from one to two weeks. The duration of treatment directly depends on the form of gonorrhea.
  3. "Amoxicillin". This drug is the newest and has a wide range of effects on harmful microorganisms. Doctors are gradually switching to this particular treatment option, prescribing a ten-day course of the drug to patients.

Duration of therapy may vary depending on the severity of symptoms of gonorrhea. The dosage is also selected based on the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the disease.

In the treatment of gonorrhea, penicillin drugs have proven themselves well. As a rule, the choice of other groups of antibiotics may be required if the patient has been diagnosed with an allergic reaction to penicillins or gonococci show resistance to the selected treatment. Attention is also drawn to the severity of adverse reactions.

More medicines for gonorrheaassigned?


Tetracycline antibiotics are often used to treat gonorrheal urethritis in men. In this case, the stage of development of the pathological process does not matter, chronic and acute gonorrhea are treated by taking similar dosages. The main drugs from this group are:

what medicines treat gonorrhea
what medicines treat gonorrhea
  1. Tetracycline. As the name implies, this is a monopreparation based on the active ingredient of the same name. Treatment is carried out within 2-3 weeks.
  2. "Doxycycline". Also included in the group of drugs based on tetracycline. The therapeutic course cannot exceed 10 days.
  3. Metacycline. If we are talking about the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea, the drug is prescribed for no more than one week.

Drugs from the category of tetracyclines have a minimum set of adverse reactions and contraindications, which allows them to be widely used in medical practice, including for the treatment of gonorrhea. However, in the latter case, microorganisms quickly develop resistance to tetracyclines, which may require changing the gonorrhea drug in women and men in the middle of therapy.


This is a new generation of antibacterial drugs that have a wide spectrum of action. The drugs are well tolerated, subject to therapeutic dosages, while they have a small number of adverse reactions and contraindications, which favorably distinguishes them from similar groups of antibiotics. This group includes the followinggonorrhea pills for men and women:

  1. "Erythromycin". It is necessary to take the drug strictly following the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Treatment is carried out for at least seven days.
  2. "Vilprafen". Good remedy for chronic gonorrhea. Gonococci have not yet been able to develop resistance to this new generation drug. "Vilprafen" is taken three times a day, with a course of at least 10 days.
  3. Roxithromycin. The drug is semi-synthetic and is recommended for use in the treatment of gonorrhea in stationary conditions. The drug is taken once. This is enough for the penetration of the active ingredient into gonococcal cells and their death.

Many do not consider macrolides to be full-fledged antibiotics. However, taking them requires consultation with a doctor.

medicines for gonorrhea in women
medicines for gonorrhea in women


Oral therapy does not always give a positive result. If there is no dynamics in the patient's condition, it is allowed to prescribe the injection of certain drugs. Ceftriaxone is considered especially effective in the fight against gonococci. It combines well with other drugs, but monotherapy is also allowed. Treatment with the drug is one week. Injections are made in the morning and in the evening with an interval of 12 hours.

"Sifloks" is prescribed for the treatment of acute form of gonococcal lesions. It is taken in combination with antihistamines to help prevent an allergic reaction.

You can choose the best medicine for gonorrhea amongazalides.


Azalides, also called bacteriostatic antibiotics, have a broad effect on harmful microorganisms. The following drugs are most commonly used in the treatment of gonorrhea:

  1. "Sumamed".
  2. Azinom.
  3. "Azithromycin".

Azalides are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. The active components of the components listed above penetrate the gonococcal cells and make a change in their protein synthesis, which ultimately leads to cell death.

Drugs from this group are considered highly effective drugs that actively fight cocci, as well as pale spirochete and gram-negative pathogens. When prescribing these drugs for gonorrhea in men and women, the doctor takes into account their poor compatibility with the penicillin series and cephalosporins. Azalides are able to actively penetrate tissues, which leads to their frequent use in the treatment of venereal pathologies.

gonorrhea pills for men
gonorrhea pills for men

Mixed infection therapy

Quite often, the appearance of gonorrhea is accompanied by additional pathology. Treatment of several types of pathogenic microflora at once requires an integrated approach. Sometimes antibacterial drugs have a wide spectrum of action, which makes it possible to stop at monotherapy. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case, prolonged treatment may be required, as well as adjustment of the standard dosages of gonorrhea drugs in tablets. Consider several combinations of drugs in the treatmentvarious diseases:

  1. Gonorrhea combined with chlamydia. In this case, both tetracycline-based drugs and penicillins will be required. As a rule, in this case, Ceftriaxone is prescribed in combination with Doxycycline. The dosage is selected taking into account the severity of the disease and the patient's well-being.
  2. Gonorrhea combined with trichomoniasis. The basis of the therapeutic scheme are any options for antibacterial drugs that have a detrimental effect on gonococci. As an auxiliary drug, "Metronidazole" is prescribed, which is active against Trichomonas.
  3. Gonorrhea combined with syphilis. The latter is detected in laboratory conditions. It is especially important to take preventive measures in case of doubtful sexual intercourse. With this combination, the treatment is based on "Bicillin". The standard scheme involves the introduction of the drug every five days. The total number of injections must be at least 10.

Additional treatment with topical preparations should be discussed with your doctor. The specialist assesses the patient's condition and decides on the necessary additions to the treatment regimen. Various creams and suppositories are used as aids.

We looked at what medications treat gonorrhea.
