Tri-Merci contraceptive pills: instructions for use and reviews

Tri-Merci contraceptive pills: instructions for use and reviews
Tri-Merci contraceptive pills: instructions for use and reviews

Tri-Merci contraceptive is a modern oral contraceptive. These tablets contain high dosages of female sex hormones and their substitutes. The chemical structure of the substitutes is characterized by a completely identical Tri-Merci composition, corresponding to natural progesterone and estrogen. The contraceptive effect of a high dosage of hormones consists in the absolute suppression of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of the mucus contained in the uterine membrane, which acts as an obstacle to the penetration of spermatozoa into it.

three merci instructions
three merci instructions

Instruction and description of the medicine

"Tri-Merci" is a hormonal-based oral contraceptive pill containing artificial hormones in the form of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Pituitary hormones that affect ovarian function are called gonadotropic. Their number directly depends on the amount of progesterone and estrogen. Thus, the higher the level of sex hormones, the lower the rate will be.gonadotropic.

The menstrual cycle is directly affected by two gonadotropic elements, which are follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. Large doses of artificial hormones contained in Tri-Merci reduce the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to complete inhibition of the process of egg maturation and, therefore, ovulation. In addition, the ability to attach to the uterus of a fertilized egg decreases in situations where fertilization does occur.

Tri-Merci tablets have a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, increasing the total concentration of a useful protein and fat complex in the blood, thus, there is no increase in the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels. Accordingly, against the background of the use of the drug, there is no risk of developing atherosclerosis as a side effect.

It also has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Another useful property of this hormonal contraceptive is its antitumor function. This drug can reduce the risk of a number of oncological and gynecological diseases. The presented drug is released only in tablets.

Pharmacological effects of pills

According to the instructions for "Three-Mercy", the effect of this drug is the complete inhibition of pituitary secretions of hormones. Ethinylestradiol is a synthetic substitute for estradiol, which is a follicular hormone. Together with the corpus luteum hormone, it takes part in the functioning of the menstrual cycle. Desogestrelinhibits the production of two hormones, namely LH and FSH, thereby preventing the maturation of the follicle.

Analogues of "Three-Merci" in composition will be considered below.

Indications for the use of tablets

The main and only indication for taking the presented pills is protection against unwanted pregnancy.

three merci reviews
three merci reviews


As for contraindications, this remedy has a lot of them. Tablets "Three-Merci" is forbidden to use in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • The patient has atherosclerosis.
  • Presence of hypersensitivity.
  • Presence of congenital hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Development of thromboembolism.
  • Presence of ischemia along with decompensated heart disease.
  • Presence of diabetes.
  • The appearance of disorders in fat metabolism.
  • Presence of liver tumor, endometrial hyperplasia or breast fibroadenoma.
  • Having breast or endometrial cancer.
  • Development of sickle cell anemia.
  • Presence of endometriosis.
  • The appearance of disorders in cerebral circulation.
  • Development of metrorrhagia of unknown etiology.
  • Development of myocarditis or liver failure.
  • Presence of jaundice during completed pregnancy.
  • Development of severe arterial hypertension.
  • Development of retinopathy and otosclerosis.

Among other things, do not take this drug ifif a woman smokes.

What are the possible side effects?

As indicated by the instructions for "Three-Mercy", patients may experience headaches, nausea, vomiting. There may also be pain in the abdomen. During the examination, engorgement of the mammary glands may be noticed. Among other things, in some situations, adverse reactions are noted in the form of a skin rash, jaundice, conjunctivitis, visual disturbances, eyelid edema, erythema nodosum, decreased mood, weight gain, and so on. In addition, fluid retention in the body, hearing impairment, the appearance of generalized itching, thromboembolism, intermenstrual bleeding and hypertension are possible. Reviews of Tri-Merci confirm this.

As for an overdose, it will most likely manifest as metrorrhagia.

Method of using tablets and their dosage

These tablets are taken with water. You need to use only one piece a day. Reception should be made at the same time. According to the scheme, these pills are taken for twenty-one days, after which a week-long break is taken. During these seven days, menstrual-like bleeding begins, which usually does not end until the next twenty-one-day drug intake.

This confirms the instruction manual for Tri-Merci.

three merci analogues
three merci analogues

How should I start taking?

If you haven't used hormones in the last month, you should start taking these pills on the first day of your period. The tablet can be taken inthe first, and on the third or fifth day, but in such a situation, in the next week, in addition to "Three-Merci", you will have to use additional non-hormonal contraception.

When switching from combined oral contraceptives to Tri-Merci, the first pill is taken the very next day after the last dose of another similar remedy. They can be taken immediately after an abortion, without the use of additional contraception.

In the event that the abortion was performed in the second trimester, the Tri-Merci should be taken on the twenty-first or twenty-eighth day after getting rid of the fetus. In situations where, after an abortion, before taking birth control pills, sexual intercourse has already taken place, you must first completely exclude the possibility of another pregnancy, and then start using Tri-Merci tablets according to the instructions for use. Taking a drug that was delayed by less than twelve hours does not affect the overall effectiveness of contraception.

If more than twelve hours have passed, the reliability of contraceptive measures is greatly reduced. This drug should not be interrupted for more than a week. In order to achieve the required concentration of hormones within the daily intake, it takes fourteen days. In one package of the drug there are three types of tablets, which are numbered and colored in red, yellow and white.

Many are wondering how to replace Tri-Merci? More on that later.

First week of pills

Yellow pills for the first week. ATIn the event that a dose was missed, you need to drink one tablet. If the time has come for the next dose, it is recommended to drink two tablets at once. In this case, during the week should be additionally protected. In the event that a woman has had intimate contact during the previous seven days, then the chances of becoming pregnant are significantly increased. The longer the break in taking the Tri-Merci tablets lasted, and the closer it is to the moment of sexual contact, the more the chance of pregnancy increases.

three merci instructions for use
three merci instructions for use

Second week - taking red pills

The missed pill in the second week must be taken without fail. If the time has come to take the next one, then the woman needs to use two things at once. In the event that immediately before the break a woman used pills for a week every day, then she does not need to protect herself additionally. Otherwise, additional contraception will be required during the next week.

Third week

White tablets should be taken in the third week. The effectiveness of contraception can decrease due to a subsequent break. But in order to avoid this, you can try to adapt the regimen of the drug. If either of the two regimens below is used, there is no need to use additional contraceptive methods, provided that the woman took the drug on time during the seven days preceding the first pill that was missed.

Withinthe first scheme, the missed pill is taken immediately, as soon as the woman remembers about it. The new package starts immediately after the old one is finished.

According to the second scheme, you need to stop taking the pills from the started package, after which you need to take a break for seven days, and then move on to the next package. In case of missing a dose of the drug and no bleeding in the next seven-day break, the risk of pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

three merci analogues in composition
three merci analogues in composition

What should I do if I vomit?

In the event that a few hours after taking the Tri-Merci tablet, a woman vomits, this will mean that the complete absorption of hormones has not occurred, which means that the required contraceptive effect has not been achieved. In this situation, you need to use the above recommendations regarding skipping the next pill.

How can I shift my period?

It will be possible to delay menstruation if you continue taking white pills. Against this background, the usual seven-day break is not necessary. Thanks to this, menstruation can be shifted by a whole week. But at this time, spotting may occur.

Special Instructions

Before using this product and after every six months of use, a gynecological and, in addition, a general medical diagnostic examination should be carried out. Tri-Merci is considered a contraceptive with a high level of reliability, and it should be emphasized that itsefficiency is almost one hundred percent. The absolute contraceptive effect, as a rule, occurs already on the fourteenth day of using the tablets. In this regard, during the first two weeks, additional non-hormonal methods of protection should be used.

In the event that a woman suddenly had an acute form of viral hepatitis, then she can start using this drug only after the absolute restoration of liver functions, that is, after about six months. Body reactions such as vomiting and diarrhea can reduce the effectiveness of the remedy. Among women who smoke, while taking this oral contraceptive, the risk of thrombosis increases.

how to replace three merci
how to replace three merci

During breastfeeding, this drug helps to reduce the amount of milk. In a small amount, the active ingredients of the tablets can be absorbed into milk, thus getting to the child.

I must say that the presented drug contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of the skin on the face. Birth control pills "Three-Merci" perfectly help with acne. Thanks to their use, the skin is visibly cleansed.

Drug Interactions

Drugs in the form of Chloramphenicol, Rifampicin, Neomycin, Isoniazid, Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Carbamazepine, and Griseofulvin may reduce the effectiveness of Tri-Mercy tablets.

This contraceptive is able to suppress the effects of oral anticoagulants, tricyclic antidepressants, and, in addition, suchdrugs like Clofibrate, Diazepam, Caffeine and Theophylline.

Reviews about Tri-Merci

Women who use this contraceptive report in their reviews about its impeccable effectiveness. For example, the ladies write that in five years of use there have never been any misfires, and the tool actually reliably coped with its task. Tri-Merci is so trustworthy that women are not even going to switch to any other means.

According to the reviews of women about Tri-Merci, in cases where a pill is missed for one reason or another, an unwanted pregnancy can also be avoided, but it is necessary to follow the attached instructions and follow all recommendations exactly.

Those who are just starting these pills report spotting. This reaction of the body of some women is somewhat alarming and raises doubts about the further use of tablets. But those women who have been taking Tri-Merci for more than three years write that they have not noticed any side effects for the entire time of use. The ladies also say that they visit a gynecologist once every six months as part of a mandatory preventive examination. And very often, doctors allow long-term use of this contraceptive. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews of the Tri-Merci.

three merci reviews of women
three merci reviews of women

Among the advantages of this drug, in addition to its effectiveness and reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy, reviews oftenit is reported that these tablets are very convenient to use and thanks to them, menstruation is completely painless. Ladies also note a wonderful cosmetic effect, stabilization of the cycle and hormonal balance in the body.

Among the shortcomings, the occurrence of nausea and the appearance of soreness in the region of the mammary glands are often noted. Otherwise, there are no other complaints in the comments. Based on the reviews, these contraceptive pills are suitable for most women.

Analogues of "Three-Merci"

Drugs that can replace the contraceptive we are describing: Belara, Microgynon, Phenoden, Angelik, Lindinet 20, Yarina, Trigestrel, Trisiston, Jeannine ", "Cyclo-Proginova", "Midiana", "Evra", "Diecyclen", "Oralcon", "Silest", "Dimia", "Logest".

Lindinet 20

"Lindinet 20" is one of the oral contraceptives with a low content of hormones. Tablets are taken for contraceptive purposes, as well as to regulate menstrual dysfunction. One tablet of a hormonal contraceptive contains two main components, which are represented by ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, their mass fraction is 0.02 mg and 0.075 mg, respectively.


The combined drug "Dimia" is an analogue of "Three-Merci" in composition. Representsis a monophasic oral agent. This medicine contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone (an analogue of natural progesterone). The active substances that make up the drug do not have estrogenic, antiglucocorticoid, glucocorticoid abilities. The drug achieves its effectiveness by changing the endometrium, inhibiting ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the secret of the cervix, which prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into its cavity.


Another analogue of "Three-Merci". Low-dose oral contraceptive for women, which contains a certain amount of hormones that complement each other. The drug acts by suppressing ovulation and increasing the amount of secreted cervical fluid, which creates an obstacle to the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus. Additionally, the drug regulates the menstrual cycle, reducing the bleeding itself and its pain.
