"Espumizan": analogues and substitutes, composition of the drug, side effects, reviews

"Espumizan": analogues and substitutes, composition of the drug, side effects, reviews
"Espumizan": analogues and substitutes, composition of the drug, side effects, reviews

The article will consider cheap analogues of Espumizan.

Many people are faced with such a problem as increased gas formation. For some, this condition is temporary, while others experience difficulties with flatulence constantly and over a long period of time. In any case, it will not be possible to avoid taking special drugs that eliminate the symptoms of flatulence.

espumizan analogues
espumizan analogues

"Espumizan" belongs to the group of carminative medicines. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating gas formation and foam in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for the use of the drug "Espumizan"

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but this does not mean that it can be used independently without consulting a specialist. Indications for prescribing the drug are:

  1. Flatulence resulting from the intake of specific products, in the period after surgery, as well as onagainst the background of taking antibacterial drugs, etc.
  2. Diagnostic examinations or preoperative preparations where excessive gas bubbles may interfere with a correct diagnosis.
  3. Aerophagia characterized by belching and swallowing excess air.
  4. Dyspepsia.
  5. Remheld's Syndrome. A disease that occurs against the background of a rise in the diaphragm with a full stomach.
  6. Chemical intoxication. "Espumizan" in this situation is used as an effective foam extinguisher.
  7. Endoscopy due to need for double contrast imaging.
bobotik or espumizan which is better
bobotik or espumizan which is better


The product is available in two forms - emulsion and capsules for oral administration. Simethicone is the main active ingredient. The composition of the drug "Espumizan" is also supplemented with auxiliary components, including glycerin, dyes, glucose, etc.

It is taken by mouth either with or immediately after meals. In some cases, it is allowed to take the drug at bedtime. Tablets are prescribed to children from the age of six, due to the inability to swallow the drug at a younger age. The syrup is allowed to be taken even by newborn children, however, under strict medical supervision.


The standard dosing regimen for Espumizan for bloating involves taking two capsules in adults and 1-2 in children 6-14 years old. In the vast majority of cases, a single dose is enough to removesymptoms of flatulence and bloating. In some cases, it is recommended to conduct a short course, lasting several days. Such cases will require taking the drug up to five times a day.

Below, consider the analogues of "Espumizan".

espumizan analogues cheap
espumizan analogues cheap

Analogues and substitutes

"Espumizan" is considered an expensive remedy. However, there are quite a few more budget options for the drug. Before replacing one drug with another, you should carefully read the instructions for existing contraindications and possible adverse reactions. A prerequisite for taking any drug is also a consultation with a specialist.

Many wonder what is better - "Bobotik" or "Espumizan"?

Quite often, a cheap analogue of a particular drug is no less effective, but has a wider range of restrictions for taking. "Espumizan" in this case is not an exception to the rule. The most popular substitute for it is "Bobotik", which is most often intended for the treatment of children.

"Bobotik" is a cheap analogue of "Espumizan". It has a positive effect on the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract of the child, starting from birth. Within a few months after birth, the baby may experience problems with the digestive process, which leads to discomfort and colic. According to numerous reviews, "Bobotik" is especially effective in the following conditions:

  1. Disorders in the organs of the gastrointestinal tractpath of organic and functional type.
  2. flatulence in infancy.
  3. Colic in the intestines.
  4. Impaired intestinal motility.

Which is better - "Bobotik" or "Espumizan", it's hard to decide.

This analog is made in the form of drops for oral administration. Drops of white or cream shade with a slight odor.

espumizan composition of the drug
espumizan composition of the drug

"Simethicone" and "Colicid"

These are also popular analogues of Espumizan. "Simethicone" helps to cope with soreness and increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed under the following conditions:

  1. Aerophagia.
  2. Post-operative flatulence.
  3. Intoxication with various detergents containing surfactants.
  4. In preparation for ultrasound, X-ray and other examinations.
  5. Remgeld syndrome.
  6. Gastrocardiac syndrome.

Simethicone can be used at any age. It can be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as well as newborns to relieve intestinal colic. The drug is well tolerated by patients and almost never causes adverse reactions.

espumizan for bloating
espumizan for bloating

"Kolikid" - another generic "Espumizan". Its composition is similar to "Simethicone". The drug has a surface-active effect, is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and therefore excludes the effect on other organs and systems. "Kolikid" facilitates the removal of gases and eliminates soreness inareas of the peritoneum. The indications for its reception are:

  1. flatulence of any origin.
  2. Preparatory stage for examination of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs.
  3. Substance intoxication.

The drug is produced in the form of a suspension and enteric-coated tablets.

What other analogues of "Espumizan" exist?

Cuplaton and Meteospasmil

"Kuplaton" can be an excellent substitute for "Espumizan baby". It has a very mild effect on the patient's body at any age, which makes the drug safe even for newborns.

Kuplaton demonstrates particular effectiveness in relation to the following conditions:

  1. Dysbacteriosis.
  2. Impaired bowel movements.
  3. Colic in the intestines.
  4. Intestinal disorders.
  5. Surfactant poisoning.
  6. Meteorism.

The drug has no taste and smell, which distinguishes it from other similar medicines. Children of all ages tolerate it well.

"Kuplaton" is produced in the form of drops, as well as in capsules. The active ingredient is dimethicone. Adverse reactions against the background of taking this analogue of "Espumizan" are excluded.

side effects reviews
side effects reviews

"Meteospazmil" is a drug of domestic production. It is widely used to fix problems such as:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Increased formation of gas in the digestive tract.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. Soreness in the abdomen.
  5. Inflammatory process in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Pain in the abdomen during menstruation.

In addition to simethicone, the composition of the drug is supplemented with another active ingredient - alverin.

Cheap analogues of "Espumizan" are not difficult to pick up.

Other analogues

"Pepfiz" differs from all other analogues in its release form. It comes in the form of effervescent tablets that quickly reach the intestines and help eliminate the following problems:

  1. Colitis of various origins.
  2. Enteritis and pancreatitis.
  3. Impaired liver function.
  4. Dysbacteriosis.
  5. Meteorism.
  6. Irritable bowel condition.
espumizan side effects reviews
espumizan side effects reviews

Plantex is another drug that is often prescribed to children from the first days of life to solve problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is produced in the form of granules, which are intended for dilution in water. Plantex helps newborns cope with colic and disorders in the process of digestion and defecation.

Glucose has been added to the composition of the drug, so children with intolerance to this component are not recommended to take Plantex.

"Disfatil" is another similar drug based on simethicone. Its indications and contraindications do not differ from Espumizan, so you can take it at almost any age.


There are quite a lot of reviews about the drug "Espumizan". They are mostly positive. It works fast andeffective and relatively inexpensive. According to reviews, the side effects of Espumizan are extremely rare, but urticaria and itching may develop.
