Problems with the joints often cause a decrease in performance. A person is worried about severe pain, and in order to get rid of them, he is forced to resort to various methods of treatment. Folk remedies have proven their relatively weak analgesic ability. Ointments for inflammation of the joints in a pharmacy are the best choice, they provide quick relief from pain. Some topical products can also be used as a preventive measure. Ointment against inflammation of the joints can only be used if there are no contraindications.
List of the most effective remedies by principle of action
Joint pain can vary in intensity and for a variety of reasons. These are bruises, injuries, sprains, metabolic disorders in tissues, inflammation directly in the joint or in cartilage, problems with the spine can also negatively affect the condition of the joints. Depending on the cause of the discomfort, the choice of treatment methods will differ.
Besides using ointments for inflammation of the joints, it makes sense to askan orthopedist or surgeon to write out a referral for physiotherapy. It is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis, since the treatment regimen for a bruise will differ from the methods of influencing the diseased area during inflammation.
With an incorrect diagnosis, there is a high risk not only of not achieving improvement, but also of provoking a worsening of the condition. Properly selected ointments for inflammation of muscles and joints are a solution to the problem: the severity of symptoms decreases very quickly, already a few minutes after application, the patient feels relieved. Such quick relief is possible only due to the local anti-inflammatory action. The use of ointments to relieve inflammation of the joints with a warming effect is still controversial in the medical environment. Someone considers such use of the remedy expedient, someone does not.

All ointments for pain and inflammation of the joints can be classified according to the principle of their action:
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- ointments with chondoprotective action;
- ointment with a warming and irritating principle of action;
- products with salicylic acid in the composition;
- homeopathic medicines.
Once an accurate diagnosis is established, treatment can begin. Ointments against joint inflammation are effective for the following diagnoses:
- deformation of the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis), pathologies of the joints and articular cartilage (osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis);
- sciatica, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joints(tenosynovitis, bursitis);
- rheumatoid arthritis - chronic inflammation of the joints of the knees, hands, ankles;
- decrease in bone density, the development of purulent foci and inflammation (spondylitis).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the fight against pain
This type of ointment for inflammation of the joints allows you to achieve almost instant results. The main purpose of use is to relieve pain. At the same time, ointments either do not act at all on the inflammation itself, or act weakly. Much depends on the auxiliary components. List of the most requested ointments among patients for the treatment of inflammation of the joints and the relief of symptoms:
- "Diclofenac" is an inexpensive ointment that perfectly relieves pain and discomfort. With regular use, it contributes to puffiness, swelling. Eliminates forced stiffness of movements. Suitable for use in the elderly.
- "Voltaren" - an ointment with a powerful analgesic effect. It can be used both in the form of an ointment and in the form of tablets. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions, the drug has a rather impressive list of contraindications.
- "Dolgit" relieves inflammation, has a local anesthetic effect. Suitable for use by the elderly.
- "Fastum gel" is an excellent tool for relieving swelling and pain from the joints. In terms of "price and quality" is the best choice. This ointment for inflammation of the knee joint as in the elderly,and in young people it brings noticeable relief after 10-15 minutes
- "Ketonal" - a powerful ointment, has quite a few contraindications. Quickly relieves pain and allows you to stop taking pills. In order to prevent the development of side effects, you should carefully study the instructions before using.

Reviews on ointments to relieve joint inflammation
Feedback from people who suffer from pain caused by osteochondrosis is positive. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are a simple and affordable way to get rid of pain and survive a period of exacerbation of the disease. Judging by the reviews, "Diclofenac" in the form of an ointment brings relief already 10-15 minutes after application. After a few hours, pain and discomfort return on the rise. "Fastum Gel" starts to act a little slower, but the pain after its use does not return longer.
With attacks of rheumatoid arthritis, doctors recommend using Fastum Gel, Diclofenac, Ketonal. Reviews of these ointments for inflammation of the joints in rheumatoid arthritis are different. Some people write that after using ointments, the pain returns very quickly. Other patients, on the contrary, are delighted with the quick and visible relief that comes immediately after applying the ointment to the skin in the area of the affected joint.

Chondoprotective ointments
Chondroprotectors contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue, which most often suffers from arthritis, spondylitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis. Ointments for joint inflammation have a weak analgesic effect if the main active ingredient has a chondoprotective effect. The goal when using such creams and ointments is to regenerate cells, stop the destructive process and reduce inflammation. Therefore, they are best used in parallel with analgesic creams.
List of the most effective and popular ointments with chondoprotective action:
- Ointment "Chondroitin" improves joint mobility, provides relief from discomfort in a short time after application. The ointment is not intended to relieve pain, but nevertheless does provide some relief from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
- "Chondroxide" eliminates enzymes that provoke the destruction of cartilage cells. This gel is indicated for use in patients with osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. Contraindicated for use by pregnant women, children.
- Korean cream with glucosamine Cactus Glucosamine Massage Body Cream has a cooling local effect, improves blood flow, relieves pain.
Reviews on chondoprotectors: what to choose from
Judging by the feedback from patients, chondoprotectors are good in therapy only when used in parallel with anesthetic ointments. This combination allows you to achieve a powerful therapeutic effect. To make treatment even more effective, doctorsanti-inflammatory drugs are also often prescribed in tablet form.
Reviews of "Chondroitin" as an ointment for inflammation of the knee joint are contradictory. Some patients claim that after only three days of regular use of this ointment alone, the condition has practically become normal. Another category of patients, on the contrary, is not satisfied with the effect of this rather expensive ointment. This difference in reviews is most likely due to the fact that the cause of discomfort and pain was not accurately diagnosed.
Ointments with a warming and irritating principle of action
About how appropriate it is to use ointments for inflammation of the joints of the hands and feet with a warming effect, there are still disputes. Some doctors actively prescribe this kind of ointment for osteochondrosis. But with arthritis, the warming effect can not always play a good role, sometimes the pain can only intensify due to the acceleration of blood flow. In order to understand which ointment relieves inflammation of the joints in each case, you should undergo a diagnosis: if necessary, take a picture, wait in line for an MRI (or perform a study without a queue, in a paid diagnostic center). After the exact diagnosis is known, it will be possible to plan a course of therapy.
Ointments with a warming effect that can be used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of joints and spine:
- "Apizartron".
- "Capsicam".
- "Gevkamen".
Reviews of warming ointments
Judging by the reviews, Kapsikam is ideal for quickly getting rid of pain and swelling after bruises and injuries. Positive reviews about this ointment indicate that relief comes after one or two applications of the ointment to the affected area. Independent use is undesirable: it is optimal to use this kind of remedy only after examining the injured area of the body by a doctor.

In the ointment "Apizartron" the main therapeutic component is bee venom and methyl salicylate. The main action is analgesic, warming, anti-inflammatory. Reviews of the ointment after bruises and injuries of the limbs are mostly positive. In order to achieve relief from the condition, it is enough to simply apply "Apizartron" in a thin layer on the affected area three to four times a day and rinse with cool water after half an hour.
Ointments with salicylic acid in the composition
Derivatives of salicylic acid have excellent antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. The best ointments for inflammation of the joints with salicylic acid in the composition are:
- "Viprosal".
- "Efkamon".
- "Rizumical".
Apply them in a thin layer on the affected area three to four times a day. What ointments for inflammation of the joints with salicylic acid in the composition have not only an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but also a warming one? This property is valuable in the treatment of bruises and injuries of the limbs. Attention should be paid to"Viprosal" - the composition of the ointment includes turpentine, camphor, salicylic acid and specially processed viper venom. The ointment has a local irritating effect, this is expressed in a slight tingling after application and a surge of heat. This effect is achieved by accelerating blood circulation in the tissues of the injured limb.
Contraindications to the use of "Viprosal": skin dermatological diseases, febrile conditions, fever, skin lesions, kidney or liver failure, pregnancy and lactation, children's age.
Reviews on the action of ointments with salicylic acid in the composition
Reviews about the action of "Viprosal" are different, but there are much more positive ones. Most patients use the ointment not prescribed by a doctor: this tool has proven itself thanks to word of mouth.
In order to get rid of the discomfort caused by the exacerbation of osteochondrosis in a couple of days, it is optimal to lubricate the affected area of the back with Viprosalom, in parallel to pierce a course of B vitamins.
With osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis, accompanied by inflammation of the joint tissue, Viprosal should be used for a long time for about ten days. if the action of the ointment is not enough to get rid of the discomfort, it makes sense to visit a doctor and get a qualified prescription.

Reviews on the action of "Efkamon" are also different. The composition of the ointment includes camphor, oils: clove, eucalyptus,mustard, tincture of capsicum. The ointment has a local irritating effect, similar to Viprosal. There are a lot of positive reviews about "Efkamon" from patients with sciatica, myositis, dorsalgia, migraine.
If you want to relieve pain caused by osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, it is better to use Viprosal, since in this vein, reviews about it are still better. In order to choose an ointment that would best satisfy the he alth problems of a particular person, an accurate diagnosis should be obtained. So it's better not to choose a drug based on reviews on the Internet, but to go to a qualified doctor.
Ointments and creams with homeopathic composition and reviews about them
Homeopathic ointments that relieve joint inflammation are the choice of those patients who, for one reason or another, are forbidden to use all of the above effective remedies. Thai and Chinese-made creams and ointments are popular among the people, which do not contain aggressive and allergic components. Among representatives of classical medicine, the appropriateness of using such ointments is controversial. The fact is that components of natural origin are often even more allergenic than standard ingredients (salicylic acid, various fragrances, sulfur, etc.). As a result, patients plan to provide the most gentle and safe effect on the affected area, but in fact they achieve the exact opposite effect.
- Popular Chinese homeopathic ointment for inflammation of the joints - "Pianping". Buy itavailable in some pharmacies and online stores. The manufacturer recommends rubbing the ointment into the affected joint twice a day. Removes swelling, reduces the severity of pain. The total duration of treatment is at least ten days.
- Thai ointments for the treatment of inflammation of the joints of the hands - "Green Balm" and "Black Balm". There is also a "Red Balm" on sale, which includes red pepper extract, which provides a powerful burning effect. This is not always good, for some diseases of the joints, the warming effect may not only not bring relief, but also ensure a worsening of the condition. The composition of the "Green Balm" includes cooling components that allow you to achieve temporary anesthesia. The composition of the "Black Balsam" includes components that provide pain relief even with serious injuries. Due to this, it can be used not only for inflammation of the joints of the hands, but also for diseases of the spine, cartilage and bone tissue.

What is more effective for joint diseases: traditional medicine or pharmaceutical ointments
Traditional medicine also offers a rich arsenal of recipes for homemade ointments, the use of which is designed to alleviate the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory joint diseases. Here are some effective recipes:
- Pulverize (with a blender) a pack of bay leaves. Mix until smooth with 50 gbutter. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected surface of the body several times a day. In order for the ointment to provide an analgesic effect, you must first cool it in the refrigerator. Reviews indicate that this method is suitable for those patients who do not yet suffer from severe pain.
- Mix in equal proportions (optimally 30 or 40g each, you can use an ordinary tablespoon to measure) camphor, ordinary medical alcohol and mustard. Add egg white. Mix until smooth and apply to the affected area of the skin. Reviews about this method to get rid of pain during inflammation of the joints are not very positive. Judging by the reaction of patients, the method is not working and is a waste of time.
- Homemade propolis ointment for diseased joints can only be used as an adjuvant in addition to pharmacological preparations. In order for propolis to penetrate as deeply as possible into the tissues of the limb, it can be mixed with Dimexide. you should consult your doctor before using this mixture on an affected joint.
Official medicine does not consider it appropriate to use traditional methods of treating inflamed joints. If you start the disease, then the discomfort will increase every day. In order for the disease not to progress, it is better not to waste time using dubious methods of treatment, but immediately turn to pharmacological preparations.