The skin has a protective function. But they themselves are often damaged. Moreover, people get various wounds and cuts quite often, even if safety precautions are observed. You can get hurt at home when cooking or cleaning, in the country, on the street. Children are especially vulnerable to injuries. Serious injuries should see a doctor, but minor cuts and scrapes can be treated on your own. To do this, it is best to use some kind of ointment for wound healing. There are now a large number of them, and in order for the treatment to be effective, you need to know in which cases which drug should be used.
What are these ointments used for
Various skin lesions must be treated properly. Any wound is a gateway for infection, especially if earth or other dirt gets into it. Therefore, the main purpose of using ointments for healing wounds on the skin is to disinfect and prevent the growth of bacteria. Most drugs have a bactericidal effect and create a protective film on the skin,preventing bacteria from entering.
Many people use brilliant green or iodine to disinfect wounds. But such treatment is suitable only in case of small scratches, in addition, if these substances come into contact with damaged skin, they cause severe burning and can lead to chemical burns. Therefore, doctors recommend using ointments. After all, drugs in this form are well distributed over the damaged surface, remaining on it for a long time. Therefore, the treatment is more effective. In addition, they contain substances that accelerate tissue regeneration, so the integrity of the skin is restored faster.
You need to know when and what is the best way to use ointments for healing wounds. One remedy is suitable for cuts and scratches, and another should be treated for bedsores or trophic ulcers. So, when are these drugs used at all:
- if there are cuts, scratches;
- if there are abrasions after bruises;
- for ulcerative skin lesions;
- for certain inflammatory diseases;
- after minor burns;
- for cracks caused by dry skin.

Varieties of drugs
It is not always possible to cope with the treatment on your own if the skin is damaged. This is possible only with minor injuries, minor household burns or scratches. If you receive a serious wound or with prolonged healing, the appearance of edema and increased pain, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine which ointment to use forwound healing in each case. After all, there are several groups of similar drugs that have different composition and have different effects:
- ointments containing zinc or silver have disinfectant properties, dry the wound;
- antibiotic-based products are used to treat infected wounds, bedsores, ulcers;
- ointments with regenerating properties prevent scarring and speed up healing;
- ointments intended for the treatment of purulent wounds have the properties of drawing out pus, they cleanse the wound and stop the purulent process;
- to relieve pain after injuries, painkillers are used in the composition;
- natural-based preparations are used for minor injuries, scratches, abrasions, not complicated by infection.
In addition, such products can be produced in the form of an ointment, cream, gel or emulsion. The ointment is preferable for increased dryness of the skin, it softens the edges of the wound well, which contributes to its better healing. The gel is easier to apply, especially on burns and painful wounds, it has a cooling effect and is easier to absorb.

Rules of application
You can use such drugs on your own only for minor injuries: scratches, minor household burns, abrasions or cuts. The main thing is that the wounds are not infected with animal saliva or earth. If, after a few days of self-treatment, the condition does not improve, swelling and redness appear, you need to contactdoctor.
Applying ointments to heal wounds is easy, but how they are used depends on the location of the injury and its severity. Usually you just need to apply the ointment in a thin layer on the wound and the skin around it 2-3 times a day. Sometimes it is recommended to apply a bandage on top, changing it with each application of the drug. Deep purulent wounds are first cleaned of the contents, disinfected, then ointment or tampons soaked in ointment are placed in them. Top is also covered with a bandage. The duration of the use of such drugs is usually short - most often the wounds heal in 1-2 weeks. In difficult cases, some drugs can be used for 1-2 months, but you need to consult a doctor.

Antibiotic ointments for wound healing
Such drugs are required when there is a suspicion of infection of the lesion. This can be manifested by increased soreness, reddening of the edges of the wound, and the appearance of edema. In these cases, it is better to use an ointment for wound healing with an antibiotic in the composition. Such treatment helps to remove inflammation, prevent suppuration, and accelerate healing. These ointments are used for trophic ulcers, bedsores, purulent wounds, burns, dermatitis. It is best if the drug is prescribed by a doctor, as many of them have side effects and contraindications.
- The cheapest and most common is tetracycline ointment. Its cost is less than 50 rubles, so it is available to everyone. But it is recommended to use it only for the treatment of small scratches or cuts, minor burns or abrasions. This ointmentaccelerates tissue repair and wound healing.
- "Baneocin" is a combination drug. It contains two antibacterial substances - bacitracin and neomycin. Therefore, the ointment quickly relieves inflammation, helps cleanse the wound from pus. Do not use this medication if the skin lesions are fresh.
- Gentamicin sulfate is an effective ointment for wound healing after operations. The active substance inhibits the activity of most microorganisms. Therefore, its use contributes to the rapid cleansing of the wound from pus and inflammatory exudate, and accelerates healing.
- Fulevil is a drug based on chloramphenicol. It is used to treat infected wounds, burns, inflammatory skin diseases. Apply this ointment under the bandage.
- Erythromycin ointment has long been used to heal wounds and treat inflammatory skin diseases. It is well tolerated, effectively reduces inflammation and kills bacteria.

Ointments with silver or zinc
These substances have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Zinc ointment has long been known and popular, which is used to treat diaper dermatitis and even acne.
Recently, ointments for healing wounds and cracks based on silver ions have become popular. Such preparations disinfect the surface of damaged skin, prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. They help accelerate wound healing, protect against suppuration and accelerate regeneration processes. Preparations based on silver ions inthere are few sales, and they are quite expensive, but sometimes you should choose just such a tool.
- "Agrosulfan" is the most common remedy from this group. It is used for burns, ulcers and open wounds, if there is a possibility of infection. You can use the drug for no more than 2 months.
- "Sulfargin" is recommended for long-term non-healing wounds, in the presence of suppuration. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. Due to the presence of additional components in the composition and good absorption, the drug may lead to disruption of the kidneys or liver.
- "Dermazin" is prescribed for suspected infection of the wound. The cream accelerates healing, can be used for a long time, it rarely causes side effects.

Drugs with regenerating properties
Quite often there is a need to apply ointments to quickly heal a wound. If it is not infected, but the skin is slowly recovering, drugs are needed that accelerate cell regeneration. There are few of them, and they are all quite expensive. But the advantage of using them is that they not only speed up healing, but also prevent the formation of ugly scars or scars.
- Solcoseryl is an ointment that helps heal wounds. Its active ingredient is an extract from the blood of calves. It acts at the cellular level, stimulating tissue regeneration processes. "Solcoseryl" contributes to the rapid tightening of any wounds, the healing of burns and bedsores without scarring. After all, one of its propertiesis that it stimulates the production of collagen in the skin.
- "Actovegin" has a similar composition and action. This drug is more easily tolerated by patients, but effectively eliminates inflammation, speeds up metabolic processes and stimulates cell regeneration.
- "Eplan" is an ointment with a wide spectrum of action. It softens the edges of the wound, smoothes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. This ointment relieves pain, itching and swelling. It is effective for burns, trophic ulcers, cuts and acne. After its application, there are no noticeable scars and scars.

Ointments for the treatment of purulent wounds
Sometimes, some time after skin damage, purulent-necrotic processes develop. In this case, you need to use an ointment for healing wounds with special properties. It must be able to draw out all the pus and destroy the bacteria in order to stop the pathological process. Such drugs are also effective for the treatment of panaritium, purulent acne, boils. But before using them, you should consult a doctor.
- Vishnevsky's ointment is the most common drug with a similar effect. It consists of tar, castor oil and xeroform. This drug quickly clears any wounds of purulent contents, drawing pus to the surface.
- Ichthyol ointment - known for a very long time. It effectively draws out pus even from very deep wounds. The drug quickly relieves pain, inflammation and swelling, prevents the reproduction of microorganisms.
- Antibacterial ointment"Lincomycin" has many contraindications, but effectively heals even chronic purulent wounds.
- "Iruksol" is a complex preparation. It has an antibacterial effect due to the substance chloramphenicol. But the rapid cleansing of the wound from pus and its healing also occurs due to the enzymes that make up the ointment.

Natural based products
Serious drugs based on antibiotics and other synthetic substances should be used only after consulting a specialist. But on sale there are a large number of ointments on a natural basis. They are safer, have a complex effect and can be used without a doctor's prescription. It is recommended that everyone in their home medicine cabinet have 1-2 of these ointments.
Cream "Heal-up" is designed to treat various skin lesions in children. It is completely safe as it is based on natural ingredients. Sage and mint oils, sea buckthorn extract and vitamins contribute to the rapid healing of tissues, relieve inflammation and pain, and prevent the development of infection

- Biopin cream based on relic pine resin is very effective. It also contains beeswax and olive oil. The cream quickly relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates regeneration processes and prevents infection of the wound.
- Calendula ointment has a simple composition, but high efficiency. It is used to heal small scratches, abrasions, diaper rash. Well relieves inflammation, prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
Which ointment for wound healing is better
Every family has at least one such drug in their first-aid kit. After all, no one is safe from scratches and cuts even at home. For these purposes, different ointments are used, but it is better to use natural-based preparations on their own. More serious remedies should be prescribed by a doctor. There are several drugs that are popular with many because of their effectiveness and safety.
"D-Panthenol" is the best ointment for wound healing. The preparation contains pantothenic acid, which stimulates regeneration processes in the skin. It is used to heal scratches, abrasions, burns, including sunburn, as well as other damage to the skin. "D-Panthenol" even helps to smooth out fresh scars

Levomekol has been enjoying well-deserved popularity for many years. This combined remedy is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of skin lesions - from scratches to infected purulent wounds. Chloramphenicol, which is part of this wound healing ointment, quickly destroys all microorganisms that have fallen on the surface of the skin, and also prevents their spread. And methyluracil relieves inflammation and accelerates metabolic processes in tissues. The advantage of the drug in comparison with other antibacterial agents is that its effectiveness is not reduced in the presence of pus, blood and inflammatory exudate in the wound

"Rescuer" is used for abrasions, scratches and cracks on the skin, burns anddiaper rash. This ointment is effective for inflammatory dermatological diseases and acne. It contains many natural ingredients, such as sea buckthorn oil and beeswax. Therefore, the Rescuer ointment relieves inflammation, stimulates cell regeneration processes, relieves pain, and protects the wound from infection

Homemade ointments according to folk recipes
Skin damage is common. But they are not always so serious that they require the use of purchased funds. In addition, it happens that no pharmacy drugs help. In this case, you can make an ointment for healing wounds and cracks on your own. There are many folk recipes:
- Take 30 g of burdock root and 20 g of celandine root, chop and boil in 100 ml of sunflower oil for 15 minutes. Then strain. Lubricate non-healing wounds 2 times a day.
- Finely chopped propolis should be heated for half an hour in a water bath in fish oil. After straining, apply the resulting ointment no more than once a day.
- For applying to purulent wounds, you can use the following composition: 2 tablespoons of yarrow, 1 spoon of St. John's wort and 10 lingonberries. Berries need to be wiped, make an infusion from the mixture. A napkin is moistened in it and applied to the wound.
- If you grind an aloe leaf and a small carrot, add a spoonful of melted butter and honey, you get an effective ointment that accelerates the healing of even festering wounds.
- Boiled egg yolks grind and simmer in a pan in a small amount of olive oil. After half an hourstrain this slurry to make an effective wound healing ointment.
Even slight damage to the skin can be dangerous to humans due to infection. Therefore, any wound must be treated immediately. And it is best to use ointments for this, which not only prevent infection, but also accelerate healing.